Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file geomPrimitive.I
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2005-03-06
12  */
14 /**
15  * Returns the ShadeModel hint for this primitive. This is intended as a hint
16  * to the renderer to tell it how the per-vertex colors and normals are
17  * applied.
18  */
19 INLINE GeomPrimitive::ShadeModel GeomPrimitive::
20 get_shade_model() const {
21  CDReader cdata(_cycler);
22  return cdata->_shade_model;
23 }
25 /**
26  * Changes the ShadeModel hint for this primitive. This is different from the
27  * ShadeModelAttrib that might also be applied from the scene graph. This
28  * does not affect the shade model that is in effect when rendering, but
29  * rather serves as a hint to the renderer to tell it how the per-vertex
30  * colors and normals on this primitive are applied.
31  *
32  * Don't call this in a downstream thread unless you don't mind it blowing
33  * away other changes you might have recently made in an upstream thread.
34  */
35 INLINE void GeomPrimitive::
36 set_shade_model(GeomPrimitive::ShadeModel shade_model) {
37  CDWriter cdata(_cycler, true);
38  cdata->_shade_model = shade_model;
39 }
41 /**
42  * Returns the usage hint for this primitive. See geomEnums.h. This has
43  * nothing to do with the usage hint associated with the primitive's vertices;
44  * this only specifies how often the vertex indices that define the primitive
45  * will be modified.
46  *
47  * It is perfectly legal (and, in fact, common) for a GeomPrimitive to have
48  * UH_static on itself, while referencing vertex data with UH_dynamic. This
49  * means that the vertices themselves will be animated, but the primitive will
50  * always reference the same set of vertices from the pool.
51  */
52 INLINE GeomPrimitive::UsageHint GeomPrimitive::
53 get_usage_hint() const {
54  CDReader cdata(_cycler);
55  return cdata->_usage_hint;
56 }
58 /**
59  * Returns the numeric type of the index column. Normally, this will be
60  * either NT_uint16 or NT_uint32.
61  */
62 INLINE GeomPrimitive::NumericType GeomPrimitive::
63 get_index_type() const {
64  CDReader cdata(_cycler);
65  return cdata->_index_type;
66 }
68 /**
69  * Returns true if the primitive is a composite primitive such as a tristrip
70  * or trifan, or false if it is a fundamental primitive such as a collection
71  * of triangles.
72  */
73 INLINE bool GeomPrimitive::
74 is_composite() const {
75  return (get_num_vertices_per_primitive() == 0);
76 }
78 /**
79  * Returns true if the primitive is indexed, false otherwise. An indexed
80  * primitive stores a table of index numbers into its GeomVertexData, so that
81  * it can reference the vertices in any order. A nonindexed primitive, on the
82  * other hand, stores only the first vertex number and number of vertices
83  * used, so that it can only reference the vertices consecutively.
84  */
85 INLINE bool GeomPrimitive::
86 is_indexed() const {
87  CDReader cdata(_cycler);
88  return (!cdata->_vertices.is_null());
89 }
91 /**
92  * Returns the first vertex number referenced by the primitive. This is
93  * particularly important in the case of a nonindexed primitive, in which case
94  * get_first_vertex() and get_num_vertices() completely define the extent of
95  * the vertex range.
96  */
97 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
99  GeomPrimitivePipelineReader reader(this, Thread::get_current_thread());
100  return reader.get_first_vertex();
101 }
103 /**
104  * Returns the number of indices used by all the primitives in this object.
105  */
106 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
107 get_num_vertices() const {
108  GeomPrimitivePipelineReader reader(this, Thread::get_current_thread());
109  return reader.get_num_vertices();
110 }
112 /**
113  * Returns the ith vertex index in the table.
114  */
115 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
116 get_vertex(int i) const {
117  GeomPrimitivePipelineReader reader(this, Thread::get_current_thread());
118  return reader.get_vertex(i);
119 }
121 /**
122  * Returns the number of individual primitives stored within this object. All
123  * primitives are the same type.
