Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file eggTexture.I
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 1999-01-18
12  */
14 /**
15  *
16  */
17 INLINE void EggTexture::
18 set_texture_type(TextureType texture_type) {
19  _texture_type = texture_type;
21  bool pattern_filename =
22  (_texture_type == TT_3d_texture || _texture_type == TT_cube_map);
24  _filename.set_pattern(pattern_filename);
25  _fullpath.set_pattern(pattern_filename);
26 }
28 /**
29  *
30  */
31 INLINE EggTexture::TextureType EggTexture::
32 get_texture_type() const {
33  return _texture_type;
34 }
36 /**
37  *
38  */
39 INLINE void EggTexture::
40 set_format(Format format) {
41  _format = format;
42 }
44 /**
45  *
46  */
47 INLINE EggTexture::Format EggTexture::
48 get_format() const {
49  return _format;
50 }
52 /**
53  *
54  */
55 INLINE void EggTexture::
56 set_compression_mode(CompressionMode mode) {
57  _compression_mode = mode;
58 }
60 /**
61  *
62  */
63 INLINE EggTexture::CompressionMode EggTexture::
64 get_compression_mode() const {
65  return _compression_mode;
66 }
68 /**
69  *
70  */
71 INLINE void EggTexture::
72 set_wrap_mode(WrapMode mode) {
73  _wrap_mode = mode;
74 }
76 /**
77  *
78  */
79 INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
80 get_wrap_mode() const {
81  return _wrap_mode;
82 }
84 /**
85  *
86  */
87 INLINE void EggTexture::
88 set_wrap_u(WrapMode mode) {
89  _wrap_u = mode;
90 }
92 /**
93  * Returns the amount specified for U wrap. This may be unspecified, even if
94  * there is an overall wrap value.
95  */
96 INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
97 get_wrap_u() const {
98  return _wrap_u;
99 }
101 /**
102  * Determines the appropriate wrap in the U direction. This is different from
103  * get_wrap_u() in that if the U wrap is unspecified, it returns the overall
104  * wrap value.
105  */
106 INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
108  return (_wrap_u == WM_unspecified) ? get_wrap_mode() : get_wrap_u();
109 }
111 /**
112  *
113  */
114 INLINE void EggTexture::
115 set_wrap_v(WrapMode mode) {
116  _wrap_v = mode;
117 }
119 /**
120  * Returns the amount specified for V wrap. This may be unspecified, even if
121  * there is an overall wrap value.
122  */
123 INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
124 get_wrap_v() const {
125  return _wrap_v;
126 }
128 /**
129  * Determines the appropriate wrap in the V direction. This is different from
130  * get_wrap_v() in that if the V wrap is unspecified, it returns the overall
131  * wrap value.
132  */
133 INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
135  return (_wrap_v == WM_unspecified) ? get_wrap_mode() : get_wrap_v();
136 }
138 /**
139  *
140  */
141 INLINE void EggTexture::
142 set_wrap_w(WrapMode mode) {
143  _wrap_w = mode;
144 }
146 /**
147  * Returns the amount specified for W wrap. This may be unspecified, even if
148  * there is an overall wrap value.
149  */
150 INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
151 get_wrap_w() const {
152  return _wrap_w;
153 }
155 /**
156  * Determines the appropriate wrap in the W direction. This is different from
157  * get_wrap_w() in that if the W wrap is unspecified, it returns the overall
158  * wrap value.
159  */
160 INLINE EggTexture::WrapMode EggTexture::
162  return (_wrap_w == WM_unspecified) ? get_wrap_mode() : get_wrap_w();
163 }
165 /**
166  *
167  */
168 INLINE void EggTexture::
169 set_minfilter(FilterType type) {
170  _minfilter = type;
171 }
173 /**
174  *
175  */
176 INLINE EggTexture::FilterType EggTexture::
177 get_minfilter() const {
178  return _minfilter;
179 }
181 /**
182  *
183  */
184 INLINE void EggTexture::
185 set_magfilter(FilterType type) {
186  _magfilter = type;
187 }
189 /**
190  *
191  */
192 INLINE EggTexture::FilterType EggTexture::
193 get_magfilter() const {
194  return _magfilter;
195 }
197 /**
198  * Sets the degree of anisotropic filtering for this texture. 1 is off;
199  * higher levels indicate filtering in effect.
