Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file meshDrawer.cxx
10  * @author treeform
11  * @date 2008-12-19
12  */
14 #include "meshDrawer.h"
16 #include "geomVertexFormat.h"
17 #include "geomVertexArrayFormat.h"
18 #include "geomVertexData.h"
19 #include "geomVertexWriter.h"
20 #include "geomVertexRewriter.h"
21 #include "camera.h"
22 #include "boundingSphere.h"
23 #include "geomTristrips.h"
24 #include "geomTriangles.h"
25 #include "geom.h"
26 #include "geomNode.h"
27 #include "pnmPainter.h"
28 #include "pnmBrush.h"
29 #include "lvecBase4.h"
30 #include "lvector3.h"
31 #include "pandaNode.h"
33 TypeHandle MeshDrawer::_type_handle;
35 PN_stdfloat randFloat() {
36  return ((PN_stdfloat)rand() / (PN_stdfloat)RAND_MAX);
37 }
39 /**
40  * Creates a system with a given budget.
41  */
42 void MeshDrawer::generator(int budget) {
43  // create enough triangles for budget:
44  _vdata = new GeomVertexData(_root.get_name(), GeomVertexFormat::get_v3n3c4t2(), Geom::UH_static);//UH_dynamic);
45  _vdata->unclean_set_num_rows(budget * 3);
47  {
48  GeomVertexWriter tvertex(_vdata, "vertex");
49  GeomVertexWriter tnormal(_vdata, "normal");
50  GeomVertexWriter tuv(_vdata, "texcoord");
51  GeomVertexWriter tcolor(_vdata, "color");
53  // iterate and fill _up a geom with random data so that it will not be
54  // optimized out by panda3d system
55  for (int i = 0; i < budget; i++) {
56  for (int vert = 0; vert < 3; vert++) {
57  LVector3 vec3 = LVector3(randFloat()+1000,randFloat(),randFloat())*.001;
58  LVector4 vec4 = LVector4(1,1,1,randFloat());
59  LVector2 vec2 = LVector2(0,randFloat());
60  tvertex.set_data3(vec3);
61  tcolor.set_data4(vec4);
62  tuv.set_data2(vec2);
63  tnormal.set_data3(vec3);
64  }
65  }
66  }
68  // create our node and attach it to this node path
69  _prim = new GeomTriangles(Geom::UH_static);
70  _prim->add_next_vertices(budget * 3);
71  _prim->close_primitive();
72  _geom = new Geom(_vdata);
73  _geom->add_primitive(_prim);
74  if (_geomnode == nullptr) {
75  _geomnode = new GeomNode("__MeshDrawer_GeomNode");
76  _root.attach_new_node(_geomnode);
77  } else {
78  _geomnode->remove_all_geoms();
79  }
80  _geomnode->add_geom(_geom);
81  _last_clear_index = budget;
82 }
84 /**
85  * Pass the current camera node and the root node. Passing the camera is
86  * required to generate bill boards that face it.
87  */
88 void MeshDrawer::begin(NodePath camera, NodePath render) {
89  // sanity check
90  assert(render.get_error_type() == NodePath::ET_ok);
91  assert(camera.get_error_type() == NodePath::ET_ok);
93  // remember our arguments
94  _camera = camera;
95  _render = render;
97  // compute some help vectors
98  _eyePos = camera.get_pos();
99  _up = _render.get_relative_vector(camera, LVector3(0, 0, 1));
100  _right = _render.get_relative_vector(camera, LVector3(1, 0, 0));
101  _b1 = - _right - _up;
102  _b2 = _right - _up;
103  _b3 = _right + _up;
104  _b4 = - _right + _up;
106  // recreate our rewriters
107  if (_vertex != nullptr) delete _vertex;
108  if (_normal != nullptr) delete _normal;
109  if (_uv != nullptr) delete _uv;
110  if (_color != nullptr) delete _color;
112  if (_vdata == nullptr) {
113  generator(_budget);
114  }
116  _vertex = new GeomVertexRewriter(_vdata, "vertex");
117  _uv = new GeomVertexRewriter(_vdata, "texcoord");
118  _normal = new GeomVertexRewriter(_vdata, "normal");
119  _color = new GeomVertexRewriter(_vdata, "color");
120  _dprim = _prim->decompose();
122  // reseta our clearning indexes
123  _start_clear_index = 0;
124  _end_clear_index = _budget;
125  _clear_index = _start_clear_index;
127 }
129 /**
130  * Finish the drawing and clearing off the remaining vertexes.
