Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file nurbsCurveEvaluator.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2002-12-03
12  */
14 #include "nurbsCurveEvaluator.h"
16 /**
17  *
18  */
19 NurbsCurveEvaluator::
20 NurbsCurveEvaluator() {
21  _order = 4;
22  _knots_dirty = true;
23  _basis_dirty = true;
24 }
26 /**
27  *
28  */
29 NurbsCurveEvaluator::
30 ~NurbsCurveEvaluator() {
31 }
33 /**
34  * Resets all the vertices and knots to their default values, and sets the
35  * curve up with the indicated number of vertices. You must then call
36  * set_vertex() repeatedly to fill in all of the vertex values appropriately.
37  */
39 reset(int num_vertices) {
40  _vertices.clear();
41  _vertices.reserve(num_vertices);
43  for (int i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) {
44  _vertices.push_back(NurbsVertex());
45  }
46  _knots_dirty = true;
47  _basis_dirty = true;
48 }
50 /**
51  * Returns the coordinate space of the nth control vertex of the curve,
52  * expressed as a NodePath.
53  */
55 get_vertex_space(int i, const NodePath &rel_to) const {
56 #ifndef NDEBUG
57  static NodePath empty_node_path;
58  nassertr(i >= 0 && i < (int)_vertices.size(), empty_node_path);
59 #endif
60  return _vertices[i].get_space(rel_to);
61 }
63 /**
64  * Simultaneously sets several extended values in the slots d through (d +
65  * num_values - 1) from the num_values elements of the indicated array. This
66  * is equivalent to calling set_extended_vertex() num_values times. See
67  * set_extended_vertex().
68  */
70 set_extended_vertices(int i, int d, const PN_stdfloat values[], int num_values) {
71  nassertv(i >= 0 && i < (int)_vertices.size());
73  NurbsVertex &vertex = _vertices[i];
74  for (int n = 0; n < num_values; n++) {
75  vertex.set_extended_vertex(d + n, values[n]);
76  }
77 }
79 /**
80  * Sets the value of the nth knot. Each knot value should be greater than or
81  * equal to the preceding value. If no knot values are set, a default knot
82  * vector is supplied.
83  */
85 set_knot(int i, PN_stdfloat knot) {
86  if (_knots_dirty) {
87  recompute_knots();
88  }
89  nassertv(i >= 0 && i < (int)_knots.size());
90  _knots[i] = knot;
91 }
93 /**
94  * Returns the value of the nth knot.
95  */
96 PN_stdfloat NurbsCurveEvaluator::
97 get_knot(int i) const {
98  if (_knots_dirty) {
99  ((NurbsCurveEvaluator *)this)->recompute_knots();
100  }
101  nassertr(i >= 0 && i < (int)_knots.size(), 0.0f);
102  return _knots[i];
103 }
105 /**
106  * Normalizes the knot sequence so that the parametric range of the curve is 0
107  * .. 1.
108  */
111  if (_knots_dirty) {
112  recompute_knots();
113  }
115  if (get_num_vertices() > _order - 1) {
116  double min_value = _knots[_order - 1];
117  double max_value = _knots[get_num_vertices()];
118  double range = (max_value - min_value);
120  for (Knots::iterator ki = _knots.begin(); ki != _knots.end(); ++ki) {
121  (*ki) = ((*ki) - min_value) / range;
122  }
123  _basis_dirty = true;
124  }
125 }
127 /**
128  * Returns a NurbsCurveResult object that represents the result of applying
129  * the knots to all of the current values of the vertices, transformed into
130  * the indicated coordinate space.
131  */
132 PT(NurbsCurveResult) NurbsCurveEvaluator::
133 evaluate(const NodePath &rel_to) const {
134  if (_basis_dirty) {
135  ((NurbsCurveEvaluator *)this)->recompute_basis();
136  }
138  // First, transform the vertices as appropriate.
139  Vert4Array vecs;
140  get_vertices(vecs, rel_to);
142  // And apply those transformed vertices to the basis matrices to derive the
143  // result.
144  return new NurbsCurveResult(_basis, &vecs[0], &_vertices[0],
145  (int)_vertices.size());
146 }
148 /**
149  * Returns a NurbsCurveResult object that represents the result of applying
150  * the knots to all of the current values of the vertices, transformed into
151  * the indicated coordinate space, and then further transformed by the
152  * indicated matrix.
153  */
154 PT(NurbsCurveResult) NurbsCurveEvaluator::
155 evaluate(const NodePath &rel_to, const LMatrix4 &mat) const {
156  if (_basis_dirty) {
157  ((NurbsCurveEvaluator *)this)->recompute_basis();
158  }
160  // First, transform the vertices as appropriate.
161  Vert4Array vecs;
162  get_vertices(vecs, rel_to);
164  // And then apply the indicated matrix.
