Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file mayaToEggConverter.h
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 1999-11-10
12  */
17 #include "pandatoolbase.h"
19 #include "mayaNodeTree.h"
21 #include "mayaApi.h"
22 #include "mayaShaders.h"
23 #include "mayaShaderColorDef.h"
24 #include "eggTextureCollection.h"
25 #include "distanceUnit.h"
26 #include "coordinateSystem.h"
27 #include "globPattern.h"
28 #include "pvector.h"
29 #include "vector_string.h"
31 #include "pre_maya_include.h"
32 #include <maya/MDagPath.h>
33 #include <maya/MItMeshPolygon.h>
34 #include "post_maya_include.h"
36 class EggData;
37 class EggGroup;
38 class EggTable;
39 class EggVertexPool;
40 class EggNurbsCurve;
41 class EggPrimitive;
42 class EggXfmSAnim;
43 class MayaShaderColorDef;
45 /**
46  * This class supervises the construction of an EggData structure from a
47  * single Maya file, or from the data already in the global Maya model space.
48  *
49  * Note that since the Maya API presents just one global model space, it is
50  * not possible to simultaneously load two distinct Maya files.
51  */
53 public:
54  MayaToEggConverter(const std::string &program_name = "");
56  virtual ~MayaToEggConverter();
60  virtual std::string get_name() const;
61  virtual std::string get_extension() const;
62  virtual std::string get_additional_extensions() const;
64  virtual bool convert_file(const Filename &filename);
65  virtual DistanceUnit get_input_units();
67  void clear_subroots();
68  void add_subroot(const GlobPattern &glob);
70  void clear_subsets();
71  void add_subset(const GlobPattern &glob);
73  void clear_excludes();
74  void add_exclude(const GlobPattern &glob);
76  void clear_ignore_sliders();
77  void add_ignore_slider(const GlobPattern &glob);
78  bool ignore_slider(const std::string &name) const;
80  void clear_force_joints();
81  void add_force_joint(const GlobPattern &glob);
82  bool force_joint(const std::string &name) const;
84  void set_from_selection(bool from_selection);
86  bool convert_maya();
88  void clear();
90  bool open_api(bool revert_directory=true);
91  void close_api();
93 private:
94  bool convert_flip(double start_frame, double end_frame,
95  double frame_inc, double output_frame_rate);
97  bool convert_char_model();
98  bool convert_char_chan(double start_frame, double end_frame,
99  double frame_inc, double output_frame_rate);
100  bool convert_hierarchy(EggGroupNode *egg_root);
101  bool process_model_node(MayaNodeDesc *node_desc);
103  void get_transform(MayaNodeDesc *node_desc, const MDagPath &dag_path,
104  EggGroup *egg_group);
105  void get_joint_transform(const MDagPath &dag_path, EggGroup *egg_group);
106  void apply_lod_attributes(EggGroup *egg_group, MFnDagNode &lod_group);
108  // I ran into core dumps trying to pass around a MFnMesh object by value.
109  // From now on, all MFn* objects will be passed around by reference. void
110  // make_tex_names(const MFnMesh &mesh, const MObject &mesh_object);
112  void make_nurbs_surface(MayaNodeDesc *node_desc,
113  const MDagPath &dag_path,
114  MFnNurbsSurface &surface,
115  EggGroup *group);
116  EggNurbsCurve *make_trim_curve(const MFnNurbsCurve &curve,
117  const std::string &nurbs_name,
118  EggGroupNode *egg_group,
119  int trim_curve_index);
120  void make_nurbs_curve(const MDagPath &dag_path,
121  const MFnNurbsCurve &curve,
122  EggGroup *group);
123  void make_polyset(MayaNodeDesc *node_desc, const MDagPath &dag_path,
124  const MFnMesh &mesh, EggGroup *egg_group,
125  MayaShader *default_shader = nullptr);
126  void make_locator(const MDagPath &dag_path, const MFnDagNode &dag_node,
127  EggGroup *egg_group);
128  void make_camera_locator(const MDagPath &dag_path, const MFnDagNode &dag_node,
129  EggGroup *egg_group);
130  void make_light_locator(const MDagPath &dag_path, const MFnDagNode &dag_node,
131  EggGroup *egg_group);
132  bool get_vertex_weights(const MDagPath &dag_path, const MFnMesh &mesh,
133  pvector<EggGroup *> &joints, MFloatArray &weights);
134  bool get_vertex_weights(const MDagPath &dag_path, const MFnNurbsSurface &surface,
135  pvector<EggGroup *> &joints, MFloatArray &weights);
136  void apply_texture_uvprops(EggTexture &tex,
137  const MayaShaderColorDef &color_def);
138  void apply_texture_blendtype(EggTexture &tex,
139  const MayaShaderColorDef &color_def);
140  void apply_texture_filename(EggTexture &tex,
141  const MayaShaderColorDef &color_def);
142  void apply_texture_alpha_filename(EggTexture &tex,
143  const MayaShaderColorDef &color_def);
144  bool compare_texture_uvprops(EggTexture &tex,
145  const MayaShaderColorDef &color_def);
146  bool reparent_decals(EggGroupNode *egg_parent);
147  void set_shader_attributes(EggPrimitive &primitive, const MayaShader &shader,
148  bool mesh = false);
149  void set_shader_modern(EggPrimitive &primitive, const MayaShader &shader,
150  bool mesh);
151  void set_shader_legacy(EggPrimitive &primitive, const MayaShader &shader,
152  bool mesh);
153  void set_vertex_color(EggVertex &vert, MItMeshPolygon &pi, int vert_index, const MayaShader *shader, const LColor &color);
155  void set_vertex_color_legacy(EggVertex &vert, MItMeshPolygon &pi, int vert_index, const MayaShader *shader, const LColor &color);
157  void set_vertex_color_modern(EggVertex &vert, MItMeshPolygon &pi, int vert_index, const MayaShader *shader, const LColor &color);
159  int round(double value);
161  std::string _program_name;
163  bool _from_selection;
164  std::string _subroot;
165  typedef pvector<GlobPattern> Globs;
166  Globs _subsets;
167  Globs _subroots;
168  Globs _excludes;
169  Globs _ignore_sliders;
170  Globs _force_joints;
172  MayaNodeTree _tree;
174 public:
175  MayaShaders _shaders;
176  EggTextureCollection _textures;
177  PT(MayaApi) _maya;
179  bool _polygon_output;
180  double _polygon_tolerance;
181  bool _respect_maya_double_sided;
182  bool _always_show_vertex_color;
183  bool _keep_all_uvsets;
184  bool _convert_cameras;
185  bool _convert_lights;
186  bool _round_uvs;
187  bool _legacy_shader;
190  enum TransformType {
191  TT_invalid,
192  TT_all,
193  TT_model,
194  TT_dcs,
195  TT_none,
196  };
197  TransformType _transform_type;
199  static TransformType string_transform_type(const std::string &arg);
200 };
203 #endif
A base class for any of a number of kinds of geometry primitives: polygons, point lights,...
