Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file pythonTask.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2008-09-16
12  */
14 #include "pythonTask.h"
15 #include "pnotify.h"
16 #include "config_event.h"
18 #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON
19 #include "py_panda.h"
21 #include "pythonThread.h"
22 #include "asyncTaskManager.h"
24 TypeHandle PythonTask::_type_handle;
26 #ifndef CPPPARSER
27 extern struct Dtool_PyTypedObject Dtool_TypedReferenceCount;
28 extern struct Dtool_PyTypedObject Dtool_AsyncFuture;
29 extern struct Dtool_PyTypedObject Dtool_PythonTask;
30 #endif
32 /**
33  *
34  */
35 PythonTask::
36 PythonTask(PyObject *func_or_coro, const std::string &name) :
37  AsyncTask(name),
38  _function(nullptr),
39  _args(nullptr),
40  _upon_death(nullptr),
41  _owner(nullptr),
42  _registered_to_owner(false),
43  _exception(nullptr),
44  _exc_value(nullptr),
45  _exc_traceback(nullptr),
46  _generator(nullptr),
47  _future_done(nullptr),
48  _ignore_return(false),
49  _retrieved_exception(false) {
51  nassertv(func_or_coro != nullptr);
52  if (func_or_coro == Py_None || PyCallable_Check(func_or_coro)) {
53  _function = func_or_coro;
54  Py_INCREF(_function);
55 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03050000
56  } else if (PyCoro_CheckExact(func_or_coro)) {
57  // We also allow passing in a coroutine, because why not.
58  _generator = func_or_coro;
59  Py_INCREF(_generator);
60 #endif
61  } else if (PyGen_CheckExact(func_or_coro)) {
62  // Something emulating a coroutine.
63  _generator = func_or_coro;
64  Py_INCREF(_generator);
65  } else {
66  nassert_raise("Invalid function passed to PythonTask");
67  }
69  set_args(Py_None, true);
70  set_upon_death(Py_None);
71  set_owner(Py_None);
73  __dict__ = PyDict_New();
76  // Ensure that the Python threading system is initialized and ready to go.
77 #ifdef WITH_THREAD // This symbol defined within Python.h
78  PyEval_InitThreads();
79 #endif
80 #endif
81 }
83 /**
84  *
85  */
86 PythonTask::
87 ~PythonTask() {
88 #ifndef NDEBUG
89  // If the coroutine threw an exception, and there was no opportunity to
90  // handle it, let the user know.
91  if (_exception != nullptr && !_retrieved_exception) {
92  task_cat.error()
93  << *this << " exception was never retrieved:\n";
94  PyErr_Restore(_exception, _exc_value, _exc_traceback);
95  PyErr_Print();
96  PyErr_Restore(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
97  _exception = nullptr;
98  _exc_value = nullptr;
99  _exc_traceback = nullptr;
100  }
101 #endif
103  Py_XDECREF(_function);
104  Py_DECREF(_args);
105  Py_DECREF(__dict__);
106  Py_XDECREF(_exception);
107  Py_XDECREF(_exc_value);
108  Py_XDECREF(_exc_traceback);
109  Py_XDECREF(_generator);
110  Py_XDECREF(_owner);
111  Py_XDECREF(_upon_death);
112 }
114 /**
115  * Replaces the function that is called when the task runs. The parameter
116  * should be a Python callable object.
117  */
118 void PythonTask::
119 set_function(PyObject *function) {
120  Py_XDECREF(_function);
122  _function = function;
123  Py_INCREF(_function);
124  if (_function != Py_None && !PyCallable_Check(_function)) {
125  nassert_raise("Invalid function passed to PythonTask");
126  }
127 }
129 /**
130  * Replaces the argument list that is passed to the task function. The
131  * parameter should be a tuple or list of arguments, or None to indicate the
132  * empty list.
133  */
134 void PythonTask::
135 set_args(PyObject *args, bool append_task) {
136  Py_XDECREF(_args);
137  _args = nullptr;
139  if (args == Py_None) {
140  // None means no arguments; create an empty tuple.
