Functions | Variables
config_chan.cxx File Reference

PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. More...

#include "config_chan.h"
#include "animBundle.h"
#include "animBundleNode.h"
#include "animChannelBase.h"
#include "animChannelMatrixXfmTable.h"
#include "animChannelMatrixDynamic.h"
#include "animChannelMatrixFixed.h"
#include "animChannelScalarTable.h"
#include "animChannelScalarDynamic.h"
#include "animControl.h"
#include "animGroup.h"
#include "animPreloadTable.h"
#include "bindAnimRequest.h"
#include "movingPartBase.h"
#include "movingPartMatrix.h"
#include "movingPartScalar.h"
#include "partBundle.h"
#include "partBundleNode.h"
#include "partGroup.h"
#include "luse.h"
#include "dconfig.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 Configure (config_chan)
 ConfigureFn (config_chan)
 NotifyCategoryDef (chan, "")


ConfigVariableInt async_bind_priority ("async-bind-priority", 100, PRC_DESC("This specifies the priority assign to an asynchronous bind " "task when it is requested via PartBundle::load_bind_anim(). " "This controls the relative order in which asynchronous loads " "happen (in particular, relative to asynchronous texture or " "model loads). A higher number here makes the animations " "load sooner."))
ConfigVariableInt compress_chan_quality ("compress-chan-quality", 95, PRC_DESC("The quality level is an integer number that generally ranges " "between 0 and 100, where smaller numbers indicate greater " "compression at the cost of quality, and larger numbers indicate " "higher quality but less compression. Generally, 95 is the highest " "useful value; values between 95 and 100 produce substantially " "larger, but not substantially better, output files. This is akin " "to the JPEG compression level."))
ConfigVariableBool compress_channels ("compress-channels", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to enable lossy compression of animation channels " "when writing to the bam file. This serves to reduce the size of " "the bam file only; it does not reduce the memory footprint of the " "channels when the bam file is loaded."))
ConfigVariableBool interpolate_frames ("interpolate-frames", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to interpolate character animations between frames, " "or false to hold each frame until the next one is ready. This can " "also be changed on a per-character basis with " "PartBundle::set_frame_blend_flag()."))
ConfigVariableBool read_compressed_channels ("read-compressed-channels", true, PRC_DESC("Set this false to disable reading of compressed animation channels, " "even if the decompression code is available. The only reason you " "might want to do this would be to speed load time when you don't " "care about what the animation looks like."))
ConfigVariableBool restore_initial_pose ("restore-initial-pose", true, PRC_DESC("When this is true, setting all control effects on an Actor to 0 " "causes it to return to its default, unanimated pose. When " "false, it retains whatever its last-computed pose was " "(which may or may not be the default pose)."))

Detailed Description

PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.

All rights reserved.

All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD license. You should have received a copy of this license along with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."


Definition in file config_chan.cxx.