Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file adaptiveLru.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2008-09-03
12  */
14 #include "adaptiveLru.h"
15 #include "config_gobj.h"
16 #include "clockObject.h"
17 #include "indent.h"
19 using std::cerr;
20 using std::ostream;
22 static const int HIGH_PRIORITY_SCALE = 4;
23 static const int LOW_PRIORITY_RANGE = 25;
25 /**
26  *
27  */
28 AdaptiveLru::
29 AdaptiveLru(const std::string &name, size_t max_size) :
30  Namable(name)
31 {
32  _total_size = 0;
33  _max_size = max_size;
35  _current_frame_identifier = 0;
36  _weight = adaptive_lru_weight;
37  _max_updates_per_frame = adaptive_lru_max_updates_per_frame;
39  // Initialize our list heads to empty.
40  _static_list._next = &_static_list;
41  _static_list._prev = &_static_list;
43  int index;
44  for (index = 0; index < LPP_TotalPriorities; ++index) {
45  _page_array[index]._next = &_page_array[index];
46  _page_array[index]._prev = &_page_array[index];
47  }
48 }
50 /**
51  *
52  */
53 AdaptiveLru::
54 ~AdaptiveLru() {
55 #ifndef NDEBUG
56  // We're shutting down. Force-remove everything remaining, but don't
57  // explicitly evict it (that would force vertex buffers to write themselves
58  // to disk unnecessarily).
60  while (_static_list._next != &_static_list) {
61  nassertv(_static_list._next != nullptr);
62  AdaptiveLruPage *page = (AdaptiveLruPage *)(AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *)_static_list._next;
64  page->_lru = nullptr;
65  ((AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)page)->remove_from_list();
66  ((AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *)page)->remove_from_list();
67  }
68 #endif
69 }
71 /**
72  * This only updates a number of pages up to the specified maximum_updates.
73  * Assumes the lock is held.
74  */
75 void AdaptiveLru::
76 do_partial_lru_update(int num_updates) {
77  // Iterate sequentially through the static list of pages. As we process
78  // each page, pop it and push it back on the tail. Stop when we have
79  // processed num_updates, or come back to the starting one.
81  AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *start_node = (AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *)_static_list._next;
82  if (start_node == &_static_list) {
83  // List is empty.
84  return;
85  }
87  AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *node = start_node;
88  do {
90  if (--num_updates <= 0) {
91  return;
92  }
95  node->remove_from_list();
96  node->insert_before(&_static_list);
97  node = next;
98  } while (node != start_node && node != &_static_list);
99 }
101 /**
102  * This updates the page's average utilization. Priority LPP_New is
103  * considered to be average usage of 1.0 (which means the page is used once
104  * per frame on average). Priorities < LPP_New are for pages used more than
105  * once per frame and Priorities > LPP_New are for pages used less than once
106  * per frame.
107  *
108  * Assumes the lock is held.
109  */
110 void AdaptiveLru::
112  int target_priority = page->_priority;
113  unsigned int lifetime_frames = _current_frame_identifier - page->_first_frame_identifier;
114  if (lifetime_frames > 0) {
115  if (page->_update_frame_identifier) {
116  unsigned int update_frames;
118  update_frames = (_current_frame_identifier - page->_update_frame_identifier);
119  if (update_frames > 0) {
120  if (page->_update_total_usage > 0) {
121  PN_stdfloat update_average_frame_utilization =
122  (PN_stdfloat) (page->_update_total_usage) / (PN_stdfloat)update_frames;
124  page->_average_frame_utilization =
125  calculate_exponential_moving_average(update_average_frame_utilization,
126  page->_average_frame_utilization);
127  } else {
128  page->_average_frame_utilization *= 1.0f - _weight;
129  }
131  target_priority = page->_priority;
132  if (page->_average_frame_utilization >= 1.0f) {
133  int integer_average_frame_utilization;
135  integer_average_frame_utilization =
136  (int) ((page->_average_frame_utilization - 1.0f) *
137  (PN_stdfloat) HIGH_PRIORITY_SCALE);
138  if (integer_average_frame_utilization >= LPP_New) {
139  integer_average_frame_utilization = LPP_New;
140  }
141  integer_average_frame_utilization = LPP_New -
142  integer_average_frame_utilization;
143  target_priority = integer_average_frame_utilization;
144  } else {
145  int integer_average_frame_utilization;
147  integer_average_frame_utilization = (int)
148  (page->_average_frame_utilization *
149  (PN_stdfloat) LOW_PRIORITY_RANGE);
150  integer_average_frame_utilization = LOW_PRIORITY_RANGE -
151  integer_average_frame_utilization;
152  target_priority = LPP_New + integer_average_frame_utilization;
153  }
154  }
155  }
157  page->_update_frame_identifier = _current_frame_identifier;
158  page->_update_total_usage = 0;
159  }
161  if (target_priority != page->_priority) {
162  page->_priority = std::min(std::max(target_priority, 0), LPP_TotalPriorities - 1);
163  ((AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)page)->remove_from_list();
164  ((AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)page)->insert_before(&_page_array[page->_priority]);
165  }
166 }
168 /**
169  * Adds the page to the LRU for the first time, or marks it recently-accessed
170  * if it has already been added.
