Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file paletteGroup.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2000-11-30
12  */
14 #include "paletteGroup.h"
15 #include "palettePage.h"
16 #include "texturePlacement.h"
17 #include "textureImage.h"
18 #include "palettizer.h"
19 #include "paletteImage.h"
20 #include "sourceTextureImage.h"
22 #include "indent.h"
23 #include "datagram.h"
24 #include "datagramIterator.h"
25 #include "bamReader.h"
26 #include "bamWriter.h"
27 #include "indirectCompareNames.h"
28 #include "pvector.h"
30 using std::string;
32 TypeHandle PaletteGroup::_type_handle;
34 /**
35  *
36  */
37 PaletteGroup::
38 PaletteGroup() {
39  _egg_count = 0;
40  _dependency_level = 0;
41  _dependency_order = 0;
42  _dirname_order = 0;
43  _has_margin_override = false;
44  _margin_override = 0;
45 }
47 /**
48  * Sets the directory name associated with the palette group. This is an
49  * optional feature that can be used to place the maps for the different
50  * palette groups into different install directories.
51  */
52 void PaletteGroup::
53 set_dirname(const string &dirname) {
54  _dirname = dirname;
55 }
57 /**
58  * Returns true if the directory name has been explicitly set for this group.
59  * If it has not, get_dirname() returns an empty string.
60  */
61 bool PaletteGroup::
62 has_dirname() const {
63  return !_dirname.empty();
64 }
66 /**
67  * Returns the directory name associated with the palette group. See
68  * set_dirname().
69  */
70 const string &PaletteGroup::
71 get_dirname() const {
72  return _dirname;
73 }
75 /**
76  * Eliminates all the dependency information for this group.
77  */
78 void PaletteGroup::
80  _dependent.clear();
81  _dependency_level = 0;
82  _dependency_order = 0;
83  _dirname_order = 0;
84 }
86 /**
87  * Indicates a dependency of this group on some other group. This means that
88  * the textures assigned to this group may be considered successfully assigned
89  * if they are actually placed in the other group. In practice, this means
90  * that the textures associated with the other palette group will always be
91  * resident at runtime when textures from this palette group are required.
92  */
93 void PaletteGroup::
95  _dependent.insert(other);
96 }
98 /**
99  * Returns the set of groups this group depends on.
100  */
102 get_groups() const {
103  return _dependent;
104 }
106 /**
107  * Returns the set of groups this group depends on.
108  */
109 int PaletteGroup::
111  return _margin_override;
112 }
114 /**
115  * Returns the set of groups this group depends on.
116  */
117 void PaletteGroup::
118 set_margin_override(const int override) {
119  _margin_override = override;
120  _has_margin_override = true;
121 }
123 /**
124  * Returns the set of groups this group depends on.
125  */
126 bool PaletteGroup::
128  return _has_margin_override;
129 }
131 /**
132  * Adds the set of TexturePlacements associated with this group to the
133  * indicated vector. The vector is not cleared before this operation; if the
134  * user wants to retrieve the set of placements particular to this group only,
135  * it is the user's responsibility to clear the vector first.
136  */
137 void PaletteGroup::
139  Placements::const_iterator pi;
140  for (pi = _placements.begin(); pi != _placements.end(); ++pi) {
141  placements.push_back(*pi);
142  }
143 }
145 /**
146  * Adds the set of TexturePlacements associated with this group and all
147  * dependent groups to the indicated vector. See get_placements().
148  */
149 void PaletteGroup::
151  PaletteGroups complete;
152  complete.make_complete(_dependent);
154  PaletteGroups::iterator gi;
155  for (gi = complete.begin(); gi != complete.end(); ++gi) {
156  PaletteGroup *group = (*gi);
157  group->get_placements(placements);
158  }
160  get_placements(placements);
161 }
163 /**
164  * Unconditionally sets the dependency level and order of this group to zero,
165  * in preparation for a later call to set_dependency_level(). See
166  * set_dependency_level().