131  */
134  // clear the unused triangles at the end of the buffer
135  for(int i = _clear_index ; i < _last_clear_index; i ++ ) {
136  _vertex->add_data3(0,0,0);
137  _vertex->add_data3(0,0,0);
138  _vertex->add_data3(0,0,0);
139  }
140  // don't clear more then you have too
141  _last_clear_index = _clear_index;
143  // delete the re writers
144  delete _vertex; _vertex = nullptr;
145  delete _uv; _uv = nullptr;
146  delete _normal; _normal = nullptr;
147  delete _color; _color = nullptr;
149 }
151 /**
152  * Draws a particle that is sort of like a bill board but has an extra
153  * rotation component. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple.
154  */
155 void MeshDrawer::particle(const LVector3 &pos, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat size,
156  const LVector4 &color, PN_stdfloat rotation) {
158  rotation = rotation / 57.29578;
160  LVector3 v1 = pos + _b1*size*sin(rotation) + _b2*size*cos(rotation);
161  LVector3 v2 = pos + _b2*size*sin(rotation) + _b3*size*cos(rotation);
162  LVector3 v3 = pos + _b3*size*sin(rotation) + _b4*size*cos(rotation);
163  LVector3 v4 = pos + _b4*size*sin(rotation) + _b1*size*cos(rotation);
165  PN_stdfloat u = frame.get_x();
166  PN_stdfloat v = frame.get_y();
167  PN_stdfloat us = frame.get_z();
168  PN_stdfloat vs = frame.get_w();
170  tri(
171  v1, color, LVector2(u,v),
172  v2, color, LVector2(u+us,v),
173  v3, color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs));
174  tri(
175  v3, color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs),
176  v4, color, LVector2(u,v+vs),
177  v1, color, LVector2(u,v));
178 }
180 /**
181  * Works just like particle but accepts 2 frames and a blend (from 0 to 1)
182  * component between them Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple.
183  */
184 void MeshDrawer::blended_particle(const LVector3 &pos, const LVector4 &frame1,
185  const LVector4 &frame2, PN_stdfloat blend, PN_stdfloat size, const LVector4 &color, PN_stdfloat rotation) {
187  LVector4 c2 = color;
188  PN_stdfloat original_w = c2.get_w();
189  c2.set_w((1.f-blend)*original_w);
190  particle(pos,frame1,size,c2,rotation);
191  c2.set_w(blend*original_w);
192  particle(pos,frame2,size,c2,rotation);
194 }
196 /**
197  * Draws a billboard - particle with no rotation. Billboards always face the
198  * camera. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple.
199  */
200 void MeshDrawer::billboard(const LVector3 &pos, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat size,
201  const LVector4 &_color) {
203  LVector3 v1 = pos + _b1*size;
204  LVector3 v2 = pos + _b2*size;
205  LVector3 v3 = pos + _b3*size;
206  LVector3 v4 = pos + _b4*size;
208  PN_stdfloat u = frame.get_x();
209  PN_stdfloat v = frame.get_y();
210  PN_stdfloat us = frame.get_z();
211  PN_stdfloat vs = frame.get_w();
213  tri(
214  v1, _color, LVector2(u,v),
215  v2, _color, LVector2(u+us,v),
216  v3, _color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs));
217  tri(
218  v3, _color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs),
219  v4, _color, LVector2(u,v+vs),
220  v1, _color, LVector2(u,v));
221 }
224 /**
225  * Draws a segment a line with a thickness. That has billboarding effect.
226  * Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple.
227  */
228 void MeshDrawer::segment(const LVector3 &start, const LVector3 &stop, const LVector4 &frame,
229  PN_stdfloat thickness, const LVector4 &color) {
230  link_segment(start, frame, thickness, color);
231  link_segment(stop, frame, thickness, color);
232  link_segment_end(frame, color);
233 }
234 /**
235  * Draws a segment a line with a thickness. This segment does not use the
236  * bill boarding behavior and instead draws 2 planes in a cross. Stars at
237  * start and ends at stop. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple.