171  *
172  * If lru is NULL, it means to remove this page from its LRU.
173  */
176  if (lru != _lru && _lru != nullptr) {
177  // It was previously on a different LRU. Remove it first.
178  _lru->do_remove_page(this);
179  _lru = nullptr;
180  }
182  if (lru == _lru) {
183  if (_lru != nullptr) {
184  // It's already on this LRU. Access it.
185  _lru->do_access_page(this);
186  }
187  } else {
188  nassertv(lru != nullptr);
189  // Add it to a new LRU.
190  _lru = lru;
192  _priority = AdaptiveLru::LPP_New;
193  _first_frame_identifier = _lru->_current_frame_identifier;
194  _current_frame_identifier = _lru->_current_frame_identifier;
195  _lru->do_add_page(this);
196  }
197 }
199 /**
200  * Returns the total size of the pages that were enqueued since the last call
201  * to begin_epoch().
202  */
203 size_t AdaptiveLru::
205  size_t counted_size = 0;
207  AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *node = (AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *)_static_list._next;
208  while (node != &_static_list) {
209  AdaptiveLruPage *page = (AdaptiveLruPage *)node;
210  if (page->_current_frame_identifier + 1 >= _current_frame_identifier) {
211  counted_size += page->_lru_size;
212  }
213  node = (AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *)node->_next;
214  }
216  return counted_size;
217 }
219 /**
220  * Marks the end of the previous epoch and the beginning of the next one.
221  * This will evict any objects that are pending eviction, and also update any
222  * internal bookkeeping.
223  */
224 void AdaptiveLru::
226  LightMutexHolder holder(_lock);
227  do_partial_lru_update(_max_updates_per_frame);
228  if (_total_size > _max_size) {
229  do_evict_to(_max_size, false);
230  }
232  _current_frame_identifier = ClockObject::get_global_clock()->get_frame_count();
233 }
235 /**
236  *
237  */
238 void AdaptiveLru::
239 output(ostream &out) const {
240  LightMutexHolder holder(_lock);
241  out << "AdaptiveLru " << get_name()
242  << ", " << _total_size << " of " << _max_size;
243 }
245 /**
246  *
247  */
248 void AdaptiveLru::
249 write(ostream &out, int indent_level) const {
250  indent(out, indent_level) << *this << ":\n";
252  // We write out the list backwards. Things we write out first are the
253  // freshest in the LRU. Things at the end of the list will be the next to
254  // be evicted.
256  LightMutexHolder holder(_lock);
258  int index;
259  for (index = 0; index < LPP_TotalPriorities; ++index) {
260  AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *node = (AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)_page_array[index]._prev;
261  if (node != &_page_array[index]) {
262  indent(out, indent_level + 2) << "Priority " << index << ":\n";
263  while (node != &_page_array[index]) {
264  AdaptiveLruPage *page = (AdaptiveLruPage *)node;
265  indent(out, indent_level + 4) << *page;
267  if (page->_current_frame_identifier + 1 >= _current_frame_identifier) {
268  out << " (active)";
269  }
270  out << "\n";
272  node = (AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)node->_prev;
273  }
274  }
275  }
277 #ifndef NDEBUG
278  ((AdaptiveLru *)this)->do_validate();
279 #endif
280 }
282 /**
283  * Adds a new page the the LRU.
