Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file eggMesher.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2005-03-13
12  */
14 #include "eggMesher.h"
15 #include "eggMesherFanMaker.h"
16 #include "eggPolygon.h"
17 #include "eggCompositePrimitive.h"
18 #include "eggTriangleStrip.h"
19 #include "eggTriangleFan.h"
20 #include "eggGroup.h"
21 #include "config_egg.h"
22 #include "eggGroupNode.h"
23 #include "dcast.h"
24 #include "thread.h"
26 #include <stdlib.h>
28 /**
29  *
30  */
31 EggMesher::
32 EggMesher() {
33  _vertex_pool = nullptr;
34  _strip_index = 0;
35 }
37 /**
38  * Accepts an EggGroupNode, which contains a set of EggPrimitives--typically,
39  * triangles and quads--as children. Removes these primitives and replaces
40  * them with (mostly) equivalent EggTriangleStrips and EggTriangleFans where
41  * possible.
42  *
43  * If flat_shaded is true, then odd-length triangle strips, and triangle fans
44  * of any length, are not permitted (because these can't be rotated when
45  * required to move the colored vertex of each triangle to the first or last
46  * position).
47  */
48 void EggMesher::
49 mesh(EggGroupNode *group, bool flat_shaded) {
50  _flat_shaded = flat_shaded;
52  // Create a temporary node to hold the children of group that aren't
53  // involved in the meshing, as well as the newly-generate triangle strips.
54  PT(EggGroupNode) output_children = new EggGroupNode;
56  // And another to hold the children that will be processed next time.
57  PT(EggGroupNode) next_children = new EggGroupNode;
58  PT(EggGroupNode) this_children = group;
60  // Only primitives that share a common vertex pool can be meshed together.
61  // Thus, pull out the primitives with the same vertex pool in groups.
62  while (this_children->size() != 0) {
63  clear();
65  // Add each polygon in the group to the mesh pool.
66  while (!this_children->empty()) {
67  PT(EggNode) child = this_children->get_first_child();
68  this_children->remove_child(child);
70  if (child->is_of_type(EggPolygon::get_class_type())) {
71  EggPolygon *poly = DCAST(EggPolygon, child);
73  if (_vertex_pool == nullptr) {
74  _vertex_pool = poly->get_pool();
75  add_polygon(poly, EggMesherStrip::MO_user);
77  } else if (_vertex_pool == poly->get_pool()) {
78  add_polygon(poly, EggMesherStrip::MO_user);
80  } else {
81  // A different vertex pool; save this one for the next pass.
82  next_children->add_child(poly);
83  }
85  } else {
86  // If it's not a polygon of any kind, just output it unchanged.
87  output_children->add_child(child);
88  }
89  }
91  do_mesh();
93  Strips::iterator si;
94  for (si = _done.begin(); si != _done.end(); ++si) {
95  PT(EggPrimitive) egg_prim = get_prim(*si);
96  if (egg_prim != nullptr) {
97  output_children->add_child(egg_prim);
98  }
99  }
101  this_children = next_children;
102  next_children = new EggGroupNode;
103  }
105  // Now copy the newly-meshed primitives back to the group.
106  group->clear();
107  group->steal_children(*output_children);
109  clear();
110 }
112 /**
113  *
114  */
115 void EggMesher::
116 write(std::ostream &out) const {
117  /*
118  out << _edges.size() << " edges:\n";
119  copy(_edges.begin(), _edges.end(), ostream_iterator<Edge>(out, "\n"));
120  */
122  out << _verts.size() << " verts:\n";
123  Verts::const_iterator vi;
125  for (vi = _verts.begin(); vi != _verts.end(); ++vi) {
126  int v = (*vi).first;
127  const EdgePtrs &edges = (*vi).second;
128  out << v << " shares " << count_vert_edges(edges) << " edges:\n";
129  EdgePtrs::const_iterator ei;
130  for (ei = edges.begin(); ei != edges.end(); ++ei) {
131  if (!(*ei)->_strips.empty() || !(*ei)->_opposite->_strips.empty()) {
132  out << " " << **ei << "\n";
133  }
134  }
135  }
137  Strips::const_iterator si;
138  out << _tris.size() << " tris:\n";
139  for (si = _tris.begin(); si != _tris.end(); ++si) {
140  out << (*si) << "\n";
141  }
143  out << _quads.size() << " quads:\n";
144  for (si = _quads.begin(); si != _quads.end(); ++si) {
145  out << (*si) << "\n";
146  }
148  out << _strips.size() << " strips:\n";
149  for (si = _strips.begin(); si != _strips.end(); ++si) {
150  out << (*si) << "\n";
151  }
152 }
154 /**
155  * Empties the pool of meshable primitives and resets to an initial state.
