PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void bind_uvsets(MObject mesh)
Causes all shaders in the set to use the given mesh as a file-to-uvset map.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Collects the set of MayaShaders that have been encountered so far.
MayaShader * find_shader_for_node(MObject node, bool legacy_shader)
Extracts the shader assigned to the indicated node.
MayaShader * get_shader(int n) const
Returns the nth MayaShader that has been discovered so far.
Corresponds to a single "shader" in Maya.
MayaShader * find_shader_for_shading_engine(MObject engine, bool legacy_shader)
Returns the MayaShader object associated with the indicated "shading engine".
std::string find_uv_link(const std::string &match)
Returns the current mapping from file to uvset for the given file texture name.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void clear()
Frees all of the previously-defined MayaShader objects associated with this set.
int get_num_shaders() const
Returns the number of unique MayaShaders that have been discovered so far.