Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file heightfieldTesselator.cxx
10  * @author jyelon
11  * @date 2006-07-17
12  */
14 #include "heightfieldTesselator.h"
15 #include "geomNode.h"
16 #include "transformState.h"
17 #include "sceneGraphReducer.h"
18 #include "lvector3.h"
20 /**
21  * Makes sure that the heightfield is a grayscale image of valid dimensions.
22  * If necessary, adds a band of zeros onto two sides of the heightfield, so as
23  * to make the size of the heightfield a multiple of the given size plus one.
24  */
25 void HeightfieldTesselator::
26 fix_heightfield(int size) {
28  // Calculate the padded size of the heightfield.
29  int xsize = _heightfield.get_x_size();
30  int ysize = _heightfield.get_y_size();
31  int xcells = (xsize + size - 2) / size;
32  int ycells = (ysize + size - 2) / size;
33  int xpadded = xcells * size + 1;
34  int ypadded = ycells * size + 1;
36  // If the heightfield is already in good shape, done.
37  if ((xpadded == _heightfield.get_x_size()) &&
38  (ypadded == _heightfield.get_y_size()) &&
39  (_heightfield.is_grayscale())) {
40  return;
41  }
43  // Pad the heightfield, and convert to grey.
44  PNMImage unfixed(_heightfield);
45  _heightfield.clear(xpadded, ypadded, 1,
46  unfixed.get_maxval(),
47  unfixed.get_type());
48  for (int y = 0; y < ysize; y++) {
49  for (int x = 0; x < xsize; x++) {
50  _heightfield.set_gray_val(x, y, unfixed.get_gray_val(x, y));
51  }
52  }
53  for (int y = ysize; y < ypadded; y++) {
54  for (int x = xsize; x < xpadded; x++) {
55  _heightfield.set_gray_val(x, y, 0);
56  }
57  }
58 }
60 /**
61  * Fetches the elevation at (x,y), where the input coordinate is specified in
62  * pixels. This ignores the current tesselation level and instead provides an
63  * accurate number. Linear blending is used for non-integral coordinates.
64  */
66 get_elevation(double x, double y) {
67  int scale = 7;
68  int size = 1 << scale;
69  fix_heightfield(size);
70  int xlo = (int)x;
71  int ylo = (int)y;
72  if (xlo < 0) xlo = 0;
73  if (ylo < 0) ylo = 0;
74  if (xlo > _heightfield.get_x_size()-2)
75  xlo = _heightfield.get_x_size()-2;
76  if (ylo > _heightfield.get_y_size()-2)
77  ylo = _heightfield.get_y_size()-2;
78  int xhi = xlo+1;
79  int yhi = ylo+1;
80  double xoffs = x - xlo;
81  double yoffs = y - ylo;
82  double grayxlyl = _heightfield.get_gray(xlo,ylo);
83  double grayxhyl = _heightfield.get_gray(xhi,ylo);
84  double grayxlyh = _heightfield.get_gray(xlo,yhi);
85  double grayxhyh = _heightfield.get_gray(xhi,yhi);
86  double lerpyl = grayxhyl * xoffs + grayxlyl * (1.0 - xoffs);
87  double lerpyh = grayxhyh * xoffs + grayxlyh * (1.0 - xoffs);
88  return lerpyh * yoffs + lerpyl * (1.0 - yoffs);
89 }
91 /**
92  * Fetches the vertex at (x,y), or if the vertex does not exist, creates it.
