Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file mouseWatcher.h
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2002-03-12
12  */
17 #include "pandabase.h"
19 #include "mouseWatcherRegion.h"
20 #include "mouseWatcherGroup.h"
21 #include "dataNode.h"
22 #include "luse.h"
23 #include "pointerTo.h"
24 #include "eventHandler.h"
25 #include "modifierButtons.h"
26 #include "buttonHandle.h"
27 #include "buttonEventList.h"
28 #include "pointerEvent.h"
29 #include "pointerEventList.h"
30 #include "linmath_events.h"
31 #include "bitArray.h"
32 #include "clockObject.h"
33 #include "pvector.h"
34 #include "displayRegion.h"
37 class DisplayRegion;
39 /**
40  * This TFormer maintains a list of rectangular regions on the screen that are
41  * considered special mouse regions; typically these will be click buttons.
42  * When the mouse passes in or out of one of these regions, or when a button
43  * is clicked while the mouse is in one of these regions, an event is thrown.
44  *
45  * Mouse events may also be suppressed from the rest of the datagraph in these
46  * special regions.
47  *
48  * This class can also implement a software mouse pointer by automatically
49  * generating a transform to apply to a piece of geometry placed under the 2-d
50  * scene graph. It will move the geometry around according to the mouse's
51  * known position.
52  *
53  * Finally, this class can keep a record of the mouse trail. This is useful
54  * if you want to know, not just where the mouse is, but the exact sequence of
55  * movements it took to get there. This information is mainly useful for
56  * gesture-recognition code. To use trail logging, you need to enable the
57  * generation of pointer events in the GraphicsWindowInputDevice and set the
58  * trail log duration in the MouseWatcher. Otherwise, the trail log will be
59  * empty.
60  */
61 class EXPCL_PANDA_TFORM MouseWatcher : public DataNode, public MouseWatcherBase {
63  explicit MouseWatcher(const std::string &name = "");
64  ~MouseWatcher();
66  bool remove_region(MouseWatcherRegion *region);
68  INLINE bool has_mouse() const;
69  INLINE bool is_mouse_open() const;
70  INLINE const LPoint2 &get_mouse() const;
71  INLINE PN_stdfloat get_mouse_x() const;
72  INLINE PN_stdfloat get_mouse_y() const;
74  INLINE void set_frame(PN_stdfloat left, PN_stdfloat right, PN_stdfloat bottom, PN_stdfloat top);
75  INLINE void set_frame(const LVecBase4 &frame);
76  INLINE const LVecBase4 &get_frame() const;
78  INLINE bool is_over_region() const;
79  INLINE bool is_over_region(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y) const;
80  INLINE bool is_over_region(const LPoint2 &pos) const;
82  INLINE MouseWatcherRegion *get_over_region() const;
83  INLINE MouseWatcherRegion *get_over_region(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y) const;
84  MouseWatcherRegion *get_over_region(const LPoint2 &pos) const;
86  INLINE bool is_button_down(ButtonHandle button) const;
88  INLINE void set_button_down_pattern(const std::string &pattern);
89  INLINE const std::string &get_button_down_pattern() const;
91  INLINE void set_button_up_pattern(const std::string &pattern);
92  INLINE const std::string &get_button_up_pattern() const;
94  INLINE void set_button_repeat_pattern(const std::string &pattern);
95  INLINE const std::string &get_button_repeat_pattern() const;
97  INLINE void set_enter_pattern(const std::string &pattern);
98  INLINE const std::string &get_enter_pattern() const;
100  INLINE void set_leave_pattern(const std::string &pattern);
101  INLINE const std::string &get_leave_pattern() const;
103  INLINE void set_within_pattern(const std::string &pattern);
104  INLINE const std::string &get_within_pattern() const;
106  INLINE void set_without_pattern(const std::string &pattern);
107  INLINE const std::string &get_without_pattern() const;
109  INLINE void set_geometry(PandaNode *node);
110  INLINE bool has_geometry() const;
111  INLINE PandaNode *get_geometry() const;
112  INLINE void clear_geometry();
114  INLINE void set_extra_handler(EventHandler *eh);
115  INLINE EventHandler *get_extra_handler() const;
117  INLINE void set_modifier_buttons(const ModifierButtons &mods);
118  INLINE ModifierButtons get_modifier_buttons() const;
120  INLINE void set_display_region(DisplayRegion *dr);
121  INLINE void clear_display_region();
122  INLINE DisplayRegion *get_display_region() const;