167  */
168 void PaletteGroup::
170  _dependency_level = 0;
171  _dependency_order = 0;
172  _dirname_order = 0;
173 }
175 /**
176  * Sets the dependency level of this group to the indicated level, provided
177  * that level is not lower than the level that was set previously. Also
178  * cascades to all dependent groups. See get_dependency_level().
179  *
180  * This call recurses to correctly set the dependency level of all
181  * PaletteGroups in the hierarchy.
182  */
183 void PaletteGroup::
185  if (level > _dependency_level) {
186  _dependency_level = level;
187  PaletteGroups::iterator gi;
188  for (gi = _dependent.begin(); gi != _dependent.end(); ++gi) {
189  PaletteGroup *group = (*gi);
190  group->set_dependency_level(level + 1);
191  }
192  }
193 }
195 /**
196  * Updates the dependency order of this group. This number is the inverse of
197  * the dependency level, and can be used to rank the groups in order so that
198  * all the groups that a given group depends on will appear first in the list.
199  * See get_dependency_order().
200  *
201  * This function returns true if anything was changed, false otherwise.
202  */
203 bool PaletteGroup::
205  bool any_changed = false;
207  PaletteGroups::iterator gi;
208  for (gi = _dependent.begin(); gi != _dependent.end(); ++gi) {
209  PaletteGroup *group = (*gi);
210  if (group->set_dependency_order()) {
211  any_changed = true;
212  }
214  if (_dependency_order <= group->get_dependency_order()) {
215  _dependency_order = group->get_dependency_order() + 1;
216  any_changed = true;
217  }
219  if (_dirname == group->get_dirname()) {
220  // The dirname orders should be equal.
221  if (_dirname_order < group->get_dirname_order()) {
222  _dirname_order = group->get_dirname_order();
223  any_changed = true;
224  }
225  } else {
226  // The dirname orders should be different.
227  if (_dirname_order <= group->get_dirname_order()) {
228  _dirname_order = group->get_dirname_order() + 1;
229  any_changed = true;
230  }
231  }
232  }
234  return any_changed;
235 }
237 /**
238  * Returns the dependency level of this group. This is a measure of how
239  * specific the group is; the lower the dependency level, the more specific
240  * the group.
241  *
242  * Groups depend on other groups in a hierarchical relationship. In general,
243  * if group a depends on group b, then b->get_dependency_level() >
244  * a->get_dependency_level().
245  *
246  * Thus, groups that lots of other groups depend on have a higher dependency
247  * level; groups that no one else depends on have a low dependency level.
248  * This is important when deciding which groups are best suited for assigning
249  * a texture to; in general, the texture should be assigned to the most
250  * specific suitable group (i.e. the one with the lowest dependency level).
251  */
252 int PaletteGroup::
254  return _dependency_level;
255 }
257 /**
258  * Returns the dependency order of this group. This is similar in principle
259  * to the dependency level, but it represents the inverse concept: if group a
260  * depends on group b, then a->get_dependency_order() >
261  * b->get_dependency_order().
262  *
263  * This is not exactly the same thing as n - get_dependency_level(). In
264  * particular, this can be used to sort the groups into an ordering such that
265  * all the groups that group a depends on appear before group a in the list.
266  */
267 int PaletteGroup::
269  return _dependency_order;
270 }
272 /**
273  * Returns the dependency order of this group. This is similar in principle
274  * to the dependency level, but it represents the inverse concept: if group a
275  * depends on group b, then a->get_dirname_order() > b->get_dirname_order().
276  *
277  * This is not exactly the same thing as n - get_dependency_level(). In
278  * particular, this can be used to sort the groups into an ordering such that
279  * all the groups that group a depends on appear before group a in the list.
280  */
281 int PaletteGroup::
283  return _dirname_order;
284 }
286 /**
287  * Returns true if this group should be preferred for adding textures over the
288  * other group, if both are available. In other words, this is a more
289  * specific group than the other one.
