Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file smoothMover.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2001-10-19
12  */
14 #include "smoothMover.h"
15 #include "pnotify.h"
16 #include "config_deadrec.h"
18 /**
19  *
20  */
21 SmoothMover::
22 SmoothMover() {
23  _sample._pos.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
24  _sample._hpr.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
25  _sample._timestamp = 0.0;
27  _smooth_pos.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
28  _smooth_hpr.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
29  _forward_axis.set(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
30  _smooth_timestamp = 0.0;
31  _smooth_position_known = false;
32  _smooth_position_changed = true;
33  _computed_forward_axis = true;
35  _smooth_forward_velocity = 0.0;
36  _smooth_lateral_velocity = 0.0;
37  _smooth_rotational_velocity = 0.0;
39  _has_most_recent_timestamp = false;
41  _last_point_before = -1;
42  _last_point_after = -1;
44  _net_timestamp_delay = 0;
45  // Record one delay of 0 on the top of the delays array, just to guarantee
46  // that the array is never completely empty.
47  _timestamp_delays.push_back(0);
49  _last_heard_from = 0.0;
51  _smooth_mode = SM_off;
52  _prediction_mode = PM_off;
53  _delay = 0.2;
54  _accept_clock_skew = accept_clock_skew;
55  _directional_velocity = true;
56  _default_to_standing_still = true;
57  _max_position_age = 0.25;
58  _expected_broadcast_period = 0.2;
59  _reset_velocity_age = 0.3;
60 }
62 /**
63  *
64  */
65 SmoothMover::
66 ~SmoothMover() {
67 }
69 /**
70  * Stores the position, orientation, and timestamp (if relevant) indicated by
71  * previous calls to set_pos(), set_hpr(), and set_timestamp() in a new
72  * position report.
73  *
74  * When compute_smooth_position() is called, it uses these stored position
75  * reports to base its computation of the known position.
76  */
77 void SmoothMover::
79  /*
80  if (deadrec_cat.is_debug()) {
81  deadrec_cat.debug() << "mark_position\n";
82  }
83  */
84  if (_smooth_mode == SM_off) {
85  // With smoothing disabled, mark_position() simply stores its current
86  // position in the smooth_position members.
88  // In this mode, we also ignore the supplied timestamp, and just use the
89  // current frame time--there's no need to risk trusting the timestamp from
90  // another client.
91  double timestamp = ClockObject::get_global_clock()->get_frame_time();
93  // We also need to compute the velocity here.
94  if (_smooth_position_known) {
95  LVector3 pos_delta = _sample._pos - _smooth_pos;
96  LVecBase3 hpr_delta = _sample._hpr - _smooth_hpr;
97  double age = timestamp - _smooth_timestamp;
98  age = std::min(age, _max_position_age);
100  set_smooth_pos(_sample._pos, _sample._hpr, timestamp);
101  if (age != 0.0) {
102  compute_velocity(pos_delta, hpr_delta, age);
103  }
105  } else {
106  // No velocity is possible, just position and orientation.
107  set_smooth_pos(_sample._pos, _sample._hpr, timestamp);
108  }
110  } else {
111  // Otherwise, smoothing is in effect and we store a true position report.
113  if (!_points.empty() && _points.back()._timestamp > _sample._timestamp) {
114  if (deadrec_cat.is_debug()) {
115  deadrec_cat.debug()
116  << "*** timestamp out of order " << _points.back()._timestamp << " "
117  << _sample._timestamp << "\n";
118  }
120  // If we get a timestamp out of order, one of us must have just reset
121  // our clock. Flush the sequence and start again.
122  _points.clear();
124  // That invalidates the index numbers.
125  _last_point_before = -1;
126  _last_point_after = -1;
128  _points.push_back(_sample);
130  } else if (!_points.empty() && _points.back()._timestamp == _sample._timestamp) {
131  if (deadrec_cat.is_debug()) {
132  deadrec_cat.debug()
133  << "*** same timestamp\n";
134  }
135  // If the new timestamp is the same as the last timestamp, the value
136  // simply replaces the previous value.
137  _points.back() = _sample;
139  } else if ((int)_points.size() >= max_position_reports) {
140  if (deadrec_cat.is_debug()) {
141  deadrec_cat.debug()
142  << "*** dropped oldest position report\n";
143  }
144  // If we have too many position reports, throw away the oldest one.