200  */
201 INLINE void EggTexture::
202 set_anisotropic_degree(int anisotropic_degree) {
203  _anisotropic_degree = anisotropic_degree;
204  _flags |= F_has_anisotropic_degree;
205 }
207 /**
208  * Removes the specification of anisotropic filtering from the texture.
209  */
210 INLINE void EggTexture::
211 clear_anisotropic_degree() {
212  _anisotropic_degree = 0;
213  _flags &= ~F_has_anisotropic_degree;
214 }
216 /**
217  * Returns true if a value for the anisotropic filtering degree has been
218  * specified for this texture, false otherwise.
219  */
220 INLINE bool EggTexture::
221 has_anisotropic_degree() const {
222  return (_flags & F_has_anisotropic_degree) != 0;
223 }
225 /**
226  * Returns the anisotropic filtering degree that has been specified for this
227  * texture, or 0 if nothing has been specified.
228  */
229 INLINE int EggTexture::
230 get_anisotropic_degree() const {
231  // note: _anisotropic_degree of 0 and 1 are equivalent (no anisotropic
232  // filtering to be done by gsg)
233  return _anisotropic_degree;
234 }
236 /**
237  *
238  */
239 INLINE void EggTexture::
240 set_env_type(EnvType type) {
241  _env_type = type;
242 }
244 /**
245  *
246  */
247 INLINE EggTexture::EnvType EggTexture::
248 get_env_type() const {
249  return _env_type;
250 }
252 /**
253  *
254  */
255 INLINE void EggTexture::
256 set_combine_mode(CombineChannel channel, CombineMode cm) {
257  nassertv((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels);
258  _combiner[channel]._mode = cm;
259 }
261 /**
262  *
263  */
264 INLINE EggTexture::CombineMode EggTexture::
265 get_combine_mode(CombineChannel channel) const {
266  nassertr((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels, CM_unspecified);
267  return _combiner[channel]._mode;
268 }
270 /**
271  *
272  */
273 INLINE void EggTexture::
274 set_combine_source(CombineChannel channel, int n, CombineSource cs) {
275  nassertv((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels);
276  nassertv(n >= 0 && n < (int)CI_num_indices);
277  _combiner[channel]._ops[n]._source = cs;
278 }
280 /**
281  *
282  */
283 INLINE EggTexture::CombineSource EggTexture::
284 get_combine_source(CombineChannel channel, int n) const {
285  nassertr((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels, CS_unspecified);
286  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)CI_num_indices, CS_unspecified);
287  return _combiner[channel]._ops[n]._source;
288 }
290 /**
291  *
292  */
293 INLINE void EggTexture::
294 set_combine_operand(CombineChannel channel, int n, CombineOperand co) {
295  nassertv((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels);
296  nassertv(n >= 0 && n < (int)CI_num_indices);
297  _combiner[channel]._ops[n]._operand = co;
298 }
300 /**
301  *
302  */
303 INLINE EggTexture::CombineOperand EggTexture::
304 get_combine_operand(CombineChannel channel, int n) const {
305  nassertr((int)channel >= 0 && (int)channel < (int)CC_num_channels, CO_unspecified);
306  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)CI_num_indices, CO_unspecified);
307  return _combiner[channel]._ops[n]._operand;
308 }
310 /**
311  * Sets the saved_result flag. When this is true, the output of this stage is
312  * not part of the normal pipeline--that is, it will not be supplied as the
313  * "previous" source for the next texture stage--but it will instead be
314  * supplied as the "last_saved_result" source for any future stages, until the
315  * next TextureStage with a saved_result set true is encountered.
316  *
317  * This can be used to reuse the results of this texture stage as input to
318  * more than one stage later in the pipeline.
319  *
320  * The last texture in the pipeline (the one with the highest sort value)
321  * should not have this flag set.
322  */
323 INLINE void EggTexture::
324 set_saved_result(bool saved_result) {
325  _saved_result = saved_result;
326 }
328 /**
329  * Returns the current setting of the saved_result flag. See
330  * set_saved_result().
