Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file eggPolygon.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 1999-01-16
12  */
14 #include "eggPolygon.h"
15 #include "eggGroupNode.h"
16 #include "plane.h"
18 #include "indent.h"
20 #include <algorithm>
22 TypeHandle EggPolygon::_type_handle;
24 /**
25  * Makes a copy of this object.
26  */
28 make_copy() const {
29  return new EggPolygon(*this);
30 }
32 /**
33  * Cleans up modeling errors in whatever context this makes sense. For
34  * instance, for a polygon, this calls remove_doubled_verts(true). For a
35  * point, it calls remove_nonunique_verts(). Returns true if the primitive is
36  * valid, or false if it is degenerate.
37  */
38 bool EggPolygon::
42  // Use calculate_normal() to determine if the polygon is degenerate.
43  LNormald normal;
44  return calculate_normal(normal);
45 }
47 /**
48  * Calculates the true polygon normal--the vector pointing out of the front of
49  * the polygon--based on the vertices. This does not return or change the
50  * polygon's normal as set via set_normal().
51  *
52  * The return value is true if the normal is computed correctly, or false if
53  * the polygon is degenerate and does not have at least three noncollinear
54  * vertices.
55  */
56 bool EggPolygon::
57 calculate_normal(LNormald &result, CoordinateSystem cs) const {
58  result = LNormald::zero();
60  // Project the polygon into each of the three major planes and calculate the
61  // area of each 2-d projection. This becomes the polygon normal. This
62  // works because the ratio between these different areas corresponds to the
63  // angle at which the polygon is tilted toward each plane.
64  size_t num_verts = size();
65  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) {
66  LVertexd p0 = get_vertex(i)->get_pos3();
67  LVertexd p1 = get_vertex((i + 1) % num_verts)->get_pos3();
68  result[0] += p0[1] * p1[2] - p0[2] * p1[1];
69  result[1] += p0[2] * p1[0] - p0[0] * p1[2];
70  result[2] += p0[0] * p1[1] - p0[1] * p1[0];
71  }
73  if (!result.normalize()) {
74  // The polygon is degenerate: it has zero area in each plane.
75  return false;
76  }
78  if (cs == CS_default) {
79  cs = get_default_coordinate_system();
80  }
81  if (cs == CS_zup_left || cs == CS_yup_left) {
82  // In a left-handed coordinate system, we must flip the result.
83  result = -result;
84  }
85  return true;
86 }
88 /**
89  * Returns true if all of the polygon's vertices lie within the same plane,
90  * false otherwise.
91  */
92 bool EggPolygon::
93 is_planar() const {
94  if (size() <= 3) {
95  // If we don't have more than three vertices, we can't be non-planar.
96  return true;
97  }
99  LNormald normal;
100  if (!calculate_normal(normal)) {
101  // A degenerate polygon--all of the vertices are within one line, or all
102  // in the same point--is technically planar. Not sure if this is a useful
103  // return value or not.
104  return true;
105  }
107  // There should be at least one vertex (actually, at least three) since we
108  // have already shown that the polygon is nondegenerate.
109  nassertr(!empty(), false);
111  // Create a plane perpendicular to the polygon's normal, containing the
112  // first vertex.
113  const_iterator vi = begin();
114  LVecBase3d first_point = (*vi)->get_pos3();
115  LPlaned plane(normal, first_point);
117  // And check that all of the remaining vertices are sufficiently close to
118  // the plane.
119  ++vi;
120  while (vi != end()) {
121  LVecBase3d this_point = (*vi)->get_pos3();
122  if (!this_point.almost_equal(first_point)) {
123  double dist = plane.dist_to_plane(this_point);
124  double tol = dist / length(this_point - first_point);
125  if (!IS_THRESHOLD_ZERO(tol, 0.0001)) {
126  // Nope, too far away--the polygon is nonplanar.
127  return false;
128  }
129  }
130  ++vi;
131  }
133  // All vertices are close enough to pass.
134  return true;
135 }
137 /**
138  * Subdivides the polygon into triangles and adds those triangles to the
139  * parent group node in place of the original polygon. Returns a pointer to
140  * the original polygon, which is likely about to be destructed.
