The main glue of the egg hierarchy, this corresponds to the <Group>, <Instance>, and <Joint> type nodes. More...
#include "eggGroup.h"
Public Types | |
enum | BillboardType { BT_none = 0x00000000, BT_axis = 0x00000020, BT_point_camera_relative = 0x00000040, BT_point_world_relative = 0x00000080 } |
enum | BlendMode { BM_unspecified, BM_none, BM_add, BM_subtract, BM_inv_subtract, BM_min, BM_max } |
enum | BlendOperand { BO_unspecified, BO_zero, BO_one, BO_incoming_color, BO_one_minus_incoming_color, BO_fbuffer_color, BO_one_minus_fbuffer_color, BO_incoming_alpha, BO_one_minus_incoming_alpha, BO_fbuffer_alpha, BO_one_minus_fbuffer_alpha, BO_constant_color, BO_one_minus_constant_color, BO_constant_alpha, BO_one_minus_constant_alpha, BO_incoming_color_saturate, BO_color_scale, BO_one_minus_color_scale, BO_alpha_scale, BO_one_minus_alpha_scale } |
enum | CollideFlags { CF_none = 0x00000000, CF_descend = 0x00100000, CF_event = 0x00200000, CF_keep = 0x00400000, CF_solid = 0x00800000, CF_center = 0x01000000, CF_turnstile = 0x02000000, CF_level = 0x04000000, CF_intangible = 0x08000000 } |
enum | CollisionSolidType { CST_none = 0x00000000, CST_plane = 0x00010000, CST_polygon = 0x00020000, CST_polyset = 0x00030000, CST_sphere = 0x00040000, CST_tube = 0x00050000, CST_inv_sphere = 0x00060000, CST_box = 0x00070000, CST_floor_mesh = 0x00080000 } |
enum | DartType { DT_none = 0x00000000, DT_structured = 0x10000000, DT_sync = 0x20000000, DT_nosync = 0x30000000, DT_default = 0x40000000 } |
enum | DCSType { DC_unspecified = 0x00000000, DC_none = 0x00000010, DC_local = 0x00000020, DC_net = 0x00000030, DC_no_touch = 0x00000040, DC_default = 0x00000050 } |
enum | GroupType { GT_invalid = -1, GT_group = 0x00000000, GT_instance = 0x00000001, GT_joint = 0x00000002 } |
typedef pmap< std::string, std::string > | TagData |
typedef pmap< PT_EggVertex, double > | VertexRef |
![]() | |
typedef Children::const_iterator | const_iterator |
typedef Children::const_pointer | const_pointer |
typedef Children::const_reference | const_reference |
typedef Children::const_reverse_iterator | const_reverse_iterator |
typedef Children::difference_type | difference_type |
typedef Children::const_iterator | iterator |
typedef Children::const_pointer | pointer |
typedef Children::const_reference | reference |
typedef Children::const_reverse_iterator | reverse_iterator |
typedef Children::size_type | size_type |
enum | TriangulateFlags { T_polygon = 0x001, T_convex = 0x002, T_composite = 0x004, T_recurse = 0x008, T_flat_shaded = 0x010 } |
![]() | |
enum | AlphaMode { AM_unspecified, AM_off, AM_on, AM_blend, AM_blend_no_occlude, AM_ms, AM_ms_mask, AM_binary, AM_dual, AM_premultiplied } |
enum | DepthTestMode { DTM_unspecified, DTM_off, DTM_on } |
enum | DepthWriteMode { DWM_unspecified, DWM_off, DWM_on } |
enum | VisibilityMode { VM_unspecified, VM_hidden, VM_normal } |
![]() | |
enum | ComponentType { CT_invalid, CT_translate2d, CT_translate3d, CT_rotate2d, CT_rotx, CT_roty, CT_rotz, CT_rotate3d, CT_scale2d, CT_scale3d, CT_uniform_scale, CT_matrix3, CT_matrix4 } |
Public Member Functions | |
EggGroup (const std::string &name="") | |
EggGroup (const EggGroup ©) | |
void | add_group_ref (EggGroup *group) |
Adds a new <Ref> entry to the group. More... | |
void | add_object_type (const std::string &object_type) |
virtual EggTransform * | as_transform () |
Returns this object cross-cast to an EggTransform pointer, if it inherits from EggTransform, or NULL if it does not. More... | |
void | clear_billboard_center () |
void | clear_blend_color () |
void | clear_collide_mask () |
void | clear_collision_name () |
void | clear_default_pose () |
Removes the initial pose transform. More... | |
void | clear_from_collide_mask () |
void | clear_group_refs () |
Removes all of the <Ref> entries within this group. More... | |
void | clear_indexed_flag () |
void | clear_into_collide_mask () |
void | clear_lod () |
void | clear_object_types () |
void | clear_tag (const std::string &key) |
Removes the value defined for this key on this particular node. More... | |
virtual EggRenderMode * | determine_alpha_mode () |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has an alpha_mode other than AM_unspecified. More... | |
virtual EggRenderMode * | determine_bin () |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a bin specified. More... | |
virtual bool | determine_decal () |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup at this level or above that has the "decal" flag set. More... | |
virtual EggRenderMode * | determine_depth_offset () |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a depth_offset specified. More... | |
virtual EggRenderMode * | determine_depth_test_mode () |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a depth_test_mode other than DTM_unspecified. More... | |
virtual EggRenderMode * | determine_depth_write_mode () |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a depth_write_mode other than DWM_unspecified. More... | |
virtual EggRenderMode * | determine_draw_order () |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a draw_order specified. More... | |
virtual bool | determine_indexed () |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup at this level or above that has the "indexed" scalar set. More... | |
virtual EggRenderMode * | determine_visibility_mode () |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a visibility_mode other than VM_unspecified. More... | |
virtual TypeHandle | force_init_type () |
const LPoint3d & | get_billboard_center () const |
BillboardType | get_billboard_type () const |
const LColor & | get_blend_color () const |
BlendMode | get_blend_mode () const |
BlendOperand | get_blend_operand_a () const |
BlendOperand | get_blend_operand_b () const |
CollideFlags | get_collide_flags () const |
CollideMask | get_collide_mask () const |
const std::string & | get_collision_name () const |
CollisionSolidType | get_cs_type () const |
DartType | get_dart_type () const |
DCSType | get_dcs_type () const |
bool | get_decal_flag () const |
const EggTransform & | get_default_pose () const |
bool | get_direct_flag () const |
CollideMask | get_from_collide_mask () const |
EggGroup * | get_group_ref (int n) const |
GroupType | get_group_type () const |
bool | get_indexed_flag () const |
CollideMask | get_into_collide_mask () const |
const EggSwitchCondition & | get_lod () const |
bool | get_model_flag () const |
bool | get_nofog_flag () const |
int | get_num_group_refs () const |
int | get_num_object_types () const |
std::string | get_object_type (int index) const |
bool | get_occluder_flag () const |
bool | get_polylight_flag () const |
bool | get_portal_flag () const |
double | get_scroll_r () const |
double | get_scroll_u () const |
double | get_scroll_v () const |
double | get_scroll_w () const |
bool | get_switch_flag () const |
double | get_switch_fps () const |
std::string | get_tag (const std::string &key) const |