141  _args = PyTuple_New(0);
142  } else {
143  if (PySequence_Check(args)) {
144  _args = PySequence_Tuple(args);
145  }
146  }
148  if (_args == nullptr) {
149  nassert_raise("Invalid args passed to PythonTask");
150  _args = PyTuple_New(0);
151  }
153  _append_task = append_task;
154 }
156 /**
157  * Returns the argument list that is passed to the task function.
158  */
159 PyObject *PythonTask::
160 get_args() {
161  if (_append_task) {
162  // If we want to append the task, we have to create a new tuple with space
163  // for one more at the end. We have to do this dynamically each time, to
164  // avoid storing the task itself in its own arguments list, and thereby
165  // creating a cyclical reference.
167  int num_args = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(_args);
168  PyObject *with_task = PyTuple_New(num_args + 1);
169  for (int i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
170  PyObject *item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(_args, i);
171  Py_INCREF(item);
172  PyTuple_SET_ITEM(with_task, i, item);
173  }
175  this->ref();
176  PyObject *self = DTool_CreatePyInstance(this, Dtool_PythonTask, true, false);
177  PyTuple_SET_ITEM(with_task, num_args, self);
178  return with_task;
180  } else {
181  Py_INCREF(_args);
182  return _args;
183  }
184 }
186 /**
187  * Replaces the function that is called when the task finishes. The parameter
188  * should be a Python callable object.
189  */
190 void PythonTask::
191 set_upon_death(PyObject *upon_death) {
192  Py_XDECREF(_upon_death);
194  _upon_death = upon_death;
195  Py_INCREF(_upon_death);
196  if (_upon_death != Py_None && !PyCallable_Check(_upon_death)) {
197  nassert_raise("Invalid upon_death function passed to PythonTask");
198  }
199 }
201 /**
202  * Specifies a Python object that serves as the "owner" for the task. This
203  * owner object must have two methods: _addTask() and _clearTask(), which will
204  * be called with one parameter, the task object.
205  *
206  * owner._addTask() is called when the task is added into the active task
207  * list, and owner._clearTask() is called when it is removed.
208  */
209 void PythonTask::
210 set_owner(PyObject *owner) {
211 #ifndef NDEBUG
212  if (owner != Py_None) {
213  PyObject *add = PyObject_GetAttrString(owner, "_addTask");
214  PyObject *clear = PyObject_GetAttrString(owner, "_clearTask");
216  if (add == nullptr || !PyCallable_Check(add) ||
217  clear == nullptr || !PyCallable_Check(clear)) {
218  Dtool_Raise_TypeError("owner object should have _addTask and _clearTask methods");
219  return;
220  }
221  }
222 #endif
224  if (_owner != nullptr && _owner != Py_None && _state != S_inactive) {
225  unregister_from_owner();
226  }
228  Py_XDECREF(_owner);
229  _owner = owner;
230  Py_INCREF(_owner);
232  if (_owner != Py_None && _state != S_inactive) {
233  register_to_owner();
234  }
235 }
237 /**
238  * Returns the result of this task's execution, as set by set_result() within
239  * the task or returned from a coroutine added to the task manager. If an
240  * exception occurred within this task, it is raised instead.
241  */
242 PyObject *PythonTask::
243 get_result() const {
244  nassertr(done(), nullptr);
246  if (_exception == nullptr) {
247  // The result of the call is stored in _exc_value.
248  Py_XINCREF(_exc_value);
249  return _exc_value;
250  } else {
251  _retrieved_exception = true;
252  Py_INCREF(_exception);
253  Py_XINCREF(_exc_value);
254  Py_XINCREF(_exc_traceback);
255  PyErr_Restore(_exception, _exc_value, _exc_traceback);
256  return nullptr;
257  }
258 }
260 /**
261  * If an exception occurred during execution of this task, returns it. This
262  * is only set if this task returned a coroutine or generator.
