Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file osxGraphicsStateGuardian.cxx
10  */
13 #include "osxGraphicsBuffer.h"
14 #include "string_utils.h"
15 #include "config_osxdisplay.h"
16 #include "depthWriteAttrib.h"
17 #include "depthTestAttrib.h"
18 #include "textureAttrib.h"
19 #include "pnmImage.h"
21 #include <OpenGL/gl.h>
22 #import <mach-o/dyld.h>
24 // This is generated data for the standard texture we use for drawing the
25 // resize box in the window corner.
26 #include "resize_box.rgb.c"
28 TypeHandle osxGraphicsStateGuardian::_type_handle;
30 /**
31  * Returns the pointer to the GL extension function with the indicated name.
32  * It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the required
33  * extension is defined in the OpenGL runtime prior to calling this; it is an
34  * error to call this for a function that is not defined.
35  */
36 void *osxGraphicsStateGuardian::
37 do_get_extension_func(const char *name) {
38  std::string fullname = "_" + std::string(name);
39  NSSymbol symbol = nullptr;
41  if (NSIsSymbolNameDefined(fullname.c_str())) {
42  symbol = NSLookupAndBindSymbol(fullname.c_str());
43  }
45  return symbol ? NSAddressOfSymbol(symbol) : nullptr;
46 }
48 /**
49  *
50  */
51 osxGraphicsStateGuardian::
52 osxGraphicsStateGuardian(GraphicsEngine *engine, GraphicsPipe *pipe,
53  osxGraphicsStateGuardian *share_with) :
54  GLGraphicsStateGuardian(engine, pipe),
55  _share_with(share_with),
56  _aglPixFmt(nullptr),
57  _aglcontext(nullptr)
58 {
59  _shared_buffer = 1011;
60  get_gamma_table();
61 }
63 /**
64  *
65  */
66 osxGraphicsStateGuardian::
67 ~osxGraphicsStateGuardian() {
68  if (_aglcontext != (AGLContext)nullptr) {
69  aglSetCurrentContext(nullptr);
70  aglDestroyContext(_aglcontext);
71  report_agl_error("aglDestroyContext");
72  _aglcontext = (AGLContext)nullptr;
73  }
74 }
76 /**
77  * Resets all internal state as if the gsg were newly created.
78  */
80 {
81 /*
82  if(_aglcontext != (AGLContext)NULL)
83  {
84  aglDestroyContext(_aglcontext);
85  report_agl_error();
86  _aglcontext = (AGLContext)NULL;
87  }
88  */
90  GLGraphicsStateGuardian::reset();
92  if (_aglcontext != (AGLContext)nullptr) {
93  // Apply the video-sync setting.
94  GLint value = sync_video ? 1 : 0;
95  aglSetInteger(_aglcontext, AGL_SWAP_INTERVAL, &value);
96  }
97 }
99 /**
100  * Draws an OSX-style resize icon in the bottom right corner of the current
101  * display region. This is normally done automatically at the end of each
102  * frame when the window is indicated as resizable, since the 3-D graphics
103  * overlay the normal, OS-drawn resize icon and the user won't be able see it.
104  */
107  // This state is created, once, and never freed.
108  static CPT(RenderState) state;
109  if (state == nullptr) {
110  state = RenderState::make(TransparencyAttrib::make(TransparencyAttrib::M_alpha),
111  DepthWriteAttrib::make(DepthWriteAttrib::M_off),
112  DepthTestAttrib::make(DepthTestAttrib::M_none));
114  // Get the default texture to apply to the resize box; it's compiled into
115  // the code.
116  std::string resize_box_string((const char *)resize_box, resize_box_len);
117  std::istringstream resize_box_strm(resize_box_string);
118  PNMImage resize_box_pnm;
119  if (, "resize_box.rgb")) {
120  PT(Texture) tex = new Texture;
121  tex->set_name("resize_box.rgb");
122  tex->load(resize_box_pnm);
123  tex->set_minfilter(SamplerState::FT_linear);
124  tex->set_magfilter(SamplerState::FT_linear);
125  state = state->add_attrib(TextureAttrib::make(tex));
126  }
127  }
129  // Clear out the lens.
130  _projection_mat_inv = _projection_mat = TransformState::make_identity();
131  prepare_lens();
133  // Set the state to our specific, known state for drawing the icon.