124  */
125 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
127  int num_vertices_per_primitive = get_num_vertices_per_primitive();
129  if (num_vertices_per_primitive == 0) {
130  // This is a complex primitive type like a triangle strip: each primitive
131  // uses a different number of vertices.
132  CDReader cdata(_cycler);
133  return cdata->_ends.size();
135  } else {
136  // This is a simple primitive type like a triangle: each primitive uses
137  // the same number of vertices.
138  return (get_num_vertices() / num_vertices_per_primitive);
139  }
140 }
142 /**
143  * Returns the number of triangles or other fundamental type (such as line
144  * segments) represented by all the primitives in this object.
145  */
146 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
147 get_num_faces() const {
148  int num_vertices_per_primitive = get_num_vertices_per_primitive();
150  if (num_vertices_per_primitive == 0) {
151  int num_primitives = get_num_primitives();
152  int num_vertices = get_num_vertices();
153  int min_num_vertices_per_primitive = get_min_num_vertices_per_primitive();
154  int num_unused_vertices_per_primitive = get_num_unused_vertices_per_primitive();
155  return num_vertices - (num_primitives * (min_num_vertices_per_primitive - 1)) - ((num_primitives - 1) * num_unused_vertices_per_primitive);
156  } else {
157  return get_num_primitives();
158  }
159 }
161 /**
162  * Returns the number of triangles or other fundamental type (such as line
163  * segments) represented by the nth primitive in this object.
164  */
165 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
167  int num_vertices_per_primitive = get_num_vertices_per_primitive();
169  if (num_vertices_per_primitive == 0) {
171  } else {
172  return 1;
173  }
174 }
176 /**
177  * Returns the minimum vertex index number used by all the primitives in this
178  * object.
179  */
180 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
181 get_min_vertex() const {
182  GeomPrimitivePipelineReader reader(this, Thread::get_current_thread());
183  reader.check_minmax();
184  return reader.get_min_vertex();
185 }
187 /**
188  * Returns the maximum vertex index number used by all the primitives in this
189  * object.
190  */
191 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
192 get_max_vertex() const {
193  GeomPrimitivePipelineReader reader(this, Thread::get_current_thread());
194  reader.check_minmax();
195  return reader.get_max_vertex();
196 }
198 /**
199  * Returns the number of bytes stored in the vertices array.
200  */
201 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
202 get_data_size_bytes() const {
203  CDReader cdata(_cycler);
204  nassertr(!cdata->_vertices.is_null(), 0);
205  return cdata->_vertices.get_read_pointer()->get_data_size_bytes();
206 }
208 /**
209  * Returns a sequence number which is guaranteed to change at least every time
210  * the vertex index array is modified.
211  */
212 INLINE UpdateSeq GeomPrimitive::
213 get_modified() const {
214  CDReader cdata(_cycler);
215  return cdata->_modified;
216 }
218 /**
219  * Verifies that the primitive only references vertices that actually exist
220  * within the indicated GeomVertexData. Returns true if the primitive appears
221  * to be valid, false otherwise.
222  */
223 INLINE bool GeomPrimitive::
224 check_valid(const GeomVertexData *vertex_data) const {
225  Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread();
226  GeomVertexDataPipelineReader data_reader(vertex_data, current_thread);
227  data_reader.check_array_readers();
228  return check_valid(&data_reader);
229 }
231 /**
232  *
233  */
234 INLINE bool GeomPrimitive::
235 check_valid(const GeomVertexDataPipelineReader *data_reader) const {
236  GeomPrimitivePipelineReader reader(this, data_reader->get_current_thread());
237  reader.check_minmax();
238  return reader.check_valid(data_reader);
239 }
241 /**
242  * Returns a const pointer to the vertex index array so application code can
243  * read it directly. This might return NULL if the primitive is nonindexed.
244  * Do not attempt to modify the returned array; use modify_vertices() or
245  * set_vertices() for this.
246  *
247  * This method is intended for low-level usage only. There are higher-level
248  * methods for more common usage. We recommend you do not use this method
249  * directly. If you do, be sure you know what you are doing!