290  */
291 bool PaletteGroup::
292 is_preferred_over(const PaletteGroup &other) const {
293  if (get_dirname_order() != other.get_dirname_order()) {
294  return (get_dirname_order() > other.get_dirname_order());
296  } else if (get_dependency_order() != other.get_dependency_order()) {
297  return (get_dependency_order() > other.get_dependency_order());
299  } else {
300  return (get_egg_count() < other.get_egg_count());
301  }
302 }
304 /**
305  * Increments by one the number of egg files that are known to reference this
306  * PaletteGroup. This is designed to aid the heuristics in texture placing;
307  * it's useful to know how many different egg files are sharing a particular
308  * PaletteGroup.
309  */
310 void PaletteGroup::
312  _egg_count++;
313 }
315 /**
316  * Returns the number of egg files that share this PaletteGroup.
317  */
318 int PaletteGroup::
319 get_egg_count() const {
320  return _egg_count;
321 }
323 /**
324  * Returns the page associated with the indicated properties. If no page
325  * object has yet been created, creates one.
326  */
328 get_page(const TextureProperties &properties) {
329  Pages::iterator pi = _pages.find(properties);
330  if (pi != _pages.end()) {
331  return (*pi).second;
332  }
334  PalettePage *page = new PalettePage(this, properties);
335  bool inserted = _pages.insert(Pages::value_type(properties, page)).second;
336  nassertr(inserted, page);
337  return page;
338 }
340 /**
341  * Marks the indicated Texture as ready for placing somewhere within this
342  * group, and returns a placeholder TexturePlacement object. The texture is
343  * not placed immediately, but may be placed later when place_all() is called;
344  * at this time, the TexturePlacement fields will be filled in as appropriate.
345  */
348  TexturePlacement *placement = new TexturePlacement(texture, this);
349  _placements.insert(placement);
351  // [gjeon] update swapTexture information
352  TextureSwapInfo::iterator tsi = _textureSwapInfo.find(texture->get_name());
353  if (tsi != _textureSwapInfo.end()) {
354  vector_string swapTextures = (*tsi).second;
356  vector_string::const_iterator wi;
357  wi = swapTextures.begin();
358  ++wi;
359  ++wi;
361  // [gjeon] since swapped texture usually didn't mapped to any egg file we
362  // need to create soucreTextureImage by using original texture file's info
363  const string originalTextureName = (*wi);
364  TextureImage *originalTexture = pal->get_texture(originalTextureName);
365  SourceTextureImage *source = originalTexture->get_preferred_source();
366  const Filename originalTextureFilename = source->get_filename();
367  const Filename originalTextureAlphaFilename = source->get_alpha_filename();
368  int originalTextureAlphaFileChannel = source->get_alpha_file_channel();
370  ++wi;
371  while (wi != swapTextures.end()) {
372  const string &swapTextureName = (*wi);
373  TextureImage *swapTextureImage = pal->get_texture(swapTextureName);
374  Filename swapTextureFilename = Filename(originalTextureFilename.get_dirname(), swapTextureName + "." + originalTextureFilename.get_extension());
375  swapTextureImage->get_source(swapTextureFilename, originalTextureAlphaFilename, originalTextureAlphaFileChannel);
376  placement->_textureSwaps.push_back(swapTextureImage);
377  ++wi;
378  }
379  }
381  return placement;
382 }
384 /**
385  * Removes the texture from its position on a PaletteImage, if it has been so
386  * placed.
387  */
388 void PaletteGroup::
390  nassertv(placement->get_group() == this);
392  Placements::iterator pi;
393  pi = _placements.find(placement);
394  if (pi != _placements.end()) {
395  _placements.erase(pi);
397  if (placement->is_placed()) {
398  placement->get_page()->unplace(placement);
399  }
400  }
401 }
403 /**
404  * Once all the textures have been assigned to this group, try to place them
405  * all onto suitable PaletteImages.
406  */
407 void PaletteGroup::
409  // First, go through our prepared textures and assign each unplaced one to
410  // an appropriate page.
411  Placements::iterator pli;
412  for (pli = _placements.begin(); pli != _placements.end(); ++pli) {
413  TexturePlacement *placement = (*pli);
415  if (placement->get_omit_reason() == OR_working) {
416  PalettePage *page = get_page(placement->get_properties());
417  page->assign(placement);
418  }
419  }
421  // Then, go through the pages and actually do the placing.