238  */
239 void MeshDrawer::cross_segment(const LVector3 &start, const LVector3 &stop, const LVector4 &frame,
240  PN_stdfloat thickness, const LVector4 &color) {
242  PN_stdfloat u = frame.get_x();
243  PN_stdfloat v = frame.get_y();
244  PN_stdfloat us = frame.get_z();
245  PN_stdfloat vs = frame.get_w();
247  LVector3 v1 = start - _up*thickness;
248  LVector3 v2 = stop - _up*thickness;
249  LVector3 v3 = stop + _up*thickness;
250  LVector3 v4 = start + _up*thickness;
252  tri(v1, color, LVector2(u,v),
253  v2, color, LVector2(u+us,v),
254  v3, color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs));
255  tri(v3, color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs),
256  v4, color, LVector2(u,v+vs),
257  v1, color, LVector2(u,v));
259  v1 = start - _right*thickness;
260  v2 = stop - _right*thickness;
261  v3 = stop + _right*thickness;
262  v4 = start + _right*thickness;
264  tri(v1, color, LVector2(u,v),
265  v2, color, LVector2(u+us,v),
266  v3, color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs));
267  tri(v3, color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs),
268  v4, color, LVector2(u,v+vs),
269  v1, color, LVector2(u,v));
271 }
276 /**
277  * Draws a segment a line with different thickness and color on both sides.
278  * Stars at start and ends at stop. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size
279  * quadruple.
280  */
281 void MeshDrawer::uneven_segment(const LVector3 &start, const LVector3 &stop,
282  const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat thickness_start, const LVector4 &color_start,
283  PN_stdfloat thickness_stop, const LVector4 &color_stop) {
285  PN_stdfloat u = frame.get_x();
286  PN_stdfloat v = frame.get_y();
287  PN_stdfloat us = frame.get_z();
288  PN_stdfloat vs = frame.get_w();
290  LVector3 v1 = start - _up*thickness_start;
291  LVector3 v2 = stop - _up*thickness_stop;
292  LVector3 v3 = stop + _up*thickness_stop;
293  LVector3 v4 = start + _up*thickness_start;
295  tri(v1, color_start, LVector2(u,v),
296  v2, color_stop, LVector2(u+us,v),
297  v3, color_stop, LVector2(u+us,v+vs));
298  tri(v3, color_stop, LVector2(u+us,v+vs),
299  v4, color_start, LVector2(u,v+vs),
300  v1, color_start, LVector2(u,v));
302  v1 = start - _right*thickness_start;
303  v2 = stop - _right*thickness_stop;
304  v3 = stop + _right*thickness_stop;
305  v4 = start + _right*thickness_start;
307  tri(v1, color_start, LVector2(u,v),
308  v2, color_stop, LVector2(u+us,v),
309  v3, color_stop, LVector2(u+us,v+vs));
310  tri(v3, color_stop, LVector2(u+us,v+vs),
311  v4, color_start, LVector2(u,v+vs),
312  v1, color_start, LVector2(u,v));
313 }
315 /**
316  * Draws number of particles in a sphere like emitter. Frame contains
317  * u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple.
318  */
320  const LVector3 &pos, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat size, const LVector4 &_color,
321  int seed, int number, PN_stdfloat distance) {
322  srand(seed);
323  LVector3 relative_pos;
324  for(int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
325  relative_pos = LVector3(randFloat()-.5f,randFloat()-.5f,randFloat()-.5f);
326  relative_pos.normalize();
327  relative_pos *= randFloat()*distance;
328  particle(relative_pos+pos,frame,size,_color,randFloat()*360.0f);
329  }
330 }
332 /**
333  * Draws a number of particles in a big line with a shift dictated by the
334  * offset. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple.