156  */
157 void EggMesher::
158 clear() {
159  _tris.clear();
160  _quads.clear();
161  _strips.clear();
162  _dead.clear();
163  _done.clear();
164  _verts.clear();
165  _edges.clear();
166  _strip_index = 0;
167  _vertex_pool = nullptr;
168  _color_sheets.clear();
169 }
171 /**
172  * Adds a single polygon into the pool of available primitives for meshing.
173  */
174 bool EggMesher::
175 add_polygon(const EggPolygon *egg_poly, EggMesherStrip::MesherOrigin origin) {
176  CPT(EggPolygon) this_poly = egg_poly;
177  if (this_poly->size() != 3) {
178  // If we have a higher-order or concave polygon, triangulate it
179  // automatically.
181  // We'll keep quads, unless they're concave.
182  bool convex_also = (this_poly->size() != 4);
184  PT(EggGroupNode) temp_group = new EggGroupNode;
185  bool result = this_poly->triangulate_into(temp_group, convex_also);
186  EggGroupNode::iterator ci;
187  if (temp_group->size() != 1) {
188  for (ci = temp_group->begin(); ci != temp_group->end(); ++ci) {
189  add_polygon(DCAST(EggPolygon, *ci), EggMesherStrip::MO_user);
190  }
191  return result;
192  }
194  // Convert just the one polygon we got out of the group. Don't recurse,
195  // since it might be the same polygon we sent in.
196  ci = temp_group->begin();
197  this_poly = DCAST(EggPolygon, *ci);
198  }
200  if (_vertex_pool == nullptr) {
201  _vertex_pool = this_poly->get_pool();
202  } else {
203  nassertr(_vertex_pool == this_poly->get_pool(), false);
204  }
206  // Define an initial strip (probably of length 1) for the prim.
207  EggMesherStrip temp_strip(this_poly, _strip_index++, _vertex_pool,
208  _flat_shaded);
209  Strips &list = choose_strip_list(temp_strip);
210  list.push_back(temp_strip);
211  EggMesherStrip &strip = list.back();
212  strip._origin = origin;
214  int i;
215  int num_verts = this_poly->size();
217  int *vptrs = (int *)alloca(num_verts * sizeof(int));
218  EdgePtrs **eptrs = (EdgePtrs **)alloca(num_verts * sizeof(EdgePtrs *));
220  // Get the common vertex pointers for the primitive's vertices.
221  for (i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) {
222  Verts::value_type v(this_poly->get_vertex(i)->get_index(), EdgePtrs());
223  Verts::iterator n = _verts.insert(v).first;
225  vptrs[i] = (*n).first;
226  eptrs[i] = &(*n).second;
228  strip._verts.push_back(vptrs[i]);
229  }
231  // Now identify the common edges.
232  for (i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) {
233  // Define an inner and outer edge. A polygon shares an edge with a
234  // neighbor only when one of its inner edges matches a neighbor's outer
235  // edge (and vice-versa).
236  EggMesherEdge inner(vptrs[i], vptrs[(i+1) % num_verts]);
237  EggMesherEdge outer(vptrs[(i+1) % num_verts], vptrs[i]);
239  // Add it to the list and get its common pointer.
240  EggMesherEdge &inner_ref = (EggMesherEdge &)*_edges.insert(inner).first;
241  EggMesherEdge &outer_ref = (EggMesherEdge &)*_edges.insert(outer).first;
243  // Tell the edges about each other.
244  inner_ref._opposite = &outer_ref;
245  outer_ref._opposite = &inner_ref;
247  // Associate the common edge to the strip.
248  strip._edges.push_back(&inner_ref);
250  // Associate the strip, as well as the original prim, to the edge.
251  outer_ref._strips.push_back(&strip);
253  // Associate the common edge with the vertices that share it.
