Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file pStatCollector.I
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2000-07-10
12  */
14 #ifdef DO_PSTATS
16 /**
17  * Normally, this constructor is called only from PStatClient. Use one of the
18  * constructors below to create your own Collector.
19  */
20 INLINE PStatCollector::
21 PStatCollector(PStatClient *client, int index) :
22  _client(client),
23  _index(index),
24  _level(0.0f)
25 {
26 }
28 /**
29  * Creates a new PStatCollector, ready to start accumulating data. The name
30  * of the collector uniquely identifies it among the other collectors; if two
31  * collectors share the same name then they are really the same collector.
32  *
33  * The name may also be a compound name, something like "Cull:Sort", which
34  * indicates that this is a collector named "Sort", a child of the collector
35  * named "Cull". The parent may also be named explicitly by reference in the
36  * other flavor of the constructor; see further comments on this for that
37  * constructor.
38  *
39  * If the client pointer is non-null, it specifies a particular client to
40  * register the collector with; otherwise, the global client is used.
41  */
42 INLINE PStatCollector::
43 PStatCollector(const std::string &name, PStatClient *client) :
44  _level(0.0f)
45 {
46  if (client == nullptr) {
47  client = PStatClient::get_global_pstats();
48  }
49  (*this) = client->make_collector_with_relname(0, name);
50 }
52 /**
53  * Creates a new PStatCollector, ready to start accumulating data. The name
54  * of the collector uniquely identifies it among the other collectors; if two
55  * collectors share the same name then they are really the same collector.
56  *
57  * The parent is the collector that conceptually includes all of the time
58  * measured for this collector. For instance, a particular character's
59  * animation time is owned by the "Animation" collector, which is in turn
60  * owned by the "Frame" collector. It is not strictly necessary that all of
61  * the time spent in a particular collector is completely nested within time
62  * spent in its parent's collector. If parent is the empty string, the
63  * collector is owned by "Frame".
64  *
65  * This constructor does not take a client pointer; it always creates the new
66  * collector on the same client as its parent.
67  */
68 INLINE PStatCollector::
69 PStatCollector(const PStatCollector &parent, const std::string &name) :
70  _level(0.0f)
71 {
72  nassertv(parent._client != nullptr);
73  (*this) =
74  parent._client->make_collector_with_relname(parent._index, name);
75 }
77 /**
78  *
79  */
80 INLINE PStatCollector::
81 PStatCollector(const PStatCollector &copy) :
82  _client(copy._client),
83  _index(copy._index),
84  _level(0.0f)
85 {
86 }
88 /**
89  *
90  */
91 INLINE void PStatCollector::
92 operator = (const PStatCollector &copy) {
93  _client = copy._client;
94  _index = copy._index;
95 }
97 /**
98  * Returns true if collector is valid and may be used, or false if it was
99  * constructed with the default constructor (in which case any attempt to use
100  * it will crash).
101  */
102 INLINE bool PStatCollector::
103 is_valid() const {
104  return (_client != nullptr);
105 }
107 /**
108  * Returns the local name of this collector. This is the rightmost part of
109  * the fullname, after the rightmost colon.
110  */
111 INLINE std::string PStatCollector::
112 get_name() const {
113  if (_client != nullptr) {
114  return _client->get_collector_name(_index);
115  }
116  return std::string();
117 }
119 /**
120  * Returns the full name of this collector. This includes the names of all
121  * the collector's parents, concatenated together with colons.
122  */
123 INLINE std::string PStatCollector::
124 get_fullname() const {
125  if (_client != nullptr) {
126  return _client->get_collector_fullname(_index);
127  }
128  return std::string();
129 }
131 /**
132  *
133  */
134 INLINE void PStatCollector::
135 output(std::ostream &out) const {
136  out << "PStatCollector(\"" << get_fullname() << "\")";
137 }
139 /**
140  * Returns true if this particular collector is active on the default thread,
141  * and we are currently transmitting PStats data.
142  */
143 INLINE bool PStatCollector::
144 is_active() {
145 #ifndef HAVE_THREADS
146  return _client->is_active(_index, 0);
147 #else // HAVE_THREADS
148  return is_active(_client->get_current_thread());
149 #endif // HAVE_THREADS
150 }
152 /**
153  * Returns true if this particular collector has been started on the default
154  * thread, or false otherwise.
155  */
156 INLINE bool PStatCollector::
157 is_started() {
158 #ifndef HAVE_THREADS
159  return _client->is_started(_index, 0);
160 #else // HAVE_THREADS
161  return is_started(_client->get_current_thread());
162 #endif // HAVE_THREADS
163 }
165 /**
166  * Starts this particular timer ticking. This should be called before the
167  * code you want to measure.
168  */
169 INLINE void PStatCollector::
170 start() {
171 #ifndef HAVE_THREADS
172  _client->start(_index, 0);
173 #else // HAVE_THREADS
174  start(_client->get_current_thread());
175 #endif // HAVE_THREADS
176 }
178 /**
179  * Stops this timer. This should be called after the code you want to
180  * measure.