422  Pages::iterator pai;
423  for (pai = _pages.begin(); pai != _pages.end(); ++pai) {
424  PalettePage *page = (*pai).second;
425  page->place_all();
426  }
427 }
429 /**
430  * Checks for new information on any textures within the group for which some
431  * of the saved information is incomplete. This may be necessary before we
432  * can properly place all of the textures.
433  */
434 void PaletteGroup::
436  Placements::iterator pli;
437  for (pli = _placements.begin(); pli != _placements.end(); ++pli) {
438  TexturePlacement *placement = (*pli);
440  if (!placement->is_size_known()) {
441  // This texture's size isn't known; we have to determine its size.
442  TextureImage *texture = placement->get_texture();
443  if (!texture->got_txa_file()) {
444  // But first, we need to look up the texture in the .txa file.
445  texture->pre_txa_file();
446  txa_file.match_texture(texture);
447  texture->post_txa_file();
448  }
450  placement->determine_size();
451  }
452  }
453 }
455 /**
456  * Writes a list of the PaletteImages associated with this group, and all of
457  * their textures, to the indicated output stream.
458  */
459 void PaletteGroup::
460 write_image_info(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const {
461  Pages::const_iterator pai;
462  for (pai = _pages.begin(); pai != _pages.end(); ++pai) {
463  PalettePage *page = (*pai).second;
464  page->write_image_info(out, indent_level);
465  }
467  // Write out all the unplaced textures, in alphabetical order by name.
468  pvector<TexturePlacement *> placement_vector;
469  placement_vector.reserve(_placements.size());
470  Placements::const_iterator pli;
471  for (pli = _placements.begin(); pli != _placements.end(); ++pli) {
472  TexturePlacement *placement = (*pli);
473  if (placement->get_omit_reason() != OR_none) {
474  placement_vector.push_back(placement);
475  }
476  }
477  sort(placement_vector.begin(), placement_vector.end(),
481  for (pvi = placement_vector.begin();
482  pvi != placement_vector.end();
483  ++pvi) {
484  TexturePlacement *placement = (*pvi);
486  indent(out, indent_level)
487  << placement->get_texture()->get_name()
488  << " unplaced because ";
489  switch (placement->get_omit_reason()) {
490  case OR_coverage:
491  out << "coverage (" << placement->get_uv_area() << ")";
492  break;
494  case OR_size:
495  out << "size (" << placement->get_x_size() << " "
496  << placement->get_y_size() << ")";
497  break;
499  default:
500  out << placement->get_omit_reason();
501  }
502  out << "\n";
503  }
504 }
506 /**
507  * Attempts to resize each PalettteImage down to its smallest possible size.
508  */
509 void PaletteGroup::
511  Pages::iterator pai;
512  for (pai = _pages.begin(); pai != _pages.end(); ++pai) {
513  PalettePage *page = (*pai).second;
514  page->optimal_resize();
515  }
516 }
518 /**
519  * Throws away all of the current PaletteImages, so that new ones may be
520  * created (and the packing made more optimal).
521  */
522 void PaletteGroup::
524  Pages::iterator pai;
525  for (pai = _pages.begin(); pai != _pages.end(); ++pai) {
526  PalettePage *page = (*pai).second;
527  page->reset_images();
528  }
529 }
531 /**
532  * Ensures that each PaletteImage's _shadow_image has the correct filename and
533  * image types, based on what was supplied on the command line and in the .txa
534  * file.
535  */
536 void PaletteGroup::
538  Pages::iterator pai;
539  for (pai = _pages.begin(); pai != _pages.end(); ++pai) {
540  PalettePage *page = (*pai).second;
541  page->setup_shadow_images();
542  }
543 }
545 /**
546  * Regenerates each PaletteImage on this group that needs it.
547  */
548 void PaletteGroup::
549 update_images(bool redo_all) {
550  Pages::iterator pai;
551  for (pai = _pages.begin(); pai != _pages.end(); ++pai) {
552  PalettePage *page = (*pai).second;
553  page->update_images(redo_all);
554  }
555 }
557 /**
558  * Registers the current object as something that can be read from a Bam file.
