10 #ifndef __maxEggExpOptions__H 11 #define __maxEggExpOptions__H 15 #pragma conform(forScope, off) 18 extern HINSTANCE hInstance;
21 #define CHUNK_OVERWRITE_FLAG 0x1000 22 #define CHUNK_PVIEW_FLAG 0x1001 23 #define CHUNK_LOG_OUTPUT 0x1002 24 #define CHUNK_EGG_EXP_OPTIONS 0x1100 25 #define CHUNK_ANIM_TYPE 0x1101 26 #define CHUNK_EGG_CHECKED 0x1102 27 #define CHUNK_DBL_SIDED 0x1103 28 #define CHUNK_SF 0x1104 29 #define CHUNK_EF 0x1105 30 #define CHUNK_FILENAME 0x1106 31 #define CHUNK_SHORTNAME 0x1107 32 #define CHUNK_EXPORT_FULL 0x1108 33 #define CHUNK_ALL_FRAMES 0x1109 34 #define CHUNK_NODE_LIST 0x1200 35 #define CHUNK_NODE_HANDLE 0x1201 40 void ChunkSave(ISave *isave,
int chunkid,
int value);
41 void ChunkSave(ISave *isave,
int chunkid,
bool value);
42 void ChunkSave(ISave *isave,
int chunkid,
char *value);
43 TCHAR *ChunkLoadString(ILoad *iload, TCHAR *buffer,
int maxLength);
44 int ChunkLoadInt(ILoad *iload);
45 bool ChunkLoadBool(ILoad *iload);
46 void SetICustEdit(HWND wnd,
int nIDDlgItem, TCHAR *text);
47 INT_PTR CALLBACK MaxOptionsDialogProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message,
48 WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
64 IObjParam *_max_interface;
70 bool _export_whole_scene;
71 bool _export_all_frames;
72 TCHAR _file_name[2048];
73 TCHAR _short_name[256];
75 std::vector<ULONG> _node_list;
83 int _min_frame, _max_frame;
86 MaxEggOptions::Anim_Type _prev_type;
93 void SetMaxInterface(IObjParam *iface) { _max_interface = iface; }
94 void UpdateUI(HWND hWnd);
95 bool UpdateFromUI(HWND hWnd);
96 void RefreshNodeList(HWND hWnd);
99 bool FindNode(ULONG INodeHandle);
100 void AddNode(ULONG INodeHandle);
101 void RemoveNode(
int i);
102 void RemoveNodeByHandle(ULONG INodeHandle);
103 void ClearNodeList(HWND hWnd);
106 ULONG GetNode(
int i) {
return (i >= 0 && i < _node_list.size()) ? _node_list[i] : ULONG_MAX; }
108 IOResult Load(ILoad *iload);
109 IOResult Save(ISave *isave);
112 #endif // __MaxEggExpOptions__H
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This encapsulates the user's command-line request to replace existing, incorrect pathnames to models ...