93  */
94 int HeightfieldTesselator::
95 get_vertex(int x, int y) {
96  int xsize = _heightfield.get_x_size();
97  int vtx = _vertex_index[x+y*xsize];
98  if (vtx >= 0) {
99  return vtx;
100  }
101  int nx = x-1;
102  int px = x+1;
103  int ny = y-1;
104  int py = y+1;
105  if (nx < 0) nx++;
106  if (ny < 0) ny++;
107  if (px >= _heightfield.get_x_size()) px--;
108  if (py >= _heightfield.get_y_size()) py--;
109  double drx = _heightfield.get_gray(px,y) - _heightfield.get_gray(nx,y);
110  double dry = _heightfield.get_gray(x,py) - _heightfield.get_gray(x,ny);
111  LVector3 normal(drx * _vertical_scale * 0.5, dry * _vertical_scale * 0.5, _horizontal_scale);
112  normal.normalize();
113  double z = _heightfield.get_gray(x,y);
114  _vertex_writer->add_data3(x*_horizontal_scale,-y*_horizontal_scale,z*_vertical_scale);
115  _normal_writer->add_data3(normal);
116  vtx = _next_index++;
117  _dirty_vertices[vtx] = x+y*xsize;
118  _vertex_index[x+y*xsize] = vtx;
119  return vtx;
120 }
123 /**
124  * Generates a tree of nodes that represents the heightfield. This can be
125  * reparented into the scene.
126  */
129  int scale = 7;
130  int size = 1 << scale;
131  fix_heightfield(size);
132  int xsize = _heightfield.get_x_size();
133  int ysize = _heightfield.get_y_size();
134  int xcells = (xsize + size - 2) / size;
135  int ycells = (ysize + size - 2) / size;
137  _vertex_index = new int[xsize * ysize];
138  _dirty_vertices = new int[xsize * ysize];
139  _triangle_totals = new int[xsize * ysize];
140  for (int y=0; y<ysize; y++) {
141  for (int x=0; x<xsize; x++) {
142  _vertex_index[y*xsize+x] = -1;
143  }
144  }
146  if (!_radii_calculated) {
147  int saved_focal_x = _focal_x;
148  int saved_focal_y = _focal_y;
150  _focal_x = _heightfield.get_x_size() >> 1;
151  _focal_y = _heightfield.get_y_size() >> 1;
153  calculate_radii(scale);
155  _focal_x = saved_focal_x;
156  _focal_y = saved_focal_y;
158  _radii_calculated = true;
159  }
161  PT(PandaNode) result = new PandaNode(get_name());
162  NodePath root(result);
164  int total = 0;
165  for (int y=0; y<ycells; y++) {
166  for (int x=0; x<xcells; x++) {
167  total += count_triangles(scale,x*size,y*size);
168  }
169  }
170  for (int y=0; y<ycells; y++) {
171  for (int x=0; x<xcells; x++) {
172  generate_square(root,scale,x*size,y*size,true);
173  }
174  }
175  delete[] _vertex_index;
176  delete[] _dirty_vertices;
177  delete[] _triangle_totals;
178  _vertex_index =nullptr;
179  _dirty_vertices =nullptr;
180  _triangle_totals =nullptr;
182  return root;
183 }
185 /**
186  * Sets the radii appropriately to achieve the desired polygon count. This is
187  * achieved by binary search.
188  */
189 void HeightfieldTesselator::
190 calculate_radii(int scale) {
191  int size = 1 << scale;
192  int xsize = _heightfield.get_x_size();
193  int ysize = _heightfield.get_y_size();
194  int xcells = (xsize + size - 2) / size;
195  int ycells = (ysize + size - 2) / size;
197  double lo = 5.0;
198  double hi = _heightfield.get_x_size() + _heightfield.get_y_size();
199  while (1) {
200  double mid = (lo + hi) * 0.5;
201  for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
202  _radii[i] = (int)(mid * (1<<i));
203  }
204  int total = 0;
205  for (int y=0; y<ycells; y++) {
206  for (int x=0; x<xcells; x++) {
207  total += count_triangles(scale,x*size,y*size);
208  }
209  }
210  if (total > _poly_count) {
211  hi = mid;
212  } else {
213  lo = mid;
214  }
215  if (hi - lo < 1.0) {
216  break;
217  }
218  }
219  double mid = (lo + hi) * 0.5;
220  for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
221  _radii[i] = (int)(mid * (1<<i));
222  }
223 }
225 /**
226  * Adds a square region to the current geom. This relies on the following
227  * preconditions:
228  *
229  * 1. A square of scale N can be adjacent to a square of scale N or scale N-1,
230  * but not scale N-2 or smaller.
