Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file sparseArray.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2007-02-14
12  */
14 #include "sparseArray.h"
15 #include "bitArray.h"
16 #include "datagram.h"
17 #include "datagramIterator.h"
19 TypeHandle SparseArray::_type_handle;
21 /**
22  *
23  */
24 SparseArray::
25 SparseArray(const BitArray &from) {
26  bool empty_bit = from.get_highest_bits();
27  _inverse = empty_bit;
29  size_t begin = 0;
30  bool current_state = from.get_bit(0);
31  size_t i = 0;
33  // By including get_num_bits()--one more than the last bit--in this
34  // traversal, we guarantee that we will end on the empty_bit state (because
35  // the last bit we visit will be one of the highest_bits).
36  while (i <= from.get_num_bits()) {
37  if (from.get_bit(i) != current_state) {
38  // End of a run.
39  if (current_state != empty_bit) {
40  Subrange range(begin, i);
41  _subranges.push_back(range);
42  }
43  begin = i;
44  current_state = !current_state;
45  }
46  ++i;
47  }
49  nassertv(current_state == empty_bit);
50 }
52 /**
53  * Returns the number of bits that are set to 1 in the array. Returns -1 if
54  * there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
55  */
56 int SparseArray::
57 get_num_on_bits() const {
58  if (_inverse) {
59  return -1;
60  }
62  int result = 0;
63  Subranges::const_iterator si;
64  for (si = _subranges.begin(); si != _subranges.end(); ++si) {
65  result += (*si)._end - (*si)._begin;
66  }
68  return result;
69 }
71 /**
72  * Returns the number of bits that are set to 0 in the array. Returns -1 if
73  * there are an infinite number of 0 bits.
74  */
75 int SparseArray::
77  if (!_inverse) {
78  return -1;
79  }
81  int result = 0;
82  Subranges::const_iterator si;
83  for (si = _subranges.begin(); si != _subranges.end(); ++si) {
84  result += (*si)._end - (*si)._begin;
85  }
87  return result;
88 }
90 /**
91  * Returns the index of the lowest 1 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
92  * are no 1 bits or if there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
93  */
94 int SparseArray::
96  if (_inverse) {
97  return -1;
98  }
100  if (_subranges.empty()) {
101  return -1;
102  }
104  return _subranges[0]._begin;
105 }
107 /**
108  * Returns the index of the lowest 0 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
109  * are no 0 bits or if there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
110  */
111 int SparseArray::
113  if (!_inverse) {
114  return -1;
115  }
117  if (_subranges.empty()) {
118  return -1;
119  }
121  return _subranges[0]._begin;
122 }
124 /**
125  * Returns the index of the highest 1 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
126  * are no 1 bits or if there an infinite number of 1 bits.
127  */
128 int SparseArray::
130  if (_inverse) {
131  return -1;
132  }
134  if (_subranges.empty()) {
135  return -1;
136  }
138  return _subranges[_subranges.size() - 1]._end - 1;
139 }
141 /**
142  * Returns the index of the highest 0 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
143  * are no 0 bits or if there an infinite number of 1 bits.
144  */
145 int SparseArray::
147  if (!_inverse) {
148  return -1;
149  }
151  if (_subranges.empty()) {
152  return -1;
153  }
155  return _subranges[_subranges.size() - 1]._end - 1;
156 }
158 /**
159  * Returns the index of the next bit in the array, above low_bit, whose value
160  * is different that the value of low_bit. Returns low_bit again if all bits
161  * higher than low_bit have the same value.
162  *
163  * This can be used to quickly iterate through all of the bits in the array.
164  */
165 int SparseArray::
166 get_next_higher_different_bit(int low_bit) const {
167  Subrange range(low_bit, low_bit + 1);
168  Subranges::const_iterator si = _subranges.lower_bound(range);
169  if (si == _subranges.end()) {
170  // That was the end of the array.
171  return low_bit;
172  }
174  if (low_bit >= (*si)._begin) {
175  return (*si)._end;
176  }
178  int next = (*si)._begin;
180  if (si != _subranges.begin()) {
181  --si;
182  if (low_bit < (*si)._end) {
183  return (*si)._end;
184  }
185  }
187  return next;
188 }
190 /**
191  * Returns true if this SparseArray has any "one" bits in common with the
192  * other one, false otherwise.