181  */
182 INLINE void PStatCollector::
183 stop() {
184 #ifndef HAVE_THREADS
185  _client->stop(_index, 0);
186 #else // HAVE_THREADS
187  stop(_client->get_current_thread());
188 #endif // HAVE_THREADS
189 }
191 /**
192  * Removes the level setting associated with this collector for the main
193  * thread. The collector will no longer show up on any level graphs in the
194  * main thread. This implicitly calls flush_level().
195  */
196 INLINE void PStatCollector::
197 clear_level() {
198  _client->clear_level(_index, 0);
199  _level = 0.0f;
200 }
202 /**
203  * Sets the level setting associated with this collector for the main thread
204  * to the indicated value. This implicitly calls flush_level().
205  */
206 INLINE void PStatCollector::
207 set_level(double level) {
208  _client->set_level(_index, 0, level);
209  _level = 0.0f;
210 }
212 /**
213  * Adds the indicated increment (which may be negative) to the level setting
214  * associated with this collector for the main thread. If the collector did
215  * not already have a level setting for the main thread, it is initialized to
216  * 0.
217  *
218  * As an optimization, the data is not immediately set to the PStatClient. It
219  * will be sent the next time flush_level() is called.
220  */
221 INLINE void PStatCollector::
222 add_level(double increment) {
223  _level += increment;
224 }
226 /**
227  * Subtracts the indicated decrement (which may be negative) to the level
228  * setting associated with this collector for the main thread. If the
229  * collector did not already have a level setting for the main thread, it is
230  * initialized to 0.
231  *
232  * As an optimization, the data is not immediately set to the PStatClient. It
233  * will be sent the next time flush_level() is called.
234  */
235 INLINE void PStatCollector::
236 sub_level(double decrement) {
237  _level -= decrement;
238 }
240 /**
241  * Calls add_level() and immediately calls flush_level().
242  */
243 INLINE void PStatCollector::
244 add_level_now(double increment) {
245  add_level(increment);
246  flush_level();
247 }
249 /**
250  * Calls sub_level() and immediately calls flush_level().
251  */
252 INLINE void PStatCollector::
253 sub_level_now(double decrement) {
254  sub_level(decrement);
255  flush_level();
256 }
258 /**
259  * Updates the PStatClient with the recent results from add_level() and
260  * sub_level().
261  */
262 INLINE void PStatCollector::
263 flush_level() {
264  if (_level != 0.0f) {
265  _client->add_level(_index, 0, _level);
266  _level = 0.0f;
267  }
268 }
270 /**
271  * Returns the current level value of the given collector in the main thread.
272  * This implicitly calls flush_level().
273  */
274 INLINE double PStatCollector::
275 get_level() {
276  flush_level();
277  return _client->get_level(_index, 0);
278 }
280 /**
281  * Removes the level setting associated with this collector for the current
282  * thread. The collector will no longer show up on any level graphs in the
283  * current thread.
284  */
285 INLINE void PStatCollector::
286 clear_thread_level() {
287 #ifndef HAVE_THREADS
288  _client->clear_level(_index, 0);
289 #else // HAVE_THREADS
290  clear_level(_client->get_current_thread());
291 #endif // HAVE_THREADS
292 }
294 /**
295  * Sets the level setting associated with this collector for the current
296  * thread to the indicated value.
297  */
298 INLINE void PStatCollector::
299 set_thread_level(double level) {
300 #ifndef HAVE_THREADS
301  _client->set_level(_index, 0, level);
302 #else // HAVE_THREADS
303  set_level(_client->get_current_thread(), level);
304 #endif // HAVE_THREADS
305 }
307 /**
308  * Adds the indicated increment (which may be negative) to the level setting
309  * associated with this collector for the current thread. If the collector
310  * did not already have a level setting for the current thread, it is
311  * initialized to 0.
312  */
313 INLINE void PStatCollector::
314 add_thread_level(double increment) {
315 #ifndef HAVE_THREADS
316  _client->add_level(_index, 0, increment);
317 #else // HAVE_THREADS
318  add_level(_client->get_current_thread(), increment);
319 #endif // HAVE_THREADS
320 }
322 /**
323  * Subtracts the indicated decrement (which may be negative) to the level
324  * setting associated with this collector for the current thread. If the
325  * collector did not already have a level setting for the current thread, it
326  * is initialized to 0.
327  */
328 INLINE void PStatCollector::
329 sub_thread_level(double decrement) {
330 #ifndef HAVE_THREADS
331  _client->add_level(_index, 0, -decrement);
332 #else // HAVE_THREADS
333  sub_level(_client->get_current_thread(), decrement);
334 #endif // HAVE_THREADS
335 }
337 /**
338  * Returns the current level value of the given collector in the current
339  * thread.
340  */
341 INLINE double PStatCollector::
342 get_thread_level() {
343 #ifndef HAVE_THREADS
344  return _client->get_level(_index, 0);
345 #else // HAVE_THREADS
346  return get_level(_client->get_current_thread());
347 #endif // HAVE_THREADS
348 }
350 /**
351  * Returns true if this particular collector is active on the indicated
352  * thread, and we are currently transmitting PStats data.