331  */
332 INLINE bool EggTexture::
333 get_saved_result() const {
334  return _saved_result;
335 }
337 /**
338  *
339  */
340 INLINE void EggTexture::
341 set_tex_gen(TexGen tex_gen) {
342  _tex_gen = tex_gen;
343 }
345 /**
346  *
347  */
348 INLINE EggTexture::TexGen EggTexture::
349 get_tex_gen() const {
350  return _tex_gen;
351 }
353 /**
354  *
355  */
356 INLINE void EggTexture::
357 set_quality_level(QualityLevel quality_level) {
358  _quality_level = quality_level;
359 }
361 /**
362  *
363  */
364 INLINE EggTexture::QualityLevel EggTexture::
365 get_quality_level() const {
366  return _quality_level;
367 }
369 /**
370  * Specifies the particular TextureStage this texture will be rendered on by
371  * name. If this is omitted, the texture will be rendered on the default
372  * TextureStage, unless some other stage-specific property is specificied, in
373  * which case the texture will be rendered on a TextureStage with the same
374  * name as the tref. This is in support of multitexturing.
375  *
376  * Each different TextureStage in the world must be uniquely named.
377  */
378 INLINE void EggTexture::
379 set_stage_name(const std::string &stage_name) {
380  _stage_name = stage_name;
381  _flags |= F_has_stage_name;
382 }
384 /**
385  * Removes the named TextureStage specification.
386  */
387 INLINE void EggTexture::
388 clear_stage_name() {
389  _stage_name = std::string();
390  _flags &= ~F_has_stage_name;
391 }
393 /**
394  * Returns true if a stage name has been explicitly specified for this
395  * texture, false otherwise.
396  */
397 INLINE bool EggTexture::
398 has_stage_name() const {
399  return (_flags & F_has_stage_name) != 0;
400 }
402 /**
403  * Returns the stage name that has been specified for this texture, or the
404  * tref name if no texture stage has explicitly been specified.
405  */
406 INLINE const std::string &EggTexture::
407 get_stage_name() const {
408  return has_stage_name() ? _stage_name : get_name();
409 }
411 /**
412  * Sets the importance of this texture with respect to other textures also
413  * applied on the same geometry. This is only meaningful in the presence of
414  * multitexturing.
415  */
416 INLINE void EggTexture::
417 set_priority(int priority) {
418  _priority = priority;
419  _flags |= F_has_priority;
420 }
422 /**
423  * Removes the specification of multitexture priority from the texture. The
424  * default priority value is 0.
425  */
426 INLINE void EggTexture::
427 clear_priority() {
428  _priority = 0;
429  _flags &= ~F_has_priority;
430 }
432 /**
433  * Returns true if a priority value for multitexture importance has been
434  * specified for the texture, false otherwise.
435  */
436 INLINE bool EggTexture::
437 has_priority() const {
438  return (_flags & F_has_priority) != 0;
439 }
441 /**
442  * Returns the multitexture importance value that has been specified for the
443  * texture, or 0 if no priority value has been specified.
444  */
445 INLINE int EggTexture::
446 get_priority() const {
447  return _priority;
448 }
450 /**
451  *
452  */
453 INLINE void EggTexture::
454 set_color(const LColor &color) {
455  _color = color;
456  _flags |= F_has_color;
457 }
459 /**
460  *
461  */
462 INLINE void EggTexture::
463 clear_color() {
464  _color.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
465  _flags &= ~F_has_color;
466 }
468 /**
469  * Returns true if a blend color has been specified for the texture.
470  */
471 INLINE bool EggTexture::
472 has_color() const {
473  return (_flags & F_has_color) != 0;
474 }
476 /**
477  * Returns the blend color if one has been specified, or (0, 0, 0, 1)
478  * otherwise.
479  */
480 INLINE const LColor &EggTexture::
481 get_color() const {
482  return _color;
483 }
485 /**
486  *
487  */
488 INLINE void EggTexture::
489 set_border_color(const LColor &border_color) {
490  _border_color = border_color;
491  _flags |= F_has_border_color;
492 }
494 /**
495  *
496  */
497 INLINE void EggTexture::
498 clear_border_color() {
499  _border_color.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
500  _flags &= ~F_has_border_color;
501 }
503 /**
504  * Returns true if a border color has been specified for the texture.