165  Vert4Array::iterator vi;
166  for (vi = vecs.begin(); vi != vecs.end(); ++vi) {
167  (*vi) = (*vi) * mat;
168  }
170  // And apply those transformed vertices to the basis matrices to derive the
171  // result.
172  return new NurbsCurveResult(_basis, &vecs[0], &_vertices[0],
173  (int)_vertices.size());
174 }
176 /**
177  *
178  */
179 void NurbsCurveEvaluator::
180 output(std::ostream &out) const {
181  out << "NurbsCurve, " << get_num_knots() << " knots.";
182 }
185 /**
186  * Fills the indicated vector with the set of vertices in the curve,
187  * transformed to the given space. This flavor returns the vertices in
188  * 4-dimensional homogenous space.
189  */
190 void NurbsCurveEvaluator::
191 get_vertices(NurbsCurveEvaluator::Vert4Array &verts, const NodePath &rel_to) const {
192  int num_vertices = (int)_vertices.size();
193  verts.reserve(verts.size() + num_vertices);
194  int vi;
195  for (vi = 0; vi < num_vertices; vi++) {
196  verts.push_back(get_vertex(vi, rel_to));
197  }
198 }
200 /**
201  * Fills the indicated vector with the set of vertices in the curve,
202  * transformed to the given space. This flavor returns the vertices in
203  * 3-dimensional space.
204  */
205 void NurbsCurveEvaluator::
206 get_vertices(NurbsCurveEvaluator::Vert3Array &verts, const NodePath &rel_to) const {
207  int num_vertices = (int)_vertices.size();
208  verts.reserve(verts.size() + num_vertices);
209  int vi;
210  for (vi = 0; vi < num_vertices; vi++) {
211  LVecBase4 vertex = get_vertex(vi, rel_to);
212  // Avoid division by zero
213  if (vertex[3] == 0.0) {
214  verts.push_back(LPoint3(vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2]));
215  } else {
216  LPoint3 v3(vertex[0] / vertex[3], vertex[1] / vertex[3], vertex[2] / vertex[3]);
217  verts.push_back(v3);
218  }
219  }
220 }
222 /**
223  * Creates a default knot vector.
224  */
225 void NurbsCurveEvaluator::
226 recompute_knots() {
227  _knots.clear();
228  int num_knots = get_num_knots();
229  _knots.reserve(num_knots);
231  PN_stdfloat value = 0.0f;
233  int i = 0;
234  while (i < _order) {
235  _knots.push_back(value);
236  i++;
237  }
238  while (i < num_knots - _order) {
239  value += 1.0f;
240  _knots.push_back(value);
241  i++;
242  }
243  value += 1.0f;
244  while (i < num_knots) {
245  _knots.push_back(value);
246  i++;
247  }
249  _knots_dirty = false;
250 }
252 /**
253  * Recomputes the basis matrices according to the knot vector.
254  */
255 void NurbsCurveEvaluator::
256 recompute_basis() {
257  if (_knots_dirty) {
258  ((NurbsCurveEvaluator *)this)->recompute_knots();
259  }
261  _basis.clear(_order);
262  if ((int)_vertices.size() > _order - 1) {
263  int min_knot = _order;
264  int max_knot = (int)_vertices.size();
266  for (int i = min_knot; i <= max_knot; i++) {
267  nassertv(i - 1 >= 0 && i < (int)_knots.size());
268  if (_knots[i - 1] < _knots[i]) {
269  // Here's a non-empty segment.
270  _basis.append_segment(i - _order, &_knots[i - _order]);
271  }
272  }
273  }
275  _basis_dirty = false;
276 }
void set_knot(int i, PN_stdfloat knot)
Sets the value of the nth knot.
Returns the number of knot values in the curve.
void reset(int num_vertices)
Resets all the vertices and knots to their default values, and sets the curve up with the indicated n...
void append_segment(int vertex_index, const PN_stdfloat knots[])
Computes a NURBS basis for one segment of the curve and appends it to the set of basis matrices.
This class is an abstraction for evaluating NURBS curves.
Returns the nth control vertex of the curve, relative to its indicated coordinate space.
NodePath get_vertex_space(int i, const NodePath &rel_to) const
Returns the coordinate space of the nth control vertex of the curve, expressed as a NodePath.
This represents a single control vertex in a NurbsEvaluator.
Definition: nurbsVertex.h:32
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void clear(int order)
Removes all the segments from the curve.
Returns the value of the nth knot.
void normalize_knots()
Normalizes the knot sequence so that the parametric range of the curve is 0
Returns the number of control vertices in the curve.
The result of a NurbsCurveEvaluator.
NodePath is the fundamental system for disambiguating instances, and also provides a higher-level int...
Definition: nodePath.h:161
PT(NurbsCurveResult) NurbsCurveEvaluator
Returns a NurbsCurveResult object that represents the result of applying the knots to all of the curr...
void set_extended_vertices(int i, int d, const PN_stdfloat values[], int num_values)
Simultaneously sets several extended values in the slots d through (d + num_values - 1) from the num_...