24 nassertv_always(!gravity.is_nan());
41 set_flag(
const PhysxSceneFlag flag,
bool value) {
47 _desc.flags &= ~(flag);
57 return (_desc.flags & flag) ? true :
75 _desc.maxBounds = &(bounds._bounds);
82 get_max_bounds()
const {
95 _desc.staticStructure = (NxPruningStructure)value;
105 _desc.dynamicStructure = (NxPruningStructure)value;
114 return (PhysxPruningStructure)_desc.staticStructure;
124 return (PhysxPruningStructure)_desc.dynamicStructure;
134 _desc.subdivisionLevel = (NxU32)value;
145 _desc.nbGridCellsX = (NxU32)value;
156 _desc.nbGridCellsY = (NxU32)value;
166 return _desc.subdivisionLevel;
175 return _desc.nbGridCellsX;
184 return _desc.nbGridCellsY;
208 _desc.bpType = (NxBroadPhaseType)value;
217 return (PhysxBroadPhaseType)_desc.bpType;
bool get_flag(PhysxSceneFlag flag) const
Returns the specified scene flag.
unsigned int get_num_grid_cells_x() const
Returns the number of broadphase cells along the grid x-axis.
LVector3f get_gravity() const
Get the gravity vector.
unsigned int get_subdivision_level() const
Returns the subdivision level for acceleration structures used for scene queries.
Represention of a axis aligned bounding box.
unsigned int get_num_grid_cells_y() const
Returns the number of broadphase cells along the grid y-axis.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void set_bp_type(PhysxBroadPhaseType value)
Defines which type of broadphase to use.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void set_static_structure(PhysxPruningStructure value)
Defines the structure used to store static objects.
void set_num_grid_cells_x(unsigned int value)
Defines the number of broadphase cells along the grid x-axis.
void set_gravity(const LVector3f &gravity)
Sets the gravity vector.
static NxVec3 vec3_to_nxVec3(const LVector3f &v)
Converts from LVector3f to NxVec3.
static LVector3f nxVec3_to_vec3(const NxVec3 &v)
Converts from NxVec3 to LVector3f.
PhysxPruningStructure get_dynamic_structure() const
Returns the subdivision level for acceleration structures used for scene queries.
PhysxBroadPhaseType get_bp_type() const
Returns the type of broadphase to use.
void set_flag(PhysxSceneFlag flag, bool value)
Raise or lower individual scene flags.
void set_dynamic_structure(PhysxPruningStructure value)
Defines the subdivision level for acceleration structures used for scene queries.
void set_num_grid_cells_y(unsigned int value)
Defines the number of broadphase cells along the grid y-axis.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void set_max_bounds(PhysxBounds3 &bounds)
Set the max scene bounds.
PhysxPruningStructure get_static_structure() const
Returns the structure used to store static objects.
void set_subdivision_level(unsigned int value)
Defines the subdivision level for acceleration structures used for scene queries.