193  *
194  * This is equivalent to (array & other) != 0, but may be faster.
195  */
196 bool SparseArray::
197 has_bits_in_common(const SparseArray &other) const {
198  if (_inverse && other._inverse) {
199  // Yup, in fact we have an infinite number of bits in common.
200  return true;
201  }
203  if (_inverse != other._inverse) {
204  // We'll handle this tricky case the lazy way.
205  return !(*this & other).is_zero();
206  }
208  // Actually, we'll handle this easy case the lazy way too. Maybe later
209  // we'll do this smarter.
210  return !(*this & other).is_zero();
211 }
213 /**
214  *
215  */
216 void SparseArray::
217 output(std::ostream &out) const {
218  out << "[ ";
219  if (_inverse) {
220  out << "all except: ";
221  }
222  Subranges::const_iterator si;
223  for (si = _subranges.begin(); si != _subranges.end(); ++si) {
224  if ((*si)._end == (*si)._begin + 1) {
225  // A single element.
226  out << (*si)._begin << ", ";
227  } else {
228  // A range of elements.
229  out << (*si)._begin << "-" << ((*si)._end - 1) << ", ";
230  }
231  }
232  out << "]";
233 }
235 /**
236  * Returns a number less than zero if this SparseArray sorts before the
237  * indicated other SparseArray, greater than zero if it sorts after, or 0 if
238  * they are equivalent. This is based on the same ordering defined by
239  * operator <.
240  */
241 int SparseArray::
242 compare_to(const SparseArray &other) const {
243  if (_inverse != other._inverse) {
244  return _inverse ? 1 : -1;
245  }
247  Subranges::const_reverse_iterator ai = _subranges.rbegin();
248  Subranges::const_reverse_iterator bi = other._subranges.rbegin();
250  while (ai != _subranges.rend() && bi != other._subranges.rend()) {
251  if ((*ai)._end < (*bi)._end) {
252  // B is higher.
253  return -1;
254  } else if ((*bi)._end < (*ai)._end) {
255  // A is higher.
256  return 1;
257  } else if ((*ai)._begin < (*bi)._begin) {
258  // A is higher.
259  return 1;
260  } else if ((*bi)._begin < (*ai)._begin) {
261  // B is higher.
262  return -1;
263  }
265  --ai;
266  --bi;
267  }
269  if (ai != _subranges.rend()) {
270  // A is higher.
271  return 1;
272  }
273  if (bi != other._subranges.rend()) {
274  // B is higher.
275  return -1;
276  }
278  return 0;
279 }
281 /**
282  *
283  */
284 void SparseArray::
285 operator &= (const SparseArray &other) {
286  // We do this the slow and stupid way. This could be done much better with
287  // a little effort, but I'm not at all sure it's worth the effort. If you
288  // need fast boolean operations, you should probably be using a BitArray.
290  if (_inverse && other._inverse) {
291  do_union(other);
293  } else if (!_inverse && !other._inverse) {
294  do_intersection(other);
296  } else if (_inverse && !other._inverse) {
297  // a & b == b & a
298  (*this) = other & (*this);
300  } else if (!_inverse && other._inverse) {
301  do_intersection_neg(other);
303  } else {
304  // TODO.
305  nassertv(false);
306  }
307 }
309 /**
310  *
311  */
312 void SparseArray::
313 operator |= (const SparseArray &other) {
314  // We do this the slow and stupid way. This could be done much better with
315  // a little effort, but I'm not at all sure it's worth the effort. If you
316  // need fast boolean operations, you should probably be using a BitArray.
318  if (_inverse && other._inverse) {
319  do_intersection(other);
321  } else if (!_inverse && !other._inverse) {
322  do_union(other);
324  } else if (_inverse && !other._inverse) {
325  do_intersection_neg(other);
327  } else if (!_inverse && other._inverse) {
328  // a | b == b | a
329  (*this) = other | (*this);
331  } else {
332  nassertv(false);
333  }
334 }
336 /**
337  *
338  */
339 void SparseArray::
340 operator ^= (const SparseArray &other) {
341  // We do this the slow and stupid way. This could be done much better with
342  // a little effort, but I'm not at all sure it's worth the effort. If you
343  // need fast boolean operations, you should probably be using a BitArray.