254  // EggMesherEdge *edge_ptr = inner_ref.common_ptr();
255  eptrs[i]->insert(&outer_ref);
256  eptrs[(i+1) % num_verts]->insert(&outer_ref);
257  }
259  return true;
260 }
262 /**
263  * Performs the meshing process on the set of primitives that have been added
264  * via add_prim(), leaving the result in _done.
265  */
266 void EggMesher::
267 do_mesh() {
268  if (egg_consider_fans && !_flat_shaded) {
269  find_fans();
270  }
272  // First, we try to make all the best quads we can.
273  if (egg_retesselate_coplanar) {
274  make_quads();
275  }
277  // Then, we do the rest of the tris.
278  mesh_list(_tris);
280  if (egg_show_quads) {
281  // If we're showing quads, we shouldn't do any more meshing.
282  Strips::iterator si;
283  for (si = _quads.begin(); si != _quads.end(); ++si) {
284  if ((*si)._status == EggMesherStrip::MS_alive) {
285  (*si)._status = EggMesherStrip::MS_done;
286  }
287  }
288  for (si = _strips.begin(); si != _strips.end(); ++si) {
289  if ((*si)._status == EggMesherStrip::MS_alive) {
290  (*si)._status = EggMesherStrip::MS_done;
291  }
292  }
293  }
295  // Then, build quads into sheets where possible.
296  build_sheets();
298  // Pick up any quads that might have been left behind.
299  mesh_list(_quads);
301  // Finally, do the longer strips.
302  mesh_list(_strips);
305 }
307 /**
308  * Creates an EggPrimitive that represents the result of the meshed
309  * EggMesherStrip object.
310  */
311 PT(EggPrimitive) EggMesher::
312 get_prim(EggMesherStrip &strip) {
313  EggMesherStrip::PrimType orig_type = strip._type;
314  PT(EggPrimitive) egg_prim = strip.make_prim(_vertex_pool);
316  if (egg_show_tstrips) {
317  // If we have egg_show_tstrips on, it means we need to color every
318  // primitive according to which, if any, tristrip it is in.
320  LColor color1, color2;
322  if (egg_prim->is_of_type(EggTriangleStrip::get_class_type()) ||
323  egg_prim->is_of_type(EggTriangleFan::get_class_type())) {
324  make_random_color(color2);
325  color1 = (color2 * 0.8); // somewhat darker.
327  } else {
328  // not-a-tristrip.
329  color1.set(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1.0);
330  color2.set(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1.0);
331  }
333  // Now color1 and color2 indicate the color for the first triangle and the
334  // rest of the primitive, respectively.
335  if (egg_prim->is_of_type(EggCompositePrimitive::get_class_type())) {
336  EggCompositePrimitive *egg_comp = DCAST(EggCompositePrimitive, egg_prim);
337  int num_components = egg_comp->get_num_components();
338  if (num_components > 0) {
339  egg_comp->get_component(0)->set_color(color1);
340  for (int i = 1; i < num_components; i++) {
341  egg_comp->get_component(i)->set_color(color2);
342  }
343  }
344  } else {
345  egg_prim->set_color(color1);
346  }
348  int num_verts = egg_prim->size();
349  for (int i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) {
350  egg_prim->get_vertex(i)->clear_color();
351  }
353  } else if (egg_show_qsheets) {
354  // egg_show_qsheets means to color every primitive according to which, if
355  // any, quadsheet it is in. This is a bit easier, because the entire
356  // primitive gets the same color.
358  // Is this a quadsheet?
359  LColor color1;
360  if (strip._row_id < 0) {
361  // Yep! Assign a new color, if it doesn't already have one.
362  ColorSheetMap::iterator ci = _color_sheets.find(strip._row_id);
364  if (ci == _color_sheets.end()) {
365  make_random_color(color1);
366  _color_sheets[strip._row_id] = color1;
367  } else {
368  color1 = (*ci).second;
369  }
370  }
372  // Now color1 is the color we want to assign to the whole primitive.
373  egg_prim->set_color(color1);
374  if (egg_prim->is_of_type(EggCompositePrimitive::get_class_type())) {
375  EggCompositePrimitive *egg_comp = DCAST(EggCompositePrimitive, egg_prim);
376  int num_components = egg_comp->get_num_components();
377  for (int i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
378  egg_comp->get_component(i)->clear_color();
379  }
380  }
381  int num_verts = egg_prim->size();
382  for (int i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) {
383  egg_prim->get_vertex(i)->clear_color();
384  }
386  } else if (egg_show_quads) {
387  // egg_show_quads means to show the assembling of tris into quads and
388  // fans.
