35 ptr()->slopeLimit = cosf(NxMath::degToRad(slopeLimit));
47 ptr()->skinWidth = skinWidth;
59 ptr()->stepOffset = stepOffset;
69 ptr()->interactionFlag = (NxCCTInteractionFlag)interactionFlag;
87 return NxMath::radToDeg(acosf(ptr()->slopeLimit));
96 return ptr()->skinWidth;
105 return ptr()->stepOffset;
114 return (ptr()->interactionFlag) ? true :
float get_slope_limit() const
Returns the maximum slope which the character can walk up.
bool get_interaction_flag() const
Returns the interaction flag.
void set_pos(const LPoint3f &pos)
Set the position of the character.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
static NxExtendedVec3 point3_to_nxExtVec3(const LPoint3f &p)
Converts from LPoint3f to NxExtendedVec3.
void set_slope_limit(float slopeLimit)
Sets the maximum slope which the character can walk up.
float get_skin_width() const
Returns the skin width used by the controller.
static LPoint3f nxExtVec3_to_point3(const NxExtendedVec3 &p)
Converts from NxExtendedVec3 to LPoint3f.
LPoint3f get_pos() const
Returns the position of the character.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void set_step_offset(float setpOffset)
Defines the maximum height of an obstacle which the character can climb.
void set_interaction_flag(bool interactionFlag)
The interaction flag controls if a character controller collides with other controllers.
void set_skin_width(float skinWidth)
Sets the skin width used by the controller.
float get_step_offset() const
Returns the maximum height of an obstacle which the character can climb.