345  (*this) = ((*this) | other) & ~((*this) & other);
346 }
348 /**
349  * Adds the consecutive range of integers beginning at begin, but not
350  * including end, to the array. If this range overlaps with another range
351  * already in the array, the result is the union.
352  */
353 void SparseArray::
354 do_add_range(int begin, int end) {
355  if (begin >= end) {
356  // Empty range.
357  return;
358  }
360  Subrange range(begin, end);
361  Subranges::iterator si = _subranges.lower_bound(range);
362  if (si == _subranges.end()) {
363  if (!_subranges.empty()) {
364  si = _subranges.begin() + _subranges.size() - 1;
365  if ((*si)._end >= begin) {
366  // The new range expands the last element of the array to the right.
367  (*si)._end = end;
368  // It might also expand it to the left; fall through.
369  } else {
370  // The new range is completely after the last element of the array.
371  _subranges.push_back(range);
372  return;
373  }
375  } else {
376  // The new range is completely after the last element of the array.
377  _subranges.push_back(range);
378  return;
379  }
380  }
382  nassertv((*si)._end >= end);
384  if ((*si)._begin > end) {
385  if (si != _subranges.begin()) {
386  Subranges::iterator si2 = si;
387  --si2;
388  if ((*si2)._end >= begin) {
389  // The new range expands an element within the array to the right (but
390  // does not intersect the next element).
391  (*si2)._end = end;
392  // It might also expand it to the left; fall through.
393  si = si2;
394  } else {
395  // The new range does not intersect any elements in the array.
396  _subranges.insert_unverified(si, range);
397  return;
398  }
399  } else {
400  // The new range does not intersect any elements in the array.
401  _subranges.insert_unverified(si, range);
402  return;
403  }
404  }
406  // Check if the new range overlaps with any elements to the left.
407  while (si != _subranges.begin()) {
408  Subranges::iterator si2 = si;
409  --si2;
410  if ((*si2)._end >= begin) {
411  // The new range straddles two elements, so they get combined.
412  (*si2)._end = (*si)._end;
413  _subranges.erase(si);
414  } else {
415  // Stop here.
416  break;
417  }
418  si = si2;
419  }
421  if ((*si)._begin > begin) {
422  // The new range expands an element to the left.
423  (*si)._begin = begin;
424  }
425 }
427 /**
428  * Removes the consecutive range of integers beginning at begin, but not
429  * including end, from the array.
430  */
431 void SparseArray::
432 do_remove_range(int begin, int end) {
433  if (begin >= end) {
434  // Empty range.
435  return;
436  }
438  Subrange range(begin, end);
439  Subranges::iterator si = _subranges.lower_bound(range);
440  if (si == _subranges.end()) {
441  if (!_subranges.empty()) {
442  si = _subranges.begin() + _subranges.size() - 1;
443  if ((*si)._end >= begin) {
444  // The new range shortens the last element of the array on the right.
445  end = std::min(end, (*si)._begin);
446  (*si)._end = end;
447  // It might also shorten it on the left; fall through.
448  } else {
449  // The new range is completely after the last element of the array.
450  return;
451  }
453  } else {
454  // The new range is completely after the last element of the array.
455  return;
456  }
457  }
459  nassertv((*si)._end >= end);
461  if ((*si)._begin > end) {
462  if (si != _subranges.begin()) {
463  Subranges::iterator si2 = si;
464  --si2;
465  if ((*si2)._end >= begin) {
466  // The new range shortens an element within the array on the right
467  // (but does not intersect the next element).
468  end = std::min(end, (*si2)._begin);
469  (*si2)._end = end;
470  // It might also shorten it on the left; fall through.
471  si = si2;
472  } else {
473  // The new range does not intersect any elements in the array.
474  return;
475  }
476  } else {
477  // The new range does not intersect any elements in the array.
478  return;
479  }
480  }
483  if (end < (*si)._end) {
484  // We must split an element into two.
485  Subrange left_range((*si)._begin, begin);
486  (*si)._begin = end;
487  si = _subranges.insert_unverified(si, left_range);
488  }
490  // Check if the new range removes any elements to the left.