145  _points.pop_front();
147  --_last_point_before;
148  --_last_point_after;
150  _points.push_back(_sample);
152  } else {
153  // In the ordinary case, just add another sample.
154  _points.push_back(_sample);
155  }
156  }
157  // cout << "mark_position: " << _points.back()._pos << endl;
158 }
160 /**
161  * Erases all the old position reports. This should be done, for instance,
162  * prior to teleporting the avatar to a new position; otherwise, the smoother
163  * might try to lerp the avatar there. If reset_velocity is true, the
164  * velocity is also reset to 0.
165  */
166 void SmoothMover::
167 clear_positions(bool reset_velocity) {
168  if (deadrec_cat.is_debug()) {
169  deadrec_cat.debug()
170  << "clear_positions " << reset_velocity << "\n";
171  }
173  _points.clear();
174  _last_point_before = -1;
175  _last_point_after = -1;
176  _smooth_position_known = false;
177  _has_most_recent_timestamp = false;
179  if (reset_velocity) {
180  _smooth_forward_velocity = 0.0;
181  _smooth_lateral_velocity = 0.0;
182  _smooth_rotational_velocity = 0.0;
183  }
184 }
186 /**
187  * Computes the smoothed position (and orientation) of the mover at the
188  * indicated point in time, based on the previous position reports. After
189  * this call has been made, get_smooth_pos() etc. may be called to retrieve
190  * the smoothed position.
191  *
192  * The return value is true if the value has changed (or might have changed)
193  * since the last call to compute_smooth_position(), or false if it remains
194  * the same.
195  */
196 bool SmoothMover::
197 compute_smooth_position(double timestamp) {
198  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
199  deadrec_cat.spam()
200  << _points.size() << " points\n";
201  }
203  if (_points.empty()) {
204  // With no position reports available, this function does nothing, except
205  // to make sure that our velocity gets reset to zero after a period of
206  // time.
208  if (_smooth_position_known) {
209  double age = timestamp - _smooth_timestamp;
210  if (age > _reset_velocity_age) {
211  if (deadrec_cat.is_debug()) {
212  deadrec_cat.debug()
213  << "points empty; reset velocity, age = " << age << "\n";
214  }
215  _smooth_forward_velocity = 0.0;
216  _smooth_lateral_velocity = 0.0;
217  _smooth_rotational_velocity = 0.0;
218  }
219  }
220  bool result = _smooth_position_changed;
221  _smooth_position_changed = false;
223  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
224  deadrec_cat.spam()
225  << " no points: " << result << "\n";
226  }
227  return result;
228  }
229  if (_smooth_mode == SM_off) {
230  // With smoothing disabled, this function also does nothing, except to
231  // ensure that any old bogus position reports are cleared.
232  clear_positions(false);
233  bool result = _smooth_position_changed;
234  _smooth_position_changed = false;
236  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
237  deadrec_cat.spam()
238  << " disabled: " << result << "\n";
239  }
240  return result;
241  }
243  // First, back up in time by the specified delay factor.
244  double orig_timestamp = timestamp;
245  timestamp -= _delay;
246  if (_accept_clock_skew) {
247  timestamp -= get_avg_timestamp_delay();
248  }
250  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
251  deadrec_cat.spam()
252  << "time = " << timestamp << ", " << _points.size()
253  << " points, last = " << _last_point_before << ", "
254  << _last_point_after << "\n";
255  deadrec_cat.spam(false)
256  << " ";
257  for (int pi = 0; pi < (int)_points.size(); pi++) {
258  deadrec_cat.spam(false) << _points[pi]._timestamp << " ";
259  }
260  deadrec_cat.spam(false) << "\n";
261  }
263  // Now look for the two bracketing position reports.
264  int point_way_before = -1;
265  int point_before = -1;
266  double timestamp_before = 0.0;
267  int point_after = -1;
268  double timestamp_after = 0.0;
270  int num_points = _points.size();
271  int i;
273  // Find the newest of the points before the indicated time. Assume that
274  // this will be no older than _last_point_before.
275  i = std::max(0, _last_point_before);
276  while (i < num_points && _points[i]._timestamp < timestamp) {
277  point_before = i;
278  timestamp_before = _points[i]._timestamp;
279  ++i;
280  }
281  point_way_before = std::max(point_before - 1, -1);
283  // Now the next point is presumably the oldest point after the indicated
284  // time.