Retrieves the user-defined value that was previously set on this node for the particular key, if any. More... | |
bool | get_texlist_flag () const |
virtual TypeHandle | get_type () const |
double | get_vertex_membership (const EggVertex *vert) const |
Returns the amount of membership of the indicated vertex in this group. More... | |
bool | has_billboard_center () const |
bool | has_blend_color () const |
bool | has_collide_mask () const |
bool | has_collision_name () const |
bool | has_dcs_type () const |
Returns true if the specified DCS type is not DC_none and not DC_unspecified. More... | |
bool | has_from_collide_mask () const |
bool | has_indexed_flag () const |
bool | has_into_collide_mask () const |
bool | has_lod () const |
bool | has_object_type (const std::string &object_type) const |
Returns true if the indicated object type has been added to the group, or false otherwise. More... | |
bool | has_scrolling_uvs () |
bool | has_tag (const std::string &key) const |
Returns true if a value has been defined on this node for the particular key (even if that value is the empty string), or false if no value has been set. More... | |
bool | is_instance_type () const |
Returns true if this group is an instance type node; i.e. More... | |
virtual bool | is_joint () const |
Returns true if this particular node represents a <Joint> entry or not. More... | |
EggTransform & | modify_default_pose () |
Returns a writable accessor to the initial pose transform. More... | |
EggGroup & | operator= (const EggGroup ©) |
void | ref_vertex (EggVertex *vert, double membership=1.0) |
Adds the vertex to the set of those referenced by the group, at the indicated membership level. More... | |
void | remove_group_ref (int n) |
Removes the nth <Ref> entry within this group. More... | |
bool | remove_object_type (const std::string &object_type) |
Removes the first instance of the indicated object type from the group if it is present. More... | |
void | set_billboard_center (const LPoint3d &billboard_center) |
void | set_billboard_type (BillboardType type) |
void | set_blend_color (const LColor &blend_color) |
void | set_blend_mode (BlendMode blend_mode) |
void | set_blend_operand_a (BlendOperand blend_operand_a) |
void | set_blend_operand_b (BlendOperand blend_operand_b) |
void | set_collide_flags (int flags) |
void | set_collide_mask (CollideMask mask) |
void | set_collision_name (const std::string &collision_name) |
void | set_cs_type (CollisionSolidType type) |
void | set_dart_type (DartType type) |
void | set_dcs_type (DCSType type) |
void | set_decal_flag (bool flag) |
void | set_default_pose (const EggTransform &transform) |
void | set_direct_flag (bool flag) |
void | set_from_collide_mask (CollideMask mask) |
void | set_group_type (GroupType type) |
void | set_indexed_flag (bool flag) |
void | set_into_collide_mask (CollideMask mask) |
void | set_lod (const EggSwitchCondition &lod) |
void | set_model_flag (bool flag) |
void | set_nofog_flag (bool flag) |
void | set_occluder_flag (bool flag) |
void | set_polylight_flag (bool flag) |
void | set_portal_flag (bool flag) |
void | set_scroll_r (const double r_speed) |
void | set_scroll_u (const double u_speed) |
void | set_scroll_v (const double v_speed) |
void | set_scroll_w (const double w_speed) |
void | set_switch_flag (bool flag) |
void | set_switch_fps (double fps) |
void | set_tag (const std::string &key, const std::string &value) |
Associates a user-defined value with a user-defined key which is stored on the node. More... | |
void | set_texlist_flag (bool flag) |
void | set_vertex_membership (EggVertex *vert, double membership) |
Explicitly sets the net membership of the indicated vertex in this group to the given value. More... | |
void | steal_vrefs (EggGroup *other) |
Moves all of the vertex references from the indicated other group into this one. More... | |
TagData::const_iterator | tag_begin () const |
Returns an iterator that can, in conjunction with tag_end(), be used to traverse the entire set of tag keys. More... | |
TagData::const_iterator | tag_end () const |
Returns an iterator that can, in conjunction with tag_begin(), be used to traverse the entire set of tag keys. More... | |
TagData::size_type | tag_size () const |
Returns the number of elements between tag_begin() and tag_end(). More... | |
void | test_vref_integrity () const |
void | unref_all_vertices () |
Removes all vertices from the reference list. More... | |
void | unref_vertex (EggVertex *vert) |
Removes the vertex from the set of those referenced by the group. More... | |
VertexRef::const_iterator | vref_begin () const |
Returns an iterator that can, in conjunction with vref_end(), be used to traverse the entire set of referenced vertices. More... | |
VertexRef::const_iterator | vref_end () const |
Returns an iterator that can, in conjunction with vref_begin(), be used to traverse the entire set of referenced vertices. More... | |
VertexRef::size_type | vref_size () const |
Returns the number of elements between vref_begin() and vref_end(). More... | |
virtual void | write (std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const |
Writes the group and all of its children to the indicated output stream in Egg format. More... | |
void | write_billboard_flags (std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const |
Writes just the <Billboard> entry and related fields to the indicated ostream. More... | |
void | write_collide_flags (std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const |
Writes just the <Collide> entry and related fields to the indicated ostream. More... | |
void | write_decal_flags (std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const |
Writes the flags related to decaling, if any. More... | |
void | write_model_flags (std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const |
Writes the <Model> flag and related flags to the indicated ostream. More... | |
void | write_object_types (std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const |
Writes just the <ObjectTypes> entries, if any, to the indicated ostream. More... | |
void | write_render_mode (std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const |
Writes the flags inherited from EggRenderMode and similar flags that control obscure render effects. More... | |
void | write_switch_flags (std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const |
Writes the <Switch> flag and related flags to the indicated ostream. More... | |
void | write_tags (std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const |
Writes just the <Tag> entries, if any, to the indicated ostream. More... | |
![]() | |
EggGroupNode (const std::string &name="") | |
EggGroupNode (const EggGroupNode ©) | |
EggNode * | add_child (EggNode *node) |
Adds the indicated child to the group and returns it. More... | |
void | apply_first_attribute (bool recurse) |
Sets the first vertex of the triangle (or each component) to the primitive normal and/or color, if the primitive is flat-shaded. More... | |