491  while (begin <= (*si)._begin) {
492  if (si == _subranges.begin()) {
493  _subranges.erase(si);
494  return;
495  }
496  Subranges::iterator si2 = si;
497  --si2;
498  _subranges.erase(si);
499  si = si2;
500  }
502  (*si)._end = std::min((*si)._end, begin);
503 }
505 /**
506  * Returns true if any of the consecutive range of integers beginning at
507  * begin, but not including end, appear in the array. Note that this will
508  * return false for an empty range.
509  */
510 bool SparseArray::
511 do_has_any(int begin, int end) const {
512  if (begin >= end) {
513  // Empty range.
514  return false;
515  }
517  Subrange range(begin, end);
518  Subranges::const_iterator si = _subranges.lower_bound(range);
519  if (si != _subranges.end() && end > (*si)._begin) {
520  return true;
521  }
522  if (si != _subranges.begin()) {
523  --si;
524  if (begin < (*si)._end) {
525  return true;
526  }
527  }
529  return false;
530 }
532 /**
533  * Returns true if all of the consecutive range of integers beginning at
534  * begin, but not including end, appear in the array. Note that this will
535  * return true for an empty range.
536  */
537 bool SparseArray::
538 do_has_all(int begin, int end) const {
539  if (begin >= end) {
540  // Empty range.
541  return true;
542  }
544  Subrange range(begin, end);
545  Subranges::const_iterator si = _subranges.lower_bound(range);
546  if (si != _subranges.end() && begin >= (*si)._begin) {
547  return true;
548  }
550  return false;
551 }
553 /**
554  * Removes from this array all of the elements that do not appear in the other
555  * one.
556  */
557 void SparseArray::
558 do_intersection(const SparseArray &other) {
559  if (_subranges.empty()) {
560  return;
561  }
562  if (other._subranges.empty()) {
563  _subranges.clear();
564  return;
565  }
567  int my_begin = (*_subranges.begin())._begin;
568  int other_begin = (*other._subranges.begin())._begin;
569  do_remove_range(my_begin, other_begin);
571  for (size_t i = 0; i < other._subranges.size() - 1; ++i) {
572  do_remove_range(other._subranges[i]._end, other._subranges[i + 1]._begin);
573  }
575  int my_end = (*(_subranges.begin() + _subranges.size() - 1))._end;
576  int other_end = (*(other._subranges.begin() + other._subranges.size() - 1))._end;
577  do_remove_range(other_end, my_end);
578 }
580 /**
581  * Adds to this array all of the elements that also appear in the other one.
582  */
583 void SparseArray::
584 do_union(const SparseArray &other) {
585  Subranges::const_iterator si;
586  for (si = other._subranges.begin(); si != other._subranges.end(); ++si) {
587  do_add_range((*si)._begin, (*si)._end);
588  }
589 }
591 /**
592  * Removes from this array all of the elements that also appear in the other
593  * one.
594  */
595 void SparseArray::
596 do_intersection_neg(const SparseArray &other) {
597  Subranges::const_iterator si;
598  for (si = other._subranges.begin(); si != other._subranges.end(); ++si) {
599  do_remove_range((*si)._begin, (*si)._end);
600  }
601 }
603 /**
604  * Shifts all the elements in the array by the indicated amount.
605  */
606 void SparseArray::
607 do_shift(int offset) {
608  if (offset != 0) {
609  Subranges::iterator si;
610  for (si = _subranges.begin(); si != _subranges.end(); ++si) {
611  (*si)._begin += offset;
612  (*si)._end += offset;
613  }
614  }
615 }
617 /**
618  * Writes the contents of this object to the datagram for shipping out to a
619  * Bam file.
620  */
621 void SparseArray::
622 write_datagram(BamWriter *manager, Datagram &dg) const {
623  dg.add_uint32(_subranges.size());
624  Subranges::const_iterator si;
625  for (si = _subranges.begin(); si != _subranges.end(); ++si) {
626  dg.add_int32((*si)._begin);
627  dg.add_int32((*si)._end);
628  }
629  dg.add_bool(_inverse);
630 }
632 /**
633  * Reads the object that was previously written to a Bam file.