263  */
264 /*PyObject *PythonTask::
265 exception() const {
266  if (_exception == nullptr) {
267  Py_INCREF(Py_None);
268  return Py_None;
269  } else if (_exc_value == nullptr || _exc_value == Py_None) {
270  return _PyObject_CallNoArg(_exception);
271  } else if (PyTuple_Check(_exc_value)) {
272  return PyObject_Call(_exception, _exc_value, nullptr);
273  } else {
274  return PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(_exception, _exc_value, nullptr);
275  }
276 }*/
278 /**
279  * Maps from an expression like "task.attr_name = v". This is customized here
280  * so we can support some traditional task interfaces that supported directly
281  * assigning certain values. We also support adding arbitrary data to the
282  * Task object.
283  */
284 int PythonTask::
285 __setattr__(PyObject *self, PyObject *attr, PyObject *v) {
286  if (PyObject_GenericSetAttr(self, attr, v) == 0) {
287  return 0;
288  }
290  if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError)) {
291  return -1;
292  }
294  PyErr_Clear();
296  if (task_cat.is_debug()) {
297  PyObject *str = PyObject_Repr(v);
298  task_cat.debug()
299  << *this << ": task."
300 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
301  << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(attr) << " = "
302  << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(str) << "\n";
303 #else
304  << PyString_AsString(attr) << " = "
305  << PyString_AsString(str) << "\n";
306 #endif
307  Py_DECREF(str);
308  }
310  return PyDict_SetItem(__dict__, attr, v);
311 }
313 /**
314  * Maps from an expression like "del task.attr_name". This is customized here
315  * so we can support some traditional task interfaces that supported directly
316  * assigning certain values. We also support adding arbitrary data to the
317  * Task object.
318  */
319 int PythonTask::
320 __delattr__(PyObject *self, PyObject *attr) {
321  if (PyObject_GenericSetAttr(self, attr, nullptr) == 0) {
322  return 0;
323  }
325  if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError)) {
326  return -1;
327  }
329  PyErr_Clear();
331  if (PyDict_DelItem(__dict__, attr) == -1) {
332  // PyDict_DelItem does not raise an exception.
333 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3
334  PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError,
335  "'PythonTask' object has no attribute '%.400s'",
336  PyString_AS_STRING(attr));
337 #else
338  PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError,
339  "'PythonTask' object has no attribute '%U'",
340  attr);
341 #endif
342  return -1;
343  }
345  return 0;
346 }
348 /**
349  * Maps from an expression like "task.attr_name". This is customized here so
350  * we can support some traditional task interfaces that supported directly
351  * querying certain values. We also support adding arbitrary data to the Task
352  * object.
353  */
354 PyObject *PythonTask::
355 __getattr__(PyObject *attr) const {
356  // Note that with the new Interrogate behavior, this method behaves more
357  // like the Python __getattr__ rather than being directly assigned to the
358  // tp_getattro slot (a la __getattribute__). So, we won't get here when the
359  // attribute has already been found via other methods.
361  PyObject *item = PyDict_GetItem(__dict__, attr);
363  if (item == nullptr) {
364  // PyDict_GetItem does not raise an exception.
365 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3
366  PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError,
367  "'PythonTask' object has no attribute '%.400s'",
368  PyString_AS_STRING(attr));
369 #else
370  PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError,
371  "'PythonTask' object has no attribute '%U'",
372  attr);
373 #endif
374  return nullptr;
375  }
377  // PyDict_GetItem returns a borrowed reference.
378  Py_INCREF(item);
379  return item;
380 }
382 /**
383  * Called by Python to implement cycle detection.
384  */
385 int PythonTask::
386 __traverse__(visitproc visit, void *arg) {
387 /*
388  Py_VISIT(_function);
389  Py_VISIT(_args);
390  Py_VISIT(_upon_death);
391  Py_VISIT(_owner);
392  Py_VISIT(__dict__);
393  Py_VISIT(_generator);
394 */
395  return 0;
396 }
398 /**
399  * Called by Python to implement cycle breaking.