123  INLINE bool has_display_region() const;
125  bool add_group(MouseWatcherGroup *group);
126  bool remove_group(MouseWatcherGroup *group);
127  bool replace_group(MouseWatcherGroup *old_group, MouseWatcherGroup *new_group);
128  int get_num_groups() const;
129  MouseWatcherGroup *get_group(int n) const;
130  MAKE_SEQ(get_groups, get_num_groups, get_group);
132  INLINE void set_inactivity_timeout(double timeout);
133  INLINE bool has_inactivity_timeout() const;
134  INLINE double get_inactivity_timeout() const;
135  INLINE void clear_inactivity_timeout();
137  INLINE void set_inactivity_timeout_event(const std::string &event);
138  INLINE const std::string &get_inactivity_timeout_event() const;
140  INLINE CPT(PointerEventList) get_trail_log() const;
141  INLINE size_t num_trail_recent() const;
142  void set_trail_log_duration(double duration);
143  PT(GeomNode) get_trail_node();
144  void clear_trail_node();
145  INLINE void clear_trail_log();
147  void note_activity();
149 public:
150  virtual void output(std::ostream &out) const;
151  virtual void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
153 protected:
154  void get_over_regions(Regions &regions, const LPoint2 &pos) const;
155  static MouseWatcherRegion *get_preferred_region(const Regions &regions);
157  void set_current_regions(Regions &regions);
158  void clear_current_regions();
160 #ifndef NDEBUG
161  virtual void do_show_regions(const NodePath &render2d,
162  const std::string &bin_name, int draw_order);
163  virtual void do_hide_regions();
164 #endif // NDEBUG
166  static void intersect_regions(Regions &only_a,
167  Regions &only_b,
168  Regions &both,
169  const Regions &regions_a,
170  const Regions &regions_b);
171  static bool remove_region_from(Regions &regions,
172  MouseWatcherRegion *region);
173  static bool has_region_in(const Regions &regions,
174  MouseWatcherRegion *region);
176  void throw_event_pattern(const std::string &pattern,
177  const MouseWatcherRegion *region,
178  const ButtonHandle &button);
180  void move();
181  void press(ButtonHandle button, bool keyrepeat);
182  void release(ButtonHandle button);
183  void keystroke(int keycode);
184  void candidate(const std::wstring &candidate, size_t highlight_start,
185  size_t highlight_end, size_t cursor_pos);
187  void global_keyboard_press(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
188  void global_keyboard_release(const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
190  INLINE void within_region(MouseWatcherRegion *region, const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
191  INLINE void without_region(MouseWatcherRegion *region, const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
192  void enter_region(MouseWatcherRegion *region, const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
193  void exit_region(MouseWatcherRegion *region, const MouseWatcherParameter &param);
195  void set_no_mouse();
196  void set_mouse(const LVecBase2 &xy, const LVecBase2 &pixel_xy);
198 private:
199  void consider_keyboard_suppress(const MouseWatcherRegion *region);
200  void discard_excess_trail_log();
201  void update_trail_node();
203  bool constrain_display_region(DisplayRegion *display_region,
204  LVecBase2 &f, LVecBase2 &p,
205  Thread *current_thread);
207 private:
208  // This wants to be a set, but because you cannot export sets across dlls in
209  // windows, we will make it a vector instead
210  typedef pvector< PT(MouseWatcherGroup) > Groups;
211  Groups _groups;
213  bool _has_mouse;
214  int _internal_suppress;
215  int _external_suppress;
216  LPoint2 _mouse;
217  LPoint2 _mouse_pixel;
218  BitArray _current_buttons_down;
220  LVecBase4 _frame;
222  PT(PointerEventList) _trail_log;
223  size_t _num_trail_recent;
224  double _trail_log_duration;
225  PT(GeomNode) _trail_node;
227  Regions _current_regions;
228  PT(MouseWatcherRegion) _preferred_region;
229  PT(MouseWatcherRegion) _preferred_button_down_region;
230  bool _button_down;
232  bool _enter_multiple;
233  bool _implicit_click;
235  std::string _button_down_pattern;
236  std::string _button_up_pattern;
237  std::string _button_repeat_pattern;
238  std::string _enter_pattern;
239  std::string _leave_pattern;
240  std::string _within_pattern;
241  std::string _without_pattern;
243  PT(PandaNode) _geometry;
245  EventHandler *_eh;
246  ModifierButtons _mods;
247  DisplayRegion *_display_region;