284  */
285 void AdaptiveLru::
287  nassertv(page != nullptr && page->_lru == this);
288  LightMutexHolder holder(_lock);
290  _total_size += page->_lru_size;
291  ((AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)page)->insert_before(&_page_array[page->_priority]);
292  ((AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *)page)->insert_before(&_static_list);
293 }
295 /**
296  * Removes a page from the LRU.
297  */
298 void AdaptiveLru::
300  nassertv(page != nullptr && page->_lru == this);
301  LightMutexHolder holder(_lock);
303  _total_size -= page->_lru_size;
304  ((AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)page)->remove_from_list();
305  ((AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *)page)->remove_from_list();
306 }
308 /**
309  * Marks a page accessed.
310  */
311 void AdaptiveLru::
313  nassertv(page != nullptr && page->_lru == this);
314  LightMutexHolder holder(_lock);
316  if (page->_current_frame_identifier == _current_frame_identifier) {
317  // This is the second or more time this page is accessed this frame.
318  ++(page->_current_frame_usage);
320  } else {
321  // This page has not yet been accessed this frame. Update it.
322  page->_current_frame_identifier = _current_frame_identifier;
323  page->_last_frame_usage = page->_current_frame_usage;
324  page->_current_frame_usage = 1;
325  }
327  // Move it to the tail of its priority list.
328  ((AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)page)->remove_from_list();
329  ((AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)page)->insert_before(&_page_array[page->_priority]);
331  ++(page->_update_total_usage);
332 }
334 /**
335  * Evicts pages until the LRU is within the indicated size. Assumes the lock
336  * is already held. If hard_evict is false, does not evict "active" pages
337  * that were added within this epoch.
338  */
339 void AdaptiveLru::
340 do_evict_to(size_t target_size, bool hard_evict) {
341  int attempts;
343  attempts = 0;
344  do {
345  // page out lower priority pages first
346  int index;
347  for (index = LPP_TotalPriorities - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
349  // Store the current end of the list. If pages re-enqueue themselves
350  // during this traversal, we don't want to visit them twice.
351  AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *end = (AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)_page_array[index]._prev;
353  AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *node = (AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)_page_array[index]._next;
355  while (node != &_page_array[index]) {
357  AdaptiveLruPage *page = (AdaptiveLruPage *)node;
359  if (attempts == 0 &&
360  (page->_current_frame_identifier + 1 >= _current_frame_identifier)) {
361  // avoid swapping out pages used in the current and last frame on
362  // the first attempt
364  } else {
365  // We must release the lock while we call evict_lru().
366  _lock.unlock();
367  page->evict_lru();
368  _lock.lock();
370  if (_total_size <= target_size) {
371  // We've evicted enough to satisfy our target.
372  return;
373  }
374  }
375  if (node == end) {
376  // We've reached the former end of the list. Stop here; everything
377  // after has been re-queued.
378  break;
379  }
380  node = next;
381  }
382  }
383  attempts++;
384  } while (hard_evict && attempts < 2);
385 }
387 /**
388  * Checks that the LRU is internally consistent. Assume the lock is already
389  * held.
390  */
391 bool AdaptiveLru::
393  bool okflag = true;
396  // First, walk through the dynamic pages.
397  size_t counted_size = 0;
398  int index;
399  for (index = 0; index < LPP_TotalPriorities; ++index) {
400  AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *node = (AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)_page_array[index]._next;
401  while (node != &_page_array[index]) {
402  AdaptiveLruPage *page = (AdaptiveLruPage *)node;
403  counted_size += page->_lru_size;
404  if (page->_priority != index) {
405  nout << "page " << page << " has priority " << page->_priority
406  << " but is in queue " << index << "\n";
407  okflag = false;
408  }
410  bool inserted_ok = pages.insert(page).second;
411  if (!inserted_ok) {
412  nout << "page " << page << " appears more than once in the dynamic index\n";
413  okflag = false;
414  }
415  node = (AdaptiveLruPageDynamicList *)node->_next;
416  }
417  }
419  if (counted_size != _total_size) {
420  nout << "count " << counted_size << " bytes in dynamic index, but have " << _total_size << " on record\n";
421  okflag = false;
422  }
424  // Now, walk through the static pages.