353  */
354 INLINE bool PStatCollector::
355 is_active(const PStatThread &thread) {
356  return _client->is_active(_index, thread._index);
357 }
359 /**
360  * Returns true if this particular collector has been started on the indicated
361  * thread, or false otherwise.
362  */
363 INLINE bool PStatCollector::
364 is_started(const PStatThread &thread) {
365  return _client->is_started(_index, thread._index);
366 }
368 /**
369  * Starts this timer ticking within a particular thread.
370  */
371 INLINE void PStatCollector::
372 start(const PStatThread &thread) {
373  nassertv(_client != nullptr);
374  _client->start(_index, thread._index);
375 }
377 /**
378  * Marks that the timer should have been started as of the indicated time.
379  * This must be a time based on the PStatClient's clock (see
380  * PStatClient::get_clock()), and care should be taken that all such calls
381  * exhibit a monotonically increasing series of time values.
382  */
383 INLINE void PStatCollector::
384 start(const PStatThread &thread, double as_of) {
385  _client->start(_index, thread._index, as_of);
386 }
388 /**
389  * Stops this timer within a particular thread.
390  */
391 INLINE void PStatCollector::
392 stop(const PStatThread &thread) {
393  _client->stop(_index, thread._index);
394 }
396 /**
397  * Marks that the timer should have been stopped as of the indicated time.
398  * This must be a time based on the PStatClient's clock (see
399  * PStatClient::get_clock()), and care should be taken that all such calls
400  * exhibit a monotonically increasing series of time values.
401  */
402 INLINE void PStatCollector::
403 stop(const PStatThread &thread, double as_of) {
404  _client->stop(_index, thread._index, as_of);
405 }
407 /**
408  * Removes the level setting associated with this collector for the indicated
409  * thread. The collector will no longer show up on any level graphs in this
410  * thread.
411  */
412 INLINE void PStatCollector::
413 clear_level(const PStatThread &thread) {
414  _client->clear_level(_index, thread._index);
415 }
417 /**
418  * Sets the level setting associated with this collector for the indicated
419  * thread to the indicated value.
420  */
421 INLINE void PStatCollector::
422 set_level(const PStatThread &thread, double level) {
423  _client->set_level(_index, thread._index, level);
424 }
426 /**
427  * Adds the indicated increment (which may be negative) to the level setting
428  * associated with this collector for the indicated thread. If the collector
429  * did not already have a level setting for this thread, it is initialized to
430  * 0.
431  */
432 INLINE void PStatCollector::
433 add_level(const PStatThread &thread, double increment) {
434  _client->add_level(_index, thread._index, increment);
435 }
437 /**
438  * Subtracts the indicated decrement (which may be negative) to the level
439  * setting associated with this collector for the indicated thread. If the
440  * collector did not already have a level setting for this thread, it is
441  * initialized to 0.
442  */
443 INLINE void PStatCollector::
444 sub_level(const PStatThread &thread, double decrement) {
445  _client->add_level(_index, thread._index, -decrement);
446 }
448 /**
449  * Returns the current level value of the given collector.
450  */
451 INLINE double PStatCollector::
452 get_level(const PStatThread &thread) {
453  return _client->get_level(_index, thread._index);
454 }
456 /**
457  * Returns the index number of this particular collector within the
458  * PStatClient.
459  */
460 INLINE int PStatCollector::
461 get_index() const {
462  return _index;
463 }
465 #else // DO_PSTATS
467 /**
468  * Creates an invalid PStatCollector. Any attempt to use this collector will
469  * crash messily.
470  *
471  * You can reassign it to a different, valid one later.
472  */
473 INLINE PStatCollector::
475 {
476 }
478 /**
479  * This bogus version of the function is only defined if DO_PSTATS is not
480  * defined, meaning all these functions should compile to nothing.
481  */
482 INLINE PStatCollector::
483 PStatCollector(const std::string &, PStatClient *client) {
484  // We need this bogus comparison just to prevent the SGI compiler from
485  // dumping core. It's perfectly meaningless.
486 #ifdef mips
487  if (client == nullptr) {
488  return;
489  }
490 #endif
491 }
493 /**
494  * This bogus version of the function is only defined if DO_PSTATS is not
495  * defined, meaning all these functions should compile to nothing.
496  */
497 INLINE PStatCollector::
498 PStatCollector(const PStatCollector &parent, const std::string &) {
499  // We need this bogus comparison just to prevent the SGI compiler from
500  // dumping core. It's perfectly meaningless.
501 #ifdef mips
502  if (&parent == nullptr) {
503  return;
504  }
505 #endif
506 }
509 #endif // DO_PSTATS
A lightweight class that represents a single element that may be timed and/or counted via stats.
A lightweight class that represents a single thread of execution to PStats.
Definition: pStatThread.h:28
Creates an invalid PStatCollector.
Manages the communications to report statistics via a network connection to a remote PStatServer.
Definition: pStatClient.h:263