390  // We use the following color convention:
392  // white: unchanged; as supplied by user. dark blue: quads made in the
393  // initial pass. These are more certain. light blue: quads made in the
394  // second pass. These are less certain. very light blue: quadstrips.
395  // These are unlikely to appear. random shades of red: triangles and
396  // tristrips. green: fans and retesselated fan polygons.
398  // We need a handful of entries.
399  LColor white(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1.0);
400  LColor dark_blue(0.0, 0.0, 0.75, 1.0);
401  LColor light_blue(0.4, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0);
402  LColor very_light_blue(0.6, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0);
403  LColor green(0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0);
405  LColor color1;
406  if (strip._origin == EggMesherStrip::MO_user) {
407  color1 = white;
408  } else if (strip._origin == EggMesherStrip::MO_firstquad) {
409  color1 = dark_blue;
410  } else if (strip._origin == EggMesherStrip::MO_fanpoly) {
411  color1 = green;
412  } else {
413  switch (orig_type) {
414  case EggMesherStrip::PT_quad:
415  color1 = light_blue;
416  break;
418  case EggMesherStrip::PT_quadstrip:
419  color1 = very_light_blue;
420  break;
422  case EggMesherStrip::PT_tristrip:
423  make_random_color(color1);
424  // Make it a shade of red.
425  if (color1[0] < color1[1]) {
426  PN_stdfloat t = color1[0];
427  color1[0] = color1[1];
428  color1[1] = t;
429  }
430  color1[2] = color1[1];
431  break;
433  case EggMesherStrip::PT_trifan:
434  make_random_color(color1);
435  // Make it a shade of green.
436  if (color1[0] > color1[1]) {
437  PN_stdfloat t = color1[0];
438  color1[0] = color1[1];
439  color1[1] = t;
440  }
441  color1[2] = color1[0];
442  break;
444  default:
445  color1 = white;
446  }
447  }
449  // Now color1 is the color we want to assign to the whole primitive.
450  egg_prim->set_color(color1);
451  if (egg_prim->is_of_type(EggCompositePrimitive::get_class_type())) {
452  EggCompositePrimitive *egg_comp = DCAST(EggCompositePrimitive, egg_prim);
453  int num_components = egg_comp->get_num_components();
454  for (int i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
455  egg_comp->get_component(i)->clear_color();
456  }
457  }
458  int num_verts = egg_prim->size();
459  for (int i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) {
460  egg_prim->get_vertex(i)->clear_color();
461  }
462  }
464  return egg_prim;
465 }
467 /**
468  * Returns the number of edges in the list that are used by at least one
469  * EggMesherStrip object.
470  */
471 int EggMesher::
472 count_vert_edges(const EdgePtrs &edges) const {
473  int count = 0;
474  EdgePtrs::const_iterator ei;
475  for (ei = edges.begin(); ei != edges.end(); ++ei) {
476  count += (!(*ei)->_strips.empty() || !(*ei)->_opposite->_strips.empty());
477  }
478  return count;
479 }
481 /**
482  * Selects which of several strip lists on the EggMesher class the indicated
483  * EggMesherStrip should be added to.
484  */
485 plist<EggMesherStrip> &EggMesher::
486 choose_strip_list(const EggMesherStrip &strip) {
487  switch (strip._status) {
488  case EggMesherStrip::MS_done:
489  return _done;
491  case EggMesherStrip::MS_dead:
492  return _dead;
494  case EggMesherStrip::MS_alive:
495  switch (strip._type) {
496  case EggMesherStrip::PT_tri:
497  return _tris;
499  case EggMesherStrip::PT_quad:
500  return _quads;
502  default:
503  return _strips;
504  }
506  default:
507  egg_cat.fatal() << "Invalid strip status!\n";
508  abort();
509  }
511  return _strips; // Unreachable; this is just to make the compiler happy.
512 }
514 /**
515  * Attempts to locate large quadsheets in the polygon soup. A quadsheet is
516  * defined as a uniform rectangular mesh of quads joined at the corners.