559  */
560 void PaletteGroup::
563  register_factory(get_class_type(), make_PaletteGroup);
564 }
566 /**
567  * Fills the indicated datagram up with a binary representation of the current
568  * object, in preparation for writing to a Bam file.
569  */
570 void PaletteGroup::
571 write_datagram(BamWriter *writer, Datagram &datagram) {
572  TypedWritable::write_datagram(writer, datagram);
573  datagram.add_string(get_name());
574  datagram.add_string(_dirname);
575  _dependent.write_datagram(writer, datagram);
577  datagram.add_int32(_dependency_level);
578  datagram.add_int32(_dependency_order);
579  datagram.add_int32(_dirname_order);
581  datagram.add_uint32(_placements.size());
582  Placements::const_iterator pli;
583  for (pli = _placements.begin(); pli != _placements.end(); ++pli) {
584  writer->write_pointer(datagram, (*pli));
585  }
587  datagram.add_uint32(_pages.size());
588  Pages::const_iterator pai;
589  for (pai = _pages.begin(); pai != _pages.end(); ++pai) {
590  writer->write_pointer(datagram, (*pai).second);
591  }
592  datagram.add_bool(_has_margin_override);
593  datagram.add_int16(_margin_override);
595 }
597 /**
598  * Called after the object is otherwise completely read from a Bam file, this
599  * function's job is to store the pointers that were retrieved from the Bam
600  * file for each pointer object written. The return value is the number of
601  * pointers processed from the list.
602  */
603 int PaletteGroup::
605  int pi = TypedWritable::complete_pointers(p_list, manager);
607  pi += _dependent.complete_pointers(p_list + pi, manager);
609  int i;
610  for (i = 0; i < _num_placements; i++) {
611  TexturePlacement *placement;
612  DCAST_INTO_R(placement, p_list[pi++], pi);
613  bool inserted = _placements.insert(placement).second;
614  nassertr(inserted, pi);
615  }
617  // We must store the list of pages in a temporary vector first. We can't
618  // put them directly into the map because the map requires that all the
619  // pointers in the page's get_properties() member have been filled in, which
620  // may not have happened yet.
621  _load_pages.reserve(_num_pages);
622  for (i = 0; i < _num_pages; i++) {
623  PalettePage *page;
624  DCAST_INTO_R(page, p_list[pi++], pi);
625  _load_pages.push_back(page);
626  }
628  return pi;
629 }
631 /**
632  * This method is called by the BamReader after all pointers everywhere in the
633  * world have been completely read in. It's a hook at which the object can do
634  * whatever final setup it requires that depends on other pointers being
635  * valid.
636  */
637 void PaletteGroup::
639  // Now we can copy the pages into the actual map.
641  for (pi = _load_pages.begin(); pi != _load_pages.end(); ++pi) {
642  PalettePage *page = (*pi);
643  bool inserted = _pages.
644  insert(Pages::value_type(page->get_properties(), page)).second;
645  nassertv(inserted);
646  }
648  _load_pages.clear();
649 }
651 /**
652  * This method is called by the BamReader when an object of this type is
653  * encountered in a Bam file; it should allocate and return a new object with
654  * all the data read.
655  */
656 TypedWritable *PaletteGroup::
657 make_PaletteGroup(const FactoryParams &params) {
658  PaletteGroup *me = new PaletteGroup;
659  DatagramIterator scan;
660  BamReader *manager;
662  parse_params(params, scan, manager);
663  me->fillin(scan, manager);
664  manager->register_finalize(me);
665  return me;
666 }
668 /**
669  * Reads the binary data from the given datagram iterator, which was written
670  * by a previous call to write_datagram().