400  */
401 int PythonTask::
402 __clear__() {
403 /*
404  Py_CLEAR(_function);
405  Py_CLEAR(_args);
406  Py_CLEAR(_upon_death);
407  Py_CLEAR(_owner);
408  Py_CLEAR(__dict__);
409  Py_CLEAR(_generator);
410 */
411  return 0;
412 }
414 /**
415  * Override this function to return true if the task can be successfully
416  * executed, false if it cannot. Mainly intended as a sanity check when
417  * attempting to add the task to a task manager.
418  *
419  * This function is called with the lock held.
420  */
421 bool PythonTask::
422 is_runnable() {
423  return _function != Py_None;
424 }
426 /**
427  * Override this function to do something useful for the task.
428  *
429  * This function is called with the lock *not* held.
430  */
431 AsyncTask::DoneStatus PythonTask::
432 do_task() {
433 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) && !defined(SIMPLE_THREADS)
434  // Use PyGILState to protect this asynchronous call.
435  PyGILState_STATE gstate;
436  gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
437 #endif
439  DoneStatus result = do_python_task();
441 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) && !defined(SIMPLE_THREADS)
442  PyGILState_Release(gstate);
443 #endif
445  return result;
446 }
448 /**
449  * The Python calls that implement do_task(). This function is separate so we
450  * can acquire the Python interpretor lock while it runs.
451  */
452 AsyncTask::DoneStatus PythonTask::
453 do_python_task() {
454  PyObject *result = nullptr;
456  // Are we waiting for a future to finish?
457  if (_future_done != nullptr) {
458  PyObject *is_done = PyObject_CallObject(_future_done, nullptr);
459  if (!PyObject_IsTrue(is_done)) {
460  // Nope, ask again next frame.
461  Py_DECREF(is_done);
462  return DS_cont;
463  }
464  Py_DECREF(is_done);
465  Py_DECREF(_future_done);
466  _future_done = nullptr;
467  }
469  if (_generator == nullptr) {
470  // We are calling the function directly.
471  nassertr(_function != nullptr, DS_interrupt);
473  PyObject *args = get_args();
474  result = PythonThread::call_python_func(_function, args);
475  Py_DECREF(args);
477  if (result != nullptr && PyGen_Check(result)) {
478  // The function has yielded a generator. We will call into that
479  // henceforth, instead of calling the function from the top again.
480  if (task_cat.is_debug()) {
481 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
482  PyObject *str = PyObject_ASCII(_function);
483  task_cat.debug()
484  << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(str) << " in " << *this
485  << " yielded a generator.\n";
486 #else
487  PyObject *str = PyObject_Repr(_function);
488  task_cat.debug()
489  << PyString_AsString(str) << " in " << *this
490  << " yielded a generator.\n";
491 #endif
492  Py_DECREF(str);
493  }
494  _generator = result;
495  result = nullptr;
497 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03050000
498  } else if (result != nullptr && Py_TYPE(result)->tp_as_async != nullptr) {
499  // The function yielded a coroutine, or something of the sort.
500  if (task_cat.is_debug()) {
501  PyObject *str = PyObject_ASCII(_function);
502  PyObject *str2 = PyObject_ASCII(result);
503  task_cat.debug()
504  << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(str) << " in " << *this
505  << " yielded an awaitable: " << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(str2) << "\n";
506  Py_DECREF(str);
507  Py_DECREF(str2);
508  }
509  if (PyCoro_CheckExact(result)) {
510  // If a coroutine, am_await is possible but senseless, since we can
511  // just call send(None) on the coroutine itself.
512  _generator = result;
513  } else {
514  unaryfunc await = Py_TYPE(result)->tp_as_async->am_await;
515  _generator = await(result);
516  Py_DECREF(result);
517  }
518  result = nullptr;
519 #endif
520  }
521  }
523  if (_generator != nullptr) {
524  // We are calling a generator. Use "send" rather than PyIter_Next since
525  // we need to be able to read the value from a StopIteration exception.