285  if (i < num_points) {
286  point_after = i;
287  timestamp_after = _points[i]._timestamp;
288  }
290  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
291  deadrec_cat.spam()
292  << " found points (" << point_way_before << ") " << point_before
293  << ", " << point_after << "\n";
294  }
296  if (point_before < 0) {
297  nassertr(point_after >= 0, false);
298  // If we only have an after point, we have to start there.
299  bool result = !(_last_point_before == point_before &&
300  _last_point_after == point_after);
301  const SamplePoint &point = _points[point_after];
302  set_smooth_pos(point._pos, point._hpr, timestamp);
303  _smooth_forward_velocity = 0.0;
304  _smooth_lateral_velocity = 0.0;
305  _smooth_rotational_velocity = 0.0;
306  _last_point_before = point_before;
307  _last_point_after = point_after;
308  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
309  deadrec_cat.spam()
310  << " only an after point: " << _last_point_before << ", "
311  << _last_point_after << "\n";
312  }
313  return result;
314  }
316  bool result = true;
318  if (point_after < 0 && _prediction_mode != PM_off) {
319  // With prediction in effect, we're allowed to anticipate where the avatar
320  // is going by a tiny bit, if we don't have current enough data. This
321  // works only if we have at least two points of old data.
322  if (point_way_before >= 0) {
323  // To implement simple prediction, we simply back up in time to the
324  // previous two timestamps, and base our linear interpolation off of
325  // those two, extending into the future.
326  SamplePoint &point = _points[point_way_before];
327  point_after = point_before;
328  timestamp_after = timestamp_before;
329  point_before = point_way_before;
330  timestamp_before = point._timestamp;
332  if (timestamp > timestamp_after + _max_position_age) {
333  // Don't allow the prediction to get too far into the future.
334  timestamp = timestamp_after + _max_position_age;
335  }
336  }
337  }
339  if (point_after < 0) {
340  // If we only have a before point even after we've checked for the
341  // possibility of using prediction, then we have to stop there.
342  if (point_way_before >= 0) {
343  // Use the previous two points, if we've got 'em, so we can still
344  // reflect the avatar's velocity.
345  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
346  deadrec_cat.spam()
347  << " previous two\n";
348  }
349  linear_interpolate(point_way_before, point_before, timestamp_before);
351  } else {
352  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
353  deadrec_cat.spam()
354  << " one point\n";
355  }
356  // If we really only have one point, use it.
357  const SamplePoint &point = _points[point_before];
358  set_smooth_pos(point._pos, point._hpr, timestamp);
359  }
361  double age = timestamp - timestamp_before;
362  if (age > _reset_velocity_age) {
363  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
364  deadrec_cat.spam()
365  << " reset_velocity, age = " << age << "\n";
366  }
367  _smooth_forward_velocity = 0.0;
368  _smooth_lateral_velocity = 0.0;
369  _smooth_rotational_velocity = 0.0;
370  }
372  result = !(_last_point_before == point_before &&
373  _last_point_after == point_after);
374  } else {
375  // If we have two points, we can linearly interpolate between them.
376  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
377  deadrec_cat.spam()
378  << " normal interpolate\n";
379  }
380  SamplePoint &point_b = _points[point_before];
381  const SamplePoint &point_a = _points[point_after];
383  if (point_b._pos == point_a._pos && point_b._hpr == point_a._hpr) {
384  // The points are equivalent, so just return that.
385  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
386  deadrec_cat.spam()
387  << "Points are equivalent\n";
388  }
389  set_smooth_pos(point_b._pos, point_b._hpr, timestamp);
391  // This implies that velocity is 0.
392  _smooth_forward_velocity = 0.0;
393  _smooth_lateral_velocity = 0.0;
394  _smooth_rotational_velocity = 0.0;
396  } else {
397  // The points are different, so we have to do some work.
398  double age = (point_a._timestamp - point_b._timestamp);
400  if (_default_to_standing_still && (age > _max_position_age)) {
401  // If the first point is too old, assume there were a lot of implicit
402  // standing still messages that weren't sent. Insert a new sample
403  // point to reflect this.
