Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file eggGroupNode.h
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 1999-01-16
12  */
17 #include "pandabase.h"
19 #include "eggNode.h"
20 #include "eggVertexPool.h"
22 #include "coordinateSystem.h"
23 #include "typedObject.h"
24 #include "pointerTo.h"
25 #include "luse.h"
26 #include "globPattern.h"
27 #include "plist.h"
28 #include "bamCacheRecord.h"
32 class EggPolygon;
33 class EggVertex;
34 class EggVertexPool;
35 class DSearchPath;
37 /**
38  * A base class for nodes in the hierarchy that are not leaf nodes. (See also
39  * EggGroup, which is specifically the "<Group>" node in egg.)
40  *
41  * An EggGroupNode is an STL-style container of pointers to EggNodes, like a
42  * vector. Functions push_back()/pop_back() and insert()/erase() are provided
43  * to manipulate the list. The list may also be operated on (read-only) via
44  * iterators and begin()/end().
45  */
46 class EXPCL_PANDA_EGG EggGroupNode : public EggNode {
48  // This is a bit of private interface stuff that must be here as a forward
49  // reference. This allows us to define the EggGroupNode as an STL
50  // container.
52 private:
53  // We define the list of children as a list and not a vector, so we can
54  // avoid the bad iterator-invalidating properties of vectors as we
55  // insertdelete elements.
56  typedef plist< PT(EggNode) > Children;
58  // Here begins the actual public interface to EggGroupNode.
61  explicit EggGroupNode(const std::string &name = "") : EggNode(name) { }
62  EggGroupNode(const EggGroupNode &copy);
63  EggGroupNode &operator = (const EggGroupNode &copy);
64  virtual ~EggGroupNode();
66  virtual void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
68  // The EggGroupNode itself appears to be an STL container of pointers to
69  // EggNodes. The set of children is read-only, however, except through the
70  // limited add_childremove_child or inserterase interface. The following
71  // implements this.
72 public:
73 #if defined(WIN32_VC) || defined(WIN64_VC)
74  typedef const PT(EggNode) *pointer;
75  typedef const PT(EggNode) *const_pointer;
76 #else
77  typedef Children::const_pointer pointer;
78  typedef Children::const_pointer const_pointer;
79 #endif
80  typedef Children::const_reference reference;
81  typedef Children::const_reference const_reference;
82  typedef Children::const_iterator iterator;
83  typedef Children::const_iterator const_iterator;
84  typedef Children::const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
85  typedef Children::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
86  typedef Children::size_type size_type;
87  typedef Children::difference_type difference_type;
89  iterator begin() const;
90  iterator end() const;
91  reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
92  reverse_iterator rend() const;
94  iterator insert(iterator position, PT(EggNode) x);
95  iterator erase(iterator position);
96  iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
97  void replace(iterator position, PT(EggNode) x);
100  bool empty() const;
101  size_type size() const;
102  void clear();
104  // This is an alternate way to traverse the list of children. It is mainly
105  // provided for scripting code, which can't use the iterators defined above
106  // (they don't export through interrogate very well). These are, of course,
107  // non-thread-safe.
108  EggNode *get_first_child();
109  EggNode *get_next_child();
111  EXTENSION(PyObject *get_children() const);
112  MAKE_PROPERTY(children, get_children);
114  EggNode *add_child(EggNode *node);
115  PT(EggNode) remove_child(EggNode *node);
116  void steal_children(EggGroupNode &other);
118  EggNode *find_child(const std::string &name) const;
120  bool has_absolute_pathnames() const;
121  void resolve_filenames(const DSearchPath &searchpath);
122  void force_filenames(const Filename &directory);
123  void reverse_vertex_ordering();
125  void recompute_vertex_normals(double threshold, CoordinateSystem cs = CS_default);
126  void recompute_polygon_normals(CoordinateSystem cs = CS_default);
127  void strip_normals();
129  bool recompute_tangent_binormal(const GlobPattern &uv_name);
130  bool recompute_tangent_binormal(const vector_string &names);
131  bool recompute_tangent_binormal_auto();
133  enum TriangulateFlags {
134  T_polygon = 0x001,
135  T_convex = 0x002,
136  T_composite = 0x004,
137  T_recurse = 0x008,
138  T_flat_shaded = 0x010,
139  };
141  int triangulate_polygons(int flags);
142  void mesh_triangles(int flags);
143  void make_point_primitives();
145  int rename_nodes(vector_string strip_prefix, bool recurse);
147  int remove_unused_vertices(bool recurse);
148  int remove_invalid_primitives(bool recurse);
149  void clear_connected_shading();
150  void get_connected_shading();
151  void unify_attributes(bool use_connected_shading, bool allow_per_primitive,
152  bool recurse);
153  void apply_last_attribute(bool recurse);