231  *
232  * 2. A square of scale N can be adjacent to at most one square of scale N-1.
233  *
234  * Precondition 1 is assured by spacing out the detail radii sufficiently.
235  * Precondition 2 is assured by using rectangular detail radii.
236  *
237  * I may someday rewrite this code to eliminate precondition 2, to allow
238  * circular detail radii.
239  */
240 void HeightfieldTesselator::
241 generate_square(NodePath root, int scale, int x, int y, bool forceclose) {
242 /*
243  * There are nine possible vertices in the square, which are labeled as
244  * follows: G--H--I | | D E F | | A--B--C
245  */
247  int size = 1<<scale;
248  int hsize = size>>1;
250 #define POINTA get_vertex(x ,y)
251 #define POINTB get_vertex(x+hsize,y)
252 #define POINTC get_vertex(x+size ,y)
253 #define POINTD get_vertex(x ,y+hsize)
254 #define POINTE get_vertex(x+hsize,y+hsize)
255 #define POINTF get_vertex(x+size ,y+hsize)
256 #define POINTG get_vertex(x ,y+size)
257 #define POINTH get_vertex(x+hsize,y+size)
258 #define POINTI get_vertex(x+size ,y+size)
260  if (_triangles == nullptr) {
261  open_geom();
262  }
263  if (subdivide(scale, x, y)) {
264  int xc = x+(size>>1);
265  int yc = y+(size>>1);
266  if (_triangle_totals[yc*_heightfield.get_x_size()+xc] > _max_triangles) {
267  if (_next_index) close_geom(root);
268  NodePath subroot = root.attach_new_node(get_name() + " interior");
269  generate_square(subroot, scale-1, x, y , true);
270  generate_square(subroot, scale-1, xc, y , true);
271  generate_square(subroot, scale-1, xc, yc, true);
272  generate_square(subroot, scale-1, x, yc, true);
273  } else {
274  generate_square(root, scale-1, x, y , false);
275  generate_square(root, scale-1, xc, y , false);
276  generate_square(root, scale-1, xc, yc, false);
277  generate_square(root, scale-1, x, yc, false);
278  }
279  } else if (subdivide(scale, x+size, y)) {
282  } else if (subdivide(scale, x-size, y)) {
285  } else if (subdivide(scale, x, y+size)) {
288  } else if (subdivide(scale, x, y-size)) {
291  } else {
293  }
294  if (forceclose || (_next_index > _max_triangles)) {
295  close_geom(root);
296  }
297 }
299 /**
300  * Calculates how many triangles are inside the given region. The result is
301  * stored in the _poly_totals array, in the center of the square.
302  */
303 int HeightfieldTesselator::
304 count_triangles(int scale, int x, int y) {
305  int size = 1<<scale;
306  if (subdivide(scale, x, y)) {
307  int xc = x + (size>>1);
308  int yc = y + (size>>1);
309  int n = 0;
310  n += count_triangles(scale-1, x, y );
311  n += count_triangles(scale-1, xc, y );
312  n += count_triangles(scale-1, x, yc);
313  n += count_triangles(scale-1, xc, yc);
314  _triangle_totals[yc*_heightfield.get_x_size() + xc] = n;
315  return n;
316  } else if (subdivide(scale, x+size, y)) {
317  return 3;
318  } else if (subdivide(scale, x-size, y)) {
319  return 3;
320  } else if (subdivide(scale, x, y+size)) {
321  return 3;
322  } else if (subdivide(scale, x, y-size)) {
323  return 3;
324  } else {
325  return 2;
326  }
327 }
329 /**
330  * Adds a quad to the current triangle strip.
331  */
332 void HeightfieldTesselator::
333 add_quad_to_strip(int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4) {
334  if ((v1 != v2)&&(v2 != v3)&&(v1 != v3)) {
335  _triangles->add_vertices(v1,v3,v2);
336  }
337  if ((v3 != v2)&&(v2 != v4)&&(v4 != v3)) {
338  _triangles->add_vertices(v3,v4,v2);
339  }
340 }
342 /**
343  * Adds a quad to the current geom.