404  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
405  deadrec_cat.spam()
406  << " first point too old: age = " << age << "\n";
407  }
408  SamplePoint new_point = point_b;
409  new_point._timestamp = point_a._timestamp - _expected_broadcast_period;
410  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
411  deadrec_cat.spam()
412  << " constructed new timestamp at " << new_point._timestamp
413  << "\n";
414  }
415  if (new_point._timestamp > point_b._timestamp) {
416  _points.insert(_points.begin() + point_after, new_point);
418  // Now we've monkeyed with the sequence. Start over.
419  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
420  deadrec_cat.spam()
421  << " recursing after time adjustment.\n";
422  }
423  return compute_smooth_position(orig_timestamp);
424  }
425  }
427  linear_interpolate(point_before, point_after, timestamp);
428  }
429  }
431  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
432  deadrec_cat.spam()
433  << " changing " << _last_point_before << ", " << _last_point_after
434  << " to " << point_before << ", " << point_after << "\n";
435  }
436  _last_point_before = point_before;
437  _last_point_after = point_after;
440  // Assume we'll never get another compute_smooth_position() request for an
441  // older time than this, and remove all the timestamps at the head of the
442  // queue up to but not including point_way_before.
443  while (point_way_before > 0) {
444  nassertr(!_points.empty(), result);
445  _points.pop_front();
447  --point_way_before;
448  --_last_point_before;
449  --_last_point_after;
450  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
451  deadrec_cat.spam()
452  << " popping old point: " << _last_point_before << ", "
453  << _last_point_after << "\n";
454  }
455  }
457  // If we are not using prediction mode, we can also remove point_way_before.
458  if (_prediction_mode == PM_off) {
459  if (point_way_before == 0) {
460  nassertr(!_points.empty(), result);
461  _points.pop_front();
463  --point_way_before;
464  --_last_point_before;
465  --_last_point_after;
466  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
467  deadrec_cat.spam()
468  << " popping way_before point: " << _last_point_before << ", "
469  << _last_point_after << "\n";
470  }
471  }
473  // And if there's only one point left, remove even that one after a while.
474  /* jbutler: commented this out, seems to cause the smoothing pop that occurs
475  when this object is stopped for a while then starts moving again
476  if (_points.size() == 1) {
477  double age = timestamp - _points.back()._timestamp;
478  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
479  deadrec_cat.spam()
480  << "considering clearing all points, age = " << age << "\n";
481  }
482  if (age > _reset_velocity_age) {
483  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
484  deadrec_cat.spam()
485  << "clearing all points.\n";
486  }
487  _points.clear();
488  }
489  }
490  */
491  }
493  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
494  deadrec_cat.spam()
495  << " result = " << result << "\n";
496  }
498  return result;
499 }
501 /**
502  * Updates the smooth_pos (and smooth_hpr, etc.) members to reflect the
503  * absolute latest position known for this avatar. This may result in a pop
504  * to the most recent position.
505  *
506  * Returns true if the latest position is known, false otherwise.
507  */
508 bool SmoothMover::
510  if (deadrec_cat.is_debug()) {
511  deadrec_cat.debug() << "get_latest_position\n";
512  }
513  if (_points.empty()) {
514  // Nothing to do if there are no points.
515  return _smooth_position_known;
516  }
518  const SamplePoint &point = _points.back();
519  set_smooth_pos(point._pos, point._hpr, point._timestamp);
520  _smooth_forward_velocity = 0.0;
521  _smooth_lateral_velocity = 0.0;
522  _smooth_rotational_velocity = 0.0;
523  return true;
524 }
526 /**
527  *
528  */
529 void SmoothMover::
530 output(std::ostream &out) const {
531  out << "SmoothMover, " << _points.size() << " sample points.";
532 }
534 /**
535  *
536  */
537 void SmoothMover::
538 write(std::ostream &out) const {
539  out << "SmoothMover, " << _points.size() << " sample points:\n";
540  int num_points = _points.size();
541  for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
542  const SamplePoint &point = _points[i];
543  out << " " << i << ". time = " << point._timestamp << " pos = "
544  << point._pos << " hpr = " << point._hpr << "\n";
545  }
546 }
548 /**
549  * Sets the computed smooth position and orientation for the indicated
550  * timestamp.