void | apply_last_attribute (bool recurse) |
Sets the last vertex of the triangle (or each component) to the primitive normal and/or color, if the primitive is flat-shaded. More... | |
iterator | begin () const |
void | clear () |
void | clear_connected_shading () |
Resets the connected_shading information on all primitives at this node and below, so that it may be accurately rederived by the next call to get_connected_shading(). More... | |
bool | empty () const |
iterator | end () const |
iterator | erase (iterator position) |
iterator | erase (iterator first, iterator last) |
EggNode * | find_child (const std::string &name) const |
Returns the child of this node whose name is the indicated string, or NULL if there is no child of this node by that name. More... | |
void | force_filenames (const Filename &directory) |
Similar to resolve_filenames, but each non-absolute filename encountered is arbitrarily taken to be in the indicated directory, whether or not the so- named filename exists. More... | |
void | get_connected_shading () |
Queries the connected_shading information on all primitives at this node and below, to ensure that it has been completely filled in before we start mucking around with vertices. More... | |
EggNode * | get_first_child () |
Returns the first child in the group's list of children, or NULL if the list of children is empty. More... | |
EggNode * | get_next_child () |
Returns the next child in the group's list of children since the last call to get_first_child() or get_next_child(), or NULL if the last child has been returned. More... | |
bool | has_absolute_pathnames () const |
Returns true if any nodes at this level and below include a reference to a file via an absolute pathname, or false if all references are relative. More... | |
virtual bool | has_normals () const |
Returns true if any of the primitives (e.g. More... | |
virtual bool | has_primitives () const |
Returns true if there are any primitives (e.g. More... | |
iterator | insert (iterator position, PT(EggNode) x) |
virtual bool | joint_has_primitives () const |
Returns true if there are any primitives (e.g. More... | |
void | make_point_primitives () |
Creates PointLight primitives to reference any otherwise unreferences vertices discovered in this group or below. More... | |
void | mesh_triangles (int flags) |
Combine triangles together into triangle strips, at this group and below. More... | |
EggGroupNode & | operator= (const EggGroupNode ©) |
void | post_apply_flat_attribute (bool recurse) |
Intended as a followup to apply_last_attribute(), this also sets an attribute on the first vertices of the primitive, if they don't already have an attribute set, just so they end up with *something*. More... | |
PT (EggNode) remove_child(EggNode *node) | |
reverse_iterator | rbegin () const |
void | rebuild_vertex_pools (EggVertexPools &vertex_pools, unsigned int max_vertices, bool recurse) |
Copies vertices used by the primitives at this group node (and below, if recurse is true) into one or more new vertex pools, and updates the primitives to reference these pools. More... | |
void | recompute_polygon_normals (CoordinateSystem cs=CS_default) |
Recomputes all the polygon normals for polygon geometry at this group node and below so that they accurately reflect the vertex positions. More... | |
bool | recompute_tangent_binormal (const GlobPattern &uv_name) |
This function recomputes the tangent and binormal for the named texture coordinate set for all vertices at this level and below. More... | |
bool | recompute_tangent_binormal (const vector_string &names) |
This function recomputes the tangent and binormal for the named texture coordinate sets. More... | |
bool | recompute_tangent_binormal_auto () |
This function recomputes the tangent and binormal for any texture coordinate set that affects a normal map. More... | |
void | recompute_vertex_normals (double threshold, CoordinateSystem cs=CS_default) |
Recomputes all the vertex normals for polygon geometry at this group node and below so that they accurately reflect the vertex positions. More... | |
int | remove_invalid_primitives (bool recurse) |
Removes primitives at this level and below which appear to be degenerate; e.g. More... | |
int | remove_unused_vertices (bool recurse) |
Removes all vertices from VertexPools within this group or below that are not referenced by at least one primitive. More... | |
int | rename_nodes (vector_string strip_prefix, bool recurse) |
Rename by stripping out the prefix. More... | |
reverse_iterator | rend () const |
void | replace (iterator position, PT(EggNode) x) |
Replaces the node at the indicated position with the indicated node. More... | |
void | resolve_filenames (const DSearchPath &searchpath) |
Walks the tree and attempts to resolve any filenames encountered. More... | |
void | reverse_vertex_ordering () |
Reverses the vertex ordering of all polygons defined at this node and below. More... | |
size_type | size () const |
void | steal_children (EggGroupNode &other) |
Moves all the children from the other node to this one. More... | |
void | strip_normals () |
Removes all normals from primitives, and the vertices they reference, at this node and below. More... | |
int | triangulate_polygons (int flags) |
Replace all higher-order polygons at this point in the scene graph and below with triangles. More... | |
void | unify_attributes (bool use_connected_shading, bool allow_per_primitive, bool recurse) |
Applies per-vertex normal and color to all vertices, if they are in fact per-vertex (and different for each vertex), or moves them to the primitive if they are all the same. More... | |
![]() | |
EggNode (const std::string &name="") | |
EggNode (const EggNode ©) | |
void | apply_texmats () |
Applies the texture matrices to the UV's of the vertices that reference them, and then removes the texture matrices from the textures themselves. More... | |
void | flatten_transforms () |
Removes any transform and instance records from this node in the scene graph and below. More... | |
int | get_depth () const |
const LMatrix4d & | get_node_frame () const |
Returns the coordinate frame of the node itself. More... | |
const LMatrix4d & | get_node_frame_inv () const |
Returns the inverse of the matrix returned by get_node_frame(). More... | |
const LMatrix4d * | get_node_frame_inv_ptr () const |
Returns either a NULL pointer or a unique pointer shared by nodes with the same get_node_frame_inv() matrix. More... | |
const LMatrix4d * | get_node_frame_ptr () const |
Returns either a NULL pointer or a unique pointer shared by nodes with the same get_node_frame() matrix. More... | |
const LMatrix4d & | get_node_to_vertex () const |
Returns the transformation matrix suitable for converting vertices in the coordinate space of the node to the appropriate coordinate space for storing in the egg file. More... | |
const LMatrix4d * | get_node_to_vertex_ptr () const |
