Functions | Variables
load_egg_file.cxx File Reference

PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. More...

#include "load_egg_file.h"
#include "eggLoader.h"
#include "config_egg2pg.h"
#include "sceneGraphReducer.h"
#include "virtualFileSystem.h"
#include "config_putil.h"
#include "bamCacheRecord.h"

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vfile close_read_file (istr)
 if (record !=nullptr)
 if (vfile==nullptr)
 if (istr==nullptr)
 if (!okflag)
egg2pg_cat info ()<< "Reading "<< egg_filename<< "\n"
return load_from_loader (loader)
EggLoader loader (data)
 PT (VirtualFile) vfile
 PT (PandaNode) load_egg_data(EggData *data
 Another convenience function; works like load_egg_file() but starts from an already-filled EggData structure. More...
loader _data set_auto_resolve_externals (true)
loader _data set_coordinate_system (cs)
loader _data set_egg_filename (egg_filename)
loader _data set_egg_timestamp (vfile->get_timestamp())
egg_filename set_text ()
loader _data steal_children (children_holder)


loader _record = record
CoordinateSystem cs
children_holder steal_children * data
std::istream * istr = vfile->open_read_file(true)
EggLoader loader
bool okflag = loader._data->read(*istr)
CoordinateSystem BamCacheRecordrecord
VirtualFileSystemvfs = VirtualFileSystem::get_global_ptr()

Detailed Description

PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.

All rights reserved.

All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD license. You should have received a copy of this license along with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."


Definition in file load_egg_file.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ PT()

PT ( PandaNode  )

Another convenience function; works like load_egg_file() but starts from an already-filled EggData structure.

The structure is destroyed in the loading.

Variable Documentation

◆ cs

EXPCL_PANDA_EGG2PG CoordinateSystem cs
Initial value:
EggGroupNode children_holder
A base class for nodes in the hierarchy that are not leaf nodes.
Definition: eggGroupNode.h:46

Definition at line 73 of file load_egg_file.cxx.

◆ record

CoordinateSystem BamCacheRecord* record
Initial value:
Filename egg_filename = filename
The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file.
Definition: filename.h:39

Definition at line 74 of file load_egg_file.cxx.