425  counted_size = 0;
426  AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *node = (AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *)_static_list._next;
427  while (node != &_static_list) {
428  AdaptiveLruPage *page = (AdaptiveLruPage *)node;
429  counted_size += page->_lru_size;
431  if (pages.find(page) == pages.end()) {
432  nout << "page " << page << " appears in dynamic index, but not in static index (or multiple times in static index)\n";
433  okflag = false;
434  } else {
435  pages.erase(page);
436  }
437  node = (AdaptiveLruPageStaticList *)node->_next;
438  }
440  if (counted_size != _total_size) {
441  nout << "count " << counted_size << " bytes in static index, but have " << _total_size << " on record\n";
442  okflag = false;
443  }
445  return okflag;
446 }
448 /**
449  *
450  */
451 AdaptiveLruPage::
452 AdaptiveLruPage(size_t lru_size) :
453  _lru(nullptr),
454  _lru_size(lru_size),
455  _priority(0),
456  _first_frame_identifier(0),
457  _current_frame_identifier(0),
458  _update_frame_identifier(0),
459  _current_frame_usage(0),
460  _last_frame_usage(0),
461  _update_total_usage(0),
462  _average_frame_utilization(1.0f)
463 {
464 }
466 /**
467  *
468  */
469 AdaptiveLruPage::
470 AdaptiveLruPage(const AdaptiveLruPage &copy) :
471  _lru(nullptr),
472  _lru_size(copy._lru_size),
473  _priority(0),
474  _first_frame_identifier(0),
475  _current_frame_identifier(0),
476  _update_frame_identifier(0),
477  _current_frame_usage(0),
478  _last_frame_usage(0),
479  _update_total_usage(0),
480  _average_frame_utilization(1.0f)
481 {
482 }
484 /**
485  *
486  */
487 void AdaptiveLruPage::
488 operator = (const AdaptiveLruPage &copy) {
489  set_lru_size(copy.get_lru_size());
490 }
492 /**
493  *
494  */
495 AdaptiveLruPage::
496 ~AdaptiveLruPage() {
497  if (_lru != nullptr) {
498  dequeue_lru();
499  }
500 }
502 /**
503  * Evicts the page from the LRU. Called internally when the LRU determines
504  * that it is full. May also be called externally when necessary to
505  * explicitly evict the page.
506  *
507  * It is legal for this method to either evict the page as requested, do
508  * nothing (in which case the eviction will be requested again at the next
509  * epoch), or requeue itself on the tail of the queue (in which case the
510  * eviction will be requested again much later).
511  */
514  dequeue_lru();
515 }
517 /**
518  *
519  */
520 void AdaptiveLruPage::
521 output(ostream &out) const {
522  out << "page " << this << ", " << _lru_size;
523 }
525 /**
526  *
527  */
528 void AdaptiveLruPage::
529 write(ostream &out, int indent_level) const {
530  indent(out, indent_level) << *this << "\n";
531 }
533 /**
534  * Returns the number of frames since the page was first added to its LRU.
535  * Returns 0 if it does not have an LRU.
536  */
537 unsigned int AdaptiveLruPage::
538 get_num_frames() const {
539  if (_lru == nullptr) {
540  return 0;
541  }
542  return _lru->_current_frame_identifier - _first_frame_identifier;
543 }
545 /**
546  * Returns the number of frames since the page was last accessed on its LRU.
547  * Returns 0 if it does not have an LRU.
548  */
549 unsigned int AdaptiveLruPage::
551  if (_lru == nullptr) {
552  return 0;
553  }
554  return _lru->_current_frame_identifier - _current_frame_identifier;
555 }
558 #if 0
560 /**
561  * Unit test function for Lru.