Returns either a NULL pointer or a unique pointer shared by nodes with the same get_node_to_vertex() matrix. More... | |
EggGroupNode * | get_parent () const |
const LMatrix4d & | get_vertex_frame () const |
Returns the coordinate frame of the vertices referenced by primitives at or under this node. More... | |
const LMatrix4d & | get_vertex_frame_inv () const |
Returns the inverse of the matrix returned by get_vertex_frame(). More... | |
const LMatrix4d * | get_vertex_frame_inv_ptr () const |
Returns either a NULL pointer or a unique pointer shared by nodes with the same get_vertex_frame_inv() matrix. More... | |
const LMatrix4d * | get_vertex_frame_ptr () const |
Returns either a NULL pointer or a unique pointer shared by nodes with the same get_vertex_frame() matrix. More... | |
const LMatrix4d & | get_vertex_to_node () const |
Returns the transformation matrix suitable for converting the vertices as read from the egg file into the coordinate space of the node. More... | |
const LMatrix4d * | get_vertex_to_node_ptr () const |
Returns either a NULL pointer or a unique pointer shared by nodes with the same get_vertex_to_node() matrix. More... | |
virtual bool | is_anim_matrix () const |
Returns true if this node represents a table of animation transformation data, false otherwise. More... | |
bool | is_local_coord () const |
Returns true if this node's vertices are not in the global coordinate space. More... | |
bool | is_under_instance () const |
Returns true if there is an <Instance> node somewhere in the egg tree at or above this node, false otherwise. More... | |
bool | is_under_transform () const |
Returns true if there is a <Transform> entry somewhere in the egg tree at or above this node, false otherwise. More... | |
EggNode & | operator= (const EggNode ©) |
bool | parse_egg (const std::string &egg_syntax) |
Parses the egg syntax given in the indicate string as if it had been read from the egg file within this object's definition. More... | |
int | rename_node (vector_string strip_prefix) |
Rename by stripping out the prefix. More... | |
void | test_under_integrity () const |
void | transform (const LMatrix4d &mat) |
Applies the indicated transformation to the node and all of its descendants. More... | |
void | transform_vertices_only (const LMatrix4d &mat) |
Applies the indicated transformation only to vertices that appear in global space within vertex pools at this node and below. More... | |
![]() | |
EggNamedObject (const std::string &name="") | |
EggNamedObject (const EggNamedObject ©) | |
EggNamedObject & | operator= (const EggNamedObject ©) |
void | output (std::ostream &out) const |
void | write_header (std::ostream &out, int indent_level, const char *egg_keyword) const |
Writes the first line of the egg object, e.g. More... | |
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EggObject (const EggObject ©) | |
void | clear_user_data () |
Removes *all* user data pointers from the node. More... | |
void | clear_user_data (TypeHandle type) |
Removes the user data pointer of the indicated type. More... | |
EggUserData * | get_user_data () const |
Returns the user data pointer most recently stored on this object, or NULL if nothing was previously stored. More... | |
EggUserData * | get_user_data (TypeHandle type) const |
Returns the user data pointer of the indicated type, if it exists, or NULL if it does not. More... | |
bool | has_user_data () const |
Returns true if a generic user data pointer has recently been set and not yet cleared, false otherwise. More... | |
bool | has_user_data (TypeHandle type) const |
Returns true if the user data pointer of the indicated type has been set, false otherwise. More... | |
EggObject & | operator= (const EggObject ©) |
void | set_user_data (EggUserData *user_data) |
Sets the user data associated with this object. More... | |
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TypedReferenceCount (const TypedReferenceCount ©) | |
void | operator= (const TypedReferenceCount ©) |
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TypedObject (const TypedObject ©)=default | |
TypedObject * | as_typed_object () |
Returns the object, upcast (if necessary) to a TypedObject pointer. More... | |
const TypedObject * | as_typed_object () const |
Returns the object, upcast (if necessary) to a TypedObject pointer. More... | |
int | get_best_parent_from_Set (const std::set< int > &) const |
int | get_type_index () const |
Returns the internal index number associated with this object's TypeHandle, a unique number for each different type. More... | |
bool | is_exact_type (TypeHandle handle) const |
Returns true if the current object is the indicated type exactly. More... | |
bool | is_of_type (TypeHandle handle) const |
Returns true if the current object is or derives from the indicated type. More... | |
TypedObject & | operator= (const TypedObject ©)=default |
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int | get_ref_count () const |
WeakReferenceList * | get_weak_list () const |
Returns the WeakReferenceList associated with this ReferenceCount object. More... | |
bool | has_weak_list () const |
Returns true if this particular ReferenceCount object has a WeakReferenceList created, false otherwise. More... | |
void | local_object () |
This function should be called, once, immediately after creating a new instance of some ReferenceCount-derived object on the stack. More... | |
void | ref () const |
Explicitly increments the reference count. More... | |
bool | ref_if_nonzero () const |
Atomically increases the reference count of this object if it is not zero. More... | |
bool | test_ref_count_integrity () const |
Does some easy checks to make sure that the reference count isn't completely bogus. More... | |
bool | test_ref_count_nonzero () const |
Does some easy checks to make sure that the reference count isn't zero, or completely bogus. More... | |
virtual bool | unref () const |
Explicitly decrements the reference count. More... | |
WeakReferenceList * | weak_ref () |
Adds the indicated PointerToVoid as a weak reference to this object. More... | |
void | weak_unref () |
Removes the indicated PointerToVoid as a weak reference to this object. More... | |
![]() | |
Namable (const std::string &initial_name="") | |
void | clear_name () |
Resets the Namable's name to empty. More... | |
const std::string & | get_name () const |
bool | has_name () const |
Returns true if the Namable has a nonempty name set, false if the name is empty. More... | |
void | output (std::ostream &out) const |
Outputs the Namable. More... | |
void | set_name (const std::string &name) |
![]() | |
EggRenderMode (const EggRenderMode ©) | |
void | clear_bin () |
Removes the bin name that was set for this particular object. More... | |
void | clear_depth_offset () |
Removes the depth-offset flag from this particular object. More... | |
void | clear_draw_order () |
Removes the draw-order flag from this particular object. More... | |