250  */
251 INLINE CPT(GeomVertexArrayData) GeomPrimitive::
252 get_vertices() const {
253  CDReader cdata(_cycler);
254  return cdata->_vertices.get_read_pointer();
255 }
257 /**
258  * Equivalent to get_vertices().get_handle().
259  */
260 INLINE CPT(GeomVertexArrayDataHandle) GeomPrimitive::
261 get_vertices_handle(Thread *current_thread) const {
262  CDReader cdata(_cycler, current_thread);
263  return new GeomVertexArrayDataHandle(cdata->_vertices.get_read_pointer(current_thread), current_thread);
264 }
266 /**
267  * Equivalent to modify_vertices().get_handle().
268  */
269 INLINE PT(GeomVertexArrayDataHandle) GeomPrimitive::
270 modify_vertices_handle(Thread *current_thread) {
271  CDWriter cdata(_cycler, true, current_thread);
272  return new GeomVertexArrayDataHandle(do_modify_vertices(cdata), current_thread);
273 }
275 /**
276  * A convenience function to return the gap between successive index numbers,
277  * in bytes, of the index data.
278  *
279  * This method is intended for low-level usage only. There are higher-level
280  * methods for more common usage. We recommend you do not use this method
281  * directly. If you do, be sure you know what you are doing!
282  */
283 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
284 get_index_stride() const {
285  GeomPrimitivePipelineReader reader(this, Thread::get_current_thread());
286  return reader.get_index_stride();
287 }
289 /**
290  * If relevant, returns the index value that may be used in some cases to
291  * signify the end of a primitive. This is typically the highest value that
292  * the numeric type can store.
293  */
294 INLINE int GeomPrimitive::
295 get_strip_cut_index() const {
296  CDReader cdata(_cycler);
297  return get_strip_cut_index(cdata->_index_type);
298 }
300 /**
301  * Returns a const pointer to the primitive ends array so application code can
302  * read it directly. Do not attempt to modify the returned array; use
303  * modify_ends() or set_ends() for this.
304  *
305  * Note that simple primitive types, like triangles, do not have a ends array:
306  * since all the primitives have the same number of vertices, it is not
307  * needed.
308  *
309  * This method is intended for low-level usage only. There are higher-level
310  * methods for more common usage. We recommend you do not use this method
311  * directly. If you do, be sure you know what you are doing!
312  */
314 get_ends() const {
315  CDReader cdata(_cycler);
316  return cdata->_ends;
317 }
319 /**
320  * Returns a const pointer to the primitive mins array so application code can
321  * read it directly. Do not attempt to modify the returned array; use
322  * set_minmax() for this.
323  *
324  * Note that simple primitive types, like triangles, do not have a mins array.
325  *
326  * This method is intended for low-level usage only. There are higher-level
327  * methods for more common usage. We recommend you do not use this method
328  * directly. If you do, be sure you know what you are doing!
329  */
330 INLINE CPT(GeomVertexArrayData) GeomPrimitive::
331 get_mins() const {
332  GeomPrimitivePipelineReader reader(this, Thread::get_current_thread());
333  reader.check_minmax();
334  return reader.get_mins();
335 }
337 /**
338  * Returns a const pointer to the primitive maxs array so application code can
339  * read it directly. Do not attempt to modify the returned array; use
340  * set_minmax().
341  *
342  * Note that simple primitive types, like triangles, do not have a maxs array.
343  *
344  * This method is intended for low-level usage only. There are higher-level
345  * methods for more common usage. We recommend you do not use this method
346  * directly. If you do, be sure you know what you are doing!
347  */
348 INLINE CPT(GeomVertexArrayData) GeomPrimitive::
349 get_maxs() const {
350  GeomPrimitivePipelineReader reader(this, Thread::get_current_thread());
351  reader.check_minmax();
352  return reader.get_maxs();
353 }
355 /**
356  * Adds several vertices in a row.
357  */
358 INLINE void GeomPrimitive::
359 add_vertices(int v1, int v2) {
360  add_vertex(v1);
361  add_vertex(v2);
362 }
364 /**
365  * Adds several vertices in a row.