344  *
345  * Eventually, I plan to reimplement this. It is going to add a quad to a
346  * table of quads. A post-processing pass is going to traverse the table,
347  * calling add_quad_to_strip in the optimal order. For now, though, this
348  * routine just calls add_quad_to_strip directly, which is quite inefficient.
349  *
350  */
351 void HeightfieldTesselator::
352 add_quad(int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4) {
353  add_quad_to_strip(v1, v2, v3, v4);
354 }
357 /**
358  * Initiates the construction of a geom.
359  */
360 void HeightfieldTesselator::
361 open_geom() {
362  _vdata = new GeomVertexData
363  ("heightfield", GeomVertexFormat::get_v3n3(), Geom::UH_static);
364  _vertex_writer = new GeomVertexWriter(_vdata, InternalName::get_vertex());
365  _normal_writer = new GeomVertexWriter(_vdata, InternalName::get_normal());
366  _triangles = new GeomTriangles(Geom::UH_static);
367  _triangles->set_shade_model(Geom::SM_uniform);
369  _next_index = 0;
370  _last_vertex_a = -1;
371  _last_vertex_b = -1;
372 }
374 /**
375  * Completes the construction of a geom.
376  */
377 void HeightfieldTesselator::
378 close_geom(NodePath root) {
379  if (_triangles == nullptr) {
380  return;
381  }
382  _triangles->close_primitive();
383  PT(Geom) geom = new Geom(_vdata);
384  geom->add_primitive(_triangles);
385  PT(GeomNode) gnode = new GeomNode(get_name() + " patch");
386  gnode->add_geom(geom);
387  root.attach_new_node(gnode);
388  delete _vertex_writer;
389  delete _normal_writer;
391  for (int i=0; i<_next_index; i++) {
392  _vertex_index[_dirty_vertices[i]] = -1;
393  }
395  _next_index = 0;
396  _last_vertex_a = -1;
397  _last_vertex_b = -1;
398  _vertex_writer = nullptr;
399  _normal_writer = nullptr;
400  _triangles = nullptr;
401 }
void set_gray_val(int x, int y, xelval gray)
Sets the gray component color at the indicated pixel.
Definition: pnmImage.I:456
A basic node of the scene graph or data graph.
Definition: pandaNode.h:64
This object provides a high-level interface for quickly writing a sequence of numeric values from a v...
The name of this class derives from the fact that we originally implemented it as a layer on top of t...
Definition: pnmImage.h:58
float get_gray(int x, int y) const
Returns the gray component color at the indicated pixel.
Definition: pnmImage.I:785
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
int get_y_size() const
Returns the number of pixels in the Y direction.
int get_x_size() const
Returns the number of pixels in the X direction.
NodePath attach_new_node(PandaNode *node, int sort=0, Thread *current_thread=Thread::get_current_thread()) const
Attaches a new node, with or without existing parents, to the scene graph below the referenced node o...
Definition: nodePath.cxx:563
This defines the actual numeric vertex data stored in a Geom, in the structure defined by a particula...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A container for geometry primitives.
Definition: geom.h:54
void add_data3(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat z)
Sets the write row to a particular 3-component value, and advances the write row.
NodePath generate()
Generates a tree of nodes that represents the heightfield.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
double get_elevation(double x, double y)
Fetches the elevation at (x,y), where the input coordinate is specified in pixels.
void clear()
Frees all memory allocated for the image, and clears all its parameters (size, color,...
Definition: pnmImage.cxx:48
static const GeomVertexFormat * get_v3n3()
Returns a standard vertex format with a 3-component normal and a 3-component vertex position.
Defines a series of disconnected triangles.
Definition: geomTriangles.h:23
static bool is_grayscale(ColorType color_type)
This static variant of is_grayscale() returns true if the indicated image type represents a grayscale...
NodePath is the fundamental system for disambiguating instances, and also provides a higher-level int...
Definition: nodePath.h:161
A node that holds Geom objects, renderable pieces of geometry.
Definition: geomNode.h:34
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.