551  */
552 void SmoothMover::
553 set_smooth_pos(const LPoint3 &pos, const LVecBase3 &hpr,
554  double timestamp) {
555  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
556  deadrec_cat.spam()
557  << "set_smooth_pos(" << pos << ", " << hpr << ", "
558  << timestamp << ")\n";
559  }
561  if (_smooth_pos != pos) {
562  _smooth_pos = pos;
563  _smooth_position_changed = true;
564  }
565  if (_smooth_hpr != hpr) {
566  _smooth_hpr = hpr;
567  _smooth_position_changed = true;
568  _computed_forward_axis = false;
569  }
571  _smooth_timestamp = timestamp;
572  _smooth_position_known = true;
573 }
575 /**
576  * Interpolates the smooth position linearly between the two bracketing
577  * position reports.
578  */
579 void SmoothMover::
580 linear_interpolate(int point_before, int point_after, double timestamp) {
581  SamplePoint &point_b = _points[point_before];
582  const SamplePoint &point_a = _points[point_after];
584  double age = (point_a._timestamp - point_b._timestamp);
586  /*
587  Points::const_iterator pi;
588  cout << "linear_interpolate: ";
589  for (pi = _points.begin(); pi != _points.end(); ++pi) {
590  cout << "(" << (*pi)._pos << "), ";
591  }
592  cout << endl;
593  */
595  if (point_before == _last_point_before &&
596  point_after == _last_point_after) {
597  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
598  deadrec_cat.spam()
599  << " same two points\n";
600  }
602  // If these are the same two points we found last time (which is likely),
603  // we can save a bit of work.
604  double t = (timestamp - point_b._timestamp) / age;
606  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
607  deadrec_cat.spam()
608  << " interp " << t << ": " << point_b._pos << " to " << point_a._pos
609  << "\n";
610  }
611  set_smooth_pos(point_b._pos + t * (point_a._pos - point_b._pos),
612  point_b._hpr + t * (point_a._hpr - point_b._hpr),
613  timestamp);
615  // The velocity remains the same as last time.
617  } else {
618  // To interpolate the hpr's, we must first make sure that both angles are
619  // on the same side of the discontinuity.
620  for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
621  if ((point_b._hpr[j] - point_a._hpr[j]) > 180.0) {
622  point_b._hpr[j] -= 360.0;
623  } else if ((point_b._hpr[j] - point_a._hpr[j]) < -180.0) {
624  point_b._hpr[j] += 360.0;
625  }
626  }
628  double t = (timestamp - point_b._timestamp) / age;
629  LVector3 pos_delta = point_a._pos - point_b._pos;
630  LVecBase3 hpr_delta = point_a._hpr - point_b._hpr;
632  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
633  deadrec_cat.spam()
634  << " interp " << t << ": " << point_b._pos << " to " << point_a._pos
635  << "\n";
636  }
637  set_smooth_pos(point_b._pos + t * pos_delta,
638  point_b._hpr + t * hpr_delta,
639  timestamp);
640  compute_velocity(pos_delta, hpr_delta, age);
641  }
642 }
644 /**
645  * Computes the forward and rotational velocities of the moving object.
646  */
647 void SmoothMover::
648 compute_velocity(const LVector3 &pos_delta, const LVecBase3 &hpr_delta,
649  double age) {
650  _smooth_rotational_velocity = hpr_delta[0] / age;
652  if (_directional_velocity) {
653  // To get just the forward component of velocity, we need to project the
654  // velocity vector onto the y axis, as rotated by the current hpr.
655  if (!_computed_forward_axis) {
656  LMatrix3 rot_mat;
657  compose_matrix(rot_mat, LVecBase3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), _smooth_hpr);
658  _forward_axis = LVector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * rot_mat;
660  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
661  deadrec_cat.spam()
662  << " compute forward_axis = " << _forward_axis << "\n";
663  }
664  }
666  LVector3 lateral_axis = _forward_axis.cross(LVector3(0.0,0.0,1.0));
668  PN_stdfloat forward_distance =;
669  PN_stdfloat lateral_distance =;
671  _smooth_forward_velocity = forward_distance / age;
672  _smooth_lateral_velocity = lateral_distance / age;
674  } else {
675  _smooth_forward_velocity = pos_delta.length();
676  _smooth_lateral_velocity = 0.0f;
677  }
679  if (deadrec_cat.is_spam()) {
680  deadrec_cat.spam()
681  << " compute_velocity = " << _smooth_forward_velocity << "\n";
682  }
683 }
685 /**
686  * Records the delay measured in receiving this particular timestamp. The
687  * average delay of the last n timestamps will be used to smooth the motion
688  * properly.