134  set_state_and_transform(state, TransformState::make_identity());
136  // Now determine the inner corner of the quad, choosing a 15x15 pixel square
137  // in the lower-right corner, computed from the viewport size.
138  PN_stdfloat inner_x = 1.0f - (15.0f * 2.0f / _viewport_width);
139  PN_stdfloat inner_y = (15.0f * 2.0f / _viewport_height) - 1.0f;
141  // Draw the quad. We just use the slow, simple immediate mode calls here.
142  // It's just one quad, after all.
143  glBegin(GL_QUADS);
145  glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
146  glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
147  glVertex2f(inner_x, -1.0);
149  glTexCoord2f(0.9375, 0.0);
150  glVertex2f(1.0, -1.0);
152  glTexCoord2f(0.9375, 0.9375);
153  glVertex2f(1.0, inner_y);
155  glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.9375);
156  glVertex2f(inner_x, inner_y);
158  glEnd();
159 }
161 /**
162  * This function will build up a context for a gsg..
163  */
165 build_gl(bool full_screen, bool pbuffer, FrameBufferProperties &fb_props) {
166  if (_aglcontext) {
167  describe_pixel_format(fb_props);
168  return noErr; // already built
169  }
171  OSStatus err = noErr;
173  GDHandle display = GetMainDevice();
175  pvector<GLint> attrib;
176  if (!fb_props.get_indexed_color()) {
177  attrib.push_back(AGL_RGBA);
178  int color_bits = fb_props.get_color_bits();
179  int alpha_bits = fb_props.get_alpha_bits();
180  attrib.push_back(AGL_BUFFER_SIZE);
181  attrib.push_back(color_bits + alpha_bits);
182  attrib.push_back(AGL_PIXEL_SIZE);
183  attrib.push_back(color_bits);
184  attrib.push_back(AGL_RED_SIZE);
185  attrib.push_back(fb_props.get_red_bits());
186  attrib.push_back(AGL_GREEN_SIZE);
187  attrib.push_back(fb_props.get_green_bits());
188  attrib.push_back(AGL_BLUE_SIZE);
189  attrib.push_back(fb_props.get_blue_bits());
190  attrib.push_back(AGL_ALPHA_SIZE);
191  attrib.push_back(alpha_bits);
192  }
193  attrib.push_back(AGL_DEPTH_SIZE);
194  attrib.push_back(fb_props.get_depth_bits());
195  attrib.push_back(AGL_STENCIL_SIZE);
196  attrib.push_back(fb_props.get_stencil_bits());
197  if (fb_props.get_multisamples() != 0) {
198  attrib.push_back(AGL_MULTISAMPLE);
199  attrib.push_back(AGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB);
200  attrib.push_back(1);
201  attrib.push_back(AGL_SAMPLES_ARB);
202  attrib.push_back(fb_props.get_multisamples());
203  }
205  if (fb_props.is_stereo()) {
206  attrib.push_back(AGL_STEREO);
207  }
209  if (!fb_props.is_single_buffered()) {
210  attrib.push_back(AGL_DOUBLEBUFFER);
211  }
212  if (full_screen) {
213  attrib.push_back(AGL_FULLSCREEN);
214  }
215  if (pbuffer) {
216  attrib.push_back(AGL_PBUFFER);
217  }
219  if (fb_props.get_force_hardware()) {
220  attrib.push_back(AGL_ACCELERATED);
221  attrib.push_back(AGL_NO_RECOVERY);
222  }
224  // Allow the system to choose the largest buffers requested that meets all
225  // our selections.
226  attrib.push_back(AGL_MAXIMUM_POLICY);
228  // Terminate the list.