517  *
518  * Sheets like this are commonly output by modeling packages, especially
519  * uniform tesselators, and they are trivially converted into a row of
520  * triangle strips.
521  */
522 void EggMesher::
523 build_sheets() {
524  int first_row_id = 1;
526  // First, move all the quads to our own internal list.
527  Strips pre_sheeted;
528  pre_sheeted.splice(pre_sheeted.end(), _quads);
530  while (!pre_sheeted.empty()) {
531  // Pick the first quad on the list.
533  Strips::iterator best = pre_sheeted.begin();
535  // If the row_id is negative, we've already built a sheet out of this
536  // quad. Leave it alone. We also need to leave it be if it has no
537  // available edges.
538  if ((*best)._row_id >= 0 &&
539  (*best)._status == EggMesherStrip::MS_alive &&
540  !(*best)._edges.empty()) {
541  // There are two possible sheets we could make from this quad, in two
542  // different orientations. Measure them both and figure out which one
543  // is best.
545  const EggMesherEdge *edge_a = (*best)._edges.front();
546  const EggMesherEdge *edge_b = (*best).find_adjacent_edge(edge_a);
548  int num_prims_a = 0;
549  int num_rows_a = 0;
550  int first_row_id_a = first_row_id;
551  (*best).measure_sheet(edge_a, true, num_prims_a, num_rows_a,
552  first_row_id_a, 0, 0);
553  first_row_id += num_rows_a;
554  double avg_length_a = (double)num_prims_a / (double)num_rows_a;
556  int num_prims_b = 0;
557  int num_rows_b = 0;
558  int first_row_id_b = first_row_id;
559  double avg_length_b;
560  if (edge_b != nullptr) {
561  (*best).measure_sheet(edge_b, true, num_prims_b, num_rows_b,
562  first_row_id_b, 0, 0);
563  first_row_id += num_rows_b;
564  avg_length_b = (double)num_prims_b / (double)num_rows_b;
565  }
567  // Which sheet is better?
568  if (edge_b != nullptr && avg_length_b >= avg_length_a) {
569  // Sheet b. That's easy.
570  (*best).cut_sheet(first_row_id_b, true, _vertex_pool);
572  } else {
573  // Nope, sheet a is better. This is a bit of a nuisance because we've
574  // unfortunately wiped out the information we stored when we measured
575  // sheet a. We'll have to do it again.
577  num_prims_a = 0;
578  num_rows_a = 0;
579  first_row_id_a = first_row_id;
580  (*best).measure_sheet(edge_a, true, num_prims_a, num_rows_a,
581  first_row_id_a, 0, 0);
582  first_row_id += num_rows_a;
584  // Now we can cut it.
585  (*best).cut_sheet(first_row_id_a, true, _vertex_pool);
586  }
587  }
589  // Now put it somewhere. We'll never see this quad again in
590  // build_sheets().
591  Strips &list = choose_strip_list(*best);
592  list.splice(list.end(), pre_sheeted, best);
593  }
594 }
596 /**
597  * Looks for cases of multiple polygons all sharing a common vertex, and
598  * replaces these with a single fan.
599  *
600  * This step is performed before detecting triangle strips. We have to be
601  * careful: if we are too aggressive in detecting fans, we may ruin the
602  * ability to build good triangle strips, and we may thereby end up with a
603  * less-than-optimal solution.
604  */
605 void EggMesher::
606 find_fans() {
607  PT(EggGroupNode) unrolled_tris = new EggGroup;
609  // Consider all vertices. Any vertex with over a certain number of edges
610  // connected to it is eligible to become a fan.
612  Verts::iterator vi;
614  for (vi = _verts.begin(); vi != _verts.end(); ++vi) {
615  EdgePtrs &edges = (*vi).second;
617  // 14 is the magic number of edges. 12 edges or fewer are likely to be
618  // found on nearly every vertex in a quadsheet (six edges times two, one
619  // each way). We don't want to waste time fanning out each vertex of a
620  // quadsheet, and we don't want to break up the quadsheets anyway. We
621  // bump this up to 14 because some quadsheets are defined with triangles
622  // flipped here and there.
623  if (edges.size() > 6) {
624  int v = (*vi).first;
626  // Build up a list of far fan edges.