Definition: eggPrimitive.h:47
void add_subset(const GlobPattern &glob)
Adds a name pattern to the list of subset nodes.
bool open_api(bool revert_directory=true)
Attempts to open the Maya API if it was not already open, and returns true if successful,...
void clear_subsets()
Empties the list of subset nodes added via add_subset().
virtual std::string get_name() const
Returns the English name of the file type this converter supports.
void close_api()
Closes the Maya API, if it was previously opened.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Describes a complete tree of maya nodes for conversion.
Definition: mayaNodeTree.h:37
A base class for nodes in the hierarchy that are not leaf nodes.
Definition: eggGroupNode.h:46
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Defines a texture map that may be applied to geometry.
Definition: eggTexture.h:30
virtual DistanceUnit get_input_units()
This may be called after convert_file() has been called and returned true, indicating a successful co...
bool force_joint(const std::string &name) const
Returns true if the indicated name is on the list of DAG nodes to treat as a joint,...
bool convert_maya()
Fills up the egg_data structure according to the global maya model data.
This is a collection of textures by TRef name.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Collects the set of MayaShaders that have been encountered so far.
Definition: mayaShaders.h:28
void clear()
Frees all of the Maya pointers kept within this object, in preparation for loading a new scene or rel...
virtual std::string get_additional_extensions() const
Returns a space-separated list of extension, in addition to the one returned by get_extension(),...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is the primary interface into all the egg data, and the root of the egg file structure.
Definition: eggData.h:37
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void clear_force_joints()
Empties the list of force_joints added via add_force_joint().
virtual std::string get_extension() const
Returns the common extension of the file type this converter supports.
This enumerated type lists all the kinds of units we're likely to come across in model conversion pro...
Definition: distanceUnit.h:23
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL vector.
Definition: pvector.h:42
The main glue of the egg hierarchy, this corresponds to the <Group>, <Instance>, and <Joint> type nod...
Definition: eggGroup.h:34
void clear_excludes()
Empties the list of excluded nodes added via add_exclude().
Describes a single instance of a node in the Maya scene graph, relating it to the corresponding egg s...
Definition: mayaNodeDesc.h:40
The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file.
Definition: filename.h:39
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This defines the various attributes that Maya may associate with the "color" channel for a particular...
void clear_ignore_sliders()
Empties the list of ignore_sliders added via add_ignore_slider().
Any one-, two-, three-, or four-component vertex, possibly with attributes such as a normal.
Definition: eggVertex.h:39
This corresponds to an <Xfm$Anim_S$> entry, which is a collection of up to nine <S$Anim> entries that...
Definition: eggXfmSAnim.h:28
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Corresponds to a single "shader" in Maya.
Definition: mayaShader.h:30
A parametric NURBS curve.
Definition: eggNurbsCurve.h:26
bool ignore_slider(const std::string &name) const
Returns true if the indicated name is on the list of sliders to ignore, false otherwise.
void clear_subroots()
Empties the list of subroot nodes added via add_subroot().
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This class supervises the construction of an EggData structure from a single Maya file,...
This corresponds to a.
Definition: eggTable.h:27
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void add_force_joint(const GlobPattern &glob)
Adds a name pattern to the list of force_joints.
void set_from_selection(bool from_selection)
Sets the flag that indicates whether the currently selected Maya geometry will be converted.
This is a base class for a family of converter classes that manage a conversion from some file type t...
void add_subroot(const GlobPattern &glob)
Adds a name pattern to the list of subroot nodes.
virtual SomethingToEggConverter * make_copy()
Allocates and returns a new copy of the converter.
A collection of vertices.
Definition: eggVertexPool.h:41
This class presents a wrapper around the global Maya interface.
Definition: mayaApi.h:30
virtual bool convert_file(const Filename &filename)
Handles the reading of the input file and converting it to egg.
static TransformType string_transform_type(const std::string &arg)
Returns the TransformType value corresponding to the indicated string, or TT_invalid.
void add_ignore_slider(const GlobPattern &glob)
Adds a name pattern to the list of ignore_sliders.
This class can be used to test for string matches against standard Unix- shell filename globbing conv...
Definition: globPattern.h:32
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void add_exclude(const GlobPattern &glob)
Adds a name pattern to the list of excluded nodes.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.