248  DisplayRegion *_button_down_display_region;
250  bool _has_inactivity_timeout;
251  double _inactivity_timeout;
252  std::string _inactivity_timeout_event;
253  double _last_activity;
255  enum InactivityState {
256  IS_active,
257  IS_inactive,
258  IS_active_to_inactive,
259  IS_inactive_to_active,
260  };
261  InactivityState _inactivity_state;
263 #ifndef NDEBUG
264  NodePath _show_regions_render2d;
265  std::string _show_regions_bin_name;
266  int _show_regions_draw_order;
267 #endif
269 protected:
270  // Inherited from DataNode
271  virtual void do_transmit_data(DataGraphTraverser *trav,
272  const DataNodeTransmit &input,
273  DataNodeTransmit &output);
275 private:
276  // inputs
277  int _pixel_xy_input;
278  int _pixel_size_input;
279  int _xy_input;
280  int _button_events_input;
281  int _pointer_events_input;
283  // outputs
284  int _pixel_xy_output;
285  int _pixel_size_output;
286  int _xy_output;
287  int _button_events_output;
289  PT(EventStoreVec2) _pixel_xy;
290  PT(EventStoreVec2) _xy;
291  PT(EventStoreVec2) _pixel_size;
292  PT(ButtonEventList) _button_events;
294 public:
295  static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
296  return _type_handle;
297  }
298  static void init_type() {
299  DataNode::init_type();
300  register_type(_type_handle, "MouseWatcher",
301  DataNode::get_class_type());
302  }
303  virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
304  return get_class_type();
305  }
306  virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
308 private:
309  static TypeHandle _type_handle;
310 };
312 #include "mouseWatcher.I"
314 #endif
This TFormer maintains a list of rectangular regions on the screen that are considered special mouse ...
Definition: mouseWatcher.h:61
A basic node of the scene graph or data graph.
Definition: pandaNode.h:64
The fundamental type of node for the data graph.
Definition: dataNode.h:52
This represents a collection of MouseWatcherRegions that may be managed as a group.
This class monitors the state of a number of individual buttons and tracks whether each button is kno...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A class to monitor events from the C++ side of things.
Definition: eventHandler.h:37
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool remove_region(MouseWatcherRegion *region)
Removes the indicated region from the group.
void register_type(TypeHandle &type_handle, const std::string &name)
This inline function is just a convenient way to call TypeRegistry::register_type(),...
Definition: register_type.I:22
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Records a set of pointer events that happened recently.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A handy class object for storing simple values (like integers or strings) passed along with an Event ...
Definition: paramValue.h:103
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Records a set of button events that happened recently.
A ButtonHandle represents a single button from any device, including keyboard buttons and mouse butto...
Definition: buttonHandle.h:26
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL vector.
Definition: pvector.h:42
A dynamic array with an unlimited number of bits.
Definition: bitArray.h:39
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is the class that defines a rectangular region on the screen for the MouseWatcher.
This represents a collection of MouseWatcherRegions that may be managed as a group.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A thread; that is, a lightweight process.
Definition: thread.h:46
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A rectangular subregion within a window for rendering into.
Definition: displayRegion.h:57
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
This is sent along as a parameter to most events generated for a region to indicate the mouse and but...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
NodePath is the fundamental system for disambiguating instances, and also provides a higher-level int...
Definition: nodePath.h:161
A node that holds Geom objects, renderable pieces of geometry.
Definition: geomNode.h:34
Encapsulates the data generated from (or sent into) any particular DataNode.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This object supervises the traversal of the data graph and the moving of data from one DataNode to it...