634  */
635 void SparseArray::
637  size_t num_subranges = scan.get_uint32();
638  _subranges.reserve(num_subranges);
639  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_subranges; ++i) {
640  int begin = scan.get_int32();
641  int end = scan.get_int32();
642  _subranges.push_back(Subrange(begin, end));
643  }
644  _inverse = scan.get_bool();
645 }
This class records a set of integers, where each integer is either present or not present in the set.
Definition: sparseArray.h:42
int get_lowest_on_bit() const
Returns the index of the lowest 1 bit in the array.
Definition: sparseArray.cxx:95
bool get_bool()
Extracts a boolean value.
bool get_highest_bits() const
Returns true if the infinite set of bits beyond get_num_bits() are all on, or false of they are all o...
Definition: bitArray.I:163
int get_lowest_off_bit() const
Returns the index of the lowest 0 bit in the array.
bool get_bit(int index) const
Returns true if the nth bit is set, false if it is cleared.
Definition: bitArray.I:99
This is the fundamental interface for extracting binary objects from a Bam file, as generated by a Ba...
Definition: bamReader.h:110
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
size_type_0 size() const
Returns the number of elements in the ordered vector.
void clear()
Removes all elements from the ordered vector.
void write_datagram(BamWriter *manager, Datagram &dg) const
Writes the contents of this object to the datagram for shipping out to a Bam file.
int get_next_higher_different_bit(int low_bit) const
Returns the index of the next bit in the array, above low_bit, whose value is different that the valu...
int get_num_off_bits() const
Returns the number of bits that are set to 0 in the array.
Definition: sparseArray.cxx:76
iterator_0 begin()
Returns the iterator that marks the first element in the ordered vector.
bool is_zero() const
Returns true if the entire bitmask is zero, false otherwise.
Definition: sparseArray.I:170
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is the fundamental interface for writing binary objects to a Bam file, to be extracted later by ...
Definition: bamWriter.h:63
iterator_0 end()
Returns the iterator that marks the end of the ordered vector.
int32_t get_int32()
Extracts a signed 32-bit integer.
void reserve(size_type_0 n)
Informs the vector of a planned change in size; ensures that the capacity of the vector is greater th...
bool empty() const
Returns true if the ordered vector is empty, false otherwise.
int get_highest_on_bit() const
Returns the index of the highest 1 bit in the array.
void add_uint32(uint32_t value)
Adds an unsigned 32-bit integer to the datagram.
Definition: datagram.I:94
A dynamic array with an unlimited number of bits.
Definition: bitArray.h:39
iterator_0 insert_unverified(iterator_0 position, const value_type_0 &key)
Inserts the indicated key into the ordered vector at the indicated place.
void add_bool(bool value)
Adds a boolean value to the datagram.
Definition: datagram.I:34
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
reverse_iterator_0 rbegin()
Returns the iterator that marks the first element in the ordered vector, when viewed in reverse order...
uint32_t get_uint32()
Extracts an unsigned 32-bit integer.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
int get_highest_off_bit() const
Returns the index of the highest 0 bit in the array.
bool has_bits_in_common(const SparseArray &other) const
Returns true if this SparseArray has any "one" bits in common with the other one, false otherwise.
static SparseArray range(int low_bit, int size)
Returns a SparseArray whose size bits, beginning at low_bit, are on.
Definition: sparseArray.I:65
int compare_to(const SparseArray &other) const
Returns a number less than zero if this SparseArray sorts before the indicated other SparseArray,...
void push_back(const value_type_0 &key)
Adds the new element to the end of the vector without regard for proper sorting.
reverse_iterator_0 rend()
Returns the iterator that marks the end of the ordered vector, when viewed in reverse order.
void add_int32(int32_t value)
Adds a signed 32-bit integer to the datagram.
Definition: datagram.I:67
size_t get_num_bits() const
Returns the current number of possibly different bits in this array.
Definition: bitArray.I:89
A class to retrieve the individual data elements previously stored in a Datagram.
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
An ordered list of data elements, formatted in memory for transmission over a socket or writing to a ...
Definition: datagram.h:38
void read_datagram(DatagramIterator &scan, BamReader *manager)
Reads the object that was previously written to a Bam file.
int get_num_on_bits() const
Returns the number of bits that are set to 1 in the array.
Definition: sparseArray.cxx:57