671  */
672 void PaletteGroup::
673 fillin(DatagramIterator &scan, BamReader *manager) {
674  TypedWritable::fillin(scan, manager);
675  set_name(scan.get_string());
676  _dirname = scan.get_string();
677  _dependent.fillin(scan, manager);
679  _dependency_level = scan.get_int32();
680  _dependency_order = scan.get_int32();
681  _dirname_order = scan.get_int32();
683  _num_placements = scan.get_uint32();
684  manager->read_pointers(scan, _num_placements);
686  _num_pages = scan.get_uint32();
687  manager->read_pointers(scan, _num_pages);
689  if(Palettizer::_read_pi_version >= 19) {
690  _has_margin_override = scan.get_bool();
691  _margin_override = scan.get_int16();
692  }
693 }
695 /**
696  * Store textureswap information from textures.txa
697  */
698 void PaletteGroup::
699 add_texture_swap_info(const string sourceTextureName, const vector_string &swapTextures) {
700  TextureSwapInfo::iterator tsi = _textureSwapInfo.find(sourceTextureName);
701  if (tsi != _textureSwapInfo.end()) {
702  _textureSwapInfo.erase(tsi);
703  }
704  _textureSwapInfo.insert(TextureSwapInfo::value_type(sourceTextureName, swapTextures));
705 }
707 /**
708  * Returns textureswap information is set or not, True if it's not set.
709  */
710 bool PaletteGroup::
712  return _textureSwapInfo.empty();
713 }
void setup_shadow_images()
Ensures that each PaletteImage's _shadow_image has the correct filename and image types,...
void add_int16(int16_t value)
Adds a signed 16-bit integer to the datagram.
Definition: datagram.I:58
std::string get_dirname() const
Returns the directory part of the filename.
Definition: filename.I:358
int get_y_size() const
Returns the size in the Y dimension, in pixels, of the texture image as it must appear in the palette...
virtual int complete_pointers(TypedWritable **p_list, BamReader *manager)
Called after the object is otherwise completely read from a Bam file, this function's job is to store...
void update_unknown_textures(const TxaFile &txa_file)
Checks for new information on any textures within the group for which some of the saved information i...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
iterator end() const
Returns an iterator suitable for traversing the set.
bool determine_size()
Attempts to determine the appropriate size of the texture for the given placement.
bool get_bool()
Extracts a boolean value.
void pre_txa_file()
Updates any internal state prior to reading the .txa file.
void optimal_resize()
Attempts to resize each PalettteImage down to its smallest possible size.
void place_all()
Once all the textures have been assigned to this group, try to place them all onto suitable PaletteIm...
TextureImage * get_texture(const std::string &name)
Returns the TextureImage with the given name.
Definition: palettizer.cxx:838
int get_alpha_file_channel() const
Returns the particular channel number of the alpha image file from which the alpha channel should be ...
Definition: imageFile.cxx:246
This is the fundamental interface for extracting binary objects from a Bam file, as generated by a Ba...
Definition: bamReader.h:110
virtual void write_datagram(BamWriter *writer, Datagram &datagram)
Fills the indicated datagram up with a binary representation of the current object,...
PaletteGroup * get_group() const
Returns the group that this placement represents.
static void register_with_read_factory()
Registers the current object as something that can be read from a Bam file.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
SourceTextureImage * get_source(const Filename &filename, const Filename &alpha_filename, int alpha_file_channel)
Returns the SourceTextureImage corresponding to the given filename(s).
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Base class for objects that can be written to and read from Bam files.
Definition: typedWritable.h:35
iterator begin() const
Returns an iterator suitable for traversing the set.
This is the highest level of grouping for TextureImages.
Definition: paletteGroup.h:43
void unplace(TexturePlacement *placement)
Removes the texture from its position on a PaletteImage, if it has been so placed.
void fillin(DatagramIterator &scan, BamReader *manager)
Reads the binary data from the given datagram iterator, which was written by a previous call to write...
void place_all()
Assigns all the textures to their final home in a PaletteImage somewhere.
Definition: palettePage.cxx:80
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void clear()
Empties the set.
void setup_shadow_images()
Ensures that each PaletteImage's _shadow_image has the correct filename and image types,...
double get_uv_area() const
Returns the total area of the rectangle occupied by the UV minmax box, in UV coordinates.
This is the fundamental interface for writing binary objects to a Bam file, to be extracted later by ...
Definition: bamWriter.h:63
void group_with(PaletteGroup *other)
Indicates a dependency of this group on some other group.