505  */
506 INLINE bool EggTexture::
507 has_border_color() const {
508  return (_flags & F_has_border_color) != 0;
509 }
511 /**
512  * Returns the border color if one has been specified, or (0, 0, 0, 1)
513  * otherwise.
514  */
515 INLINE const LColor &EggTexture::
516 get_border_color() const {
517  return _border_color;
518 }
520 /**
521  * Specifies the named set of texture coordinates that this texture will use
522  * when it is applied to geometry. Geometry may have multiple sets of texture
523  * coordinates defined, by name.
524  *
525  * If this is not specified for a particular texture, the default set of
526  * texture coordinates will be used.
527  */
528 INLINE void EggTexture::
529 set_uv_name(const std::string &uv_name) {
530  if (uv_name == "default" || uv_name.empty()) {
531  clear_uv_name();
532  } else {
533  _uv_name = uv_name;
534  _flags |= F_has_uv_name;
535  }
536 }
538 /**
539  * Removes the restriction to a particular named set of texture coordinates
540  * and restores the texture to using the default texture coordinates.
541  */
542 INLINE void EggTexture::
543 clear_uv_name() {
544  _uv_name = std::string();
545  _flags &= ~F_has_uv_name;
546 }
548 /**
549  * Returns true if a texcoord name has been explicitly specified for this
550  * texture, false otherwise.
551  */
552 INLINE bool EggTexture::
553 has_uv_name() const {
554  return (_flags & F_has_uv_name) != 0;
555 }
557 /**
558  * Returns the texcoord name that has been specified for this texture, or the
559  * empty string if no texcoord name has explicitly been specified.
560  */
561 INLINE const std::string &EggTexture::
562 get_uv_name() const {
563  return _uv_name;
564 }
566 /**
567  * Sets an additional factor that will scale all three r, g, b components
568  * after the texture has been applied. This is used only when a combine mode
569  * is in effect.
570  *
571  * The only legal values are 1, 2, or 4.
572  */
573 INLINE void EggTexture::
574 set_rgb_scale(int rgb_scale) {
575  _rgb_scale = rgb_scale;
576  _flags |= F_has_rgb_scale;
577 }
579 /**
580  * Removes the rgb_scale from the texture and restores it to the default value
581  * of 1.
582  */
583 INLINE void EggTexture::
584 clear_rgb_scale() {
585  _rgb_scale = 1;
586  _flags &= ~F_has_rgb_scale;
587 }
589 /**
590  * Returns true if an rgb_scale has been specified for the texture, false
591  * otherwise.
592  */
593 INLINE bool EggTexture::
594 has_rgb_scale() const {
595  return (_flags & F_has_rgb_scale) != 0;
596 }
598 /**
599  * Returns the rgb_scale value that has been specified for the texture, or 1
600  * if no rgb_scale value has been specified.
601  */
602 INLINE int EggTexture::
603 get_rgb_scale() const {
604  return _rgb_scale;
605 }
607 /**
608  * Sets an additional factor that will scale the alpha component after the
609  * texture has been applied. This is used only when a combine mode is in
610  * effect.
611  *
612  * The only legal values are 1, 2, or 4.
613  */
614 INLINE void EggTexture::
615 set_alpha_scale(int alpha_scale) {
616  _alpha_scale = alpha_scale;
617  _flags |= F_has_alpha_scale;
618 }
620 /**
621  * Removes the alpha_scale from the texture and restores it to the default
622  * value of 1.
623  */
624 INLINE void EggTexture::
625 clear_alpha_scale() {
626  _alpha_scale = 1;
627  _flags &= ~F_has_alpha_scale;
628 }
630 /**
631  * Returns true if an alpha_scale has been specified for the texture, false
632  * otherwise.
633  */
634 INLINE bool EggTexture::
635 has_alpha_scale() const {
636  return (_flags & F_has_alpha_scale) != 0;
637 }
639 /**
640  * Returns the alpha_scale value that has been specified for the texture, or 1
641  * if no alpha_scale value has been specified.
642  */
643 INLINE int EggTexture::
644 get_alpha_scale() const {
645  return _alpha_scale;
646 }
648 /**
649  * Specifies a separate file that will be loaded in with the 1- or 3-component
650  * texture and applied as the alpha channel. This is useful when loading
651  * textures from file formats that do not support alpha, for instance jpg.