141  *
142  * If convex_also is true, both concave and convex polygons will be subdivided
143  * into triangles; otherwise, only concave polygons will be subdivided, and
144  * convex polygons will be copied unchanged into the container.
145  */
146 PT(EggPolygon) EggPolygon::
147 triangulate_in_place(bool convex_also) {
148  EggGroupNode *parent = get_parent();
149  nassertr(parent != nullptr, this);
151  PT(EggPolygon) save_me = this;
152  parent->remove_child(this);
153  triangulate_poly(parent, convex_also);
155  return save_me;
156 }
158 /**
159  * Writes the polygon to the indicated output stream in Egg format.
160  */
161 void EggPolygon::
162 write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const {
163  write_header(out, indent_level, "<Polygon>");
164  write_body(out, indent_level+2);
165  indent(out, indent_level) << "}\n";
166 }
168 /**
169  * Decomposes a concave polygon into triangles. Returns true if successful,
170  * false if the polygon is self-intersecting.
171  */
172 bool EggPolygon::
173 decomp_concave(EggGroupNode *container, int asum, int x, int y) const {
174 #define VX(p, c) p->coord[c]
176  struct DecompVtx {
177  int index;
178  LPoint3d coord;
179  struct DecompVtx *next;
180  };
182  DecompVtx *p0, *p1, *p2, *t0, *vert;
183  DecompVtx *m[3];
184  double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
185  int i, init, csum, chek;
186  double a[3], b[3], c[3], s[3];
188  int num_verts = size();
189  nassertr(num_verts >= 3, false);
191  /* Make linked list of verts */
192  vert = (DecompVtx *) alloca(sizeof(DecompVtx));
193  vert->index = 0;
194  vert->coord = get_vertex(0)->get_pos3();
195  p1 = vert;
197  for (i = 1; i < num_verts; i++) {
198  p0 = (DecompVtx *) alloca(sizeof(DecompVtx));
199  p0->index = i;
200  p0->coord = get_vertex(i)->get_pos3();
201  // There shouldn't be two consecutive identical vertices. If there are,
202  // skip one.
203  if (!(p0->coord == p1->coord)) {
204  p1->next = p0;
205  p1 = p0;
206  }
207  }
208  p1->next = vert;
210  p0 = vert;
211  p1 = p0->next;
212  p2 = p1->next;
213  m[0] = p0;
214  m[1] = p1;
215  m[2] = p2;
216  chek = 0;
218  while (p0 != p2->next) {
219  /* Polygon is self-intersecting so punt */
220  if (chek &&
221  m[0] == p0 &&
222  m[1] == p1 &&
223  m[2] == p2) {
225  return false;
226  }
228  chek = 1;
230  a[0] = VX(p1, y) - VX(p2, y);
231  b[0] = VX(p2, x) - VX(p1, x);
232  a[2] = VX(p0, y) - VX(p1, y);
233  b[2] = VX(p1, x) - VX(p0, x);
235  csum = ((b[0] * a[2] - b[2] * a[0] >= 0.0) ? 1 : 0);
237  if (csum ^ asum) {
238  /* current angle is concave */
239  p0 = p1;
240  p1 = p2;
241  p2 = p2->next;
243  } else {
244  /* current angle is convex */
245  xmin = (VX(p0, x) < VX(p1, x)) ? VX(p0, x) : VX(p1, x);
246  if (xmin > VX(p2, x))
247  xmin = VX(p2, x);
249  xmax = (VX(p0, x) > VX(p1, x)) ? VX(p0, x) : VX(p1, x);
250  if (xmax < VX(p2, x))
251  xmax = VX(p2, x);
253  ymin = (VX(p0, y) < VX(p1, y)) ? VX(p0, y) : VX(p1, y);
254  if (ymin > VX(p2, y))
255  ymin = VX(p2, y);
257  ymax = (VX(p0, y) > VX(p1, y)) ? VX(p0, y) : VX(p1, y);