526  PyObject *func = PyObject_GetAttrString(_generator, "send");
527  nassertr(func != nullptr, DS_interrupt);
528  result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(func, Py_None, nullptr);
529  Py_DECREF(func);
531  if (result == nullptr) {
532  // An error happened. If StopIteration, that indicates the task has
533  // returned. Otherwise, we need to save it so that it can be re-raised
534  // in the function that awaited this task.
535  Py_DECREF(_generator);
536  _generator = nullptr;
538 #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
539  if (_PyGen_FetchStopIterationValue(&result) == 0) {
540 #else
541  if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_StopIteration)) {
542  result = Py_None;
543  Py_INCREF(result);
544 #endif
545  PyErr_Restore(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
547  // If we passed a coroutine into the task, eg. something like:
548  // taskMgr.add(my_async_function())
549  // then we cannot rerun the task, so the return value is always
550  // assumed to be DS_done. Instead, we pass the return value to the
551  // result of the `await` expression.
552  if (_function == nullptr) {
553  if (task_cat.is_debug()) {
554  task_cat.debug()
555  << *this << " received StopIteration from coroutine.\n";
556  }
557  // Store the result in _exc_value because that's not used anyway.
558  Py_XDECREF(_exc_value);
559  _exc_value = result;
560  return DS_done;
561  }
562  } else if (_function == nullptr) {
563  // We got an exception. If this is a scheduled coroutine, we will
564  // keep it and instead throw it into whatever 'awaits' this task.
565  // Otherwise, fall through and handle it the regular way.
566  Py_XDECREF(_exception);
567  Py_XDECREF(_exc_value);
568  Py_XDECREF(_exc_traceback);
569  PyErr_Fetch(&_exception, &_exc_value, &_exc_traceback);
570  _retrieved_exception = false;
572  if (task_cat.is_debug()) {
573  if (_exception != nullptr && Py_TYPE(_exception) == &PyType_Type) {
574  task_cat.debug()
575  << *this << " received " << ((PyTypeObject *)_exception)->tp_name << " from coroutine.\n";
576  } else {
577  task_cat.debug()
578  << *this << " received exception from coroutine.\n";
579  }
580  }
582  // Tell the task chain we want to kill ourselves. We indicate this is
583  // a "clean exit" because we still want to run the done callbacks on
584  // exception.
585  return DS_done;
586  }
588  } else if (DtoolInstance_Check(result)) {
589  // We are waiting for an AsyncFuture (eg. other task) to finish.
590  AsyncFuture *fut = (AsyncFuture *)DtoolInstance_UPCAST(result, Dtool_AsyncFuture);
591  if (fut != nullptr) {
592  // Suspend execution of this task until this other task has completed.
593  if (fut != (AsyncFuture *)this && !fut->done()) {
594  if (fut->is_task()) {
595  // This is actually a task, do we need to schedule it with the
596  // manager? This allows doing something like
597  // await Task.pause(1.0)
598  // directly instead of having to do:
599  // await taskMgr.add(Task.pause(1.0))
600  AsyncTask *task = (AsyncTask *)fut;
601  if (!task->is_alive()) {
602  _manager->add(task);
603  }
604  }
605  if (fut->add_waiting_task(this)) {
606  if (task_cat.is_debug()) {
607  task_cat.debug()
608  << *this << " is now awaiting <" << *fut << ">.\n";
609  }
610  } else {
611  // The task is already done. Continue at next opportunity.
612  if (task_cat.is_debug()) {
613  task_cat.debug()
614  << *this << " would await <" << *fut << ">, were it not already done.\n";
615  }
616  Py_DECREF(result);
617  return DS_cont;
618  }
619  } else {
620  // This is an error. If we wanted to be fancier we could also
621  // detect deeper circular dependencies.
622  task_cat.error()
623  << *this << " cannot await itself\n";
624  }
625  Py_DECREF(result);
626  return DS_await;
627  }
628  } else {
629  // We are waiting for a non-Panda future to finish. We currently
630  // implement this by checking every frame whether the future is done.