335  */
336 void MeshDrawer::stream(const LVector3 &start, const LVector3 &stop, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat size, const LVector4 &_color,
337  int number, PN_stdfloat offset) {
339  offset = offset-floor(offset);
340  LVector3 relative_pos = stop;
341  LVector3 vec = stop - start;
342  PN_stdfloat distance = vec.length();
343  vec.normalize();
344  for(int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
345  relative_pos = start + vec * ((i+offset)*(distance/PN_stdfloat(number)));
346  billboard(relative_pos,frame,size,_color);
347  }
348 }
352 /**
353  * Draws the geometry that is inside this node path into the MeshDrawer
354  * object. This performs a similar functions as RigidBodyCombiner but for
355  * very dynamic situations that share the same texture like physcal chunks of
356  * explosions. It can be a little slow
357  */
359  assert(_render.get_error_type() == NodePath::ET_ok);
361  LVector4 color = LVector4(1,1,1,1);
362  LVector3 vec[3];
363  LVector2 uv[3];
365  // process node
366  NodePathCollection geom_collection = draw_node.find_all_matches("**/+GeomNode");
367  for(int i=0; i < geom_collection.get_num_paths(); i++ ) {
368  NodePath current_node_path = geom_collection.get_path(i);
369  PT(GeomNode) geomNode = DCAST(GeomNode, current_node_path.node());
371  // process geom node
372  for(int j=0; j<geomNode->get_num_geoms(); j++) {
373  CPT(Geom) geom = geomNode->get_geom(j);
374  CPT(GeomVertexData) v_data = geom->get_vertex_data();
375  GeomVertexReader *prim_vertex_reader = new GeomVertexReader(v_data, "vertex");
376  GeomVertexReader *prim_uv_reader = new GeomVertexReader(v_data, "texcoord");
377  for (size_t k = 0; k < geom->get_num_primitives(); ++k) {
378  CPT(GeomPrimitive) prim1 = geom->get_primitive(k);
379  CPT(GeomPrimitive) _prim = prim1->decompose();
381  // process primitive
382  for(int p=0; p < _prim->get_num_primitives();p++) {
383  int s = _prim->get_primitive_start(p);
384  int e = _prim->get_primitive_end(p);
385  int indx_over = 0;
387  // process polygon
388  for(int idx=s; idx<e; idx++) {
389  int vidx = _prim->get_vertex(idx);
390  prim_vertex_reader->set_row_unsafe(vidx);
391  prim_uv_reader->set_row_unsafe(vidx);
392  vec[indx_over] = _render.get_relative_point(
393  current_node_path,prim_vertex_reader->get_data3());
394  uv[indx_over] = prim_uv_reader->get_data2();
395  indx_over++;
396  if (indx_over > 2) break;
397  }
399  // draw polygon
400  tri(vec[0],color,uv[0],
401  vec[1],color,uv[1],
402  vec[2],color,uv[2]);
403  }
404  // if we are over budget just quit
405  if( _clear_index > _end_clear_index) return;
406  }
407  // delete our reders
408  delete prim_vertex_reader;
409  delete prim_uv_reader;
410  }
411  }
412 }
416 /**
417  * Stars or continues linked segment. Control position, frame, thickness and
418  * color with parameters. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple.
419  */
420 void MeshDrawer::
421 link_segment(const LVector3 &pos, const LVector4 &frame,
422  PN_stdfloat thickness, const LVector4 &color) {
423  assert(_render.get_error_type() == NodePath::ET_ok);
424  assert(_camera.get_error_type() == NodePath::ET_ok);
425  /*
426  * X
427  * ---X
428  * ===0---X
429  * ===0===0---X
430  * ===0===0===O---X
431  * ===0===0===0===End
432  *
433  * first call marks position X
434  * second call moves position and promises to draw segment
435  * it can't draw it yet because next segment might bend it
436  * third call finally draws segment
437  * and the chain continues till
438  * link_segment_end to flush the linking segments is called.