562  */
563 void
564 test_adaptive_lru() {
565  int maximum_memory = 3000000;
566  AdaptiveLru *lru = new AdaptiveLru("test", maximum_memory);
568  AdaptiveLruPage *lru_page_0;
569  AdaptiveLruPage *lru_page_1;
570  AdaptiveLruPage *lru_page_2;
571  AdaptiveLruPage *lru_page_3;
572  AdaptiveLruPage *lru_page_4;
573  AdaptiveLruPage *lru_page_5;
575  lru_page_0 = new AdaptiveLruPage(1000000);
576  cerr << "created lru_page_0: " << lru_page_0 << "\n";
577  lru_page_0->enqueue_lru(lru);
579  lru_page_1 = new AdaptiveLruPage(1000000);
580  cerr << "created lru_page_1: " << lru_page_1 << "\n";
581  lru_page_1->enqueue_lru(lru);
583  lru_page_2 = new AdaptiveLruPage(1000000);
584  cerr << "created lru_page_2: " << lru_page_2 << "\n";
585  lru_page_2->enqueue_lru(lru);
587  lru_page_3 = new AdaptiveLruPage(1000000);
588  cerr << "created lru_page_3: " << lru_page_3 << "\n";
589  lru_page_3->enqueue_lru(lru);
591  lru_page_4 = new AdaptiveLruPage(1000000);
592  cerr << "created lru_page_4: " << lru_page_4 << "\n";
593  lru_page_4->enqueue_lru(lru);
595  lru_page_5 = new AdaptiveLruPage(1000000);
596  cerr << "created lru_page_5: " << lru_page_5 << "\n";
597  lru_page_5->enqueue_lru(lru);
599  int total_frames = 300;
600  int index;
601  for (index = 0; index < total_frames; index++) {
602  cerr << "FRAME " << index << "\n";
604  lru->begin_epoch();
606  if (index <= 5) {
607  lru_page_0->mark_used_lru(lru);
608  }
610  lru_page_1->mark_used_lru(lru);
611  lru_page_1->mark_used_lru(lru);
613  if (index & 0x01) {
614  lru_page_2->mark_used_lru(lru);
615  }
617  if ((index % 10) == 0) {
618  lru_page_3->mark_used_lru(lru);
619  }
621  if (index >= 100) {
622  lru_page_4->mark_used_lru(lru);
623  }
625  if (index >= 200) {
626  lru_page_5->mark_used_lru(lru);
627  }
629  if (!lru->validate()) {
630  cerr << "Failed validation\n";
631  break;
632  }
633  }
635  delete lru;
636  delete lru_page_0;
637  delete lru_page_1;
638  delete lru_page_2;
639  delete lru_page_3;
640  delete lru_page_4;
641  delete lru_page_5;
642 }
644 #endif // test_adaptive_lru
size_t count_active_size() const
Returns the total size of the pages that were enqueued since the last call to begin_epoch().
static ClockObject * get_global_clock()
Returns a pointer to the global ClockObject.
Definition: clockObject.I:215
unsigned int get_num_frames() const
Returns the number of frames since the page was first added to its LRU.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void do_remove_page(AdaptiveLruPage *page)
Removes a page from the LRU.
void set_lru_size(size_t lru_size)
Specifies the size of this page, presumably in bytes, although any unit is possible.
Definition: adaptiveLru.I:176
size_t get_lru_size() const
Returns the size of this page as reported to the LRU, presumably in bytes.
Definition: adaptiveLru.I:167
virtual void evict_lru()
Evicts the page from the LRU.
bool do_validate()
Checks that the LRU is internally consistent.
void dequeue_lru()
Removes the page from its AdaptiveLru.
Definition: adaptiveLru.I:136
void enqueue_lru(AdaptiveLru *lru)
Adds the page to the LRU for the first time, or marks it recently-accessed if it has already been add...
bool validate()
Checks that the LRU is internally self-consistent.
Definition: adaptiveLru.I:76
A base class for all things which can have a name.
Definition: namable.h:26
Returns the number of times tick() has been called since the ClockObject was created,...
Definition: clockObject.h:94
std::ostream & indent(std::ostream &out, int indent_level)
A handy function for doing text formatting.
Definition: indent.cxx:20
Similar to MutexHolder, but for a light mutex.
void begin_epoch()
Marks the end of the previous epoch and the beginning of the next one.
void update_page(AdaptiveLruPage *page)
This updates the page's average utilization.
One atomic piece that may be managed by a AdaptiveLru chain.
Definition: adaptiveLru.h:135
void do_add_page(AdaptiveLruPage *page)
Adds a new page the the LRU.
A basic LRU-type algorithm, except that it is adaptive and attempts to avoid evicting pages that have...
Definition: adaptiveLru.h:45
void do_access_page(AdaptiveLruPage *page)
Marks a page accessed.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void do_partial_lru_update(int num_updates)
This only updates a number of pages up to the specified maximum_updates.
Definition: adaptiveLru.cxx:76
void do_evict_to(size_t target_size, bool hard_evict)
Evicts pages until the LRU is within the indicated size.
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL set.
Definition: pset.h:49
unsigned int get_num_inactive_frames() const
Returns the number of frames since the page was last accessed on its LRU.
void unlock()
Alias for release() to match C++11 semantics.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void lock()
Alias for acquire() to match C++11 semantics.