652  */
653 INLINE void EggTexture::
654 set_alpha_filename(const Filename &alpha_filename) {
655  _alpha_filename = alpha_filename;
656  _alpha_fullpath = alpha_filename;
657  _flags |= F_has_alpha_filename;
658 }
660 /**
661  *
662  */
663 INLINE void EggTexture::
664 clear_alpha_filename() {
665  _alpha_filename = Filename();
666  _alpha_fullpath = Filename();
667  _flags &= ~F_has_alpha_filename;
668 }
670 /**
671  * Returns true if a separate file for the alpha component has been applied,
672  * false otherwise. See set_alpha_filename().
673  */
674 INLINE bool EggTexture::
675 has_alpha_filename() const {
676  return (_flags & F_has_alpha_filename) != 0;
677 }
679 /**
680  * Returns the separate file assigned for the alpha channel. It is an error
681  * to call this unless has_alpha_filename() returns true. See
682  * set_alpha_filename().
683  */
684 INLINE const Filename &EggTexture::
685 get_alpha_filename() const {
686  nassertr(has_alpha_filename(), _alpha_filename);
687  return _alpha_filename;
688 }
690 /**
691  * Returns the full pathname to the alpha file, if it is known; otherwise,
692  * returns the same thing as get_alpha_filename().
693  *
694  * This function simply returns whatever was set by the last call to
695  * set_alpha_fullpath(). This string is not written to the egg file; its main
696  * purpose is to record the full path to the alpha filename if it is known,
697  * for egg structures that are generated in-memory and then immediately
698  * converted to a scene graph.
699  */
700 INLINE const Filename &EggTexture::
701 get_alpha_fullpath() const {
702  return _alpha_fullpath;
703 }
705 /**
706  * Records the full pathname to the file, for the benefit of
707  * get_alpha_fullpath().
708  */
709 INLINE void EggTexture::
710 set_alpha_fullpath(const Filename &alpha_fullpath) {
711  _alpha_fullpath = alpha_fullpath;
712 }
714 /**
715  * If a separate alpha-file is specified, this indicates which channel number
716  * should be extracted from this file to derive the alpha channel for the
717  * final image. The default is 0, which means the grayscale combination of r,
718  * g, b. Otherwise, this should be the 1-based channel number, for instance
719  * 1, 2, or 3 for r, g, or b, respectively, or 4 for the alpha channel of a
720  * four-component image.
721  */
722 INLINE void EggTexture::
723 set_alpha_file_channel(int alpha_file_channel) {
724  _alpha_file_channel = alpha_file_channel;
725  _flags |= F_has_alpha_file_channel;
726 }
728 /**
729  * Removes the specification of a particular channel to use from the alpha-
730  * file image.
731  */
732 INLINE void EggTexture::
733 clear_alpha_file_channel() {
734  _alpha_file_channel = 0;
735  _flags &= ~F_has_alpha_file_channel;
736 }
738 /**
739  * Returns true if a particular channel has been specified for the alpha-file
740  * image, false otherwise.
741  */
742 INLINE bool EggTexture::
743 has_alpha_file_channel() const {
744  return (_flags & F_has_alpha_file_channel) != 0;
745 }
747 /**
748  * Returns the particular channel that has been specified for the alpha-file
749  * image, or 0 if no channel has been specified. See
750  * set_alpha_file_channel().
751  */
752 INLINE int EggTexture::
753 get_alpha_file_channel() const {
754  return _alpha_file_channel;
755 }
757 /**
758  * Sets the multiview flag.
759  *
760  * If multiview is true, the filename should contain a hash mark ('#'), which
761  * will be filled in with the view number; and a multiview texture will be
762  * defined with a series of images, one for each view.
763  *
764  * A multiview texture is most often used for stereo textures, but other uses
765  * are also possible, such as for texture animation.
766  */
767 INLINE void EggTexture::
768 set_multiview(bool multiview) {
769  _multiview = multiview;
770 }
772 /**
773  * Returns the current setting of the multiview flag. See set_multiview().
774  */
775 INLINE bool EggTexture::
776 get_multiview() const {
777  return _multiview;
778 }
780 /**
781  * When loading a 3-D multiview texture, this parameter is necessary to
782  * specify how many views will be expected. The z size is determined
783  * implicitly from the number of images loaded.