AlphaMode | get_alpha_mode () const |
Returns the alpha mode that was set, or AM_unspecified if nothing was set. More... | |
std::string | get_bin () const |
Returns the bin name that has been set for this particular object, if any. More... | |
int | get_depth_offset () const |
Returns the "depth-offset" flag as set for this particular object. More... | |
DepthTestMode | get_depth_test_mode () const |
Returns the depth_test mode that was set, or DTM_unspecified if nothing was set. More... | |
DepthWriteMode | get_depth_write_mode () const |
Returns the depth_write mode that was set, or DWM_unspecified if nothing was set. More... | |
int | get_draw_order () const |
Returns the "draw-order" flag as set for this particular object. More... | |
VisibilityMode | get_visibility_mode () const |
Returns the visibility mode that was set, or VM_unspecified if nothing was set. More... | |
bool | has_bin () const |
Returns true if a bin name has been set for this particular object. More... | |
bool | has_depth_offset () const |
Returns true if the depth-offset flag has been set for this particular object. More... | |
bool | has_draw_order () const |
Returns true if the draw-order flag has been set for this particular object. More... | |
bool | operator != (const EggRenderMode &other) const |
bool | operator< (const EggRenderMode &other) const |
EggRenderMode & | operator= (const EggRenderMode ©) |
bool | operator== (const EggRenderMode &other) const |
void | set_alpha_mode (AlphaMode mode) |
Specifies precisely how the transparency for this geometry should be achieved, or if it should be used. More... | |
void | set_bin (const std::string &bin) |
Sets the "bin" string for this particular object. More... | |
void | set_depth_offset (int bias) |
Sets the "depth-offset" flag associated with this object. More... | |
void | set_depth_test_mode (DepthTestMode mode) |
Specifies whether this geometry should be tested against the depth buffer when it is drawn (assuming the rendering backend provides a depth buffer). More... | |
void | set_depth_write_mode (DepthWriteMode mode) |
Specifies whether writes should be made to the depth buffer (assuming the rendering backend provides a depth buffer) when rendering this geometry. More... | |
void | set_draw_order (int order) |
Sets the "draw-order" flag associated with this object. More... | |
void | set_visibility_mode (VisibilityMode mode) |
Specifies whether this geometry is to be considered normally visible, or hidden. More... | |
void | write (std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const |
Writes the attributes to the indicated output stream in Egg format. More... | |
![]() | |
EggTransform (const EggTransform ©) | |
void | add_matrix3 (const LMatrix3d &mat) |
Appends an arbitrary 3x3 matrix to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_matrix4 (const LMatrix4d &mat) |
Appends an arbitrary 4x4 matrix to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_rotate2d (double angle) |
Appends a 2-d rotation to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_rotate3d (double angle, const LVector3d &axis) |
Appends a 3-d rotation about an arbitrary axis to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_rotate3d (const LQuaterniond &quat) |
Appends an arbitrary 3-d rotation to the current transform, expressed as a quaternion. More... | |
void | add_rotx (double angle) |
Appends a rotation about the X axis to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_roty (double angle) |
Appends a rotation about the Y axis to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_rotz (double angle) |
Appends a rotation about the Z axis to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_scale2d (const LVecBase2d &scale) |
Appends a possibly non-uniform scale to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_scale3d (const LVecBase3d &scale) |
Appends a possibly non-uniform scale to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_translate2d (const LVector2d &translate) |
Appends a 2-d translation operation to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_translate3d (const LVector3d &translate) |
Appends a 3-d translation operation to the current transform. More... | |
void | add_uniform_scale (double scale) |
Appends a uniform scale to the current transform. More... | |
void | clear_transform () |
Resets the transform to empty, identity. More... | |
const LMatrix3d & | get_component_mat3 (int n) const |
Returns the 3x3 matrix associated with the nth component. More... | |
const LMatrix4d & | get_component_mat4 (int n) const |
Returns the 4x4 matrix associated with the nth component. More... | |
double | get_component_number (int n) const |
Returns the solitary number associated with the nth component. More... | |
ComponentType | get_component_type (int n) const |
Returns the type of the nth component. More... | |
const LVecBase2d & | get_component_vec2 (int n) const |
Returns the 2-component vector associated with the nth component. More... | |
const LVecBase3d & | get_component_vec3 (int n) const |
Returns the 3-component vector associated with the nth component. More... | |
int | get_num_components () const |
Returns the number of components that make up the transform. More... | |
LMatrix3d | get_transform2d () const |
Returns the overall transform as a 3x3 matrix. More... | |
const LMatrix4d & | get_transform3d () const |
Returns the overall transform as a 4x4 matrix. More... | |
bool | has_transform () const |
Returns true if the transform is nonempty, false if it is empty (no transform components have been added). More... | |
bool | has_transform2d () const |
Returns true if the transform is specified as a 2-d transform, e.g. More... | |
bool | has_transform3d () const |
Returns true if the transform is specified as a 3-d transform, e.g. More... | |
EggTransform & | operator= (const EggTransform ©) |
void | set_transform2d (const LMatrix3d &mat) |
Sets the overall transform as a 3x3 matrix. More... | |
void | set_transform3d (const LMatrix4d &mat) |
Sets the overall transform as a 4x4 matrix. More... | |
bool | transform_is_identity () const |
Returns true if the described transform is identity, false otherwise. More... | |
void | write (std::ostream &out, int indent_level, const std::string &label) const |
Writes the transform to the indicated stream in Egg format. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static TypeHandle | get_class_type () |
static void | init_type () |
static BillboardType | string_billboard_type (const std::string &strval) |
Returns the BillboardType value associated with the given string representation, or BT_none if the string does not match any known BillboardType value. More... | |
static BlendMode | string_blend_mode (const std::string &strval) |
Returns the BlendMode value associated with the given string representation, or BM_none if the string does not match any known BlendMode. More... | |