366  */
367 INLINE void GeomPrimitive::
368 add_vertices(int v1, int v2, int v3) {
369  add_vertex(v1);
370  add_vertex(v2);
371  add_vertex(v3);
372 }
374 /**
375  * Adds several vertices in a row.
376  */
377 INLINE void GeomPrimitive::
378 add_vertices(int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4) {
379  add_vertex(v1);
380  add_vertex(v2);
381  add_vertex(v3);
382  add_vertex(v4);
383 }
385 /**
386  * Returns a registered format appropriate for using to store the index table.
387  */
391 }
393 /**
394  * Creates and returns a new, empty index table.
395  */
396 INLINE PT(GeomVertexArrayData) GeomPrimitive::
397 make_index_data() const {
398  return new GeomVertexArrayData(get_index_format(), get_usage_hint());
399 }
401 /**
402  * Returns a registered format appropriate for using to store the index table.
403  */
404 INLINE CPT(GeomVertexArrayFormat) GeomPrimitive::
405 make_index_format(NumericType index_type) {
407  // It's important that the index format *not* respect the global setting of
408  // vertex-column-alignment. It needs to be tightly packed, so we specify an
409  // explict column_alignment of 1.
410  format->add_column(InternalName::get_index(), 1, index_type, C_index, 0, 1);
411  return GeomVertexArrayFormat::register_format(format);
412 }
414 /**
415  *
416  */
417 INLINE GeomPrimitive::CData::
418 CData() :
419  _shade_model(SM_smooth),
420  _first_vertex(0),
421  _num_vertices(0),
422  _index_type(NT_uint16),
423  _usage_hint(UH_unspecified),
424  _got_minmax(true),
425  _min_vertex(0),
426  _max_vertex(0)
427 {
428 }
430 /**
431  *
432  */
433 INLINE GeomPrimitive::CData::
434 CData(const GeomPrimitive::CData &copy) :
435  _shade_model(copy._shade_model),
436  _first_vertex(copy._first_vertex),
437  _num_vertices(copy._num_vertices),
438  _index_type(copy._index_type),
439  _usage_hint(copy._usage_hint),
440  _vertices(copy._vertices),
441  _ends(copy._ends),
442  _mins(copy._mins),
443  _maxs(copy._maxs),
444  _modified(copy._modified),
445  _got_minmax(copy._got_minmax),
446  _min_vertex(copy._min_vertex),
447  _max_vertex(copy._max_vertex)
448 {
449 }
450 /**
451  *
452  */
453 INLINE GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
454 GeomPrimitivePipelineReader(CPT(GeomPrimitive) object,
455  Thread *current_thread) :
456  _object(std::move(object)),
457  _current_thread(current_thread),
458 #ifndef CPPPARSER
459  _cdata(_object->_cycler.read_unlocked(current_thread)),
460 #endif
461  _vertices_cdata(nullptr)
462 {
463  nassertv(_object->test_ref_count_nonzero());
464 #ifdef DO_PIPELINING
465  _cdata->ref();
466 #endif // DO_PIPELINING
468  if (!_cdata->_vertices.is_null()) {
469  _vertices = _cdata->_vertices.get_read_pointer(current_thread);
470  _vertices_cdata = _vertices->_cycler.read_unlocked(current_thread);
471 #ifdef DO_PIPELINING
472  _vertices_cdata->ref();
473 #endif // DO_PIPELINING
474  // We must grab the lock *after* we have incremented the reference count,
475  // above.
476  _vertices_cdata->_rw_lock.acquire();
477  }
478 }
480 /**
481  *
482  */
483 INLINE GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
484 ~GeomPrimitivePipelineReader() {
485 #ifdef _DEBUG
486  nassertv(_object->test_ref_count_nonzero());
487 #endif // _DEBUG
488  // _object->_cycler.release_read(_cdata);
490 #ifdef DO_PIPELINING
491  unref_delete((CycleData *)_cdata);
492 #endif // DO_PIPELINING
494  if (_vertices_cdata != nullptr) {
495  // We must release the lock *before* we decrement the reference count,
496  // below.