689  */
690 void SmoothMover::
691 record_timestamp_delay(double timestamp) {
694  // Convert the delay to an integer number of milliseconds. Integers are
695  // better than doubles because they don't accumulate errors over time.
696  int delay = (int)((now - timestamp) * 1000.0);
697  if (_timestamp_delays.full()) {
698  _net_timestamp_delay -= _timestamp_delays.front();
699  _timestamp_delays.pop_front();
700  }
701  _net_timestamp_delay += delay;
702  _timestamp_delays.push_back(delay);
704  _last_heard_from = now;
705 }
707 /**
708  * Node is being wrtReparented, update recorded sample positions to reflect
709  * new parent
710  */
711 void SmoothMover::
712 handle_wrt_reparent(NodePath &old_parent, NodePath &new_parent) {
713  Points::iterator pi;
714  NodePath np = old_parent.attach_new_node("smoothMoverWrtReparent");
716  // cout << "handle_wrt_reparent: ";
717  for (pi = _points.begin(); pi != _points.end(); pi++) {
718  np.set_pos_hpr((*pi)._pos, (*pi)._hpr);
719  (*pi)._pos = np.get_pos(new_parent);
720  (*pi)._hpr = np.get_hpr(new_parent);
721  // cout << "(" << (*pi)._pos << "), ";
722  }
723  // cout << endl;
725  np.set_pos_hpr(_sample._pos, _sample._hpr);
726  _sample._pos = np.get_pos(new_parent);
727  _sample._hpr = np.get_hpr(new_parent);
729  np.set_pos_hpr(_smooth_pos, _smooth_hpr);
730  _smooth_pos = np.get_pos(new_parent);
731  _smooth_hpr = np.get_hpr(new_parent);
733  _computed_forward_axis = false;
735  np.detach_node();
736 }
static ClockObject * get_global_clock()
Returns a pointer to the global ClockObject.
Definition: clockObject.I:215
void push_back(const Thing &t)
Adds an item to the end of the buffer.
Definition: circBuffer.I:169
void set_pos_hpr(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat z, PN_stdfloat h, PN_stdfloat p, PN_stdfloat r)
Sets the translation and rotation component of the transform, leaving scale untouched.
Definition: nodePath.I:728
void clear_positions(bool reset_velocity)
Erases all the old position reports.
bool get_latest_position()
Updates the smooth_pos (and smooth_hpr, etc.) members to reflect the absolute latest position known f...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void mark_position()
Stores the position, orientation, and timestamp (if relevant) indicated by previous calls to set_pos(...
Definition: smoothMover.cxx:78
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool compute_smooth_position()
Computes the smoothed position (and orientation) of the mover at the indicated point in time,...
Definition: smoothMover.I:285
bool full() const
Returns true if the buffer is full; if this is true, push_back() will fail.
Definition: circBuffer.I:66
void handle_wrt_reparent(NodePath &old_parent, NodePath &new_parent)
Node is being wrtReparented, update recorded sample positions to reflect new parent.
Returns the time in seconds as of the last time tick() was called (typically, this will be as of the ...
Definition: clockObject.h:91
NodePath attach_new_node(PandaNode *node, int sort=0, Thread *current_thread=Thread::get_current_thread()) const
Attaches a new node, with or without existing parents, to the scene graph below the referenced node o...
Definition: nodePath.cxx:563
void pop_front()
Removes the first item from the buffer.
Definition: circBuffer.I:125
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
LVecBase3 get_hpr() const
Retrieves the rotation component of the transform.
Definition: nodePath.cxx:1058
LPoint3 get_pos() const
Retrieves the translation component of the transform.
Definition: nodePath.cxx:992
const Thing & front() const
Returns a reference to the first item in the queue.
Definition: circBuffer.I:78
void detach_node(Thread *current_thread=Thread::get_current_thread())
Disconnects the referenced node from its parent, but does not immediately delete it.
Definition: nodePath.cxx:631
NodePath is the fundamental system for disambiguating instances, and also provides a higher-level int...
Definition: nodePath.h:161