439  */
441  // mark 1st position
442  if(_at_start==0) {
443  _last_pos = pos;
444  _last_thickness = thickness;
445  _last_color = color;
446  _at_start=1;
447  return;
448  }
450  LVector3 start = _last_pos;
451  LVector3 stop = pos;
453  LVector3 cam_start3d = _camera.get_relative_point(_render, start);
454  LPoint2 cam_start2d = LVector2();
455  LVector3 cam_stop3d = _camera.get_relative_point(_render, stop);
456  LPoint2 cam_stop2d = LVector2();
458  const Camera *camera;
459  DCAST_INTO_V(camera, _camera.node());
460  const Lens *lens = camera->get_lens();
462  lens->project(cam_start3d, cam_start2d);
463  lens->project(cam_stop3d, cam_stop2d);
465  LVector2 dif = cam_stop2d - cam_start2d;
466  PN_stdfloat rotation = atan2(dif.get_x(),dif.get_y());
468  LVector3 now_v1 = start + _b1*(PN_stdfloat)(thickness*sin(rotation)) + _b2*(PN_stdfloat)(thickness*cos(rotation));
469  LVector3 now_v4 = start + _b4*(PN_stdfloat)(thickness*sin(rotation)) + _b1*(PN_stdfloat)(thickness*cos(rotation));
470  LVector3 now_v2 = stop + _b2*(PN_stdfloat)(thickness*sin(rotation)) + _b3*(PN_stdfloat)(thickness*cos(rotation));
471  LVector3 now_v3 = stop + _b3*(PN_stdfloat)(thickness*sin(rotation)) + _b4*(PN_stdfloat)(thickness*cos(rotation));
473  // mark the segment we going to draw we need to draw it when we know what
474  // the next segment looks like because it can bend it a little
475  if(_at_start==1) {
476  _last_v1 = now_v1;
477  _last_v2 = now_v2;
478  _last_v3 = now_v3;
479  _last_v4 = now_v4;
480  _at_start = 2;
481  return;
482  }
484  // draw the last segment a little bent
485  LVector3 v1 = _last_v1;
486  LVector3 v2 = (_last_v2+now_v1)/2.0f;
487  LVector3 v3 = (_last_v3+now_v4)/2.0f;
488  LVector3 v4 = _last_v4;
490  // compute this frame
491  PN_stdfloat u = frame.get_x();
492  PN_stdfloat v = frame.get_y();
493  PN_stdfloat us = frame.get_z();
494  PN_stdfloat vs = frame.get_w();
496  tri(v1, _last_color, LVector2(u,v),
497  v2, color, LVector2(u+us,v),
498  v3, color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs));
499  tri(v3, color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs),
500  v4, _last_color, LVector2(u,v+vs),
501  v1, _last_color, LVector2(u,v));
503  // save this segment
504  _last_v1 = v2;
505  _last_v2 = now_v2;
506  _last_v3 = now_v3;
507  _last_v4 = v3;
509  // make this position
510  _last_pos = pos;
511  _last_thickness = thickness;
512  _last_color = color;
513 }
515 /**
516  * Finish drawing linked segments, needs at least two calls to link_segment
517  * before it can end the linked segment. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size
518  * quadruple.
519  */
520 void MeshDrawer::link_segment_end(const LVector4 &frame, const LVector4 &color)
521 {
522  PN_stdfloat u = frame.get_x();
523  PN_stdfloat v = frame.get_y();
524  PN_stdfloat us = frame.get_z();
525  PN_stdfloat vs = frame.get_w();
527  tri(_last_v1, _last_color, LVector2(u,v),
528  _last_v2, color, LVector2(u+us,v),
529  _last_v3, color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs));
530  tri(_last_v3, color, LVector2(u+us,v+vs),
531  _last_v4, _last_color, LVector2(u,v+vs),
532  _last_v1, _last_color, LVector2(u,v));
534  _at_start = 0;
535 }
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void segment(const LVector3 &start, const LVector3 &stop, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat thickness, const LVector4 &color)
Draws a segment a line with a thickness.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:228
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
NodePathCollection find_all_matches(const std::string &path) const
Returns the complete set of all NodePaths that begin with this NodePath and can be extended by path.
Definition: nodePath.cxx:354
This object provides a high-level interface for quickly writing a sequence of numeric values from a v...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void explosion(const LVector3 &pos, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat size, const LVector4 &color, int seed, int number, PN_stdfloat distance)
Draws number of particles in a sphere like emitter.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:319
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool unclean_set_num_rows(int n)
This method behaves like set_num_rows(), except the new data is not initialized.
LVector3 get_relative_vector(const NodePath &other, const LVecBase3 &vec) const
Given that the indicated vector is in the coordinate system of the other node, returns the same vecto...
Definition: nodePath.cxx:1903
A base class for any number of different kinds of lenses, linear and otherwise.
Definition: lens.h:41
void billboard(const LVector3 &pos, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat size, const LVector4 &color)
Draws a billboard - particle with no rotation.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:200
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void end()
Finish the drawing and clearing off the remaining vertexes.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:132
const LVecBase2 & get_data2()
Returns the data associated with the read row, expressed as a 2-component value, and advances the rea...
This is an abstract base class for a family of classes that represent the fundamental geometry primit...
Definition: geomPrimitive.h:56
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
If is_empty() is true, this returns a code that represents the reason why the NodePath is empty.