static BlendOperand | string_blend_operand (const std::string &strval) |
Returns the BlendOperand value associated with the given string representation, or BO_none if the string does not match any known BlendOperand. More... | |
static CollideFlags | string_collide_flags (const std::string &strval) |
Returns the CollideFlags value associated with the given string representation, or CF_none if the string does not match any known CollideFlags value. More... | |
static CollisionSolidType | string_cs_type (const std::string &strval) |
Returns the CollisionSolidType value associated with the given string representation, or CST_none if the string does not match any known CollisionSolidType value. More... | |
static DartType | string_dart_type (const std::string &strval) |
Returns the DartType value associated with the given string representation, or DT_none if the string does not match any known DartType value. More... | |
static DCSType | string_dcs_type (const std::string &strval) |
Returns the DCSType value associated with the given string representation, or DC_unspecified if the string does not match any known DCSType value. More... | |
static GroupType | string_group_type (const std::string &strval) |
Returns the GroupType value associated with the given string representation, or GT_invalid if the string does not match any known GroupType value. More... | |
![]() | |
static TypeHandle | get_class_type () |
static void | init_type () |
static bool | is_right (const LVector2d &v1, const LVector2d &v2) |
Returns true if the 2-d v1 is to the right of v2. More... | |
![]() | |
static TypeHandle | get_class_type () |
static void | init_type () |
![]() | |
static TypeHandle | get_class_type () |
static void | init_type () |
![]() | |
static TypeHandle | get_class_type () |
static void | init_type () |
![]() | |
static TypeHandle | get_class_type () |
static void | init_type () |
![]() | |
static TypeHandle | get_class_type () |
static void | init_type () |
This function is declared non-inline to work around a compiler bug in g++ 2.96. More... | |
![]() | |
static TypeHandle | get_class_type () |
static void | init_type () |
![]() | |
static TypeHandle | get_class_type () |
static void | init_type () |
![]() | |
static TypeHandle | get_class_type () |
static void | init_type () |
static AlphaMode | string_alpha_mode (const std::string &string) |
Returns the AlphaMode value associated with the given string representation, or AM_unspecified if the string does not match any known AlphaMode value. More... | |
static DepthTestMode | string_depth_test_mode (const std::string &string) |
Returns the DepthTestMode value associated with the given string representation, or DTM_unspecified if the string does not match any known DepthTestMode value. More... | |
static DepthWriteMode | string_depth_write_mode (const std::string &string) |
Returns the DepthWriteMode value associated with the given string representation, or DWM_unspecified if the string does not match any known DepthWriteMode value. More... | |
static VisibilityMode | string_visibility_mode (const std::string &string) |
Returns the HiddenMode value associated with the given string representation, or VM_unspecified if the string does not match any known HiddenMode value. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
clear_billboard_center | |
clear_blend_color | |
Removes the blend color specification. More... | |
clear_collide_mask | |
clear_from_collide_mask | |
clear_indexed_flag | |
clear_into_collide_mask | |
clear_lod | |
get_billboard_center | |
get_billboard_type | |
get_blend_color | |
Returns the blend color if one has been specified, or (0, 0, 0, 0) if one has not. More... | |
get_blend_mode | |
get_blend_operand_a | |
get_blend_operand_b | |
get_collide_flags | |
get_collide_mask | |
get_collision_name | |
get_cs_type | |
get_dart_type | |
get_dcs_type | |
get_decal_flag | |
get_default_pose | |
Returns a read-only accessor to the initial pose transform. More... | |
get_direct_flag | |
get_from_collide_mask | |
get_group_ref | |
Returns the nth <Ref> entry within this group. More... | |
get_group_type | |
get_indexed_flag | |
get_into_collide_mask | |
get_lod | |
get_model_flag | |
get_nofog_flag | |
get_num_group_refs | |
Returns the number of <Ref> entries within this group. More... | |
get_num_object_types | |
get_object_type | |
get_occluder_flag | |
get_portal_flag | |
get_scroll_r | |
get_scroll_u | |
get_scroll_v | |
get_scroll_w | |
get_switch_flag | |
get_switch_fps | |
get_texlist_flag | |
has_billboard_center | |
has_blend_color | |
Returns true if the blend color has been specified, false otherwise. More... | |
has_collide_mask | |
has_from_collide_mask | |
has_indexed_flag | |
has_into_collide_mask | |
has_lod | |
set_billboard_center | |
Sets the point around which the billboard will rotate, if this node contains a billboard specification. More... | |
set_billboard_type | |
set_blend_color | |
set_blend_mode | |
set_blend_operand_a | |
set_blend_operand_b | |
set_collide_flags | |
set_collide_mask | |
set_collision_name | |
set_cs_type | |
set_dart_type | |
set_dcs_type | |
set_decal_flag | |
set_default_pose | |
Replaces the initial pose transform. More... | |
set_direct_flag | |
set_from_collide_mask | |
set_group_type | |
set_indexed_flag | |
If this flag is true, geometry at this node and below will be generated as indexed geometry. More... | |
set_into_collide_mask | |
set_lod | |
set_model_flag | |
set_nofog_flag | |
set_occluder_flag | |
set_portal_flag | |
set_scroll_r | |
set_scroll_u | |
set_scroll_v | |
set_scroll_w | |
set_switch_flag | |
set_switch_fps | |
set_texlist_flag | |
![]() | |
get_children | |
![]() | |
get_depth | |
Returns the number of nodes above this node in the egg hierarchy. More... | |
get_parent | |
![]() | |
get_type | |
![]() | |
get_ref_count | |
Returns the current reference count. More... | |
![]() | |
get_name | |
set_name | |
The main glue of the egg hierarchy, this corresponds to the <Group>, <Instance>, and <Joint> type nodes.
Definition at line 34 of file eggGroup.h.
void EggGroup::add_group_ref | ( | EggGroup * | group | ) |
Adds a new <Ref> entry to the group.
This declares an internal reference to another node, and is used to implement scene-graph instancing; it is only valid if the group_type is GT_instance.
Definition at line 760 of file eggGroup.cxx.
virtual |
Returns this object cross-cast to an EggTransform pointer, if it inherits from EggTransform, or NULL if it does not.
Reimplemented from EggObject.
Definition at line 1019 of file eggGroup.cxx.
inline |
Removes the initial pose transform.
See set_default_pose().
Definition at line 799 of file eggGroup.I.
References EggTransform::clear_transform().
void EggGroup::clear_group_refs | ( | ) |
Removes all of the <Ref> entries within this group.
See add_group_ref().
Definition at line 796 of file eggGroup.cxx.
inline |
Removes the value defined for this key on this particular node.