229  attrib.push_back(AGL_NONE);
231  // build context
232  _aglcontext = nullptr;
233  _aglPixFmt = aglChoosePixelFormat(&display, 1, &attrib[0]);
234  err = report_agl_error("aglChoosePixelFormat");
235  if (_aglPixFmt) {
236  if(_share_with == nullptr) {
237  _aglcontext = aglCreateContext(_aglPixFmt, nullptr);
238  } else {
239  _aglcontext = aglCreateContext(_aglPixFmt, ((osxGraphicsStateGuardian *)_share_with)->_aglcontext);
240  }
241  err = report_agl_error("aglCreateContext");
243  if (_aglcontext == nullptr) {
244  osxdisplay_cat.error()
245  << "osxGraphicsStateGuardian::build_gl Error Getting GL Context \n" ;
246  if(err == noErr) {
247  err = -1;
248  }
249  } else {
250  aglSetInteger(_aglcontext, AGL_BUFFER_NAME, &_shared_buffer);
251  err = report_agl_error("aglSetInteger AGL_BUFFER_NAME");
252  }
254  } else {
255  osxdisplay_cat.error()
256  << "osxGraphicsStateGuardian::build_gl Error Getting Pixel Format\n" ;
257  osxdisplay_cat.error()
258  << fb_props << "\n";
259  if(err == noErr) {
260  err = -1;
261  }
262  }
264  if (err == noErr) {
265  describe_pixel_format(fb_props);
266  }
268  if (osxdisplay_cat.is_debug()) {
269  osxdisplay_cat.debug()
270  << "osxGraphicsStateGuardian::build_gl Returning :" << err << "\n";
271  osxdisplay_cat.debug()
272  << fb_props << "\n";
273  }
275  return err;
276 }
279 /**
280  * Fills in the fb_props member with the appropriate values according to the
281  * chosen pixel format.
282  */
283 void osxGraphicsStateGuardian::
284 describe_pixel_format(FrameBufferProperties &fb_props) {
285  fb_props.clear();
286  GLint value;
288  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_RGBA, &value)) {
289  fb_props.set_indexed_color(!value);
290  fb_props.set_rgb_color(value);
291  }
292  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_DEPTH_SIZE, &value)) {
293  fb_props.set_depth_bits(value);
294  }
295  int color_bits = 0;
296  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_RED_SIZE, &value)) {
297  fb_props.set_red_bits(value);
298  color_bits += value;
299  }
300  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_GREEN_SIZE, &value)) {
301  fb_props.set_green_bits(value);
302  color_bits += value;
303  }
304  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_BLUE_SIZE, &value)) {
305  fb_props.set_blue_bits(value);
306  color_bits += value;
307  }
308  fb_props.set_color_bits(color_bits);
309  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_ALPHA_SIZE, &value)) {
310  fb_props.set_alpha_bits(value);
311  }
313  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_STENCIL_SIZE, &value)) {
314  fb_props.set_stencil_bits(value);
315  }
317  int accum_bits = 0;
318  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE, &value)) {
319  accum_bits += value;
320  }
321  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE, &value)) {
322  accum_bits += value;
323  }
324  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE, &value)) {
325  accum_bits += value;
326  }
328  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_SAMPLES_ARB, &value)) {
329  fb_props.set_multisamples(value);
330  }
332  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_DOUBLEBUFFER, &value)) {
333  if (value) {
334  fb_props.set_back_buffers(1);
335  } else {
336  fb_props.set_back_buffers(0);
337  }
338  }
340  if (aglDescribePixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, AGL_STEREO, &value)) {
341  fb_props.set_stereo(value);
342  }
344  // Until we query the renderer, we don't know whether it's hardware or
345  // software based, so set both flags to indicate we don't know.
346  fb_props.set_force_hardware(true);
347  fb_props.set_force_software(true);
349  GLint ndevs;
350  AGLDevice *gdevs = aglDevicesOfPixelFormat(_aglPixFmt, &ndevs);
351  if (gdevs != nullptr) {
352  AGLRendererInfo rinfo = aglQueryRendererInfo(gdevs, ndevs);
353  if (rinfo != nullptr) {
354  if (aglDescribeRenderer(rinfo, AGL_ACCELERATED, &value)) {
355  // Now we know whether it's hardware or software.
356  fb_props.set_force_hardware(value);
357  fb_props.set_force_software(!value);
358  }
359  if (aglDescribeRenderer(rinfo, AGL_VIDEO_MEMORY, &value)) {
360  osxdisplay_cat.debug()
361  << "Reported video memory is " << value << "\n";
362  }
363  if (aglDescribeRenderer(rinfo, AGL_TEXTURE_MEMORY, &value)) {
364  osxdisplay_cat.debug()
365  << "Reported texture memory is " << value << "\n";
366  }
367  }
368  }
369 }
371 /**
372  * Static function for getting the orig gamma tables
373  */
376  CGDisplayRestoreColorSyncSettings();
377  _cgErr = CGGetDisplayTransferByTable( 0, 256, _gOriginalRedTable, _gOriginalGreenTable, _gOriginalBlueTable, &_sampleCount);
378 }
380 /**
381  * Static function for setting gamma which is needed for atexit.