784  */
785 INLINE void EggTexture::
786 set_num_views(int num_views) {
787  _num_views = num_views;
788  _flags |= F_has_num_views;
789 }
791 /**
792  * Removes the specification of the number of views for a 3-D multiview
793  * texture.
794  */
795 INLINE void EggTexture::
796 clear_num_views() {
797  _num_views = 0;
798  _flags &= ~F_has_num_views;
799 }
801 /**
802  * Returns true if the number of views has been specified for the 3-D
803  * multiview texture, false otherwise.
804  */
805 INLINE bool EggTexture::
806 has_num_views() const {
807  return (_flags & F_has_num_views) != 0;
808 }
810 /**
811  * Returns the specified number of views specified for the 3-D multiview
812  * texture. See set_num_views().
813  */
814 INLINE int EggTexture::
815 get_num_views() const {
816  return _num_views;
817 }
819 /**
820  * Sets the read_mipmaps flag.
821  *
822  * If read_mipmaps is true, the filename should contain a hash mark ('#'),
823  * which will be filled in with the mipmap level number; and the texture will
824  * be defined with a series of images, one for each mipmap level.
825  *
826  * If the filename is of a type that already requires a hash mark, such as a
827  * cube map or a 3-d texture, then the filename should now require two hash
828  * marks, and the first one indicates the mipmap level number, while the
829  * second indicates the face number or 3-d level number.
830  */
831 INLINE void EggTexture::
832 set_read_mipmaps(bool read_mipmaps) {
833  _read_mipmaps = read_mipmaps;
834 }
836 /**
837  * Returns the current setting of the read_mipmaps flag. See
838  * set_read_mipmaps().
839  */
840 INLINE bool EggTexture::
841 get_read_mipmaps() const {
842  return _read_mipmaps;
843 }
845 /**
846  * Sets the minimum mipmap level that may be sampled.
847  */
848 INLINE void EggTexture::
849 set_min_lod(double min_lod) {
850  _min_lod = min_lod;
851  _flags |= F_has_min_lod;
852 }
854 /**
855  * Removes the specification of a minimum mipmap level from the texture.
856  */
857 INLINE void EggTexture::
858 clear_min_lod() {
859  _min_lod = -1000;
860  _flags &= ~F_has_min_lod;
861 }
863 /**
864  * Returns true if a value for the minimum mipmap level has been specified for
865  * this texture, false otherwise.
866  */
867 INLINE bool EggTexture::
868 has_min_lod() const {
869  return (_flags & F_has_min_lod) != 0;
870 }
872 /**
873  * Returns the minimum mipmap level that has been specified for this texture.
874  */
875 INLINE double EggTexture::
876 get_min_lod() const {
877  return _min_lod;
878 }
880 /**
881  * Sets the maximum mipmap level that may be sampled.
882  */
883 INLINE void EggTexture::
884 set_max_lod(double max_lod) {
885  _max_lod = max_lod;
886  _flags |= F_has_max_lod;
887 }
889 /**
890  * Removes the specification of a maximum mipmap level from the texture.
891  */
892 INLINE void EggTexture::
893 clear_max_lod() {
894  _max_lod = 1000;
895  _flags &= ~F_has_max_lod;
896 }
898 /**
899  * Returns true if a value for the maximum mipmap level has been specified for
900  * this texture, false otherwise.
901  */
902 INLINE bool EggTexture::
903 has_max_lod() const {
904  return (_flags & F_has_max_lod) != 0;
905 }
907 /**
908  * Returns the maximum mipmap level that has been specified for this texture.
909  */
910 INLINE double EggTexture::
911 get_max_lod() const {
912  return _max_lod;
913 }
915 /**
916  * Sets the mipmap level bias that is added to the mipmap level to be sampled.
917  */
918 INLINE void EggTexture::
919 set_lod_bias(double lod_bias) {
920  _lod_bias = lod_bias;
921  _flags |= F_has_lod_bias;
922 }
924 /**
925  * Removes the specification of a maximum mipmap level from the texture.
926  */
927 INLINE void EggTexture::
928 clear_lod_bias() {
929  _lod_bias = 1000;
930  _flags &= ~F_has_lod_bias;
931 }
933 /**
934  * Returns true if a value for the maximum mipmap level has been specified for
935  * this texture, false otherwise.