After a call to clear_tag(), has_tag() will return false for the indicated key.
Definition at line 756 of file eggGroup.I.
virtual |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has an alpha_mode other than AM_unspecified.
Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.
Reimplemented from EggNode.
Definition at line 479 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References EggNode::determine_alpha_mode(), and EggRenderMode::get_alpha_mode().
virtual |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a bin specified.
Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.
Reimplemented from EggNode.
Definition at line 563 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References EggNode::determine_bin(), and EggRenderMode::has_bin().
virtual |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup at this level or above that has the "decal" flag set.
Returns the value of the decal flag if it is found, or false if it is not.
In other words, returns true if the "decal" flag is in effect for the indicated node, false otherwise.
Reimplemented from EggNode.
Definition at line 595 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References EggNode::determine_decal().
virtual |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a depth_offset specified.
Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.
Reimplemented from EggNode.
Definition at line 535 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References EggNode::determine_depth_offset(), and EggRenderMode::has_depth_offset().
virtual |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a depth_test_mode other than DTM_unspecified.
Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.
Reimplemented from EggNode.
Definition at line 507 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References EggNode::determine_depth_test_mode(), and EggRenderMode::get_depth_test_mode().
virtual |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a depth_write_mode other than DWM_unspecified.
Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.
Reimplemented from EggNode.
Definition at line 493 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References EggNode::determine_depth_write_mode(), and EggRenderMode::get_depth_write_mode().
virtual |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a draw_order specified.
Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.
Reimplemented from EggNode.
Definition at line 549 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References EggNode::determine_draw_order(), and EggRenderMode::has_draw_order().
virtual |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup at this level or above that has the "indexed" scalar set.
Returns the value of the indexed scalar if it is found, or false if it is not.
In other words, returns true if the "indexed" flag is in effect for the indicated node, false otherwise.
Reimplemented from EggNode.
Definition at line 579 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References EggNode::determine_indexed().
virtual |
Walks back up the hierarchy, looking for an EggGroup or EggPrimitive or some such object at this level or above this group that has a visibility_mode other than VM_unspecified.
Returns a valid EggRenderMode pointer if one is found, or NULL otherwise.
Reimplemented from EggNode.
Definition at line 521 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References EggNode::determine_visibility_mode(), and EggRenderMode::get_visibility_mode().
inline |
Retrieves the user-defined value that was previously set on this node for the particular key, if any.
If no value has been previously set, returns the empty string.
Definition at line 730 of file eggGroup.I.
double EggGroup::get_vertex_membership | ( | const EggVertex * | vert | ) | const |
Returns the amount of membership of the indicated vertex in this group.
If the vertex is not reffed by the group, returns 0.
Definition at line 677 of file eggGroup.cxx.
Referenced by split_vertex().
inline |
Returns true if the specified DCS type is not DC_none and not DC_unspecified.
Definition at line 199 of file eggGroup.I.
bool EggGroup::has_object_type | ( | const std::string & | object_type | ) | const |
Returns true if the indicated object type has been added to the group, or false otherwise.
Definition at line 145 of file eggGroup.cxx.
Referenced by MayaNodeDesc::has_object_type().
inline |
Returns true if a value has been defined on this node for the particular key (even if that value is the empty string), or false if no value has been set.
Definition at line 745 of file eggGroup.I.
inline |
Returns true if this group is an instance type node; i.e.
it begins the root of a local coordinate space. This is not related to instancing (multiple copies of a node in a scene graph).
This also includes the case of the node including a billboard flag without an explicit center, which implicitly makes the node behave like an instance.
Definition at line 32 of file eggGroup.I.
virtual |
Returns true if this particular node represents a <Joint> entry or not.
This is a handy thing to know since Joints are sorted to the end of their sibling list when writing an egg file. See EggGroupNode::write().
Reimplemented from EggNode.
Definition at line 468 of file eggGroup.cxx.
inline |
Returns a writable accessor to the initial pose transform.
This is the <DefaultPose> entry for a Joint, and defines only the initial transform pose for the unanimated joint; it has nothing to do with the group's <Transform> entry, which defines the (eventual) space of the group's vertices.
Definition at line 780 of file eggGroup.I.
void EggGroup::ref_vertex | ( | EggVertex * | vert, |
double | membership = 1.0 |
) |
Adds the vertex to the set of those referenced by the group, at the indicated membership level.
If the vertex is already being referenced, increases the membership amount by the indicated amount.
Definition at line 608 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References unref_vertex().
Referenced by DaeCharacter::influence_vertex(), and split_vertex().
void EggGroup::remove_group_ref | ( | int | n | ) |
Removes the nth <Ref> entry within this group.
See add_group_ref().
Definition at line 787 of file eggGroup.cxx.
bool EggGroup::remove_object_type | ( | const std::string & | object_type | ) |
Removes the first instance of the indicated object type from the group if it is present.
Returns true if the object type was found and removed, false otherwise.
Definition at line 161 of file eggGroup.cxx.
inline |
Associates a user-defined value with a user-defined key which is stored on the node.
This value has no meaning to Panda; but it is stored indefinitely on the node until it is requested again. This value will be copied to the PandaNode that is created for this particular EggGroup if the egg file is loaded as a scene.
Each unique key stores a different string value. There is no effective limit on the number of different keys that may be stored or on the length of any one key's value.
Definition at line 720 of file eggGroup.I.
void EggGroup::set_vertex_membership | ( | EggVertex * | vert, |
double | membership | ||
) |
Explicitly sets the net membership of the indicated vertex in this group to the given value.
Definition at line 692 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References unref_vertex().
void EggGroup::steal_vrefs | ( | EggGroup * | other | ) |
Moves all of the vertex references from the indicated other group into this one.
If a given vertex was previously shared by both groups, the relative memberships will be summed.
Definition at line 721 of file eggGroup.cxx.
static |
Returns the BillboardType value associated with the given string representation, or BT_none if the string does not match any known BillboardType value.
Definition at line 866 of file eggGroup.cxx.
static |
Returns the BlendMode value associated with the given string representation, or BM_none if the string does not match any known BlendMode.
Definition at line 946 of file eggGroup.cxx.
static |
Returns the BlendOperand value associated with the given string representation, or BO_none if the string does not match any known BlendOperand.