497  _vertices_cdata->_rw_lock.release();
499 #ifdef DO_PIPELINING
500  unref_delete((CycleData *)_vertices_cdata);
501 #endif // DO_PIPELINING
502  }
504 #ifdef _DEBUG
505  _object = nullptr;
506  _cdata = nullptr;
507 #endif // _DEBUG
508 }
510 /**
511  *
512  */
513 INLINE const GeomPrimitive *GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
514 get_object() const {
515  return _object;
516 }
518 /**
519  *
520  */
521 INLINE Thread *GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
522 get_current_thread() const {
523  return _current_thread;
524 }
526 /**
527  *
528  */
529 INLINE GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::ShadeModel GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
530 get_shade_model() const {
531  return _cdata->_shade_model;
532 }
534 /**
535  *
536  */
537 INLINE GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::UsageHint GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
538 get_usage_hint() const {
539  return _cdata->_usage_hint;
540 }
542 /**
543  *
544  */
545 INLINE GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::NumericType GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
546 get_index_type() const {
547  return _cdata->_index_type;
548 }
550 /**
551  *
552  */
553 INLINE bool GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
554 is_indexed() const {
555  return (!_vertices.is_null());
556 }
558 /**
559  *
560  */
561 INLINE int GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
562 get_num_vertices() const {
563  if (_cdata->_num_vertices != -1) {
564  return _cdata->_num_vertices;
565  } else {
566  nassertr(!_vertices.is_null(), 0);
567  size_t stride = _vertices->_array_format->get_stride();
568  nassertr(stride != 0, 0);
569  return get_data_size_bytes() / stride;
570  }
571 }
573 /**
574  *
575  */
576 INLINE int GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
577 get_min_vertex() const {
578  nassertr(_cdata->_got_minmax, 0);
579  return _cdata->_min_vertex;
580 }
582 /**
583  *
584  */
585 INLINE int GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
586 get_max_vertex() const {
587  nassertr(_cdata->_got_minmax, 0);
588  return _cdata->_max_vertex;
589 }
591 /**
592  * Returns the number of bytes stored in the vertices array.
593  */
596  return _vertices_cdata->_buffer.get_size();
597 }
599 /**
600  *
601  */
602 INLINE UpdateSeq GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
603 get_modified() const {
604  return _cdata->_modified;
605 }
607 /**
608  *
609  */
610 INLINE int GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
611 get_index_stride() const {
612  nassertr(is_indexed(), 0);
613  return _vertices->_array_format->get_stride();
614 }
616 /**
617  *
618  */
619 INLINE const unsigned char *GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
620 get_read_pointer(bool force) const {
621  ((GeomVertexArrayData *)_vertices.p())->mark_used();
622  return _vertices_cdata->_buffer.get_read_pointer(force);
623 }
625 /**
626  *
627  */
628 INLINE int GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
629 get_strip_cut_index() const {
630  return GeomPrimitive::get_strip_cut_index(_cdata->_index_type);
631 }
633 /**
634  *
635  */
636 INLINE CPTA_int GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
637 get_ends() const {
638  return _cdata->_ends;
639 }
641 /**
642  *
643  */
644 INLINE CPT(GeomVertexArrayData) GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
645 get_mins() const {
646  nassertr(is_indexed(), nullptr);
647  nassertr(_cdata->_got_minmax, nullptr);
648  return _cdata->_mins.get_read_pointer();
649 }
651 /**
652  *
653  */
654 INLINE CPT(GeomVertexArrayData) GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
655 get_maxs() const {
656  nassertr(is_indexed(), nullptr);
657  nassertr(_cdata->_got_minmax, nullptr);
658  return _cdata->_maxs.get_read_pointer();
659 }
661 /**
662  *
663  */
664 INLINE IndexBufferContext *GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
665 prepare_now(PreparedGraphicsObjects *prepared_objects,
666  GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg) const {
667  return ((GeomPrimitive *)_object.p())->prepare_now(prepared_objects, gsg);
668 }
670 /**
671  * Calls the appropriate method on the GSG to draw the primitive.