154  void apply_first_attribute(bool recurse);
155  void post_apply_flat_attribute(bool recurse);
156  virtual bool has_primitives() const;
157  virtual bool joint_has_primitives() const;
158  virtual bool has_normals() const;
160 public:
161  void rebuild_vertex_pools(EggVertexPools &vertex_pools,
162  unsigned int max_vertices,
163  bool recurse);
165 protected:
166  virtual void update_under(int depth_offset);
168  virtual void r_transform(const LMatrix4d &mat, const LMatrix4d &inv,
169  CoordinateSystem to_cs);
170  virtual void r_transform_vertices(const LMatrix4d &mat);
171  virtual void r_mark_coordsys(CoordinateSystem cs);
172  virtual void r_flatten_transforms();
173  virtual void r_apply_texmats(EggTextureCollection &textures);
176  CoordinateSystem find_coordsys_entry();
177  int find_textures(EggTextureCollection *collection);
178  int find_materials(EggMaterialCollection *collection);
179  bool r_load_externals(const DSearchPath &searchpath,
180  CoordinateSystem coordsys,
181  BamCacheRecord *record);
184  INLINE static bool is_right(const LVector2d &v1, const LVector2d &v2);
186 private:
187  Children _children;
188  const_iterator _gnc_iterator;
190  // Don't try to use these private functions. User code should add and
191  // remove children via add_child()remove_child(), or via the STL-like
192  // push_back()pop_back() or insert()erase(), above.
193  void prepare_add_child(EggNode *node);
194  void prepare_remove_child(EggNode *node);
196  // This bit is in support of recompute_vertex_normals().
197  class NVertexReference {
198  public:
199  EggPolygon *_polygon;
200  LNormald _normal;
201  size_t _vertex;
202  };
206  void r_collect_vertex_normals(NVertexCollection &collection,
207  double threshold, CoordinateSystem cs);
208  void do_compute_vertex_normals(const NVertexGroup &group);
210  // This bit is in support of recompute_tangent_binormal().
211  class TBNVertexReference {
212  public:
213  EggPolygon *_polygon;
214  size_t _vertex;
215  LVector3d _sdir;
216  LVector3d _tdir;
217  };
218  class TBNVertexValue {
219  public:
220  INLINE bool operator < (const TBNVertexValue &other) const;
221  LVertexd _pos;
222  LNormald _normal;
223  std::string _uv_name;
224  LTexCoordd _uv;
225  bool _facing;
226  };
230  void r_collect_tangent_binormal(const GlobPattern &uv_name,
231  TBNVertexCollection &collection);
232  void do_compute_tangent_binormal(const TBNVertexValue &value,
233  const TBNVertexGroup &group);
235 public:
236  static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
237  return _type_handle;
238  }
239  static void init_type() {
240  EggNode::init_type();
241  register_type(_type_handle, "EggGroupNode",
242  EggNode::get_class_type());
243  }
244  virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
245  return get_class_type();
246  }
247  virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
249 private:
250  static TypeHandle _type_handle;
252  friend class EggTextureCollection;
253  friend class EggMaterialCollection;
254 };
256 #include "eggGroupNode.I"
258 #endif
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL map.
Definition: pmap.h:49
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A base class for nodes in the hierarchy that are not leaf nodes.
Definition: eggGroupNode.h:46
This is a collection of materials by MRef name.
void register_type(TypeHandle &type_handle, const std::string &name)
This inline function is just a convenient way to call TypeRegistry::register_type(),...
Definition: register_type.I:22
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a collection of textures by TRef name.
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL list.
Definition: plist.h:35
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL vector.
Definition: pvector.h:42
bool is_right(const LVector2 &v1, const LVector2 &v2)
Returns true if the 2-d v1 is to the right of v2.
Definition: pgItem.cxx:50
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file.
Definition: filename.h:39
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
An instance of this class is written to the front of a Bam or Txo file to make the file a cached inst...
Any one-, two-, three-, or four-component vertex, possibly with attributes such as a normal.
Definition: eggVertex.h:39
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A single polygon.
Definition: eggPolygon.h:24
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A base class for things that may be directly added into the egg hierarchy.
Definition: eggNode.h:35
This class stores a list of directories that can be searched, in order, to locate a particular file.
Definition: dSearchPath.h:28
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A collection of vertices.
Definition: eggVertexPool.h:41
This class can be used to test for string matches against standard Unix- shell filename globbing conv...
Definition: globPattern.h:32