This is a particular collection of textures, within a PaletteGroup, that all share the same TexturePr...
Definition: palettePage.h:33
int32_t get_int32()
Extracts a signed 32-bit integer.
bool has_margin_override() const
Returns the set of groups this group depends on.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
std::string get_string()
Extracts a variable-length string.
virtual void fillin(DatagramIterator &scan, BamReader *manager)
This internal function is intended to be called by each class's make_from_bam() method to read in all...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual void write_datagram(BamWriter *manager, Datagram &dg)
Writes the contents of this object to the datagram for shipping out to a Bam file.
bool is_none_texture_swap() const
Returns textureswap information is set or not, True if it's not set.
void add_uint32(uint32_t value)
Adds an unsigned 32-bit integer to the datagram.
Definition: datagram.I:94
SourceTextureImage * get_preferred_source()
Determines the preferred source image for examining size and reading pixels, etc.
void reset_dependency_level()
Unconditionally sets the dependency level and order of this group to zero, in preparation for a later...
int get_dirname_order() const
Returns the dependency order of this group.
void unplace(TexturePlacement *placement)
Removes the TexturePlacement from wherever it has been placed.
void parse_params(const FactoryParams &params, DatagramIterator &scan, BamReader *&manager)
Takes in a FactoryParams, passed from a WritableFactory into any TypedWritable's make function,...
Definition: bamReader.I:275
void add_bool(bool value)
Adds a boolean value to the datagram.
Definition: datagram.I:34
bool is_size_known() const
Returns true if the texture's size is known, false otherwise.
The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file.
Definition: filename.h:39
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual int complete_pointers(TypedWritable **p_list, BamReader *manager)
Receives an array of pointers, one for each time manager->read_pointer() was called in fillin().
void update_images(bool redo_all)
Regenerates each PaletteImage on this page that needs it.
std::ostream & indent(std::ostream &out, int indent_level)
A handy function for doing text formatting.
Definition: indent.cxx:20
void read_pointers(DatagramIterator &scan, int count)
A convenience function to read a contiguous list of pointers.
Definition: bamReader.cxx:653
const TextureProperties & get_properties() const
Returns the grouping properties of the image.
An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pointers to cl...
void assign(TexturePlacement *placement)
Adds the indicated texture to the list of textures to consider placing on the page.
Definition: palettePage.cxx:71
void add_string(const std::string &str)
Adds a variable-length string to the datagram.
Definition: datagram.I:219
An instance of this class is passed to the Factory when requesting it to do its business and construc...
Definition: factoryParams.h:36
const std::string & get_dirname() const
Returns the directory name associated with the palette group.
uint32_t get_uint32()
Extracts an unsigned 32-bit integer.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PalettePage * get_page() const
Returns the particular PalettePage on which the texture has been placed.
void optimal_resize()
Attempts to resize each PalettteImage down to its smallest possible size.
This corresponds to a particular assignment of a TextureImage with a PaletteGroup,...
This is a texture image reference as it appears in an egg file: the source image of the texture.
void update_images(bool redo_all)
Regenerates each PaletteImage on this group that needs it.
int get_dependency_level() const
Returns the dependency level of this group.
void register_finalize(TypedWritable *whom)
Should be called by an object reading itself from the Bam file to indicate that this particular objec...
Definition: bamReader.cxx:808
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void add_texture_swap_info(const std::string sourceTextureName, const vector_string &swapTextures)
Store textureswap information from textures.txa.
virtual int complete_pointers(TypedWritable **p_list, BamReader *manager)
Called after the object is otherwise completely read from a Bam file, this function's job is to store...
OmitReason get_omit_reason() const
Returns the reason the texture has been omitted from a palette image, or OR_none if it has not.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
std::string get_extension() const
Returns the file extension.
Definition: filename.I:400
void set_dependency_level(int level)
Sets the dependency level of this group to the indicated level, provided that level is not lower than...