631  PyObject *check = PyObject_GetAttrString(result, "_asyncio_future_blocking");
632  if (check != nullptr && check != Py_None) {
633  Py_DECREF(check);
634  // Next frame, check whether this future is done.
635  _future_done = PyObject_GetAttrString(result, "done");
636  if (_future_done == nullptr || !PyCallable_Check(_future_done)) {
637  task_cat.error()
638  << "future.done is not callable\n";
639  return DS_interrupt;
640  }
641 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
642  if (task_cat.is_debug()) {
643  PyObject *str = PyObject_ASCII(result);
644  task_cat.debug()
645  << *this << " is now polling " << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(str) << ".done()\n";
646  Py_DECREF(str);
647  }
648 #endif
649  Py_DECREF(result);
650  return DS_cont;
651  }
652  PyErr_Clear();
653  Py_XDECREF(check);
654  }
655  }
657  if (result == nullptr) {
658  if (PyErr_Occurred() && PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_SystemExit)) {
659  // Don't print an error message for SystemExit. Or rather, make it a
660  // debug message.
661  if (task_cat.is_debug()) {
662  task_cat.debug()
663  << "SystemExit occurred in " << *this << "\n";
664  }
665  } else {
666  task_cat.error()
667  << "Exception occurred in " << *this << "\n";
668  }
669  return DS_interrupt;
670  }
672  if (result == Py_None || _ignore_return) {
673  Py_DECREF(result);
674  return DS_done;
675  }
677 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
678  if (PyLong_Check(result)) {
679  long retval = PyLong_AS_LONG(result);
680 #else
681  if (PyInt_Check(result)) {
682  long retval = PyInt_AS_LONG(result);
683 #endif
685  switch (retval) {
686  case DS_again:
687  Py_XDECREF(_generator);
688  _generator = nullptr;
689  // Fall through.
691  case DS_done:
692  case DS_cont:
693  case DS_pickup:
694  case DS_exit:
695  case DS_pause:
696  // Legitimate value.
697  Py_DECREF(result);
698  return (DoneStatus) retval;
700  case -1:
701  // Legacy value.
702  Py_DECREF(result);
703  return DS_done;
705  default:
706  // Unexpected value.
707  break;
708  }
709  }
711  // This is unfortunate, but some are returning task.done, which nowadays
712  // conflicts with the AsyncFuture method. Check if that is being returned.
713  PyMethodDef *meth = nullptr;
714  if (PyCFunction_Check(result)) {
715  meth = ((PyCFunctionObject *)result)->m_ml;
716 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
717  } else if (Py_TYPE(result) == &PyMethodDescr_Type) {
718 #else
719  } else if (strcmp(Py_TYPE(result)->tp_name, "method_descriptor") == 0) {
720 #endif
721  meth = ((PyMethodDescrObject *)result)->d_method;
722  }
724  if (meth != nullptr && strcmp(meth->ml_name, "done") == 0) {
725  Py_DECREF(result);
726  return DS_done;
727  }
729  std::ostringstream strm;
730 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
731  PyObject *str = PyObject_ASCII(result);
732  if (str == nullptr) {
733  str = PyUnicode_FromString("<repr error>");
734  }
735  strm
736  << *this << " returned " << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(str);
737 #else
738  PyObject *str = PyObject_Repr(result);
739  if (str == nullptr) {
740  str = PyString_FromString("<repr error>");
741  }
742  strm
743  << *this << " returned " << PyString_AsString(str);
744 #endif
745  Py_DECREF(str);
746  Py_DECREF(result);
747  std::string message = strm.str();
748  nassert_raise(message);
750  return DS_interrupt;
751 }
753 /**
754  * Override this function to do something useful when the task has been added
755  * to the active queue.
756  *
757  * This function is called with the lock *not* held.
758  */
759 void PythonTask::
760 upon_birth(AsyncTaskManager *manager) {
761  AsyncTask::upon_birth(manager);
762  register_to_owner();
763 }
765 /**
766  * Override this function to do something useful when the task has been
767  * removed from the active queue. The parameter clean_exit is true if the
768  * task has been removed because it exited normally (returning DS_done), or
769  * false if it was removed for some other reason (e.g.
