Functions | Variables
config_pgraph.cxx File Reference

PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. More...

#include "config_pgraph.h"
#include "alphaTestAttrib.h"
#include "audioVolumeAttrib.h"
#include "auxBitplaneAttrib.h"
#include "antialiasAttrib.h"
#include "auxSceneData.h"
#include "billboardEffect.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "clipPlaneAttrib.h"
#include "colorAttrib.h"
#include "colorBlendAttrib.h"
#include "colorScaleAttrib.h"
#include "colorWriteAttrib.h"
#include "compassEffect.h"
#include "cullFaceAttrib.h"
#include "cullBin.h"
#include "cullBinAttrib.h"
#include "cullResult.h"
#include "cullTraverser.h"
#include "cullableObject.h"
#include "decalEffect.h"
#include "depthOffsetAttrib.h"
#include "depthTestAttrib.h"
#include "depthWriteAttrib.h"
#include "findApproxLevelEntry.h"
#include "fog.h"
#include "fogAttrib.h"
#include "geomDrawCallbackData.h"
#include "geomNode.h"
#include "geomTransformer.h"
#include "lensNode.h"
#include "light.h"
#include "lightAttrib.h"
#include "lightRampAttrib.h"
#include "loader.h"
#include "loaderFileType.h"
#include "loaderFileTypeBam.h"
#include "loaderFileTypeRegistry.h"
#include "logicOpAttrib.h"
#include "materialAttrib.h"
#include "modelFlattenRequest.h"
#include "modelLoadRequest.h"
#include "modelSaveRequest.h"
#include "modelNode.h"
#include "modelRoot.h"
#include "nodePath.h"
#include "nodePathComponent.h"
#include "pandaNode.h"
#include "paramNodePath.h"
#include "planeNode.h"
#include "polylightEffect.h"
#include "polylightNode.h"
#include "portalNode.h"
#include "occluderEffect.h"
#include "occluderNode.h"
#include "portalClipper.h"
#include "renderAttrib.h"
#include "renderEffect.h"
#include "renderEffects.h"
#include "renderModeAttrib.h"
#include "renderState.h"
#include "rescaleNormalAttrib.h"
#include "sceneSetup.h"
#include "scissorAttrib.h"
#include "scissorEffect.h"
#include "shadeModelAttrib.h"
#include "shaderAttrib.h"
#include "shader.h"
#include "showBoundsEffect.h"
#include "stencilAttrib.h"
#include "stateMunger.h"
#include "texMatrixAttrib.h"
#include "texProjectorEffect.h"
#include "textureAttrib.h"
#include "texGenAttrib.h"
#include "transformState.h"
#include "transparencyAttrib.h"
#include "dconfig.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 ConfigureDef (config_pgraph)
 ConfigureFn (config_pgraph)
void init_libpgraph ()
 Initializes the library. More...
 NotifyCategoryDef (pgraph, "")
 NotifyCategoryDef (loader, "")
 NotifyCategoryDef (portal, "")