PalettePage * get_page(const TextureProperties &properties)
Returns the page associated with the indicated properties.
void make_complete(const PaletteGroups &a)
Completes the set with the transitive closure of all dependencies: for each PaletteGroup already in t...
const Filename & get_alpha_filename() const
Returns the alpha filename of the image file.
Definition: imageFile.cxx:235
void set_dirname(const std::string &dirname)
Sets the directory name associated with the palette group.
void reset_images()
Throws away all of the current PaletteImages, so that new ones may be created (and the packing made m...
bool set_dependency_order()
Updates the dependency order of this group.
void get_placements(pvector< TexturePlacement * > &placements) const
Adds the set of TexturePlacements associated with this group to the indicated vector.
TextureImage * get_texture() const
Returns the texture that this placement represents.
void add_int32(int32_t value)
Adds a signed 32-bit integer to the datagram.
Definition: datagram.I:67
void insert(PaletteGroup *group)
Inserts a new group to the set, if it is not already there.
static WritableFactory * get_factory()
Returns the global WritableFactory for generating TypedWritable objects.
Definition: bamReader.I:177
void reset_images()
Throws away all of the current PaletteImages, so that new ones may be created (and the packing made m...
int get_x_size() const
Returns the size in the X dimension, in pixels, of the texture image as it must appear in the palette...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A set of PaletteGroups.
Definition: paletteGroups.h:28
bool has_dirname() const
Returns true if the directory name has been explicitly set for this group.
void get_complete_placements(pvector< TexturePlacement * > &placements) const
Adds the set of TexturePlacements associated with this group and all dependent groups to the indicate...
void increment_egg_count()
Increments by one the number of egg files that are known to reference this PaletteGroup.
bool is_preferred_over(const PaletteGroup &other) const
Returns true if this group should be preferred for adding textures over the other group,...
virtual void finalize(BamReader *manager)
This method is called by the BamReader after all pointers everywhere in the world have been completel...
TexturePlacement * prepare(TextureImage *texture)
Marks the indicated Texture as ready for placing somewhere within this group, and returns a placehold...
int16_t get_int16()
Extracts a signed 16-bit integer.
A class to retrieve the individual data elements previously stored in a Datagram.
This represents a single source texture that is referenced by one or more egg files.
Definition: textureImage.h:46
bool got_txa_file() const
Returns true if this TextureImage has been looked up in the .txa file this session,...
void post_txa_file()
Once the .txa file has been read and the TextureImage matched against it, considers applying the requ...
void write_image_info(std::ostream &out, int indent_level=0) const
Writes a list of the PaletteImages associated with this page, and all of their textures,...
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
virtual void write_datagram(BamWriter *writer, Datagram &datagram)
Fills the indicated datagram up with a binary representation of the current object,...
const Filename & get_filename() const
Returns the primary filename of the image file.
Definition: imageFile.cxx:225
An ordered list of data elements, formatted in memory for transmission over a socket or writing to a ...
Definition: datagram.h:38
const PaletteGroups & get_groups() const
Returns the set of groups this group depends on.
int get_egg_count() const
Returns the number of egg files that share this PaletteGroup.
void clear_depends()
Eliminates all the dependency information for this group.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
int get_dependency_order() const
Returns the dependency order of this group.
This represents the .txa file (usually textures.txa) that contains the user instructions for resizing...
Definition: txaFile.h:30
bool is_placed() const
Returns true if the texture has been placed on a palette image, false otherwise.
int get_margin_override() const
Returns the set of groups this group depends on.
bool match_texture(TextureImage *texture) const
Searches for a matching line in the .txa file for the given texture and applies its specifications.
Definition: txaFile.cxx:149
void write_pointer(Datagram &packet, const TypedWritable *dest)
The interface for writing a pointer to another object to a Bam file.
Definition: bamWriter.cxx:317
void set_margin_override(const int override)
Returns the set of groups this group depends on.
const TextureProperties & get_properties() const
Returns the texture grouping properties that all textures in this page share.
Definition: palettePage.cxx:62
void write_image_info(std::ostream &out, int indent_level=0) const
Writes a list of the PaletteImages associated with this group, and all of their textures,...
This is the set of characteristics of a texture that, if different from another texture,...