936  */
937 INLINE bool EggTexture::
938 has_lod_bias() const {
939  return (_flags & F_has_lod_bias) != 0;
940 }
942 /**
943  * Returns the maximum mipmap level that has been specified for this texture.
944  */
945 INLINE double EggTexture::
946 get_lod_bias() const {
947  return _lod_bias;
948 }
950 /**
951  * Returns an integer that represents the depth to which this texture is
952  * layered on all other textures in the egg file. In general, if texture A is
953  * layered over texture B, then sort(A) > sort(B). If texture A is never
954  * layered over any other texture, then sort(A) == 0. More than that is
955  * difficult to guarantee.
956  */
957 INLINE int EggTexture::
958 get_multitexture_sort() const {
959  return _multitexture_sort;
960 }
962 /**
963  *
964  */
965 INLINE EggTexture::SourceAndOperand::
966 SourceAndOperand() :
967  _source(CS_unspecified),
968  _operand(CO_unspecified)
969 {
970 }
972 /**
973  *
974  */
975 INLINE EggTexture::Combiner::
976 Combiner() :
977  _mode(CM_unspecified)
978 {
979 }
981 /**
982  *
983  */
984 INLINE UniqueEggTextures::
985 UniqueEggTextures(int eq) : _eq(eq) {
986 }
988 /**
989  *
990  */
991 INLINE bool UniqueEggTextures::
992 operator ()(const EggTexture *t1, const EggTexture *t2) const {
993  return t1->sorts_less_than(*t2, _eq);
994 }
Sets the minimum mipmap level that may be sampled.
Definition: eggTexture.h:352
Sets the importance of this texture with respect to other textures also applied on the same geometry.
Definition: eggTexture.h:331
Returns true if a separate file for the alpha component has been applied, false otherwise.
Definition: eggTexture.h:343
Defines a texture map that may be applied to geometry.
Definition: eggTexture.h:30
Sets the read_mipmaps flag.
Definition: eggTexture.h:350
Records the full pathname to the file, for the benefit of get_alpha_fullpath().
Definition: eggTexture.h:344
Returns the amount specified for U wrap.
Definition: eggTexture.h:317
Sets the saved_result flag.
Definition: eggTexture.h:325
Returns true if a stage name has been explicitly specified for this texture, false otherwise.
Definition: eggTexture.h:329
Sets the degree of anisotropic filtering for this texture.
Definition: eggTexture.h:323
Specifies the particular TextureStage this texture will be rendered on by name.
Definition: eggTexture.h:329
WrapMode determine_wrap_w() const
Determines the appropriate wrap in the W direction.
Definition: eggTexture.I:161
Sets the multiview flag.
Definition: eggTexture.h:347
WrapMode determine_wrap_v() const
Determines the appropriate wrap in the V direction.
Definition: eggTexture.I:134
When loading a 3-D multiview texture, this parameter is necessary to specify how many views will be e...
Definition: eggTexture.h:349
The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file.
Definition: filename.h:39
Sets the maximum mipmap level that may be sampled.
Definition: eggTexture.h:354
Sets an additional factor that will scale the alpha component after the texture has been applied.
Definition: eggTexture.h:341
bool sorts_less_than(const EggTexture &other, int eq) const
An ordering operator to compare two textures for sorting order.
Definition: eggTexture.cxx:405
Specifies the named set of texture coordinates that this texture will use when it is applied to geome...
Definition: eggTexture.h:337
Returns the amount specified for V wrap.
Definition: eggTexture.h:318
WrapMode determine_wrap_u() const
Determines the appropriate wrap in the U direction.
Definition: eggTexture.I:107
Removes the restriction to a particular named set of texture coordinates and restores the texture to ...
Definition: eggTexture.h:337
Specifies a separate file that will be loaded in with the 1- or 3-component texture and applied as th...
Definition: eggTexture.h:343
If a separate alpha-file is specified, this indicates which channel number should be extracted from t...
Definition: eggTexture.h:346
Sets an additional factor that will scale all three r, g, b components after the texture has been app...
Definition: eggTexture.h:339
Returns the amount specified for W wrap.
Definition: eggTexture.h:319
Sets the mipmap level bias that is added to the mipmap level to be sampled.
Definition: eggTexture.h:356