Definition: nodePath.h:213
Lens * get_lens(int index=0) const
Returns a pointer to the particular Lens associated with this LensNode, or NULL if there is not yet a...
Definition: lensNode.I:47
bool project(const LPoint3 &point3d, LPoint3 &point2d) const
Given a 3-d point in space, determine the 2-d point this maps to, in the range (-1,...
Definition: lens.I:131
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
NodePath attach_new_node(PandaNode *node, int sort=0, Thread *current_thread=Thread::get_current_thread()) const
Attaches a new node, with or without existing parents, to the scene graph below the referenced node o...
Definition: nodePath.cxx:563
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Returns the name of the referenced node.
Definition: nodePath.h:946
Returns the nth NodePath in the collection.
void stream(const LVector3 &start, const LVector3 &stop, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat size, const LVector4 &color, int number, PN_stdfloat offset)
Draws a number of particles in a big line with a shift dictated by the offset.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:336
This defines the actual numeric vertex data stored in a Geom, in the structure defined by a particula...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A container for geometry primitives.
Definition: geom.h:54
const LVecBase3 & get_data3()
Returns the data associated with the read row, expressed as a 3-component value, and advances the rea...
void add_data3(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat z)
Sets the write row to a particular 3-component value, and advances the write row.
static const GeomVertexFormat * get_v3n3c4t2()
Returns a standard vertex format with a 2-component texture coordinate pair, a 4-component color,...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void blended_particle(const LVector3 &pos, const LVector4 &frame1, const LVector4 &frame2, PN_stdfloat blend, PN_stdfloat size, const LVector4 &color, PN_stdfloat rotation)
Works just like particle but accepts 2 frames and a blend (from 0 to 1) component between them Frame ...
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:184
LPoint3 get_pos() const
Retrieves the translation component of the transform.
Definition: nodePath.cxx:992
void cross_segment(const LVector3 &start, const LVector3 &stop, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat thickness, const LVector4 &color)
Draws a segment a line with a thickness.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:239
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void tri(const LVector3 &v1, const LVector4 &c1, const LVector2 &uv1, const LVector3 &v2, const LVector4 &c2, const LVector2 &uv2, const LVector3 &v3, const LVector4 &c3, const LVector2 &uv3)
Draws a triangle with the given parameters.
Definition: meshDrawer.I:75
void particle(const LVector3 &pos, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat size, const LVector4 &color, PN_stdfloat rotation)
Draws a particle that is sort of like a bill board but has an extra rotation component.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:155
PandaNode * node() const
Returns the referenced node of the path.
Definition: nodePath.I:227
This object provides a high-level interface for quickly reading a sequence of numeric values from a v...
Defines a series of disconnected triangles.
Definition: geomTriangles.h:23
void link_segment_end(const LVector4 &frame, const LVector4 &color)
Finish drawing linked segments, needs at least two calls to link_segment before it can end the linked...
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:520
Returns the number of NodePaths in the collection.
void set_row_unsafe(int row)
Sets the start row to the indicated value, without internal checks.
LPoint3 get_relative_point(const NodePath &other, const LVecBase3 &point) const
Given that the indicated point is in the coordinate system of the other node, returns the same point ...
Definition: nodePath.cxx:1892
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
A node that can be positioned around in the scene graph to represent a point of view for rendering a ...
Definition: camera.h:35
void begin(NodePath camera, NodePath render)
Pass the current camera node and the root node.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:88
void uneven_segment(const LVector3 &start, const LVector3 &stop, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat thickness_start, const LVector4 &color_start, PN_stdfloat thickness_stop, const LVector4 &color_stop)
Draws a segment a line with different thickness and color on both sides.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:281
void geometry(NodePath node)
Draws the geometry that is inside this node path into the MeshDrawer object.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:358
void link_segment(const LVector3 &pos, const LVector4 &frame, PN_stdfloat thickness, const LVector4 &color)
Stars or continues linked segment.
Definition: meshDrawer.cxx:421
NodePath is the fundamental system for disambiguating instances, and also provides a higher-level int...
Definition: nodePath.h:161
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A node that holds Geom objects, renderable pieces of geometry.
Definition: geomNode.h:34
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This object provides the functionality of both a GeomVertexReader and a GeomVertexWriter,...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a set of zero or more NodePaths.