770  * AsyncTaskManager::remove()). By the time this method is called, _manager
771  * has been cleared, so the parameter manager indicates the original
772  * AsyncTaskManager that owned this task.
773  *
774  * The normal behavior is to throw the done_event only if clean_exit is true.
775  *
776  * This function is called with the lock *not* held.
777  */
778 void PythonTask::
779 upon_death(AsyncTaskManager *manager, bool clean_exit) {
780  AsyncTask::upon_death(manager, clean_exit);
782  if (_upon_death != Py_None) {
783 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) && !defined(SIMPLE_THREADS)
784  // Use PyGILState to protect this asynchronous call.
785  PyGILState_STATE gstate;
786  gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
787 #endif
789  call_function(_upon_death);
791 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) && !defined(SIMPLE_THREADS)
792  PyGILState_Release(gstate);
793 #endif
794  }
795  unregister_from_owner();
796 }
798 /**
799  * Tells the owner we are now his task.
800  */
801 void PythonTask::
802 register_to_owner() {
803  if (_owner != Py_None && !_registered_to_owner) {
804 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) && !defined(SIMPLE_THREADS)
805  // Use PyGILState to protect this asynchronous call.
806  PyGILState_STATE gstate;
807  gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
808 #endif
810  _registered_to_owner = true;
811  call_owner_method("_addTask");
813 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) && !defined(SIMPLE_THREADS)
814  PyGILState_Release(gstate);
815 #endif
816  }
817 }
819 /**
820  * Tells the owner we are no longer his task.
821  */
822 void PythonTask::
823 unregister_from_owner() {
824  // make sure every call to _clearTask corresponds to a call to _addTask
825  if (_owner != Py_None && _registered_to_owner) {
826 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) && !defined(SIMPLE_THREADS)
827  // Use PyGILState to protect this asynchronous call.
828  PyGILState_STATE gstate;
829  gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
830 #endif
832  _registered_to_owner = false;
833  call_owner_method("_clearTask");
835 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) && !defined(SIMPLE_THREADS)
836  PyGILState_Release(gstate);
837 #endif
838  }
839 }
841 /**
842  * Calls the indicated method name on the given object, if defined, passing in
843  * the task object as the only parameter.
844  */
845 void PythonTask::
846 call_owner_method(const char *method_name) {
847  if (_owner != Py_None) {
848  PyObject *func = PyObject_GetAttrString(_owner, (char *)method_name);
849  if (func == nullptr) {
850  task_cat.error()
851  << "Owner object added to " << *this << " has no method "
852  << method_name << "().\n";
854  } else {
855  call_function(func);
856  Py_DECREF(func);
857  }
858  }
859 }
861 /**
862  * Calls the indicated Python function, passing in the task object as the only
863  * parameter.
864  */
865 void PythonTask::
866 call_function(PyObject *function) {
867  if (function != Py_None) {
868  this->ref();
869  PyObject *self = DTool_CreatePyInstance(this, Dtool_PythonTask, true, false);
870  PyObject *result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(function, self, nullptr);
871  Py_XDECREF(result);
872  Py_DECREF(self);
873  }
874 }
876 #endif // HAVE_PYTHON
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This class represents a thread-safe handle to a promised future result of an asynchronous operation,...
Definition: asyncFuture.h:61
A class to manage a loose queue of isolated tasks, which can be performed either synchronously (in th...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Returns true if the task is currently active or sleeping on some task chain, meaning that it will be ...
Definition: asyncTask.h:104
bool add_waiting_task(AsyncTask *task)
Indicates that the given task is waiting for this future to complete.
bool done() const
Returns true if the future is done or has been cancelled.
Definition: asyncFuture.I:29
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PyObject * DTool_CreatePyInstance(const T *obj, bool memory_rules)
These functions wrap a pointer for a class that defines get_type_handle().
Definition: py_panda.I:111
This class represents a concrete task performed by an AsyncManager.
Definition: asyncTask.h:32
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81