627  typedef pvector<EggMesherFanMaker> FanMakers;
628  FanMakers fans;
630  EdgePtrs::iterator ei;
631  EggMesherEdge::Strips::iterator si;
632  for (ei = edges.begin(); ei != edges.end(); ++ei) {
633  for (si = (*ei)->_strips.begin();
634  si != (*ei)->_strips.end();
635  ++si) {
636  EggMesherStrip *strip = *si;
637  if (strip->_type == EggMesherStrip::PT_tri) {
638  EggMesherFanMaker fan(v, strip, this);
639  if (!fan._edges.empty()) {
640  fans.push_back(fan);
641  }
642  }
643  }
644  }
646  // Sort the fans list by edge pointers, and remove duplicates.
647  sort(fans.begin(), fans.end());
648  fans.erase(unique(fans.begin(), fans.end()),
649  fans.end());
651  FanMakers::iterator fi, fi2;
653  // Now pull out connected edges.
654  bool joined_any;
655  do {
656  joined_any = false;
657  for (fi = fans.begin(); fi != fans.end(); ++fi) {
658  if (!(*fi).is_empty()) {
659  fi2 = fi;
660  for (++fi2; fi2 != fans.end(); ++fi2) {
661  if (!(*fi2).is_empty()) {
662  joined_any = (*fi).join(*fi2);
663  }
664  }
665  }
666  }
667  } while (joined_any);
669  for (fi = fans.begin(); fi != fans.end(); ++fi) {
670  if ((*fi).is_valid()) {
671  (*fi).build(unrolled_tris);
672  }
673  }
674  }
675  }
677  // Finally, add back in the triangles we might have produced by unrolling
678  // some of the fans. We can't add these back in safely until we're done
679  // traversing all the vertices and primitives we had in the first place
680  // (since adding them will affect the edge lists).
681  EggGroupNode::iterator ti;
682  for (ti = unrolled_tris->begin(); ti != unrolled_tris->end(); ++ti) {
683  add_polygon(DCAST(EggPolygon, (*ti)), EggMesherStrip::MO_fanpoly);
684  }
685 }
687 /**
688  * Attempts to join up each single tri to its neighbor, to reconstruct a
689  * pattern of quads, suitable for making into quadsheets or at least
690  * quadstrips.
691  *
692  * Quads have some nice properties that make them easy to manipulate when
693  * meshing. We will ultimately convert the quadsheets and quadstrips into
694  * tristrips, but it's easier to work with them first while they're quads.
695  */
696 void EggMesher::
697 make_quads() {
698  // Ideally, we want to match tris across their hypotenuse to make a pattern
699  // of quads. (This assumes that we are working with a triangulated mesh
700  // pattern, of course. If we have some other pattern of tris, all bets are
701  // off and it doesn't really matter anyway.)
703  // First, we'll find all the tris that have no doubt about their ideal mate,
704  // and pair them up right away. The others we'll get to later. This way,
705  // the uncertain matches won't pollute the quad alignment for everyone else.
707  typedef std::pair<EggMesherStrip *, EggMesherStrip *> Pair;
708  typedef std::pair<Pair, EggMesherEdge *> Matched;
709  typedef pvector<Matched> SoulMates;
711  SoulMates soulmates;
713  EggMesherStrip *tri, *mate, *mate2;
714  EggMesherEdge *common_edge, *common_edge2;
716  Strips::iterator si;
717  for (si = _tris.begin(); si != _tris.end(); ++si) {
718  tri = &(*si);
720  if (tri->_status == EggMesherStrip::MS_alive) {
721  if (tri->find_ideal_mate(mate, common_edge, _vertex_pool)) {
722  // Does our chosen mate want us too?
723  if (mate->_type == EggMesherStrip::PT_tri &&
724  mate->_status == EggMesherStrip::MS_alive &&
725  mate->find_ideal_mate(mate2, common_edge2, _vertex_pool) &&
726  mate2 == tri) {
727  // Hooray!
728  soulmates.push_back(Matched(Pair(tri, mate), common_edge));
729  // We'll temporarily mark the two tris as paired.
730  tri->_status = EggMesherStrip::MS_paired;
731  mate->_status = EggMesherStrip::MS_paired;
732  }
733  }
734  }
735  }
737  // Now that we've found all the tris that are sure about each other, mate
738  // them.