Definition at line 970 of file eggGroup.cxx.
static |
Returns the CollideFlags value associated with the given string representation, or CF_none if the string does not match any known CollideFlags value.
This only recognizes a single keyword; it does not attempt to parse a string of keywords.
Definition at line 918 of file eggGroup.cxx.
static |
Returns the CollisionSolidType value associated with the given string representation, or CST_none if the string does not match any known CollisionSolidType value.
Definition at line 886 of file eggGroup.cxx.
static |
Returns the DartType value associated with the given string representation, or DT_none if the string does not match any known DartType value.
Definition at line 825 of file eggGroup.cxx.
static |
Returns the DCSType value associated with the given string representation, or DC_unspecified if the string does not match any known DCSType value.
Definition at line 844 of file eggGroup.cxx.
static |
Returns the GroupType value associated with the given string representation, or GT_invalid if the string does not match any known GroupType value.
Definition at line 808 of file eggGroup.cxx.
inline |
Returns an iterator that can, in conjunction with tag_end(), be used to traverse the entire set of tag keys.
Each iterator returns a pair<string, string>.
This interface is not safe to use outside of PANDAEGG.DLL.
Definition at line 811 of file eggGroup.I.
inline |
Returns an iterator that can, in conjunction with tag_begin(), be used to traverse the entire set of tag keys.
Each iterator returns a pair<string, string>.
This interface is not safe to use outside of PANDAEGG.DLL.
Definition at line 823 of file eggGroup.I.
inline |
Returns the number of elements between tag_begin() and tag_end().
This interface is not safe to use outside of PANDAEGG.DLL.
Definition at line 833 of file eggGroup.I.
void EggGroup::unref_all_vertices | ( | ) |
Removes all vertices from the reference list.
Definition at line 656 of file eggGroup.cxx.
void EggGroup::unref_vertex | ( | EggVertex * | vert | ) |
Removes the vertex from the set of those referenced by the group.
Does nothing if the vertex is not already reffed.
Definition at line 640 of file eggGroup.cxx.
Referenced by ref_vertex(), and set_vertex_membership().
inline |
Returns an iterator that can, in conjunction with vref_end(), be used to traverse the entire set of referenced vertices.
Each iterator returns a pair<PT(EggVertex), double>.
This interface is not safe to use outside of PANDAEGG.DLL.
Definition at line 845 of file eggGroup.I.
inline |
Returns an iterator that can, in conjunction with vref_begin(), be used to traverse the entire set of referenced vertices.
Each iterator returns a pair<PT(EggVertex), double>.
This interface is not safe to use outside of PANDAEGG.DLL.
Definition at line 857 of file eggGroup.I.
inline |
Returns the number of elements between vref_begin() and vref_end().
This interface is not safe to use outside of PANDAEGG.DLL.
Definition at line 867 of file eggGroup.I.
virtual |
Writes the group and all of its children to the indicated output stream in Egg format.
Reimplemented from EggGroupNode.
Definition at line 177 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References EggNamedObject::write_header().
void EggGroup::write_billboard_flags | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
int | indent_level | ||
) | const |
Writes just the <Billboard> entry and related fields to the indicated ostream.
Definition at line 315 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References indent().
void EggGroup::write_collide_flags | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
int | indent_level | ||
) | const |
Writes just the <Collide> entry and related fields to the indicated ostream.
Definition at line 332 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References enquote_string(), and indent().
void EggGroup::write_decal_flags | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
int | indent_level | ||
) | const |
Writes the flags related to decaling, if any.
Definition at line 426 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References indent().
void EggGroup::write_model_flags | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
int | indent_level | ||
) | const |
Writes the <Model> flag and related flags to the indicated ostream.
Definition at line 371 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References indent().
void EggGroup::write_object_types | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
int | indent_level | ||
) | const |
Writes just the <ObjectTypes> entries, if any, to the indicated ostream.
Definition at line 413 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References enquote_string(), and indent().
void EggGroup::write_render_mode | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
int | indent_level | ||
) | const |
Writes the flags inherited from EggRenderMode and similar flags that control obscure render effects.
Definition at line 454 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References indent(), and EggRenderMode::write().
void EggGroup::write_switch_flags | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
int | indent_level | ||
) | const |
Writes the <Switch> flag and related flags to the indicated ostream.
Definition at line 399 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References indent().
void EggGroup::write_tags | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
int | indent_level | ||
) | const |
Writes just the <Tag> entries, if any, to the indicated ostream.
Definition at line 436 of file eggGroup.cxx.
References enquote_string(), and indent().
inline |
Removes the blend color specification.
Definition at line 318 of file eggGroup.h.
inline |
Returns the blend color if one has been specified, or (0, 0, 0, 0) if one has not.
Definition at line 318 of file eggGroup.h.
inline |
Returns a read-only accessor to the initial pose transform.
This is the <DefaultPose> entry for a Joint, and defines only the initial transform pose for the unanimated joint; it has nothing to do with the group's <Transform> entry, which defines the (eventual) space of the group's vertices.
Definition at line 320 of file eggGroup.h.
EggGroup * EggGroup::get_group_ref |
Returns the nth <Ref> entry within this group.
See add_group_ref().
Definition at line 354 of file eggGroup.h.
int EggGroup::get_num_group_refs |
Returns the number of <Ref> entries within this group.
See add_group_ref().
Definition at line 354 of file eggGroup.h.
inline |
Returns true if the blend color has been specified, false otherwise.
Definition at line 318 of file eggGroup.h.
inline |
Sets the point around which the billboard will rotate, if this node contains a billboard specification.
If a billboard type is given but no billboard_center is specified, then the group node is treated as an <Instance>, and the billboard rotates around the origin. If, however, a billboard_center is specified, then the group node is *not* treated as an <Instance>, and the billboard rotates around the specified point.
The point is in the same coordinate system as the vertices of this node: usually global, but possibly local if there is an <Instance> somewhere above. Specifically, this is the coordinate system defined by get_vertex_frame().
Definition at line 290 of file eggGroup.h.
inline |
Replaces the initial pose transform.
This is the <DefaultPose> entry for a Joint, and defines only the initial transform pose for the unanimated joint; it has nothing to do with the group's <Transform> entry, which defines the (eventual) space of the group's vertices.
Definition at line 320 of file eggGroup.h.
inline |
If this flag is true, geometry at this node and below will be generated as indexed geometry.
Definition at line 307 of file eggGroup.h.