672  */
673 INLINE bool GeomPrimitivePipelineReader::
674 draw(GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg, bool force) const {
675  return _object->draw(gsg, this, force);
676 }
678 INLINE std::ostream &
679 operator << (std::ostream &out, const GeomPrimitive &obj) {
680  obj.output(out);
681  return out;
682 }
int get_primitive_num_faces(int n) const
Returns the number of triangles or other fundamental type (such as line segments) represented by the ...
bool is_composite() const
Returns true if the primitive is a composite primitive such as a tristrip or trifan,...
Definition: geomPrimitive.I:74
const GeomVertexArrayFormat * get_index_format() const
Returns a registered format appropriate for using to store the index table.
Returns the minimum number of vertices that must be added before close_primitive() may legally be cal...
int get_max_vertex() const
Returns the maximum vertex index number used by all the primitives in this object.
int get_primitive_num_vertices(int n) const
Returns the number of vertices used by the nth primitive.
Returns the ith vertex index in the table.
Definition: geomPrimitive.h:99
This is a special class object that holds all the information returned by a particular GSG to indicat...
A single page of data maintained by a PipelineCycler.
Definition: cycleData.h:47
This is an abstract base class for a family of classes that represent the fundamental geometry primit...
Definition: geomPrimitive.h:56
int add_column(CPT_InternalName name, int num_components, NumericType numeric_type, Contents contents, int start=-1, int column_alignment=0)
Adds a new column to the specification.
Returns the number of indices used by all the primitives in this object.
Definition: geomPrimitive.h:99
This data object is returned by GeomVertexArrayData::get_handle() or modify_handle().
A table of objects that are saved within the graphics context for reference by handle later.
int get_first_vertex() const
Returns the first vertex number referenced by the primitive.
Definition: geomPrimitive.I:98
This template class calls PipelineCycler::read_unlocked(), and then provides a transparent read-only ...
CPT(GeomVertexArrayData) GeomPrimitive
Returns a const pointer to the vertex index array so application code can read it directly.
int get_num_faces() const
Returns the number of triangles or other fundamental type (such as line segments) represented by all ...
void add_vertex(int vertex)
Adds the indicated vertex to the list of vertex indices used by the graphics primitive type.
int get_min_vertex() const
Returns the minimum vertex index number used by all the primitives in this object.
This defines the actual numeric vertex data stored in a Geom, in the structure defined by a particula...
void set_shade_model(ShadeModel shade_model)
Changes the ShadeModel hint for this primitive.
Definition: geomPrimitive.I:36
Returns the numeric type of the index column.
Definition: geomPrimitive.h:85
CPTA_int get_ends() const
Returns a const pointer to the primitive ends array so application code can read it directly.
This template class calls PipelineCycler::write() in the constructor and PipelineCycler::release_writ...
Returns the index of the indicated type that is reserved for use as a strip cut index,...
bool check_valid(const GeomVertexData *vertex_data) const
Verifies that the primitive only references vertices that actually exist within the indicated GeomVer...
This is a base class for the GraphicsStateGuardian class, which is itself a base class for the variou...
int get_num_primitives() const
Returns the number of individual primitives stored within this object.
A thread; that is, a lightweight process.
Definition: thread.h:46
This describes the structure of a single array within a Geom data.
Encapsulates the data from a GeomVertexData, pre-fetched for one stage of the pipeline.
PT(GeomVertexArrayData) GeomPrimitive
Creates and returns a new, empty index table.
int get_data_size_bytes() const
Returns the number of bytes stored in the vertices array.
This is a sequence number that increments monotonically.
Definition: updateSeq.h:37
Encapsulates the data from a GeomPrimitive, pre-fetched for one stage of the pipeline.
void check_minmax() const
Ensures that the primitive's minmax cache has been computed.
void unref_delete(RefCountType *ptr)
This global helper function will unref the given ReferenceCount object, and if the reference count re...
Returns the number of vertices that are added between primitives that aren't, strictly speaking,...
bool is_indexed() const
Returns true if the primitive is indexed, false otherwise.
Definition: geomPrimitive.I:86
If the primitive type is a simple type in which all primitives have the same number of vertices,...
Similar to PointerToArray, except that its contents may not be modified.
This is the data for one array of a GeomVertexData structure.