739  SoulMates::iterator mi;
740  for (mi = soulmates.begin(); mi != soulmates.end(); ++mi) {
741  tri = (*mi).first.first;
742  mate = (*mi).first.second;
743  common_edge = (*mi).second;
745  nassertv(tri->_status == EggMesherStrip::MS_paired);
746  nassertv(mate->_status == EggMesherStrip::MS_paired);
747  tri->_status = EggMesherStrip::MS_alive;
748  mate->_status = EggMesherStrip::MS_alive;
750  EggMesherStrip::mate_pieces(common_edge, *tri, *mate, _vertex_pool);
751  tri->_origin = EggMesherStrip::MO_firstquad;
752  }
754  // Now move all the strips off the tri list that no longer belong.
755  Strips::iterator next;
756  si = _tris.begin();
757  while (si != _tris.end()) {
758  next = si;
759  ++next;
761  Strips &list = choose_strip_list(*si);
762  if (&list != &_tris) {
763  list.splice(list.end(), _tris, si);
764  }
766  si = next;
767  }
768 }
770 /**
771  * Processes all of the strips on the indicated list.
772  */
773 void EggMesher::
774 mesh_list(Strips &strips) {
775  while (!strips.empty()) {
776  // Pick the first strip on the list.
778  Strips::iterator best = strips.begin();
780  if ((*best)._status == EggMesherStrip::MS_alive) {
781  (*best).mate(_vertex_pool);
782  }
784  // Put the strip back on the end of whichever list it wants. This might
785  // be the same list, if the strip is still alive, or it might be _done or
786  // _dead.
787  Strips &list = choose_strip_list(*best);
788  list.splice(list.end(), strips, best);
789  }
790 }
792 /**
793  * Chooses a reasonable random color.
794  */
795 void EggMesher::
796 make_random_color(LColor &color) {
797  LVector3 rgb;
798  PN_stdfloat len;
799  do {
800  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
801  rgb[i] = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
802  }
803  len = length(rgb);
805  // Repeat until we have a color that's not too dark or too light.
806  } while (len < .1 || len > 1.5);
808  color.set(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2],
809  0.25 + 0.75 * (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX);
810 }
A base class for any of a number of kinds of geometry primitives: polygons, point lights,...
Definition: eggPrimitive.h:47
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
The base class for primitives such as triangle strips and triangle fans, which include several compon...
PT(EggPrimitive) EggMesher
Creates an EggPrimitive that represents the result of the meshed EggMesherStrip object.
Definition: eggMesher.cxx:311
A base class for nodes in the hierarchy that are not leaf nodes.
Definition: eggGroupNode.h:46
Returns the attributes for the nth component triangle.
static void consider_yield()
Possibly suspends the current thread for the rest of the current epoch, if it has run for enough this...
Definition: thread.I:212
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL vector.
Definition: pvector.h:42
void mesh(EggGroupNode *group, bool flat_shaded)
Accepts an EggGroupNode, which contains a set of EggPrimitives–typically, triangles and quads–as chil...
Definition: eggMesher.cxx:49
The main glue of the egg hierarchy, this corresponds to the <Group>, <Instance>, and <Joint> type nod...
Definition: eggGroup.h:34
This class is used by EggMesher::find_fans() to attempt to make an EggTriangleFan out of the polygons...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void steal_children(EggGroupNode &other)
Moves all the children from the other node to this one.
A single polygon.
Definition: eggPolygon.h:24
Represents one edge of a triangle, as used by the EggMesher to discover connected triangles.
Definition: eggMesherEdge.h:29
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool find_ideal_mate(EggMesherStrip *&mate, EggMesherEdge *&common_edge, const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool)
Searches our neighbors for the most suitable mate.
Represents a triangle strip or quad strip in progress, as assembled by the mesher.
Returns the vertex pool associated with the vertices of the primitive, or NULL if the primitive has n...
Definition: eggPrimitive.h:192
A base class for things that may be directly added into the egg hierarchy.
Definition: eggNode.h:35
static bool mate_pieces(EggMesherEdge *common_edge, EggMesherStrip &front, EggMesherStrip &back, const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool)
Connects two pieces of arbitrary type, if possible.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Returns the number of individual component triangles within the composite.