258  if (ymax < VX(p2, y))
259  ymax = VX(p2, y);
261  for (init = 1, t0 = p2->next; t0 != p0; t0 = t0->next) {
262  if (VX(t0, x) >= xmin && VX(t0, x) <= xmax &&
263  VX(t0, y) >= ymin && VX(t0, y) <= ymax) {
264  if (init) {
265  a[1] = VX(p2, y) - VX(p0, y);
266  b[1] = VX(p0, x) - VX(p2, x);
267  init = 0;
268  c[0] = VX(p1, x) * VX(p2, y) - VX(p2, x) * VX(p1, y);
269  c[1] = VX(p2, x) * VX(p0, y) - VX(p0, x) * VX(p2, y);
270  c[2] = VX(p0, x) * VX(p1, y) - VX(p1, x) * VX(p0, y);
271  }
273  s[0] = a[0] * VX(t0, x) + b[0] * VX(t0, y) + c[0];
274  s[1] = a[1] * VX(t0, x) + b[1] * VX(t0, y) + c[1];
275  s[2] = a[2] * VX(t0, x) + b[2] * VX(t0, y) + c[2];
277  if (asum) {
278  if (s[0] >= 0.0 && s[1] >= 0.0 && s[2] >= 0.0)
279  break;
280  } else {
281  if (s[0] <= 0.0 && s[1] <= 0.0 && s[2] <= 0.0)
282  break;
283  }
284  }
285  }
287  if (t0 != p0) {
288  p0 = p1;
289  p1 = p2;
290  p2 = p2->next;
291  } else {
293  // Here's a triangle to output.
294  PT(EggPolygon) triangle = new EggPolygon(*this);
295  triangle->clear();
296  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(p0->index));
297  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(p1->index));
298  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(p2->index));
300  if (triangle->cleanup()) {
301  container->add_child(triangle.p());
302  }
304  p0->next = p1->next;
305  p1 = p2;
306  p2 = p2->next;
308  m[0] = p0;
309  m[1] = p1;
310  m[2] = p2;
311  chek = 0;
312  }
313  }
314  }
316  // One more triangle to output.
317  PT(EggPolygon) triangle = new EggPolygon(*this);
318  triangle->clear();
319  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(p0->index));
320  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(p1->index));
321  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(p2->index));
323  if (triangle->cleanup()) {
324  container->add_child(triangle.p());
325  }
327  return true;
328 }
331 /**
332  * Breaks a (possibly concave) higher-order polygon into a series of
333  * constituent triangles. Fills the container up with EggPolygons that
334  * represent the triangles. Returns true if successful, false on failure.
335  *
336  * If convex_also is true, both concave and convex polygons will be subdivided
337  * into triangles; otherwise, only concave polygons will be subdivided, and
338  * convex polygons will be copied unchanged into the container.
339  *
340  * It is assumed that the EggPolygon is not already a child of any other group
341  * when this function is called.
342  */
343 bool EggPolygon::
344 triangulate_poly(EggGroupNode *container, bool convex_also) {
345  LPoint3d p0, p1, as;
346  double dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, max;
347  int i, flag, asum, csum, index, x, y, v0, v1, v, even;
349  if (!cleanup()) {
350  return false;
351  }
353  // First see if the polygon is already a triangle
354  int num_verts = size();
355  if (num_verts == 3) {
356  container->add_child(this);
358  return true;
360  } else if (num_verts < 3) {
361  // Or if it's a degenerate polygon.