ConfigVariableBool allow_live_flatten ("allow-live-flatten", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to allow the use of flatten_strong() or any " "variant on a node that is attached to a live scene graph node, " "or false to disallow this. Flattening a live scene graph node " "can cause problems when threading is enabled. This variable " "only has an effect when Panda is not compiled for a release " "build."))
ConfigVariableBool allow_portal_cull ("allow-portal-cull", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to enable portal clipping. This will enable the " "renderer to cull more objects that are clipped if not in the " "current list of portals. This is still somewhat experimental."))
ConfigVariableBool allow_unrelated_wrt ("allow-unrelated-wrt", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to allow unrelated NodePaths (that is, nodes which " "have no common ancestor) to be adjusted relative to each other. If " "true, these will be treated as if they had a common node above " "their top nodes."))
ConfigVariableBool auto_break_cycles ("auto-break-cycles", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to automatically detect and break reference-count " "cycles in the TransformState and RenderState caches. When this " "is false, you must explicitly call TransformState.clear_cache() " "from time to time to prevent gradual memory bloat."))
ConfigVariableBool clip_plane_cull ("clip-plane-cull", true, PRC_DESC("This is normally true; set it false to disable culling of objects " "that are completely behind one or more clip planes (primarily " "useful for debugging) This also disables the use of occluders."))
ConfigVariableBool compose_componentwise ("compose-componentwise", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to perform componentwise compose and invert " "operations when possible. If this is false, the compositions " "are always computed by matrix."))
ConfigVariableBool debug_portal_cull ("debug-portal-cull", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to enable debug visualization during portal clipping." "(You first need to enable portal culling, using the allow-portal-cull" "variable.)"))
ConfigVariableString default_model_extension ("default-model-extension", "", PRC_DESC("This specifies the filename extension (with leading dot) that " "should be assumed if an attempt is made to load a filename that " "has no extension. This is primarily designed to support legacy " "code that used the now-deprecated implicit-extension feature of " "Panda's loader; new code should probably give the correct name " "for each model file they intend to load."))
ConfigVariableBool depth_offset_decals ("depth-offset-decals", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to allow decals to be implemented via the advanced " "depth offset feature, if supported, instead of via the traditional " "(and slower) two-pass approach. This is currently the only method " "by which decals are implemented in Panda3D, and as such, this " "setting is ignored."))
ConfigVariableBool detect_graph_cycles ("detect-graph-cycles", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to attempt to detect cycles in the scene graph " "(e.g. a node which is its own parent) as soon as they are " "made. This has no effect in NDEBUG mode."))
ConfigVariableBool fake_view_frustum_cull ("fake-view-frustum-cull", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to cause culling to be performed by rendering the " "object in red wireframe, rather than actually culling it. This " "helps make culling errors obvious. This variable only has an " "effect when Panda is not compiled for a release build."))
ConfigVariableBool flatten_geoms ("flatten-geoms", true, PRC_DESC("When this is true (the default), NodePath::flatten_strong() and " "flatten_medium() will attempt to combine multiple Geoms into " "as few Geoms as possible, by combing GeomVertexDatas and then " "unifying. Setting this false disables this behavior, so that " "NodePath flatten operations will only reduce nodes. This affects " "only the NodePath interfaces; you may still make the lower-level " "SceneGraphReducer calls directly."))
ConfigVariableBool garbage_collect_states ("garbage-collect-states", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to defer destruction of TransformState and " "RenderState objects until the end of the frame (or whenever " "TransformState::garbage_collect() and RenderState::garbage_collect() " "are called). This is a particularly useful thing to do when " "using multiple threads, because it improves parallelization."))
ConfigVariableDouble garbage_collect_states_rate ("garbage-collect-states-rate", 1.0, PRC_DESC("The fraction of the total number of TransformStates " "(or RenderStates, or whatever) that are processed with " "each garbage collection step. Setting this smaller than " "1.0 will collect fewer states each frame, which may require " "less processing time, but risks getting unstable cache " "performance if states accumulate faster than they can be " "cleaned up."))
ConfigVariableList load_file_type ("load-file-type", PRC_DESC("List the model loader modules that Panda will automatically " "import when a new, unknown model type is loaded. This may be " "either the name of a module, or a space-separate list of filename " "extensions, followed by the name of the module."))
ConfigVariableBool m_dual ("m-dual", true, PRC_DESC("Set this false to disable TransparencyAttrib::M_dual altogether " "(and use M_alpha in its place)."))
ConfigVariableBool m_dual_flash ("m-dual-flash", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to flash any objects that use M_dual, for debugging."))
ConfigVariableBool m_dual_opaque ("m-dual-opaque", true, PRC_DESC("Set this false to disable just the opaque part of M_dual."))
ConfigVariableBool m_dual_transparent ("m-dual-transparent", true, PRC_DESC("Set this false to disable just the transparent part of M_dual."))
ConfigVariableInt max_collect_indices ("max-collect-indices", 65535, PRC_DESC("Specifies the maximum number of vertex indices that are allowed " "to be accumulated into any one GeomPrimitive as a result " "of collecting objects together during a flatten operation. " "This prevents the accidental generation of large index buffers " "from lots of smaller index buffers, while not " "imposing a limit on the original size of any one " "GeomPrimitive."))
ConfigVariableInt max_collect_vertices ("max-collect-vertices", 65534, PRC_DESC("Specifies the maximum number of vertices that are allowed to be " "accumulated into any one GeomVertexData structure as a result " "of collecting objects together during a flatten operation. " "This prevents the accidental generation of large vertex buffers " "from lots of smaller vertex buffers, while not " "imposing a limit on the original size of any one " "GeomVertexData structure."))
ConfigVariableInt max_lenses ("max-lenses", 100, PRC_DESC("Specifies an upper limit on the maximum number of lenses " "and the maximum lens index number) that may be associated with " "a single LensNode. There is no technical reason for this " "limitation, but very large numbers are probably a mistake, so " "this can be used as a simple sanity check. Set it larger or " "smaller to suit your needs."))
ConfigVariableBool no_unsupported_copy ("no-unsupported-copy", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to make an attempt to copy an unsupported type " "generate an assertion failure instead of just a warning (which " "can then be trapped with assert-abort)."))
ConfigVariableBool paranoid_compose ("paranoid-compose", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to double-check the componentwise transform compose " "(or invert) operation against the equivalent matrix-based " "operation. This has no effect if NDEBUG is defined."))
ConfigVariableBool paranoid_const ("paranoid-const", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to double-check that nothing is inappropriately " "modifying the supposedly const structures like RenderState, " "RenderAttrib, TransformState, and RenderEffect. This has no effect " "if NDEBUG is defined."))
ConfigVariableBool polylight_info ("polylight-info", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to view some info statements regarding the polylight. " "It is helpful for debugging."))
ConfigVariableBool premunge_data ("premunge-data", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to preconvert vertex data at model load time to " "match the data requirements of the current GSG. For instance, " "color columns are pre-converted to match OpenGL or DirectX " "encoding requirements, as appropriate. When this is false, the " "data will be munged at render time instead."))
ConfigVariableBool preserve_geom_nodes ("preserve-geom-nodes", false, PRC_DESC("This specifies the default value for the \"preserved\" flag on " "every GeomNode created. When this is true, GeomNodes will not " "be flattened, so setting this true effectively disables the " "use of flatten to combine GeomNodes."))
ConfigVariableBool retransform_sprites ("retransform-sprites", true, PRC_DESC("To render sprite-based particle effects, Panda must convert " "the sprite points from object space into clip space, and compute " "the corners of the quads in clip space. When this variable is " "false, the resulting quads are then sent to the graphics " "hardware in clip space. When this is true, the quads are " "re-transformed back into the original object space, which is " "necessary in order for fog to work correctly on the sprites."))
ConfigVariableBool show_occluder_volumes ("show-occluder-volumes", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to enable debug visualization of the volumes used " "to cull objects behind an occluder."))
ConfigVariableBool show_transparency ("show-transparency", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to flash any objects that are rendered in " "some transparency mode. The color chosen is based on the " "particular transparency mode in effect. This only has effect " "when NDEBUG is not defined."))
ConfigVariableBool show_vertex_animation ("show-vertex-animation", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to flash any objects whose vertices are animated " "by Panda on the CPU (flash red) or by hardware (flash blue). " "This only has effect when NDEBUG is not defined."))
ConfigVariableBool state_cache ("state-cache", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to enable the cache of RenderState objects, " "similar to the TransformState cache controlled via " "transform-cache."))
ConfigVariableBool transform_cache ("transform-cache", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to enable the cache of TransformState objects. " "Using the cache saves time computing transforms and inverse " "transforms, but imposes some overhead for maintaining the " "cache itself."))
ConfigVariableBool unambiguous_graph ("unambiguous-graph", false, PRC_DESC("Set this true to make ambiguous path warning messages generate an " "assertion failure instead of just a warning (which can then be " "trapped with assert-abort)."))
ConfigVariableBool uniquify_attribs ("uniquify-attribs", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to ensure that equivalent RenderAttribs " "are pointerwise equal. This may improve caching performance, " "but also adds additional overhead to maintain the cache, " "including the need to check for a composition cycle in " "the cache."))
ConfigVariableBool uniquify_states ("uniquify-states", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to ensure that equivalent RenderStates " "are pointerwise equal. This may improve caching performance, " "but also adds additional overhead to maintain the cache, " "including the need to check for a composition cycle in " "the cache. It is highly recommended to keep this on."))
ConfigVariableBool uniquify_transforms ("uniquify-transforms", true, PRC_DESC("Set this true to ensure that equivalent TransformStates " "are pointerwise equal. This may improve caching performance, " "but also adds additional overhead to maintain the cache, " "including the need to check for a composition cycle in " "the cache."))

