77 return TypeHandle::none();
This is the fundamental interface for extracting binary objects from a Bam file, as generated by a Ba...
Base class for objects that can be written to and read from Bam files.
virtual TypeHandle get_parent_type() const
Returns the type of the container that owns the CycleData.
This is the fundamental interface for writing binary objects to a Bam file, to be extracted later by ...
virtual void write_datagram(BamWriter *, Datagram &) const
Writes the contents of this object to the datagram for shipping out to a Bam file.
virtual void output(std::ostream &out) const
Formats the contents of the CycleData in some meaningful way for humans.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual int complete_pointers(TypedWritable **p_list, BamReader *manager)
Receives an array of pointers, one for each time manager->read_pointer() was called in fillin().
virtual void fillin(DatagramIterator &scan, BamReader *manager)
This internal function is intended to be called by each class's make_from_bam() method to read in all...
A class to retrieve the individual data elements previously stored in a Datagram.
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
An ordered list of data elements, formatted in memory for transmission over a socket or writing to a ...