362  return false;
363  }
365  // calculate signed areas
366  as[0] = 0.0;
367  as[1] = 0.0;
368  as[2] = 0.0;
370  for (i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) {
371  p0 = get_vertex(i)->get_pos3();
372  p1 = get_vertex((i + 1) % num_verts)->get_pos3();
373  as[0] += p0[0] * p1[1] - p0[1] * p1[0];
374  as[1] += p0[0] * p1[2] - p0[2] * p1[0];
375  as[2] += p0[1] * p1[2] - p0[2] * p1[1];
376  }
378  /* select largest signed area */
379  max = 0.0;
380  index = 0;
381  flag = 0;
382  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
383  if (as[i] >= 0.0) {
384  if (as[i] > max) {
385  max = as[i];
386  index = i;
387  flag = 1;
388  }
389  } else {
390  as[i] = -as[i];
391  if (as[i] > max) {
392  max = as[i];
393  index = i;
394  flag = 0;
395  }
396  }
397  }
399  /* pointer offsets */
400  switch (index) {
401  case 0:
402  x = 0;
403  y = 1;
404  break;
406  case 1:
407  x = 0;
408  y = 2;
409  break;
411  default: // case 2
412  x = 1;
413  y = 2;
414  break;
415  }
417  /* concave check */
418  p0 = get_vertex(0)->get_pos3();
419  p1 = get_vertex(1)->get_pos3();
420  dx1 = p1[x] - p0[x];
421  dy1 = p1[y] - p0[y];
422  p0 = p1;
423  p1 = get_vertex(2)->get_pos3();
425  dx2 = p1[x] - p0[x];
426  dy2 = p1[y] - p0[y];
427  asum = ((dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1 >= 0.0) ? 1 : 0);
429  for (i = 0; i < num_verts - 1; i++) {
430  p0 = p1;
431  p1 = get_vertex((i+3) % num_verts)->get_pos3();
433  dx1 = dx2;
434  dy1 = dy2;
435  dx2 = p1[x] - p0[x];
436  dy2 = p1[y] - p0[y];
437  csum = ((dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1 >= 0.0) ? 1 : 0);
439  if (csum ^ asum) {
440  // It's a concave polygon. This is a little harder.
441  return decomp_concave(container, flag, x, y);
442  }
443  }
445  // It's a convex polygon.
446  if (!convex_also) {
447  // Make sure that it's also coplanar. If it's not, we should triangulate
448  // it anyway.
449  if (is_planar()) {
450  container->add_child(this);
451  return true;
452  }
453  }
455  v0 = 0;
456  v1 = 1;
457  v = num_verts - 1;
459  even = 1;
461  /*
462  * Convert to triangles only. Do not fan out from a single vertex
463  * but zigzag into triangle strip.
464  */
465  for (i = 0; i < num_verts - 2; i++) {
466  if (even) {
467  PT(EggPolygon) triangle = new EggPolygon(*this);
468  triangle->clear();
469  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(v0));
470  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(v1));
471  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(v));
473  if (triangle->cleanup()) {
474  container->add_child(triangle.p());
475  }
477  v0 = v1;
478  v1 = v;
479  v = v0 + 1;
480  } else {
481  PT(EggPolygon) triangle = new EggPolygon(*this);
482  triangle->clear();
483  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(v1));
484  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(v0));
485  triangle->add_vertex(get_vertex(v));
487  if (triangle->cleanup()) {
488  container->add_child(triangle.p());
489  }
491  v0 = v1;
492  v1 = v;
493  v = v0 - 1;
494  }
496  even = !even;
497  }
499  return true;
500 }
void write_header(std::ostream &out, int indent_level, const char *egg_keyword) const
Writes the first line of the egg object, e.g.
virtual bool cleanup() override
Cleans up modeling errors in whatever context this makes sense.
Definition: eggPolygon.cxx:39
bool is_planar() const
Returns true if all of the polygon's vertices lie within the same plane, false otherwise.
Definition: eggPolygon.cxx:93
A base class for nodes in the hierarchy that are not leaf nodes.
Definition: eggGroupNode.h:46
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Returns a particular index based on its index number.
Definition: eggPrimitive.h:187
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
std::ostream & indent(std::ostream &out, int indent_level)
A handy function for doing text formatting.
Definition: indent.cxx:20
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A single polygon.
Definition: eggPolygon.h:24
EggNode * add_child(EggNode *node)
Adds the indicated child to the group and returns it.
bool calculate_normal(LNormald &result, CoordinateSystem cs=CS_default) const
Calculates the true polygon normal–the vector pointing out of the front of the polygon–based on the v...
Definition: eggPolygon.cxx:57
virtual EggPolygon * make_copy() const override
Makes a copy of this object.
Definition: eggPolygon.cxx:28
void remove_doubled_verts(bool closed)
Certain kinds of primitives, particularly polygons, don't like to have the same vertex repeated conse...
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
virtual void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const override
Writes the polygon to the indicated output stream in Egg format.
Definition: eggPolygon.cxx:162
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PT(EggPolygon) EggPolygon
Subdivides the polygon into triangles and adds those triangles to the parent group node in place of t...
Definition: eggPolygon.cxx:146