382  */
384 static_set_gamma(bool restore, PN_stdfloat gamma) {
385  bool set;
387  set = false;
389  if (restore) {
390  CGDisplayRestoreColorSyncSettings();
391  set = true;
392  return set;
393  }
394  // CGDisplayRestoreColorSyncSettings();
396  // CGGammaValue gOriginalRedTable[ 256 ]; CGGammaValue gOriginalGreenTable[
397  // 256 ]; CGGammaValue gOriginalBlueTable[ 256 ];
399  // CGTableCount sampleCount; CGDisplayErr cgErr;
401  // cgErr = CGGetDisplayTransferByTable( 0, 256, _gOriginalRedTable,
402  // _gOriginalGreenTable, _gOriginalBlueTable, &_sampleCount);
404  CGGammaValue redTable[ 256 ];
405  CGGammaValue greenTable[ 256 ];
406  CGGammaValue blueTable[ 256 ];
408  short j, i;
409  short y[3];
411  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
412  y[j] = 255;
413  }
415  y[0] = 256 * gamma;
416  y[1] = 256 * gamma;
417  y[2] = 256 * gamma;
419  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
420  redTable[i] = _gOriginalRedTable[ i ] * (y[ 0 ] ) / 256;
421  greenTable[ i ] = _gOriginalGreenTable[ i ] * (y[ 1 ] ) / 256;
422  blueTable[ i ] = _gOriginalBlueTable[ i ] * (y[ 2 ] ) / 256;
423  }
424  _cgErr = CGSetDisplayTransferByTable( 0, 256, redTable, greenTable, blueTable);
426  if (_cgErr == 0) {
427  set = true;
428  }
430  return set;
431 }
433 /**
434  * Non static version of setting gamma. Returns true on success.
435  */
437 set_gamma(PN_stdfloat gamma) {
438  bool set;
440  set = static_set_gamma(false, gamma);
442  return set;
443 }
445 /**
446  * Restore original gamma.
447  */
450  static_set_gamma(true, 1.0f);
451 }
453 /**
454  * This function is passed to the atexit function.
455  */
458  static_set_gamma(true, 1.0);
459 }
bool set_gamma(PN_stdfloat gamma)
Non static version of setting gamma.
void clear()
Unsets all properties that have been specified so far, and resets the FrameBufferProperties structure...
The name of this class derives from the fact that we originally implemented it as a layer on top of t...
Definition: pnmImage.h:58
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Represents a texture object, which is typically a single 2-d image but may also represent a 1-d or 3-...
Definition: texture.h:71
bool read(const Filename &filename, PNMFileType *type=nullptr, bool report_unknown_type=true)
Reads the indicated image filename.
Definition: pnmImage.cxx:278
void draw_resize_box()
Draws an OSX-style resize icon in the bottom right corner of the current display region.
A tiny specialization on GLGraphicsStateGuardian to add some wgl-specific information.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL vector.
Definition: pvector.h:42
void atexit_function()
This function is passed to the atexit function.
bool static_set_gamma(bool restore, PN_stdfloat gamma)
Static function for setting gamma which is needed for atexit.
An object to create GraphicsOutputs that share a particular 3-D API.
Definition: graphicsPipe.h:52
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void restore_gamma()
Restore original gamma.
OSStatus build_gl(bool full_screen, bool pbuffer, FrameBufferProperties &fb_props)
This function will build up a context for a gsg.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Sets the number of requested color bits as a single number that represents the sum of the individual ...
This represents a unique collection of RenderAttrib objects that correspond to a particular renderabl...
Definition: renderState.h:47
This class is the main interface to controlling the render process.
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
A container for the various kinds of properties we might ask to have on a graphics frameBuffer before...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual void reset()
Resets all internal state as if the gsg were newly created.
bool get_gamma_table()
Static function for getting the orig gamma tables.