Detailed Description

PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.

All rights reserved.

All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD license. You should have received a copy of this license along with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."


Definition in file config_pgraph.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ init_libpgraph()

void init_libpgraph ( )

Initializes the library.

This must be called at least once before any of the functions or classes in this library can be used. Normally it will be called by the static initializers and need not be called explicitly, but special cases exist.

Definition at line 383 of file config_pgraph.cxx.

References LoaderFileTypeRegistry::get_global_ptr(), RenderAttrib::init_attribs(), RenderEffects::init_states(), RenderState::init_states(), LoaderFileTypeRegistry::register_type(), DecalEffect::register_with_read_factory(), ParamNodePath::register_with_read_factory(), ShowBoundsEffect::register_with_read_factory(), DepthTestAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), FogAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), MaterialAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), CullBinAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), AlphaTestAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), ColorWriteAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), ModelRoot::register_with_read_factory(), DepthWriteAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), ModelNode::register_with_read_factory(), LensNode::register_with_read_factory(), ColorAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), TransparencyAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), RescaleNormalAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), ColorScaleAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), LightRampAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), LogicOpAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), OccluderNode::register_with_read_factory(), CompassEffect::register_with_read_factory(), AuxBitplaneAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), Fog::register_with_read_factory(), PlaneNode::register_with_read_factory(), TexGenAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), PolylightNode::register_with_read_factory(), Camera::register_with_read_factory(), PortalNode::register_with_read_factory(), ClipPlaneAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), ColorBlendAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), LightAttrib::register_with_read_factory(), RenderEffects::register_with_read_factory(), GeomNode::register_with_read_factory(), RenderState::register_with_read_factory(), and PandaNode::register_with_read_factory().

Referenced by init_libpanda().